Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ World Collision ❯ Bad days ( Chapter 43 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Heh, this chapter is more of a `filler', (meaning there isn't anything real important) but I guess that could be explained by me multitasking a bazillion different things right now… Hope you still enjoy!
Jessica let a small smile play on her face as they headed out the next day. She had been so restless the whole night just thinking about leaving that place, that she doubted that she got more than two hours of solid sleep before she was shaken awake that morning. With the warm wind blowing threw the pathway, she inhaled it slowly as she closed her eyes. Holding onto her backpack with both hands, she then took long strides in order to keep up with the two men's brisk pace.
“Now that we're back on track, how long will it be before we find our target Sempai?” Tobi asked as he turned his head to look at the blond. Without looking at his partner, Deidara just mumbled a bit as he continued to walk. “What's that Sempai?”
“How should I know; I'm not God, yeah!” Deidara replied in an annoyed tone as he glanced over at the masked man. Quickly running up beside him, Jessica tried preventing another event from happening.
“Deidara-sama, don't get angry at Tobi-san; you'll just do what you did last time, and I think we all know that the results of it was just a big waste of your time.” She said as she looked up at him. “I know it can be hard, since I've grown up with a little brother who'd pester me every moment he could, but I just had to learn to deal with it. Blowing everything that aggravates you up won't solve your issue, so just pretend he isn't even there.” Glancing down at the girl and then to the other man, he then closed his eyes as he clenched his teeth together. Opening them again, he tried looking straight forward, but Jessica could tell that he was having difficulty doing so.
Throwing his arms up in the air he exclaimed, “How on earth do you expect me to ignore that thing!” He said pointing at Tobi with an accusing hand. Looking at the man, Jessica suppressed a laugh as she saw Tobi flair his ands up in the air. It was obvious to her that Deidara must not have had any younger siblings to have so little self-control over his temper.
“Okay, I admit that he's being obnoxious, but I still think you should be able to hold out a bit longer than that if you want to survive with him around.” She replied as she placed a hand over her mouth. “Tobi-san, you could act a bit more mature for once; no need in aggravating Deidara-sama right when we set off again. Last time you guys did this shenanigan, I was kidnapped. You don't want me to get hurt again, do you Tobi-san?” She said with an adorable puppy dog look on her face. To Deidara's relief, the man then stopped his act and walked like a normal person again without saying a word.
“Thank you,” he said as he let out an exasperated sigh. Of course, just saying that jinxed his blessing as Tobi then snapped his head to look at the blond again.
“Ah, Sempai said thank you! It's a miracle! Jessica-chan, your God changed him like you asked him to! He finally has manners!” He said as he jumped up and down. Looking down at the girl who had an innocent look on her face, Deidara grumbled loudly about how much he wished that he could just blow up everyone he found annoying in the world and how he wished Sasori was still his partner instead of Tobi.
“You just had to do that didn't you,” Jessica said in a low voice as her master quickened his pace to get away from him. As Tobi shrugged it off, he then began talking again.
“Jessica-chan, you never finished telling me about why you think cats are better than dogs.” He said as he looked down at the girl.
“I never said cats were better, just that I prefer cats since they're easier to take care of in my apartment.” She replied as she returned his gaze.
“Oh, did you have a cat then?” Tobi said as he and Jessica started to catch up with his provoked partner.
“Yes, it's probably still with my parents today unless they couldn't afford to keep her anymore. I got her when I was four; her name is Snickers.”
“Snickers,” he said in a confused voice. “Why would you name your cat snickers?”
“You see, where I come from there's this candy bar called a `snicker bar'. It's made of chocolate, caramel, peanuts, and I think some sort of a wafer as well… Maybe I'm confusing that with another bar since I haven't eaten one in a while, but anyhow it's all made of different brown colors. I named her Snickers because she has a bunch of different shades of brown that reminded me of a snickers bar, so that's why I named her that.” Looking at her with little clarification, she then shook her head as she let a small smile form on her face. “Oh never mind, it's not that important any,” she said as she was then interrupted abruptly by her master's voice.
“Omae, stop talking with him and hurry up.” He said loudly as he pulled her attention away from the other man. After staring blankly at him for a moment, Jessica then ran up next to him again.
“He didn't get much sleep either, did he?” She thought to herself as she looked up at his grumpy face. “I guess he wanted to get out as much as I do… I wonder how Tobi-san got to sleep so easily. I don't really blame him for his stinky attitude, but… I must admit, Lord, please don't let it get worst than this… Not when we just started our journey again!
“What are you looking at, hnm?” The blond snapped as he caught her stare.
“Uh, Deidara-sama… You sort of asked me to come to you…heh,” she replied as looked down to the ground again. Grumbling a bit, he looked towards the horizon again. “So, what do you want me to do?”
“Just walk and talk,” he commanded as he saw Tobi approach from the corner of his eye. Turning around, he yelled, “Don't even think about it teme! Not now, not when I was just starting to cool off!” With his hands up in surrender, he then fell back a few paces as his partner turned forwards again. Feeling a tug on his sleeve, he turned his head to look back at Jessica again that now leaned her head against his arm.
“We all have bad days, Deidara-sama; all you have to do is live through them to get to the better days.” Feeling a bit jittery inside, he then furrowed his eyebrows together as he looked forwards again.
“She really can be a weird girl, yeah,” he thought to himself as he continued walking. “But I guess everyone I met tends to be.”