Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ With arms wide open ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Naturo © Masashi Kishimoto. I own none of the Characters.

Insert text here - Flashbacks.

Insert text here - Thoughts

Enjoy your read. Comments are welcome.



That night the wind blew softly through the forest, and if one listened carefully, he could hear its quiet cries.

What are you running from Sasuke?
The blond boy thought, drops of sadness forming in his eyes as he watched his best friend retreat. The suddenly fading numbness left him open and vulnerable to the pain crossing through his chest, and to the unknown emptiness that filled his heart as Sasuke's words resounded through his head.

"I am leaving tomorrow morning. Don't follow me this time."

Cold… so cold. Naruto thought as he felt himself shudder. Whether it was the snow around him or Sasuke's words that caused this feeling, he didn't know. He simply stood there, staring at the distant line where the white of the snow and the pitch black of the night merged, reminding him so much of the raven haired boy.

"A heart as cold as the snow." The usually talkative boy whispered and slowly closed his eyes, letting the few tears that were forming there fall freely.
"But the snow will melt Sasuke… the snow will melt." As soon as those words left his lips, the blond boy fell backwards, letting sleep embraced him gently.

"Sasuke!" Naruto called as he ran full speed towards the raven haired boy, a wide smile gracing his features.

The usually silent boy was even more beautiful when standing at the gates of Konoha. Sasuke was right there, in front of him, waiting. His Sasuke.

"Sasuke teme!" This time the call was followed by a short laughter as the blond added, "Hey everyone! It's Sasuke!"
Throwing his arms around his friend's neck, Naruto pulled the stoic boy into a tight embrace and whispered to his ear, "Welcome home, Bastard."

That night he slept peacefully.

To be continued...