Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Will You Promise To Love Me ❯ Don't Get Distracted! ( Chapter 19 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter Nineteen
Don't Get Distracted!

Sasuke had no idea how deadly Neji's Byakugan proved to be since his absence at the chunin exams, but he wasn't planning to find out now. As the furious Hyuga neared him, Sasuke immediately started on another jutsu. His hands moved quickly into place, "Phoenix Fire!" Almost instantly several balls of fire came soaring towards Neji.

Neji was no so foolish as to fall for a trick like this again. Instead of using his perfect defense, the Hyuga used his substitution jutsu; immediately disappearing in a cloud of dust as the flaming spears attacked an illusion. But this was no sweat off of Sasuke's back, he could managed to defeat Neji with other attacks.

And like all ninja that use the substitution jutsu, Neji appeared behind his opponent, only Sasuke knew this as well and was quite prepared for the attack. he drew out his kunai and quickly thrust it behind him just as Neji appeared, striking him effectively. The Hyuga was forced to jump back with the sudden infliction. He snarled angrily at the Uchiha, as if this would really stop him.

"Alright Uchiha, no more fun and games." Neji proclaimed loudly. "Hakke Rokujuu Yonshou!" Neji's Byakugan increased ten fold as all of Sasuke's chakra points were visible clearly and the Uchiha was now more vulnerable. He would leave the other male with no possible ounce of chakra left to battle, and Naruto would finally be his.

The Uchiha was taken aback by Neji's appearance and style. He got an eerie feeling that this wouldn't end to well for either of them. So he wouldn't give Neji any opportunity to touch him.

Sasuke pulled out his shuriken and threw it at Neji, only to have the large, four sided blade caught by the cautious Hyuga and thrown right back to him in an even quicker speed then he had first launched it. "Crap." He mumbled, catching the shuriken with only some recoil as it pushed against his hands in rebellion. His jutsu and blades were ineffective, that only left him with an option of taijutsu. He would just have to make sure Neji didn't get in a single hit in hand to hand combat.

Taking a deep breath, Sasuke charged for the Hyuga, who thought the Uchiha was falling right into his little trap. Upon approaching, Sasuke attempted a flying kick, but it was easily blocked by Neji's arms. Obvious amusement was on the Hyuga's face as Sasuke tried several more times to simply attack with punches and kicks.

A prolonged attempted at countering each other's moves was started that the remaining crowd was no so easily pleased with. They were anxious to see the victor, but at this rate both boys would be out of chakra and breath before defeating one another.

The only one taking enjoyment from this ever going struggle was one tale, dark haired rogue that just stepped out of the school and watched from a distance at the hopeless battle. Slung roughly over his shoulder was the unconscious blonde he had taken sudden interest in. A sinister smirk played on his lips as he imagined Sasuke's anger upon finding his supposed prize was gone if not dead when he one. " not let anyone keep you from greatness. Strength comes from hate and pain, but you have not yet experienced enough to reach your potential strength." And with that, he disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Despite how much he'd love to see who Sasuke faired, he had more productive things to do in his scheme.

"Come on, Uchiha! This is all pointless, you know I am going to win anyway." Neji cackled as he kept a steady pattern of reflecting the other boy's attacks. He had barely broken a sweat and had been taunting Sasuke all the more.

"Shut up Hyuga!" Sasuke pulled another kunai from his holster and hid it in his fist so it could be simply mistaken for a punch.

Neji had fell for it as the blade was imbedded in his crossed shield of arms. He hissed against the pain, but saw the perfect opportunity to attack Sasuke as well. He quickly thrust his right palm into Sasuke's forearm, dispersing chakra through the raven haired male. Seeing as how this might have been his last chance at hitting Sasuke so close, Neji made it extra powerful, which was successful in dislocating Sasuke's arm all together.

"Ah!" Sasuke gasped, quickly drawing back from Neji, his arm uncooperatively swinging with him. He held his shoulder in an attempt to ease the pain, but it was still there as his arm was now unusable until he could get it back in place. But he had no time for that before Neji came at him again, this time using his technique to shut off the chakra point in his gut.

Sasuke stumbled back, growling over this unfortunate development. With a useless arm his speed would decrease and make him all the more vulnerable to Neji's attacks. He had to end it right here and right now before all his chakra was gone. First he had to get away from Neji, which wasn't easy when the teen was now coming at him from every direction with a new palm attack.

Desperate times called for desperate measures and Sasuke was surely desperate at the moment. After receiving yet another of Neji's attacks, he was close enough for Sasuke to attack or rather spit on. Neji was appalled as he was suddenly spit on in the face, and quickly jumped back.

"What the hell Uchiha?! Are you so lame as to spit on people?!" Neji roared, wiping the substance from his face angrily. He had never been so insulted or humiliated. But to his surprise Sasuke had disappeared the moment he withdrew form the Uchiha. "Where are you now Uchiha?!" Neji hissed, his brows furrowing menacingly.

Sasuke smirked as he was floating above in the air. He only had a little time before gravity came back into affect, so he quickly drew the remainder of his chakra into his other hand. Concentration on the baffled Hyuga, Sasuke started to head toward Neji. All the air around him glowed a electric blue as the lightening looking chakra formed in his palm. He only had the strength for one, so if he missed he would be doomed to lose.

"This battle is over Hyuga!" Sasuke yelled, quickly coming down on Neji with his Chidori attack.

The entire audience went silent as dust once again shrouded the field in it's thick filth. Temari, who had grown annoyed by the fight and its outcome, used her giant fan to cast away the clouding dust, clearing the scene. Instantly a typhoon of cheers erupted as they saw the last person standing.

Temari quickly flew down to the scene and raced over to the motionless body on the ground. Flipping it over she finally smirked. "Well Uchiha, looks like you deserve Naruto after all." She replied, turning back to face the heavily panting teen as he struggled to stand.

His hand was burning and throbbing from the attack, and his other arm only presented more pain. At least he could hold onto his consciousness unlike his blonde. Temari seemed to notice his pain so she didn't lift either of his hands when she proclaimed his victory to the crowd.

"Well, you better go claim your prize." She giggled with a smirk. Despite he previous irritation with the whole battle, she was more cooperative and negotiable now that it was finally over.

Sasuke nodded and raced off toward the nurse's office. His happiness was unmeasured now that he knew Naruto hadn't waken up yet. He would just have to lie to Naruto about all his injuries, there was no way in hell he was going to tell the blonde his own body was being gambled over.

Sasuke stepped inside and was just about to head down the hall when he was petrified with an uneasy feeling. How sudden it was that he was filled with worry and fear from just stepping inside. But this feeling was not entirely new, it was actually quite familiar from when....

"Oh no... Naruto?!" Sasuke dashed down the hall in a hurry and threw open the door. He nearly overlooked the unconscious nurse lying on the floor near the door, when he spotted an empty bed where he had left Naruto. "He couldn't have..." Sasuke found himself glaring angrily at the spot his blonde no longer was and clenching his fist tightly. "Itachi." He growled. "You bastard, I'll get you for this!"

To Be Continued...

A/N: I'm evil aren't I, sorry about the cliffy. And Don't worry Naruto is safe for now, lol. I look forward to reviews and I'll post the next chapter as soon as possible^_^