Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ A Whole New World for Shinji and Asuka ❯ Chapter 2

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A New World For Shinji and Asuka
by Al-I-Bus


She had the dream again. She was in Eva-02 fighting an Angel. The Angel
suddenly stopped fighting and turned into her father. Its face was hidden
though. Eva-02 became her step-mother. Asuka found herself being cradeled
in her Eva/stepmother's arms. "I hate you, you wretched child, just go
away, both of you and die", the Angel/Man said to Asuka and her
EVA/Step-Mom. "See Asuka your father doesn't love us anymore, its all your
fault, but I still love you honey." Asuka started to cry because she knew
what was going to happen next. The Eva/Woman lifted Asuka high into the
air, towards its mouth opening. "Asuka lets just die together, me and you
honey. Lets do it. Lets just die." Asuka felt herself falling under the
spell when suddenly Shinji's face flashed in front of her. "NO!!!!!!!" she
yelled "I have so much to do and see, Shinji help me, I love you!!!!" and
then she was awake. Asuka had been having the same nightemare every night
since Shinji had all but called her beautiful a month ago in the nurses
office. (See Object of One's Desire by Drakkenfeyre). And everynight she
woke up covered with sweat and, everynight after they had well you know,
crawled into bed with Shinji for security. But she couldn't do it on this
night. He needed no outside interference for his test tomorrow or the
results could be altered. So she curled up into a ball and began to sob
silently to herself.

Asuka was normal again by the morning. She woke up a little later than
usual and went into the kitchen. Misato was having her morning swig of beer
and Pen-Pen was smoking a C-I while reading the paper. She gave him a pat
on the head and then gave Misato a hug. "What was that for?" a bewildered
Misato asked. To cover up the hug I'm gonna give Shinji when he comes in,
Asuka thought, but she said "What? I'm in a good mood and I wanna thank you
for letting me invade your house, is that ok?" Shinji entered the kitchen a
moment later, and Misato watched in amazement as Asuka gave him a big hug
as well. Shinji tried his best to hide his smile with a look of puzzled
bewilderment, and Misato explained to him what she thought was the reason
for the hug. "She's happy today Shin-chan, her fingers must have been
pretty busy last night." At that Asuka spun around and threw the piece of
bread she was holding at Misato as Shinji collapsed on the floor with
laughter. A little while later the threesome made their way to Central
Dogma where Shinji was going to undergo his final tests. "Asuka you know
you don't have to go right?" Misato asked her still uncertain about her
behavior. "Yeah I know" Asuka said, "but I want to go swimming in the pool
and unwind a little bit." Misato pulled up into her parking space and
announced "Fifth floor, underware, sporting goods, NERV Headquarters, and
Electronics, Everybody Out!" Shinji got out of the car and wondered what
would happen in his test. Would he have the same reaction as Asuka did? He
hoped so. He realized that after she came home something was different
about her. She seemed to feel even closer to him, if that was possible. He
hoped that this test would help him understand her better. Asuka wished him
luck as she turned towards the pool area, flashing him a quick wink and
smile, and then, when she was sure he was looking, lifted her dress a
little too high giving Shinji a nice view of Bikini bottom. Shinji was sure
glad that they had talked after the shower last night. Once he got out of
the frigid watter, and unthawed himself in certain areas, Asuka decided
that if they were going to be together then they had to clear things up.
The only thing that the two clashing personalities got out of the ensuing
arguement was that they would hide the relationship, for right now at
least, from everyone who didn't already know about it. They didn't know the
consequences of two EVA pilots becoming involved and didn't want that to
effect anything for them. Their first real test of hiding it came almost
immediaetely after that. Once they had decided on the rule, Asuka decided
that she owed Shinji something for leaving him in the cold, cold, cold
shower. So she yanked off his boxers before he could resist and was busy
sucking away at his dick, which was expanding at an exponential rate, when
they heard a key in the door. Shinji, who was on the verge of cumming, had
his boxers yanked back up, only to bust a nut into them. Asuka wiped her
mouth off quickly and moved to the other side of the couch as fast as
humanly possible, when Misato walked into the room. "Whats that smell?"
Misato asked looking from face to face, knowing the answer. She looked down
and saw the stain on Shinji's boxers. "Asuka were you watchin Shinji jerk
off or something?" Misato asked in disgust. "No Misato she was asleep and I
got happy looking at her face and watching, well something else, and I just
lost it, sorry" Shinji said blushing a deep shade of red and looking down.
Misato just laughed, she expected stuff like this to happen, come on she
lives with a couple of 14 year olds who are both attractive and not to
mention full of hormones.

"Shinji.." Misato's voice jarred him back into the present, and also saved
him from walking straight into the door of the lab. "What, did Asuka's hug
get you a little happy again?" Misato asked and Shinji blushed (look over
chapter one and please count how manytimes Shinji has blushed. Maybe he
should just keep a red face.) "No I was thinking about the EVA's yeah thats
it," Shinji replied. He quickly ran into the lab as soon as the door
opened, and left Misato shaking her head. "Something is up with those two."
she muttered to herself as she walked away.

Over the next three hours Shinji underwent all types of tests until it was
finally time for him to undergo the priority test. His was going to be
different from Asuka's so he was supposed to forget everything she told
him. He was lain on a table and had two electrodes attatched to each side
of the head. "We're gonna put you into different situations and see what
your minds first response is ok Shinji" Dr. Ryoji said. "Don't worry about
what you think about, only I am going to see the real results, I either
record appropriate or other." She then flicked a switch and SHinji found
himself in a beautiful field of flowers on a beautiful sunny day. "Boy I
wish Asuka were here to see this" Shinji thought, on her pad Ryoji made a
mark. Next the day grew cloudy and it started to rain and thunder hard all
around Shinji. "I hope Asuka is inside" SHinji thought. The next switch was
flipped and there was a rumbling below him. Shinji looked up and saw EVA's
01 and 02 standing next to him. "Asuka's here" he thought excitedly, "I
hope she won't be in danger". Next an Angel appeared in place of EVA-02.
"What happened to Asuka?" Shinji thought. Ryoji made some more notes on her
pad, looked at Shinji for a moment, and then flicked another switch. Shinji
found himself falling to his death from atop his EVA. "Goodbye Asuka", he
thought, "I Love You."

When Shinji woke up he found Dr. Ryoji looking over at him. "Finally" she
said "why don't you get up and find Asuka the two of you have much to talk
about" she said with a smile and a wink. Shinji blushed and headed out of
the room.

Asuka was growing impatient. She had been swimming for two hours and then
she watched TV for another hour. Then she promptly beat Touji in everygame
known to mankind. Now, it was going on her fifth hour there, she had
resorted to playing with Touji's head. She was poking fun at every aspect
of his life, and had gotten to the J in his name when Shinji walked in.
"Hey its the test tube baby" Touji said laughing at him. Asuka simply
pushed him into the pool and was about to kiss Shinji hard on the lips when
she remembered the security cameras. " Hey Asuka lets get out of here I
need to talk to you anyway." Shinji said grabbing her arm and all but
dragging her out of Central Dogma. They walked over to their apartment and
made their way upstairs. Once inside Shinji reached over and kissed her on
the mouth. "Asuka...there is something that I want to say. You don't need
to say it too if you don't feel the same way. Here it goes. Asuka I love
you" Shinji said it and Asuka shook her head trying to clear her ears. Once
she realized that he had been serious she lept up onto him and kissd him on
his mouth hard. "Shinji your the greatest thing in the whole universe. I
love you so much I can't even explain it, take me again right now please."
Shinji was about to refuse when she started to nibble on his ear. "What if
Misato comes in" Shinji said, "Well we'll tell her we know about her and
Kaji from the other day" Asuka said, busy unbottoning Shinji's shirt.

Forty seconds later Shinji was laying on his back while Asuka was riding
his dick. They had made a bet, who could go the longest without cumming.
Shinji watched as Asuka's pert breasts bounced and swayed in front of him.
Just the site of her face in excstacy and her hair flapping about wildly
was almost enough to get Shinji off. Somehow he was able to hold off
though. Shinji started to suck on each of Asuka's breasts, niubbling on her
nipples and tugging at them gently. "Ungh, thats, oh yes, thats not fair
you, oooohh unh unh, dirty cheater, ummm. oh yeah I'm gonna cum." Asuka
threw her head back and let out a moan as she drenched both her and her
love with girlcum. Shinji laughed and said "I win". Asuka kept bouncing
around on Shinji's dick for about ten more minutes untill she came again.
This time she wrapped her arms around Shinji and held him as close as she
could while she came. "I Love You Shinji you dirty idiot. Fuck me, Fuck me
hard. I'm gonna cum. I love you so much. YEAHYEAHYEAHYEAH!!" Asuka's leg
muscles tensed and her inner walls clutched at Shinji's cock milking it
desperately, trying to get his seed. But Shinji held on tight knowing that
he could not only win a challenge from Asuka but that he could also show
off for her. Asuka couldn't take anymore fucking. Her pussy was beginning
to get sore, so she reluctantly climbed off of Shinji and went down on him.
She lick his head with her tounge and slid her tounge up and down his
length, coating his dick with sticky saliva. She loved the way she could
taste herself on Shinji's dick. Finally she began to suck on Shinji's
balls. She put first one then the other in her mouth and gently tounged
them. Shinji laid his head back as wave after wave of pleasure racked his
body. Then Asuka took him in her mouth. She sucked at him for a while,
always getting his seed to rise up but never letting him cum. After the
fourth time of this Shinji got frustrated and rolled her over onto her
back. He slid his dick between her breasts as she slid both of her hands
down to her pussy. "Shinji do you love me?" Asuka asked agin. "Shinji
explained to her how he felt, about the test, and everything, all while
pounding away at her breasts With his dick. Asuka came again using her
fingers to expertly get herself off quick. Watching her face writhe in
pleasure, Shinji decided to indulge himself. He pulled off of Asuka's
breasts and began to spout his cum all over her body. He coated her breasts
with semen and then, because his hand slipped, he shot some right into her
face. Asuka growled at him and tackled him to theground wrestling with
Shinji, getting his cum on him and the floor. Then they kissed and fell
asleep in each others arms.

Asuka woke up in a sweat again. The damned dream, she needed to share it
with someone. She looked over and saw Shinji watching her. "You look so
cute and innocent when your asleep, what happens when you wake up?" Shinji
said smiling at her. "I'm cute when I wake up too" said Asuka, "and as for
my innocence well you took that away."She kissed him on the cheek and then
stood up, her breasts swaying slightly as she stood. "Maybe we should use
condoms" Asuka said to her love. Shinji simply shrugged and told her that
the LCL fluids inside of the EVA's acted as a contraceptive if used
regularly. Shinji looked over at her while they dressed and cleaned the
floor. What had she been dreamin about he wondered. "Asu-chan" Shinji said
using his brand new first time ever used pet name for Asuka "You know you
can come to me with anything right?" Asuka simply nodded, she understood.
"Shinji tonite I am gonna explain to you about m past ok." He nodded and
then went into the lving room and turned on the TV. Meanwhile Asuka got on
the phone and started bragging to Hikari about how she and Shinji were in
love and how he made her cum five times today.

End of Part 2