Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ Maya's physical ❯ Medicine ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

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Maya's physical
A Neon genesis fan fic by Greengo
Disclaimer; I don't own shit
Chapter Ein; Medicine
//NERV, Central command//
"Medical examination?" A surprised Maya Ibuki, the brown short haired bridge bunny, said to one Misato Katsuragi.
"What's wrong with that?" Said the purple haired superior as she continued to hold out the medical form.
"B-But I feel fine" Maya said as she swiveled in her seat fully facing the Major whom smiled before replying
"It's ok everyone's getting it, it's just a run of the mill yearly check up".
Maya reluctantly took the form & shifted uneasy in her seat, the purple haired woman picked up the signs & folded her arms. . . Time for some teasing. As the bridge bunny spun back round looking at the letter as if it was a bomb counting down from 00.03, Misato walked over & sat on the control panel crossing her legs & watched some more before whispering "Is it because you love her?"
The timid girls eyes shot open & her cheeks began to redden before shakingly turning to face the cheeky grinning Major once more.
"Is it because you know the one doing the examinations will be Dr Akagi, the lady you just so happened to have a crush on?"
Maya's head was spinning & blushed even more before managing to stammer out a sentence, "But how, W-What. . . Does everyone know?"
Misato smiled cheerfully "It's ok, not everyone knows"
The bridge bunny felt a weight lifted off her chest before one more nagging question had to be asked, "Like who?"
"Like Ritsuko" Misato beamed as Maya fell into her twisted trap. Maya's face paled as Misato walked away humming happily.
'What am I going to do?' Thought the distraught bridge bunny as she sat in the work cafeteria, it was very true that she did indeed have a crush on her Sempai, Dr Ritsuko Akagi, & the thought of her hands all over her naked body. . . particularly her private area's, set her to fluster some more, god only knows what would actually happen if it actually happened seeing as this was the reaction from only thinking about it. She bit into her sandwich to suppress her blushing & getting too far into her thoughts. She definitely had to go through with it, not as if she could call in sick. . . would only lead to a house call knowing Akagi's determination, unfortunately now Maya had thoughts of her beloved sempai examining her in bed, she scolded herself before staring out the window towards the geo front's relaxing landscape of nature & technology seemingly blending in nicely. The moment seemed relaxing if not the whole purpose of her being there was to prepare herself for the said examination, & with a sigh she made her way to the most awkward moment of her life.
"Good afternoon Maya" Quickly chirped the doctor as Maya walked over the threshold to the room, as if it was a supermarket alarm alerting a shop owner that a customer entered the facility.
"G-Good afternoon Sempai" Said the shaky bridge bunny as she looked to see her idol typing away at her desk as she did everyday.
"Are you ok Maya? You sound a little nervous" Said the blonde as she spun about her chair to assess her co-worker & latest patient.
Maya looked at her in surprise as if her game was already up, "No. . . not at all Dr Akagi."
Akagi looked at her & stretched her arms upwards giving Maya a nice view of her bosom being outlined by the blue zip up shirt which seemed to be a favorite of Ritsuko.
"Just relax, this is just a check up" she said to Maya, who let out a sigh of relief, the Doctor uncrossed & crossed her long stocking clad legs getting Maya's attention again before she said "Now, go behind the screen & take off your clothes."
Maya's eyes bulged & face went scarlet.
Ritsuko noted this & chuckled, "I said relax, this is purely professional. . . I need to exam you in order to dub you fit for work, I'm not after a sneak peek", this didn't help the timid girl at all as she nervously went behind the screen taking one more glance at her sempai in an embarrassed huff that her beloved would put her through this ordeal.
Maya stood behind the screen & sighed, as she unbuckled her belt she tried to breathe in & out slowly to calm herself down.
'It's strictly professional, it's strictly professional' she chanted in her head over & over again unzipping her uniform & neatly folding it on the chair nearby, she reached behind & unclasped her bra & felt the cool air caress her nipples as she slipped it off, she shivered & leaned against the medical bed as she took off her boots, reaching up to her waist Maya began sliding off her tights & swayed slightly as she pulled them off each leg, once more reaching upwards she pulled down her delicate cotton panties, half way down her legs Ritsuko barged behind the screen causing Maya to jump right up onto the bed like a naughty child caught in the act of something bad.
Ritsuko was wielding a clip board & looked up at her patient quickly scanning up & down. . .
"Oh what a cute pussy!"
Maya went bright red & covered herself up at the doctors sudden outburst before realizing that she still had her panties half way down her legs with a print of a kawaii cat on the front.
She let out a sigh & relaxed a little as Ritsuko put on her stethoscope but perked up again as Ritsuko came closer & put the stethoscope against her back, at first she noticed it was cold but as Ritsuko proceeded she felt her beloved Sempai's hand gently land on her tummy.
"Breathe in please" said the doctor but as Maya inhaled she was over whelmed by her Loves scent, her perfume toyed wither senses almost sending her into nirvana. . . Until she was brought back down by "& out" her breath was a bit ragged as it escaped her lips which warranted a look up from the doctor
"Are you ok Maya?"
“Y-Yes Sempai" Stuttered the young lady as Ritsuko removed her stethoscope & reached into her breast pocket & pulled out a pen light, as she clicked it on Maya was firstly blinded but was shown how blind she had been to see her beloved as she truly was. . . An angel, as the light enhanced one side of her face. Maya's gaze wandered around her superiors face & eventually looked right into her eyes, she was taken back by how beautiful they were, her hazel eyes acknowledged the stare before she opened up her luscious lips
"Stare at the light please Maya"
Was she caught or was it standard procedure? All these unusual situations going on as she thought made it hard for her to remember her professional opinion, whatever the reason she stared into the light feeling slightly guilty but thought some more as Dr Akagi started flashing the light. . . Was she trying Morse code? Was she trying to say 'I love you'? Maya began to open her mouth & before she knew it Ritsuko had placed a wooden spatula in her mouth to examine further.
"Say 'ah'" Ritsuko monotonley asked & Maya did so. . . Only it was more of a loving pant than a normal response & once more the bridge bunny scolded herself mentally, Ritsuko took the spatula out & looked about before grabbing her ear scope & brought her hand gently against Maya's chin before inserting the device in the girls ear, Maya savored the doctors gentle yet professional hand as it almost seemingly caressed her cheek then it slide down which made Maya get hot before it was revealed she was just reaching down to check her pulse on her neck, as Ritsuko did so, the technician could tell that her pulse was going to fast for her not to notice & soon her fears were confirmed
"Are you really sure you are fine Maya? Your pulse is fast & your temperature seems to be getting higher"
"H-Honestly Sempai I feel F-Fine."
Ritsuko raised an eyebrow before going back to examining her. As the bridge bunny was looking up wishing the ordeal was finished she was startled as Dr Akagi started doing a breast examination, Maya near enough let out a yelp in surprise as Ritsuko started fondling her boobs & occasionally squeezing them, the sensation was too much for the girl as she started getting hot again & to her horror. . . Her nipples started getting erect, she nervously stared at the doctor awaiting for her to look up in disgust but she just carried on, so for now Maya just sat there & enjoyed the feeling of her sempai caressing & fondling her breasts with her special touch even though it was purely for medical purposes, that was until Ritsuko stopped & began to make her way down.
"Just one final thing & you're clear to go" Ritsuko parted Maya's thighs & to the bridge bunnies horror she found out that in the whole ordeal she had gotten moist, So much that in fact she had stained the sheets on the bed a little. She froze as did Dr Akagi who just crouched there staring between her thighs, a huge sense of dread took over the quickly dissipated feeling of heaven, she could feel the churning of her stomach knowing that at any moment Ritsuko would snap out of her surprise. . . No shock & fire the poor girl. A few more moment passed & still there were no signs of movement from the doctor. Maya tried to form the word but nothing came out, however Ritsuko had more formed words.
“Right that's everything, you can get dressed now" She quickly stammered as she stood up & went to wash her hands, Maya just bowed her head before getting dressed & leaving.
//Maya's apartment//
'She thinks I'm a hoer', thought the trembling Bridge bunny as she quietly sobbed into a glass of wine. 'What am I going to do? She couldn't even look at me in the eyes after that happened' she sniffed taking in a large gulp.
The wine was beginning to take affect as she felt her cheeks getting rosy but it did nothing for her feeling of dread, she curled up on her sofa & tucked her head between her knee's.
'I can just see it now, I'll go into work & everyone will be staring at me with faces of disgust & then she'll come up & hand me my notice' Maya went to pour another glass but decided to just grab the bottle from the floor, taking a swig she stared at the fireplace through tearful eyes, she never felt so ashamed in her life after building up this career all this effort in helping saving the world against the angels she was about to be sacked for her feelings towards her beloved Sempai. She sat there in the dark watching the flames dance about just wishing her fears would hurry up & happen, sulking some more she took the last swig & threw the bottle at the fire in a dramatic way. . . Only to miss & knock a near by tables contents off. As she stood up to go get the dustpan & brush for the mess, she was startled by the phone ringing, getting a hold of herself she went & picked up the receiver.
"How are you Maya?" she froze upon recognizing the voice as her Sempai.
"Hello? Maya?"
"Um I'm fine Dr Akagi", there was a pause on the other side, Maya bit her lip.
"I'm afraid. . . ", She knew it, she's going to get fired, ". . . That you are not ok Maya"
"Huh?", this was an odd way to tell her she has no job.
"I just finished the examination result & I'm afraid you are not ok Maya, I need to see you right away"
"U-Um. . . Sure"
"Meet me in my office as soon as possible" & with that she hung up, as Maya listened to the monotonous tone she tried to comprehend what was just told.
'I'm Ill?' She thought 'Well this is certainly a change of events, I thought I'm going to get fired & yet it turns out I'm ill' She looks at her watch to see that it's past midnight '& to see me at this time, it must be a serious condition' she suddenly realized, the dread was replaced with. . . well dread, but it was a different kind concerning her own well being now. She quickly threw on her jacket & shoes before calling a taxi.
//NERV, Corridors//
The taxi ride had somewhat sobered up Maya, but she was still wallowing in self pity over the fact that she was possibly terminally ill, she stumbled down the halls towards her Sempai's office & knocked on the door as it appeared to be locked. A moment passed before the door opened & Maya was startled as Ritsuko was right up next to the door.
"Ah Maya, please step inside."
Maya complied but took note of Dr Akagi's tone. . . It was somewhat forceful if not bossy.
"Sit up on the table, I'll be with you shortly."
As the bridge bunny sat there she began to tremble awaiting the inevitable, biting her lip as she saw Ritsuko at another table not quite able to see what she was doing, just then Dr Akagi turned about & went right up to Maya's face, noses touching, with a flat look on her face peering from behind her glasses.
"So turns out my assistant is a dirty girl."
"Huh?" vocally Maya proclaimed as she was thrown off from what was going on,
"Imagine it. . . a professional examination & you get moist."
"B-But Sempai. . . What about my results?"
The doctor gave her a grin but she still wasn't happy.
"Oh but there is something wrong with you Maya. . . You're a perverted lesbian", Then it dawned on Maya on what the reason was why she was called out here.
"S-So. . . W-What now?" but rather than a response she was forced into a full passionate kiss, just as the short haired girl was getting into it she was then pushed back into lying on the table as her Sempai straddled her.
"Well we cant have you going about keeping these perverted thoughts bottled up can we?"
Ibuki was unsure with her feeling at the moment, one the one hand she couldn't believe that right now her respectable Sempai was currently pinning her to a medical table with her luscious stocking clad thighs it was almost scary, but on the other hand she was never turned on as much as she was now, she looked at her beloveds thighs & saw that her skirt was hitched up revealing a pair of pink satin panties, Maya moved her hand to touch Ritsuko's private parts but the doctor pinned her arms above her head & hovered over the girl.
"Now now, you seemed to like me taking control earlier."
Maya could do nothing but wait as Ritsuko lowered herself in for another kiss, she could feel Akagi's more filled out chest lay itself with some weight upon her rather small boobs before there lips locked once more, her mouth was forcibly opened by Ritsuko's piercing tongue before she decided to clean out Maya's tonsils. . . the feeling was great & Maya could feel herself get into it now, yet as soon as she began to give the tonguing some competition Ritsuko pulled back, let go of her arms & slapped her, as she lowered her hand to comfort the sting she looked up at her Sempai & wondered what she did, that was until Dr Akagi snuck her professional hands under the bridge bunnies shirt. Maya gasped as Ritsuko wrapped her hands around each of her breasts & began kneading them, with her forearms, Ritsuko lifted up her assistants shirt till her bosom was revealed, under Maya's bra she could feel her nipples becoming erect so she yanked it up & tweaked her nipples in the bare flesh.
This was sending shivers up & down the younger girls spine gradually building up the sensation, but then the blonde began digging in her nails into the tips of the fully erect nipples. . . Although somewhat painful, the pleasure seemed to double on the whole as the shivers turned into pulses of warmth all down her body towards her ever moistening pussy. Ritsuko backed from her assault & zipped open her blue top to present Maya with what she sought to see for what seemed like forever. . . Those ample breasts so lush, so big. . .
Maya could do nothing but stare as Dr Akagi went back down & started rubbing her nipples off of the bridge bunnies, the sensation was exhilarating for both of them as the moans grew ever so, the doctor then lowered her head & roughly flicking her tongue at both sets of nipples just adding to the pleasure shared, just then she bit onto one of Maya's painfully erect nipples causing her to yelp out in pain before rolling it along her teeth making the pain subside into a level of joy similar to when she dug her nails in. Maya felt the pleasure subside & Ritsuko's weight make it's way up & before she knew it she was face to face with her Sempai's satin panties, with one last nudge upwards it was all she could see as Ritsuko's thighs were now on top of her neck, Maya could tell by the smell her sempai was enjoying this as much as herself for the potent musk of the moist pussy was overwhelming for the young girl, just then Ritsuko shoved her crotch further & slide her panties to one side revealing herself in all it's blonde glory, Maya blushed for a moment & closed her eyes ready to take little laps at her beloveds beautiful vagina. . .
That was before Ritsuko smothered the girl with it, "Lick me deep, prove how much you love me" & with that Maya began sliding her tongue deep inside as her sempai insisted, as her tongue probed further she could feel her Sempai's' feelings of pleasure as the walls of her womanhood contracted & tried to pull the timid tongue in, she reacted by probing her tongue in as far as it could go & started to stroke it up & down along the sweet passages of her dear Ritsuko reacting to her moans & sighs as to whether she was going about it right, as she roamed a bit further she came across a lump which sent Ritsuko wild as her hips buckled & before the poor girl knew it she had the private area of her superior grinding against her face.
"Lick me there now!", Screamed the doctor as she bounced up & down upon the short haired girl, each bounce made Maya lick that bit deeper & reach her g-spot that easier in turn making her get wetter & wetter as she built up for a climax. Maya's face was getting more & more pre cum on it as the luscious lips slide up & down her cheeks, she could feel herself getting all warm & itchy tingly down there so she decided to slide her hand down as she proceeded to help her sempai reach an orgasm. . .
The doctor saw this & decided to put a stop to it, she spun about so she was facing the girls legs & reached down & slid her hands under the bridge bunnies thighs before pulling her over herself, Maya wasn't quite sure what was going on as the vagina of her sempai spun about on her face with her tongue still deep inside & then to have her legs brought up next to her head, Ritsuko trapped the younger girls legs between her thighs & rolled up Ms Ibuki's skirt revealing her firm tight leggings clad ass, proceeding to yank off the barrier between her & the girls punishment for thinking she was going to have fun for herself she realized just how much of a damn fine posterior her apprentice had, looking back she could just see Maya's eyes realize she was being stared at as she proceeded to lick away.
With an evil grin Ritsuko demanded, "Lick me harder & don't even think of pleasuring your self!" & with that she brought her head back around & swung her hand up before bringing it down for a thunderous slap on the bridge bunnies firm trembling behind, she could feel the timid girl yelp deep inside her pussy & decided she liked the feeling . . . A lot, so she brought her hand up, which was already stinging from her assistants firmness, & spanked Maya once more, the girls back arched further than it was already stretched to as she let out another holler, Ritsuko began grinding her privates against the bridge bunnies face once more & spanked the quivering pinkening bottom of the short haired girl every second forward thrust.
Maya couldn't take much more. . . The professional hands of her beloved were now used as tools to bring pain rather than construct, another smack clashed against her ass, as the pain intensified she could feel the tears welt up as she let out another whimper into her Sempai's vagina.
"Now lets check that temperature now!", Ritsuko said as she reached over to a tray & brought over a thermometer, Maya couldn't see this however as she still had Dr Akagi's womanhood grinding against her face but for now she was glad the spanking stopped. . . Until she felt her Sempai's hands clasp her red swollen behind & separate her cheeks further before something, something cold, poked at her anus, she instinctively clenched but received another smack before the doctor scolded her.
"Now Maya, have your temperature taken like a good girl" & with that she plunged the device deep into the shocked assistants ring. Maya tried not to clench further but both the feeling of the coldness & the fact that it wasn't lubricated so it caught onto her asshole several times on the way in, soon it had gone as far as it was intended. . . well intended by Ritsuko, Maya could quite happily have it removed but she was well aware now that Dr Akagi was in control for this session, she could also feel the doctors finger nails just brushing against the entrance of her exit. . . In an odd way it felt good but it just felt too strange to be something she wished would happen again. . . unlike the tongue now running rings around her anus, she let out a moan & then Ritsuko pulled out the thermometer changing it to a gasp,
"Now let me see. . . Oh shit"
"Huh? Don't tell me I'm really ill?" the jumpy Maya spat out to the doctors sudden change of tone, Ritsuko jumped off of Maya's face & quickly sorted herself out before tugging on the bridge bunnies arm.
"Quickly you have to hide. . . I can hear him coming."
"Commander Ikari!"
The short haired girl stopped to hear footsteps coming down the corridor outside & decided to dive under the medical table.
"Good morning Dr Akagi."
"Good morning sir," Welcomed the Doctor as Gendo entered the room, Ritsuko walked up to him & kissed him gently on the mouth. Maya peeked from under the table & nearly gasped as Ikari started undressing her sempai, she watched gaping mouthed as Ritsuko's lab coat fell to the floor, she led him to the medical table that the bridge bunny was currently situated, he sat down & clamped onto the doctors firm rump & pulled her in for another kiss. Soon Ritsuko kneeled down & looked at the ambivalent Maya before unzipping Commander Ikari's trousers to be greeted with a half hard cock, she flicked her hair back behind her ear before gently licking at Ikari's penis, each flicker of her tongue brought the older mans manhood pulsing one bit closer to getting fully erect. . . Just as it did she took a breathe in, rolled his skin back & shoved the member into her mouth, Ikari grunted slightly as Akagi began bobbing his beating cock in & out her mouth & before long he put his hand on the back of her head to help her gain speed. Maya watched as the doctor hummed away happily as she gave her commander a blowjob, but felt she could be a little happier, carefully she reached out & lifted her Sempai's skirt up slightly & gently massaged her clit through Ritsuko's panties, this was rewarded by a muffled gasp on which lead to Gendo groaning some more.
Ritsuko got right into it now & began sucking his man-meat as fast as she could, they could both hear the commanders breathing getting ragged as the inevitable was getting closer to it's time, he tensed up & exploded down the back of the surprised doctors throat causing her to gag slightly but eventually drinking it all down, Maya stopped rubbing & retracted back under the table as she finished off cleaning her Ikari's cock, she stared up at him & smiled, he stared down & nearly cracked a grin before his mobile went off. . . She sighed & went over to light up a cigarette to get rid of the taste as he fixed himself & began speaking to the person on the other side whilst also walking out.
Ritsuko leaned against the wall & took a couple of puffs before realizing she was being watched, she looked down to see a cheeky grinned Maya staring back up at her.
"And what are you so happy about?" she asked as she took another draw, Maya crawled from under the table & straightened herself up before replying.
"& you said I had a problem. . . aren't you quite the slapper."
"I beg your pardon?"
"Treating me like a personal sex toy whilst he comes in here & does the exact same but only to discard you. . . Bet you feel so special right now", Maya walked up to the doctor still feeling the sting of her rosy cheeks rub against her skirt, soon to be nose to nose with her sempai, the mood caught onto the doctor as she raised an eyebrow.
"W-What are you going to do?", the bridge bunny grinned even more.
"You're going to tell everyone aren't you?", Ritsuko gasped but was silenced by the young girl.
"Touch your toes" she quietly demanded, Ritsuko paused for a minute before nodding her head, "Oh payback time. . . I see."
Maya didn't say anything but instead grabbed the doctor's arm & led her to the middle of the room, "Now. . . Touch your toes."
Ritsuko gulped as she slid her hands down her body & slowly bent over before reaching her destination, upon touching her toes Maya paced around her Sempai a few times taking in the beauty that was now her play thing.
'Such luscious long legs she has,' thought the girl as she went up & ran her hand down the back of Ritsuko's thighs, this made Ritsuko shiver slightly & Maya enjoyed seeing her react to her touch, she brought her hands back up to there destination of her leather clad behind, reaching down & hitching the Doctors skirt so that her garter straps & panties were the only thing protecting her rump from the invading intentions of her pupil who slid her thumbs under the panty line & slide them down to her ankles, taking a lick of her thighs on the way down which made Ritsuko shiver again, the bridge bunny then positioned the doctor between her legs & gazed at her target.
She licked her lips in anticipation before caressing the blondes cheeks, raising her hand up she put all her strength into the first pay back spank, with a whoosh an almighty slap emanated & Akagi yelped whilst lunging foreword on her feet but to be stopped by the younger girls thighs, Maya savored the reaction before removing her hand to see a faint hand print showing up on her Sempai's ass. Another smack clashed against the doctor who once again flinched in pain, Maya relentlessly brought her back up & down on Ritsuko who hollered in pain as she was getting a taste of her own medicine, she didn't touch her toes anymore she was in fact clasping her ankles for her dear life as Maya spanked her beloved once more. Maya looked wide eyed as Akagi's ass now was glowing red but it still wasn't enough, she slid her fingers down between the cheeks & parted the doctors ass slightly to reveal her cute little asshole & no sooner than she did she swung her hand up & smacked it right in the centre causing a louder holler from her toy, as Ritsuko started to sob quietly Maya spoke up after a few pants showing she was thoroughly enjoying it.
"Now to check your temperature Ritsuko dear. . . Shame I don't have a thermometer like you. . . guess I'll have to do it the manual way" she said as she salivated slightly on her hand & worked it through before prodding her middle finger on Akagi's anus, the blonde opened her eyes wide knowing what was about to happen & yelped as Maya burrowed her finger deep within her beloveds anal passage, she could feel the ring pulse around her finger as she probed further & wiggled it about, Ritsuko's hands unclasped from her ankles & went on the floor as she felt this foreign object squirm about in the road untravelled.
"Right I'd say that enough for an accurate reading" she chirped before quickly pulling her finger out causing another gasp from Akagi.
She tried catching her breathe but was interrupted by the continuation of the spanking. Maya picked up the pace & didn't pause between the smacks causing her sempai to holler at a regular pace, but soon the fun was over as Maya heard the screams turn into blubbers & plea's to stop. Maya stopped & turned around to see a puddle start to form from her beloveds tears, she got off of Ritsuko & peered her head down to investigate.
"Maya. . . Maya I'm so sorry, please forgive me", on which she was rewarded by a loving hug from the sorrowful Bridge bunny, they both lay on the floor hugging each other before it could be heard that Maya was crying also, they both looked at each other before engaging in a passionate kiss.
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She let out a moan & then Ritsuko pulled out the thermometer changing it to a gasp, "Now let me see. . . Oh shit."
"Huh? Don't tell me I'm really ill?" the jumpy Maya spat out to the doctors sudden change of tone, Ritsuko jumped off of Maya's face & quickly sorted herself out before tugging on the bridge bunnies arm,
"Quickly you have to hide. . . I can hear her coming."
"Who?", The short haired girl stopped to hear footsteps coming down the corridor outside & decided to dive under the medical table. . . As she was under the table she peeked out in time to see Ritsuko open up the door & reveal who it was. . .
'Rei?' thought the surprised girl as she saw one Rei Ayanami standing before Akagi in high heels & a tight leather corset, which really did a good job enhancing the first Childs bust.
"Good morning mistress", uttered the Blonde doctor as Rei merely strolled in & spun about on her heels showing Maya that she was grasping a riding crop, The bridge bunny couldn't believe what she was seeing. . . particularly after what had just happened.
Just then Rei spoke her mind; "I want a pony ride."
Still in her monotone voice, yet it still was hard to believe that this was the quiet apathetic Rei that everyone took for granted, however what was more of a surprise was her Sempai did nothing but comply & get on all fours before Rei spoke again.
"A bare back pony ride"
Yet again Ritsuko complied & began stripping down. Now before Maya was her once respectable Sempai on all fours, naked, about to be ridden like a pony by a 14yr old bondage clad albino, Rei did not get on top of the Doctor just yet. . . Instead she lifted up her mini tartan skirt & revealed to the world that she had a strap on & with a flick of a switch it was a vibrating strap on. Maya watched on as the young girl crouched down behind the Blonde doctor &. . . &. . . Well judging from the scream this was certainly no way to ride a pony. ;)