Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Will You Promise To Love Me ❯ Sacrifices ( Chapter 21 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter Twenty-One

"Naruto!" Sasuke screamed hysterically. His eyes dilated at the sight of his fallen love. It was almost too much to bare the moment his world seemed to crumble all around him. His heart stopped and his chest tightened. There was a dead and cold silence numbing his ears and entire being. In just moments every colorful cell in his body burst into white, giving him a ghostly paste skin tone. But all this was nothing to the sudden emptiness and pain he felt, like his heart was slowly bleeding regardless of wounds.

Itachi seemed to be smirking when he realized how much pain he had just caused his brother. It was amusing to see how his arm stretched out to reach for the soul that would never greet him again with that ridiculously stupid smile. It was a job well done to Itachi. He had successfully rid Sasuke of anyone he could possibly take a liking to. "Maybe this will finally teach you a lesson." Itachi remarked smugly. "I suggest staying away from everyone else, unless you want another life gone." A small chuckle escaped him.

Sasuke just fell to his knees, his body convulsing with affliction. "Naruto..." This couldn't be happening. Naruto was everything to him, the person he promised to always protect and love. Itachi suddenly sneered distastefully when he spotted a tiny droplet cascade down Sasuke's face and land gracefully on the ground.

"Are you really crying for this fool?!" Itachi snapped.

Sasuke stared distantly at the ground that had recently been wetted by his tears. He had promised never to cry like this; that he would become strong enough to defeat Itachi. But it seems...he could never keep his word. Sasuke glared back at Itachi with malicious yet heart breaking anger. "You'll die right here and now Itachi." Sasuke growled, standing to his feet with much trouble since he could not support any weight on his defective arms. "I kill you for what you did to him and our clan!" Sasuke creamed hoarsely. No longer would he let Itachi get away with this. He should have done it sooner, but it doesn't matter now anyway.

Such bold statements only brought back a smile to Itachi's face. "That's right dear brother. Nurture your hatred for me and maybe one day you will actually prove to be a challenge." Itachi mocked. "But are nothing more than the weakling you were before. Only difference is, you are more of an idiot for ever falling for such a disgusting creature."

"Shut up!" Sasuke shouted. He jerked forward, simply trying to bite Itachi. Anything would be better than just standing here and letting Itachi get away with what he did. "I will avenge Naruto! I will avenge or clan! And I will kill you now!" Itachi simply dodged Sasuke without even using his amazing speed. “Stay still damn it!" Sasuke ordered.

Itachi didn’t break a sweat dodging all of Sasuke's futile body slams. Each time he moved the teen simply stumbled forward, slowing him down more. "Sasuke give it up." Itachi requested. "Surely this boy didn't mean that much to you." Itachi stepped away form another tackle. He could have Sasuke killed any moment now with all the opening the raven was leaving, but he was rather enjoying humiliating Sasuke more. So he let the pathetic battle continue.

"I love him Itachi!" Sasuke exclaimed seriously. Oh how angry this made Itachi. This actually proved ot be a good thing after all when Sasuke suddenly spotted a shurikan headed right for Itachi's head. Somewhat distracted by his brother's claim, Itachi had dodge only a mili-second before. The four stared blade slashed across his brother's cheek before landing on the ground. Itachi furiously turned around; Sasuke's eyes following. To the Uchiha's surprise, it was none other than Neji, standing weakly in a tree from above. "Hyuga?!" Sasuke called out in surprise. He thought Neji was KO'd from his attack.

"Happy to see me Uchiha?" Neji asked confidentially. "Just thought you could use a little help." He glanced around, suddenly noticing Naruto's motionless form and immediately his smug smile fell. "What the hell happened here?!" He yelled out in rage. Sasuke quickly fell silent, his eyes slowly rolling to the side where it was safe from Neji's menacing glare. Neji's eyes narrowed. "What the fuck is wrong with you Sasuke?!" Neji screamed out. He couldn’t' believe he had lost to someone who would let Naruto get hurt like that, if not worse. "It figures a prissy ass weakling like you would let this happen." Neji growled. He quickly jumped down from his high branch. "I'm taking over now." He exclaimed sternly. As much as Sasuke wanted to object, he knew he didn't have the strength to handle this on his own. But this was his battle and he wanted to be the one avenging Naruto and his clan.

Though Neji was weak himself from losing the battle with Sasuke, he would not let his injuries get in the way. "Say your prayers Uchiha." Neji hissed, striking his fighting stance.

Itachi merely laughed at the spectacle. "Now Sasuke, I didn't you were this desperate. Calling for help is so beneath you." Itachi teased. "I will barely need to lift a finger to destroy you both. And since I am such a fair guy, I'll do just that." Itachi amusingly held one of his hands behind his back and drew out a single digit to mock them. Neji wasted not time before racing toward him and trying to deliver his infamous palm attack. It would make little difference because Itachi didn't need chakra to beat them. And so the fight began again.

To say at the very least, it looked like the three were performing a dance. Itachi, always on the graceful defense, hopped from foot to foot as he avoided both Sasuke and Neji at the same time. The two teens constantly swung and kicked and lunged all without success. But suddenly without any notice at all, the three came to a stop as a gust of wind surrounded them and a loud gasp was heard. Sasuke and Neji stepped back in astonishing disbelief. Itachi on the other hand, was unable to move.

His eyes fell furiously down to his chest. A gallon of blood spilled beneath him and gathered at the fleshly made wound. How could he had been so dumb as to not sense the presence before? Maybe because the life force was already too feak and near death that he did not think it could even be a threat. But he had thought wrong, now staring at the gapping hole in his chest.

" Sasuke!" came a deep panting voice. The boys stared bewildered at the limping form behind Itachi.

"T-Tsubaru?" Sasuke muttered in disbelief. The girl he had thought for unconscious during the battle, was standing just before them. Her entire arm was covered in blood from when she had literally imbedded it into Itachi's body. Sasuke hardly thought it was possibly to rip through flesh like that, but apparently Tsubaru was the conniving bitch they had thought she was.

The girl smiled crookedly at Sasuke. "I told you before Sasuke, you're mine. And I'll just die before I let any punk, even my own future relative, hurt you like that!" Tsubaru explained. But Sasuke was at a true lost here. Itachi hadn't really hurt him yet, unless she was referring to...

"Oh, well isn't this sweet. Sasuke you surely have made a mess of things, making so many friends." Itachi hissed. This truly pissed him off. here was thinking he was fighting two when there were three here to ambush him. "I can't forgive you for this little brother. Now all of them will die because of you." Itachi stepped back from the three, pints of blood pouring more onto the ground. It stung like hell, but Itachi was never one to show the appearance of pain.

"Don't get cocky!" Tsubaru warned. "We all won't go down that easily! When we have someone we care about, we become stronger without fail! And that should be just enough to get rid of you." The girl replied proudly. As if on cue, both Neji and Tsubaru started to attack the other again. Sasuke on the other hand had a different approach.

"I promised you Naruto, and I intend to keep my promise." Sasuke murmured to himself. He was exhausted, but he planned to use every last ounce of his energy for another Chidori. It would be sure to kill him...but he had no other reason to live now anyway. He rather die knowing he killed Itachi than continue living without doing so. "I'll see you in the after life..."

Neji could easily recognize the flow of chakra Sasuke was now using. And he knew Sasuke would probably only have one last chance at this, so they would just have to make sure Sasuke didn't miss. "Tsubaru! Hold him down!" Neji ordered, trying to attack Itachi once more. Tsubaru nodded in agreement. Using cooperation, the two shinobi's came at Itachi at once. It was fairly easy to grab a hold of him now that that large hold in his chest had him weakened. "Sasuke now!" Neji yelled, tugging feverishly on Itachi's arm while Tsubaru held the other.

Itachi struggled quickly seeing that his brother was now approaching him with a strong Chidori. He nearly lifted the two teens on his limbs off the ground, but he couldn't get them off before Sasuke neared him. "This is for Naruto!" And like an overpowering tsunami, Sasuke forced his hand into the opening on Itachi's chest, releasing the static-like chakra. With access to the inside of the body, the chakra had easily shocked all of Itachi's organs, but more importantly his heart and brain. If the shock didn't kill him it sure as hell would make him brain dead.

Retracting his palm from his brother's flesh, Sasuke watched in awe as Itachi fell to the ground, now void of the other two's support. Blood pooled by his body and seeped into the ground relentlessly. Despite how pleasing this scene would have been to Sasuke, he could not fully be happy because it was too late. "Naruto..." Sasuke softly murmured his lovers name as he stared at his dead murder.

To Be Continued...

Yay! I'm so glad I finally got to update. I'm extremely sorry for the long wait. It just seems like all my old stories were put on the back burner after awhile. It was mostly because of writer's block. And I hate to say this after the long wait, but this fic is nearly over. There is probably only one or two more chapters after this. I really liked writing this fic, despite having now looked over it and seeing how horrible I was at spelling. So please keep up with the last chapter(s). And there are always other of my Naruto fanfics to check out!