Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ With arms wide open ❯ Missing tomorrow ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.
- Thoughts are in Italic
- Flashbacks are in Bold.
All the reviews are much appreciated! I'm afraid it will take a while for the new chapter to be up. Please be patient.
Chapter V - Missing tomorrow.
Only until three days ago, things in Konoha were going as smoothly as they have for few good years now. Naruto would refer to it as 'Not much action', Tsunade would say it's 'a once in a Hokage's lifetime opportunity to get drunk and gamble without looking over your shoulder every few minutes'. Gamble and ramble - Tsunade's usual top 2. But not anymore.
The last few days she spent shifting through all kind of scrolls. She searched every disease known to men for Naruto's symptoms and came up with no more than one reference which she highly doubted to be the cause to Naruto's current condition.
"How do you manage to get yourself into these situations, I wonder."
Although not many could understand it, speaking to herself was helping Tsunade concentrate. 'All Hokages did that' she claimed when she was caught scolding herself at the very first day she accepted the title of Hokage. But at this point, her interior dialogues only brought more unanswered questions to her troubled mind.
Refusing to accept defeat, the fifth reached to take one scroll from the stack on her left. The paper was brownish and crispy under her fingertips, obviously very old.
" 'The Forbidden Jutsus'. Let us have a look…"
Naruto awoke to a strange feeling of being watched. For a moment his eyelids refused to part and in other circumstances he surely would have gone back to Lalaland, where ramen was free and he enjoyed both it and his life as the Hokage.
But much to his disappointment, the irritating voice in the back of his head commanded him to make the right decision for a change and wake up. Oddly enough, that voice sounded like Tsunade.
Great. The old hag is my inner voice. Why not Kakashi?!
He slowly opened his eyes, expecting to be blinded by the harsh light but wasn't very surprised to meet face to face with a poorly lit room. After all, it wasn't the first time he woke up before breakfast.
Sitting up despite the enormous headache, he glanced out of the window, noticing with annoyance that the moon was no longer in the grayish sky, yet the sun hasn't come up either.
Ugh! Perfect. Just the new habit I needed. Waking up while the whole world is sound asleep. You're a genius Naruto, but as you grow you lean more to the crazy ones.
He couldn't help but sigh at that thought.
Recalling the reason he was obliged to part with his dream, Naruto immediately had his five senses back in check and razor sharp. Slowly he made his way to the edge of the bed, looking carefully around the room. His eyes darted from one dark corner to another, searching for something that could have been threatening. But the sedatives he was given earlier did their part, and he missed merely by an inch a silhouette and a pair of eyes that were watching his every move from the doorway, mocking his dysfunctional awareness.
Odd. I was sure I sensed someone in the room. Shrugging, he yawned and crawled back to bed, deciding it was one of Kyuubi's many ways to show him who was really in charge. Gotcha fox. Now go to sleep… sheesh.
That night, Naruto dreamt of a certain boy from the past he made himself forget.
"I missed you, bastard" the blond whispered with relief, while throwing little rocks down the mountain.
Dealing with his inner monster was hard enough for him, so when Sasuke disappeared, Naruto's state was beyond shocked, or surprised. He spent his days blaming himself for not being a better friend, for not being strong enough, although he clearly knew that strength was the last thing that would have held Sasuke back. As for his nights, he spent them training to his limits, until he could no longer stand or breathe properly, as if punishing himself for crimes he never committed yet felt responsible for nevertheless.
"How much?" was the fashionably late reply to Naruto's little 'confession'.
Turning to look at the boy sitting beside him, Naruto cocked his head to the side in sign of confusion and raised one blond eyebrow. "How much?"
Although not the type to do so, Sasuke rolled his eyes at the sight in front of him. "Yes, that is what I asked."
"Hmm? But I didn't get it!" The blond said with a pout, not fully understanding what Sasuke meant but hoping it was what he thought.
It took few moments for Sasuke to register the look before him. Those full rosy lips drawn together in a pout, forming unnecessary words and making his heart leap in his chest and a soft smile tag on his lips.
Naruto drew backwards, wide eyed and a frowning. Looking at the usually hard line of Sasuke's lips transform into a smile was odd to say the least. Kiss him, you idiot - was the first thing that came to the blond's mind when he saw that little smile, but when he felt Kyuubi's growl at the back of his mind, he knew it was not a possibility.
So instead, he voiced the second thing that came to his mind.
"Sasuke? Quit it with the smiling. You look creepy."
Getting a stare from the stoic boy instead of some sort of response, Naruto tried again and poked Sasuke in the chest, whispering, "Sasuke?"
A low 'hn' was all the blond ninja got before his former teammate turned his smiling face, choosing to gaze at the streets of Konoha while bearing only one thought in mind. Yes… definitely a beauty.
Naruto stared at him for few moments then let out a deep sigh.
"And here I was hoping that the Snake-dude taught you how to form full sentences. But as usual, I only get 'hn's and hisses. Just so you know Sasuke, that's so not sexy."
After a minute of silence between the boys, Naruto found himself staring at a marvelous view revealing before his eyes.
Sasuke was laughing. Not the pathetic little excuse for a chuckle, but genuine laughter. Joyful and full of life.
For a moment, Naruto even weighted the possibility that this wasn't his Sasuke. Mentally shaking his head to chase away all thoughts, he just smiled gently to himself. Sasuke was back and he'll make sure he stays put this time.
The next morning Lee was walking towards the hospital, all the while humming happily Gai-sensei's words over and over, finding it hard to believe.
20 minutes ago:
"Lee! I must speak with you. I'm afraid it'll shock you beyond this world, but you must listen to me."
Lee looked up at him with great interest. "What is it Gai-sensei? Could it be that Kakashi-sensei finally lost to you?"
Gai sweat dropped. His Lee really knew how to hit below the waist sometimes.
"No Lee, what I was about to say is that since Sasuke is gone… again… and Naruto is unable to train, the most beautiful flower in Konoha will be joining our team and fighting alongside with you, Lee."
Lee looked somewhat puzzled, Gai observed. Opening his mouth to explain himself, he was beat by Lee's question.
"But sensei, how is a Lotus supposed to fight? And what does it have to do with Naruto or the runaway Uchiha?"
Silence reigned as Gai tried to deal with the fact that Lee was simply clueless at times. Perhaps he didn't sleep well…
"Gai-sense -…" was all Lee managed to say before the said man cut him off by laying a hand on his shoulder.
"I was referring to Sakura, Lee. Haruno Sakura will be joining us. Isn't she a beautiful flower, Lee?"
Hope was shining in Gai's eyes but Lee chose to be rational.
"No offense sensei, but Sakura is a girl. Not a female flower but a human being. H-U-M-A-N."
The last of his hope shattering, Gai collapsed. He could hear the gears inside Lee's head moving.
Rusty but it'll have to do. The boy is actually thinking.
"Sensei… did you just say that the beautiful Sakura will be joining our team?"
"Err… yes?"
The next moment Gai found himself kneeling and holding his head in his hands, while a high-pitched scream still echoed in the distance.
Ahh.. Sakura-chan… the green beast thought dreamily. He never denied liking the girl, although he never understood why people called it a 'crush'. It's love! Pure and undeniable! , he mused.
Noticing the object of his desire at the front door of the hospital, he blushed deeply and called out, waving in her direction.
"S-- Sakura-chan! Ohayo!"
The pink haired girl surely wasn't expecting to see him. After all, he didn't get along too well with Naruto but here he was, coming in the direction of the hospital. She wondered if she missed something with all the hectic training she's been following with the Hokage. Seeing the boy wave in her direction, she turned to him and waved back. Smiling lightly, she waited for him to approach her and then spoke rather low.
"You're here to check on Naruto as well? I thought it's going to be just me and him today…"
That hurt. Lee thought to himself and bit the inside of his cheek. I'm being rejected even before I made the move. How pathetic.
But he managed to form the words and whisper them.
"Ahh… I can come by later. If you two wish to be alone--" He was interrupted by Sakura's soft hand on his own.
"What are you talking about? I'm happy you came by. It will be much more difficult for me to face Naruto on my own."
She then smiled at the red faced boy in his usual green suit. Now that he was older, he looked different. His body matured and his voice only got richer with the years. In the past few weeks Sakura noticed that unlike Naruto, Lee became only nicer and warmer and she knew she could use a good listener. Besides, he's kind of cute, she thought and taking his hand in hers, led him inside.
Scratching his head, Kakashi closed his one visible eye and patted his stomach soothingly. He didn't remember what the last thing he ate was nor did he have any particular urge to find out either. And you're not helping, Tsunade.
"Hokage - sama… how about you stop pacing and just tell us why we're here? You're making me dizzy and let me assure you my stomach has mood swings."
Stopping to glare at the one who dared to interrupt her musing, she said in a slightly panicked voice.
"Kakashi, I called you out here not to analyze my behavior but to accept a mission."
When Kakashi did no more than scratch his head again, she took it as a sign to go on. "It's Orochimaru."