Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Will You Promise To Love Me ❯ A Final Breath? ( Chapter 20 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter Twenty
A Final Breath?

"I don't know what he sees in you," came a resentful voice. Blood red eyes glared at the unconscious blond laying on the ground where he had left him. Itachi was quickly decided which method he should use to kill the boy before him. Already the boy had proved to be a nuisance to Itachi and Sasuke both.

He cursed the blond for presenting a weakness to his younger brother. Sasuke would grow up young and undefeatable if he had no one holding him back. Petty relationships with friends or lovers was simply going to bring the boy down. He was already soft enough, Itachi had decided. So to ensure no one stood in the young Uchiha's way, Itachi would kill off any one that was a threat. And Naruto was certainly a threat in his plans.

Itachi would have taken this very moment to kill Naruto, but there was someone he had to visit first. He would first take pleasure in his brother's suffering. To grow strong, one needed to experience horrible things. And if that meant the young Uchiha had to be present for his own love's death, then so be it.

Smirking menacingly, Itachi walked out of the cave he had left Naruto in. The boy wouldn't be up for a long while so he could carelessly leave him here for the moment while he retrieved Sasuke. Surely the battle was done, and judging by the condition of the fight when Itachi left, he wouldn't be too surprised if Sasuke lost. His young brother was being cocky as usual.

As Itachi had suspected, Sasuke was hysterically running around town in search of him. Itachi took pleasure in noticing both of his brother's arms were injured if not completely useless. Seeking a fight in his condition would be foolish, but Sasuke was a fool as far as Itachi was concerned. He watched Sasuke scramble around in a panic for awhile longer, before finally approaching the boy from behind.

"Looking for me little brother?" He toyed, a evil gleam in his eyes. Sasuke jumped instinctively to hearing the cruel and sinister voice behind him.

"Itachi. Where's Naruto?!" He snarled, his own eyes flaring with a red fury that was not there before. If Itachi so much as harmed Naruto yet, it would be the end of him, Sasuke would make sure of it. But then again he wouldn't be able to kill Itachi with his two defective arms and a warn out chakra supply.

It only made sense Itachi had been planning this all along. Waiting for him to be defenseless before destroying his life all over again. And just when Sasuke had found something to cherish.

"You haven't seen me in ages, and all you can care about is your pathetic little friend. That hurts Sasuke," Itachi whimpered mockingly. "You know I'm a very jealous person." He stepped closer, so their stomachs were now touching as he glared down at the secretly terrified teen. "I don't like seeing you with other people. But I suppose I have nothing to worry about now, do I?" He smirked as he saw Sasuke's face visibly pale.

"What do you mean? Where's Naruto?!" He yelled back in a panic. Itachi wouldn't have already killed him, would he? What the hell was he thinking, of course Itachi would?! The guy was a sick sadistic bastard who enjoyed making his life hell itself at the expense of another's life.

"Don't worry Sasuke. Your little lover is just fine. But I can't say he will be for long. I'll be happy to take you to him." Itachi replied, his intimidating aura never fading.

Sasuke growled agitated by Itachi's games. He had no other choice but to follow him, for he would never be able to find Naruto on his own. But how would he manage to save that idiot's butt again. Sasuke was completely drained and useless and carrying an unconscious Naruto was not an easy feat at this point. There was always the option of distracting Itachi until he could get someone else's help, but who would help him?

"Itachi..." Sasuke finally said sternly. His brother turned to him as he stopped walking. "Can't you just leave him out of this. You want me right, well you can have me." Sasuke announced, standing firm in his decision. Of course he feared death but a life knowing Naruto died because of him would be a thousand times worse.

"That is hardly why I am here dear brother," Itachi chuckled. "I need you to be stronger, and he is simply a stepping stone in the way. As were our parents and the rest of the Uchiha clan." A satisfied feeling came over Itachi as he sensed his brother's growing frustration. Could it be any more simpler to upset the young Uchiha?

"Then I will leave him alone, just don't hurt him Itachi." Sasuke grumbled, his fisted clenched tight in disappointment. If you would have asked him what it would be like to be without Naruto before, the teen would have simply said everything would be normal, but now more than ever he imagined how miserable he would be knowing he could never see the hyperactive blond again. But it was better to know he was alive rather than dead. So he would make that sacrifice.

"I think that would be letting you off too easy Sasuke." Itachi explained, his smirk widened. Without too much hesitation, the Uchiha lead his younger brother farther way from the village to where he had hidden the unconscious blond. He couldn't be any more anxious to see the other's blood and Sasuke's terror stricken face.

But Sasuke was constantly trying to come up with ways on how to avoid the other's death and ensure Itachi's. It was too late to run back and get help, so he was all on his own. Damn, he wished Naruto never got in that stupid fight with Tsubaru.

"Don't be in such a rush to die Sasuke." Itachi quickly interrupted the other's thoughts with his annoying cackling. "Giving your life for that boys is hardly befitting of you. At least give me the pleasure of ridding you of this horrible existence when you are strong enough to put up a fight."

"But what would I fight for?" Sasuke grumbled miserably.

"I think revenge is the only perfect inspiration one needs to be strong. Fighting for people is just idiotic, especially when those you love are so fickle and selfish. Do they not always expect you to give until you have nothing more than your entire being up for grabs? And then once they have drained you of your worth they move on to the next unfortunate victim."

"Naruto isn't like that at all!" Sasuke snapped. Not once had Naruto asked for him to give up something, everything Sasuke had sacrificed already was of his own free will. Naruto was the one giving in this relationship and now he was giving the ultimate sacrifice, his own life. Had he not already fought Tsubaru to earn Sasuke's love, this all might have been avoided. "Naruto is nothing like you and me Itachi! And I'll be damned if you were the one to take him from this life!"

Sasuke quickly, yet painfully drew out a kunai with his still useful arm. He had at least managed to talk to Itachi long enough for them to reach the cave. He would have to distract Itachi if nothing else. With his brother's back still turned, Sasuke charged for him, raising the kunai to slash his throat. It would be the only way to end this quickly.

Itachi smirked and instantly caught his brother's arm before the kunai had a chance to be within any distance of his neck. "You do disappoint me Sasuke." He 'tsk'ed. "To believe that I would go down from such a simple attack, is just very foolish. Do I have to break your other arm for you can remember that next time?" Itachi's smirk hardened as he slowly started to turn Sasuke's arm to the side, sending the boy out into immediate howls and screams as he other was nearly being twisted all around.

But suddenly out of no where another kunai and roughly slashed across Itachi's hand. Instinctively the man dropped his brother's arm to tend to his own bleeding wound. He his snapped back to the side, immediately eyeing the annoying blond panting heavily as he leaned against the cave entrance.

"Leave Sasuke alone you bastard!" Naruto exclaimed. He looked an absolute mess, and it was a miracle alone that he was standing.

"Ah, so you have finally woken up. I was worried you wouldn't get to see Sasuke before your death."

"Naruto get out of here!" Sasuke yelled, heavily holding his sore arm. He wished Naruto had been smart enough to sneak away without drawing attention to himself, but the blond was always so impulsive.

"Why the hell would I do that?! He was trying to kill you!" Naruto objected, his voice surprisingly loud even with his lack of strength.

"It's you he's going to kill if you don't get your butt out of here!" Sasuke hollered back.

Itachi simply snickered to himself. "Having a lovers quarrel, are we? Come now, this is hardly the proper way to spend your last moments of life." Itachi slowly made his way to the blond, who idiotically enough made no effort to escape. Though it wouldn't have done him any good by how weak he was, but at least he wouldn't have looked like he wanted to die.

Naruto glared up at the older Uchiha with malicious red eyes. But soon a frantic yelp emitted from his lips as the Uchiha quickly gripped his throat, lifting the boy off the ground. "I have never met someone so stupid in my entire life. But it will be a great pleasure to rid the world of imbeciles like you." With that said, Itachi mercilessly started to tighten his grip around the teen's neck, watching him gasp for air and claw at his constricting hand.

"Itachi! Leave him alone!" Sasuke yelled, struggling over to him. With nothing but useless limbs, Sasuke only did what he thought possible. He clamped his teeth into his brother's arm, biting down roughly in hopes of getting him to release Naruto. But as usual his brother seemed to have an immunity to pain and simply ignored the blood tickling from his arm and against his brother's lips.

"If you are this desperate to save him, then it is all the more better that he be killed." Itachi insisted, his hangs squeezing the blonde’s neck and smiling sadistically as he could hear his straggled whimpers and cries as well as the sound of his squeezing flesh. Sasuke bit down harder, ignoring the disgusting taste of blood in his mouth. He just wanted Naruto alive.

Sasuke started to kick at his brother, but as expected it had no effect. Sasuke watched in horror as Naruto's struggling and flailing became less and less frantic and lively, but instead desperately weak. The effortless attempt kept on until finally it stopped and Naruto's arms fell limply at his side.

Sasuke quickly released Itachi's arm as his brother let the blond fall. "Naruto?" He mumbled almost incoherently in disbelief.

"Sasuke you should remember this day and kindle your hatred. It is the only thing that will make you strong enough to beat me. Without are just as weak as him."

To Be Continued...

A/N: lol, I'm so evil. First I take long to update and then I end it with a cliffy, I'm so sorry everyone. But don't worry I'll try to get the next chapter in as soon as I can. Though I find it incredibly difficult to write action scenes, yet that is all this story has, lol. I guess I just wanted to test out my skills. Like they always say: practice makes perfect. If I want to be an all around great author one day, I have to work on all aspects of writing. Though I haven't tried horror yet. Maybe I should write a vampire yaoi fic *evil smirk* if you think so too, please tell me^_^