Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Wishing list ❯ Secrets ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 2. Secrets
Tsunade sat quietly at her desk when Kakashi came in, his voice was grave, "you sent for me, Tsunade?", she nodded curtly, not bothering to look up at him, "sit...". Kakashi reclined silently in one of the many chairs in her classroom, curiously wondering what this was about, his voice was light, "I rarely expected to be called on Miss Tsunade, especially this late in the evening". It was true it was late, school had been over for hours now, Sakura was safe at home, probably thinking he was eating his dinner and thinking about her, wondering what she was doing right at that moment. Well at least she would have one thing right, he was thinking about her, she rarely left his mind, he worried about her almost as much as her mother had the night he had been forced to give her a ride home. It had taken nearly half an hour to explain that he was her teacher and not some random stalker who wanted to rape her. Well, actually, that wasn't true, half the time he wanted to--do things to her, but he couldn't, wouldn't, shouldn't, didn't; valentines day was the first time he had ever dared to touch her other than for a kiss. Silently his gaze drifted to the window, he wondered what she was doing right now, was she sleeping? Or was she awake? If she was asleep was she dreaming about him? He sighed, he was so pathetic, one girl had him walking on the ceiling, Sakura's mere existence brought him happiness beyond what he'd ever known before he met her, maybe there was something wrong with him? Should he consult a doctor? Perhaps the Hokage? He would mention no names of course but maybe he should ask anyway, to see just what type of chains Sakura had him in.
"Kakashi?", Tsunade's voice brought him back from whatever place he had just gone to, he smiled lightly trying to signify that he was calm, though in all reality he was a damned nervous wreck.
"May I ask you something?", her voice seemed calm enough, he nodded, "who did you have for company on valentines day?", her tone was curiouse, bright as it was it sent shivers down Kakashi's spine. Dammit who was he supposed to tell? Who on earth would vouch for him? Iruka? Maybe, but most likely not... He gave her a curt stare, "does it really concern you Tsunade?", the young woman smiled, "but of course it does, I want to see just who i'm up against in the earning of your heart...". Kakashi watched her silently, the earning of his heart? What, was he some type of prize?
"I honestly don't know what you're talking about, there is no such contest, my heart cannot be earned or bought, it must be given by me to another...", she gave him an icy cold glare, "who were you with, Kakashi?". Standing from his chair he turned to leave, "my personal matters are not your concern, Tsunade. Please keep that in mind as you dig your hollow in the ground...". He heard Tsunade stand abruptly, her chair falling to it's side on the floor, "Kakashi!", he turned slightly to see her seething at him. Her voice sent an unrivaled chill down his spine, "I will find out what you're up to Kakashi and when I do you will be the first to pay, then anyone else who's involved...but don't worry I'll leave all judgment to the Hokage, the punishment will be my department". Outwardly brushing off her words, Kakashi turned to leave the room, his heart beating faster and faster the longer he stayed here, Tsunade couldn't do any real damage, not yet anyway, but when the time came, he would have to keep Sakura out of harms way...
Tsunade smiled cruelly 'all is fair in love and war...and this is both!' she would have to keep a tight watch on Kakashi and his students, they would be his undoing and she knew it...
Sakura reclined silently against her bedroom wall, daydreaming silently, actually she was pretty sure she wasn't daydreaming anymore but really just dreaming. She'd probably fallen asleep, thinking about Kakashi; he'd given her her key to his house today, then he'd tackled her and caught her in a tickle fight. A soft tapping sound came from her window pulling her slowly from her wary sleep. The tapping sound came again, and she lulled her head slightly to the side to see Kakashi sitting on the tree branch outside her window. Her heart spiked sharply, 'what the hell? Why is he here?', without really thinking of it, she climbed off her bed and shuffled slowly to the window.
"N~nh? Wha' izit?", she moaned tiredly, Kakashi couldn't help but mentally laugh; she was usually so very prim and perfect, mentally checking her grammar before speaking, yet here she was moaning and cramming her words all together, he was pretty sure 'izit' was't in the dictionary, neither was 'n~nh'. He leaned close into her, brushing his lips across her silky soft skin, "just wanted to wish you a good night, love...", he whispered softly, earning a happy giggle from the young woman he loved so dearly. His lips met hers gently, his fingers barely skimming across her shoulders, her hair tickling him slightly, "have a good sleep Saku-chan, let's be a little more careful from now on..." he whispered gently after pulling back. He smirked heavily, his voice playful to his young courtesan, "that means no more tempting me during school hours". Sakura giggled and feigned anger took over her face, "'tempting you'? My dear Kakashi, I believe that you're the one at fault for today, not me!". Kakashi smiled, it was true, he had started the tickle fight that had gotten them caught by Ino who had been looking for Sakura, he couldn't blame that on her.
"But my dear Sakura, you're the one whom said my name so sweetly this morning in the hall, you even forgot to call me sensei...", Sakura gasped lightly and covered her mouth, she had? Oh dear, it seemed her heart even had control over what she said...
"That's only because I wasn't talking to my sensei" leaning down she pressed her lips to his ear, "I was talking to my lover", without a word she ran her tongue just in front of his ear. A second after doing so she found herself pressed tightly to the floor, his body above hers, his voice cool and soft, "you're getting too good at tempting my sense of judgment, my resolve is growing weak and you're not helping it in any way", ever so gently he kissed her, moving his lips down her body until he came to her collarbone. She shivered at the feel of his lips touching her, she could hear his voice, still holding it's cool tone but just a little louder than before, "good night Sakura". In an instant he was gone leaving her breathless and heated on the floor only to be found by her mother coming to see if she was all right since she hadn't answered the first three times she'd yelled up the stairs. Sakura forced her body up, ignoring her mother's fawning, that had been scary, she knew just what Kakashi had been hinting at, tempting her with. She smiled, finally dismissing her mother's worries and returned to the bed that she had left only moments before, "I'm fine, mom, chill...". Her mother left, giving Sakura a worried glance, as soon as she was gone, Sakura flopped against the wall, her mother worried too much...
Kakashi finally fell exhausted onto the couch, he couldn't sleep in his bed anymore, not after valentines day night, if he even laid down for an instant his mind drew forth images of Sakura...naked... He just kept thinking of how she smiled and moaned, how she writhed beneath him as he touched her plump breasts and thighs. 'Kakashi! You ass! Snap out of it, you sound like a horn-dog!', mentally chastising himself, he closed his eye's, someone was watching him, they had been for a while now, he was pretty sure they hadn't followed him to Sakura's, but he wasn't positive. Well, the least he could do was give them a show... Slipping his hand down his body he rested it between his legs, this was what Sakura would do to him when she became ready for adulthood, she would touch him, and love him and no one could tell her different. He knew it was true, Sakura was so stubborn it was nearly unbearable, but he supposed that was one thing he loved about her; she knew when he was teasing and when he was not. He shifted his fingers slightly, letting his length react slowly to the touch of a hand, three more years of this maniacle torture and he would be able to wed her, take her as his own and show her just how much he loved her. He knew he could give her a good life, a good home and deep pleasure, but what would her mother think? An image of the kind but protective lady flashed into his mind, she would no doubt disown Sakura or quite possibly castrate him...probably both... He pushed just a little harder between his legs, adding just a tad more pressure, Sakura would smile and shyly touch him, running her sensitive fingers along his skin, he could almost hear her moaning in delight. Removing his hand from the tender spot, he sat up, but all that was pretty far ahead; three years was a while to wait for the one he loved, but he would do it. Sakura wasn't some toy to be misused then thrown aside, she was one of the most charming and intelligent young women he had ever met, she even surpassed Tsunade and the other female ninja. Closing his eyes he could picture her, she was asleep on her bed, her hair tossed over the pillows and the blankets pulled up tight, he saw her so calmly, her head band was pulled out and placed on the bed stand. 'That's actually how she sleeps', he noted quietly to himself, a couple of times he'd snuck in to her bedroom late at night just to see her sleeping, she was so peaceful, it instantly calmed his nerves.
She moves around a lot in her sleep, he said softly to himself, she would roll and moan, tossing her head back as she kicked the blankets away. Sometimes he would wonder if, perhaps, she was dreaming about him, about the many things he would do to her when she was old enough.
His body reacted sharply to that thought, pulsing thickly with need, forcing him to touch it again. He ran his fingers up and down the length a couple times before finally wrapping his callused fingers over the bulge in his pants, using his free hand to slip the increasingly uncomfortable garment away. Closing his eye's, he pictured Sakura's smiling face, arching slightly as he pictured her slipping her mouth over the head. He moaned, even so outside his fantasy almost feeling her touch as he pumped himself. Rolling onto his stomach, he panted heavily as he felt himself release onto his hand, it dripped over the couch, damn! That would be a stain! And Sakura loved this couch, every time she came over she would lay on it, burying her nose and cheek against it. His stomach burned at the sudden vision of Sakura burying her nose into the semen puddle that he had made on the cushion. 'No! You've endulged yourself in enough satisfaction for tonight', he scolded and stood to get a rag, pulling his pants up to his hips, not their correct position but good enough for now.
Sakura rolled over, her body still hot even though it had been hours since Kakashi had left, she couldn't sleep. A couple times she had considered sneaking out and forcing Kakashi to finish what he started, but she knew they couldn't, not until she was an adult. She moaned, not daring to touch herself even though it was nearly killing her.
"Kaka~shi...", she moaned, begging to be relieved of the flames of lust that lapped and burned at the pit of her stomach. Pushing her face into her pillow, she closed her eye's at one more attempt at sleep and slowly succeeded into an uneasy slumber.