Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ Maya's physical ❯ Dessert ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

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Maya's physical
A Neon genesis fan fic by Greengo
Disclaimer; I don't own shit
Chapter Zwei; Dessert
//NERV - synch test bridge//
It had been a week since that night occurred, besides the few following days of both ladies sitting awkwardly, Maya was never so grateful for her Neko-Neko pillow, nothing much else was noticeable which was good it also made the poor Bridge bunny somewhat glum, after her coming out the closet & admitting she loved her Sempai. . . Nothing!
She stole a few glances at her beloved but as usual her head was staring at the Magi & synch tests readings.
Maya looked back at her own panel & sighed, just then the Children exited there entry plugs & the test was over
“Ok everyone that's all for today, go take a break” Ritsuko said whilst still staring deeply at the results.
With a sigh the Bridge bunny stood up & began to pack her stuff away before Ritsuko continued
“Maya could I see you for a moment?” Maya was startled but nodded & went up to her superior.
“Y-Yes Sempai?”
“Are you doing anything tonight?” Asked the doctor as she made sure everyone else had left.
“. . . Not much” Maya responded not quite sure of the Blondes reason for the question
“Want to go out to dinner then?” Ritsuko smiled looking up at the young lady, eyes just peaking above her glasses.
Maya's heart skipped a beat & she blushed making the doctor presume that was a yes, signaling the bridge bunny to come forward Ritsuko looked about again before hugging Maya waist height from her chair.
“Why do you keep looking around?” Asked the brown haired girl with a quizzical look, as Ritsuko tried to explain, a worker popped in & the two were separated via a quick jolt from the doctor.
“That's why”
//Maya's apartment//
Turning the shower off Maya took time caressing her body dry as she was so excited, she had to keep reminding herself that this was only dinner. . . Quite possibly a date but dinner none the less, she tip toed into her bedroom & threw the towel aside before beginning rummaging something dinner worthy for her to wear.
`too frilly, too pink, too plain, too. . . What the hell was I thinking, I don't have the chest for that!, Ah hah!'
She smiled to herself after finding the dress for the occasion & skipped merrily to her mirror.
Just as she was finishing up the lipstick she heard a horn outside, she peeped out the window to see a black limo parked nears her building kirb
`That can't be for me. . . Can it?' just then the back window rolled down & Ritsuko waved & winked.
Maya quickly stepped down her stairs but carefully as she was not used to wearing high heels, as she approached the limo the door opened & she tried to get in, her skirt was a bit to tight & hard to get into the car with some dignity, suddenly a pair of hands grabbed her by the hips &
Maya was inside the limo. As the car started Maya moved herself slightly reluctantly from her Sempai's lap & adjusted herself before saying hello to Ritsuko. . . Well she would have if not in awe of who she was dressed.
“Wow. . . Sempai. . . I. . . “
“Like the dress? Why thank you Maya dear, I picked it just for this occasion” Butted in the Doctor as she winked once more.
Ritsuko was wearing a very, Very revealing black satin side slit dress. . . Almost could be mistaken for her second skin for how tight it was in showing off her figure, her bust was now a full display as it could be without her being naked, speaking of naked. . . This was the first time Maya had seen Ritsuko's thighs bare as one lusciously poked out from the slit of her dress. Maya just wanted to violate her Sempai right there & then in the back of the limo but was broken from her thought.
“You're looking very radiant tonight Maya dear, that dress looks good on you” Ritsuko purred out as she eyed up the younger girl in her silk japenease short dress, Maya blushed & quietly mouthed a `thank you' causing the doctor to chuckle & face where they were being driven too.
As the limo stopped, Maya surprisingly hopped out of the limo leaving Ritsuko bewildered before her door being opened & the young girl offering a hand, the Doctor smiled before elegantly placed her hand upon her apprentice & got out the limo, Maya licked her lips upon seeing Ritsuko's thighs slide to one & realized she had paused so quickly snapped out of her day dream. . . & with that Ritsuko hooked arms with her date & made there way into the restaurant.
//Tokyo-3 5 star restaurant//
The short haired girl was in awe once more as she gazed upon the restaurant they were going to dine in.
“Oh wow. . . Y-You sure we can afford this Sempai?”
“Of course, but you're my date, so I'll be paying”
Maya was about to speak her mind but found a hand clamped on her ass as they approached the reservation desk, she looked around some more as Ritsuko dealt with the reservation, it truly was a swanky place.
Never before had she been in a place this extravagant, it was like what she saw in those old pre 2nd impact movies with rich people having dinner parties, she even spotted a lobster tank. . . Though she wasn't really a seafood person.
“Right this way ladies”
. . . She was distracted as her gaze met a waiter who led them to there table, along the way Maya took in some more of the restaurant before being taken in arm by Ritsuko who smiled.
As they approached there table, Maya noted it was more of a booth.
“I hope you don't mind, I'm not too fond of being in full view” Ritsuko spoke as if she could read Maya's mind.
“Still not wanting us to be seen together?” Quietly quirked Maya as she frowned somewhat, Ritsuko looked at her & sighed.
“No, it's not that. . . “ Ritsuko said whilst looking about
“Then what?” Quickly spoke Maya as she raised an eyebrow
“Lets just order first, then I'll explain” Ritsuko calmly spoke as she opened the menu.
After they had ordered & began to tuck into there meal there was nothing but slight glances from the Bridge bunny, the steak was good but the atmosphere was off as she tried to determine why her Sempai kept looking about & trying to keep there date & affection from the public eye.
Ritsuko took a swig of her wine before looking at Maya in mid peek.
“Still think I'm trying to hide it aren't you?”
“Well if your not then why. . . “
Maya was cut off from her inquiry as Ritsuko raised her arm & signaled over some violinists, as they came over warming up there instruments Ritsuko turned back at Maya.
“So Maya dear what's your favorite song?” Beamed Ritsuko
Taken a little back Maya sat & thought before replying.
“Kanon D-dur”
& with that the violinists started playing, shortly into it Ritsuko leaned over the table laying her breasts upon the table as Maya noted, Ritsuko signaled Maya to do the same before whispering.
“The reason is there may be Section two agents watching us. . . Gendo doesn't know a thing but has seen us acting strangely so he thinks were plotting something”
Maya stared wide eyed before leaning back & feeling guilty for not trusting her Sempai, she then got the feeling of someone watching her.
“So how's your meal?” Ritsuko said snapping Maya out of it.
“I-It's really juicy Sempai, thank you”
“That's not the only thing juicy around here” Flirted Ritsuko which was followed by her licking those luscious lips of hers.
Maya blushed before smiling & resuming her meal.
`Some people are watching us right now, I cant believe it' Thought Maya as she dabbed her steak cut into the sauce then gazing up at her date sliding the fork out of her mouth, `& I'm being turned on by the notion, being watched. . . Hmm'
As the musicians finished playing the song & wandered off to another table, Ritsuko looked up at Maya about to enquire if she enjoyed the song but was puzzled by a subtle but naughty grin coming from the short haired girl.
“Something on your mind?”
“. . . Being watched. . . Is such a turn on don't you think?”
“Your actually being turned on by being under surveillance?” Ritsuko was surprised as the only reply was a wink before she licked her fork clean seductively.
“I'm finished. . . I want my dessert” Maya said slyly before putting her hands on the table. Unfortunately she was caught up in the moment that she didn't realize that the crucial part of sliding under a table for `Dessert' meant
:: Clang::
Avoiding the table as she thumped her chin off it with an un-healthy thud. As she felt the pain grow she looked at Ritsuko who looked at her quizzically before feeling stupid & got back up running to the toilet in embarrassment.
“Dammit Dammit Dammit” Maya cursed as she strided into the ladies room to see what the damage was besides her pride.
`How could I be so stupid?' she mentally scolded herself as she observed her chin in the mirror.
She looked at her chin so much that she didn't notice the door open after her until a pair of arms slid around her waist pulling her into a tight embrace.
“KYAAAA!!!” Squealed the girl as Ritsuko hugged her & nuzzled into her neck, slightly purring.
“My poor baby hurt herself” Mock sympathetically said the doctor as she licked Maya's ear lobe & tugged on it subtly.
“W-What if someone walks in?” Maya said as she fought back the hotness of the situation.
“I told you I don't want to hide our relationship, well maybe from the commander but that's about it” purred Ritsuko as her hands cupped Maya's breasts, giving them a firm squeeze.
Maya bit her lower lip slightly as she felt the warmth wash over her as Ritsuko fondled her boobs.
“But if you don't want anyone seeing us then. . . “ The blonde stopped in mid sentence as she dragged Maya into a cubicle.
Maya was about to ask what was she doing but it all became apparent as Ritsuko slid her tongue into her mouth, Ritsuko's experienced tongue wrestled with Maya's cute lil one as they exchanged saliva back & forth whilst there hands roamed in places most men only dreamed to touch.
Ritsuko slid Maya's straps down her shoulders & pulled her dress slightly down revealing the bridge bunnies boobs before she took one in her mouth & began suckling on her nipples then resuming her hands caressing Maya's curves & contours of her nether regions.
Maya lowered her head down & began nibbling her Sempai's shoulder as she guided her hand inside the slit of Ritsuko's dress gently rubbing between her sweet luscious thighs already feeling her date getting wet.
The blonde moaned as she tugged hard on Maya's nipple, clamping her hands firmly on her ass, noticing she was getting weak at the knees
Maya slowly slid down as Ritsuko guided her onto the toilet seat, Ritsuko broke away from her nipple & showed an evil grin similar to what Maya had a few minutes ago.
As her dress was slid up to her waist, Maya blushed as she watched her Sempai tug her cotton panties down her smooth thighs then slowly caressingly parting them.
Ritsuko gazed at Maya's neatly trimmed pussy before almost lunging at it, Maya gasped as her tongue skipped the fore play & went straight into the full penetration of her virgin vagina.
Maya tossed her head back in ecstasy as her lover went down on her before subconsciously bringing her hands up to her breasts & kneading them roughly.
Ritsuko changed her pace into a slow but hard in & out lap in accordance to Maya's pulsing vaginal walls `So tight' Ritsuko mentally complimented.
The short haired girl pinched her nipples with excitement & began licking away at the painfully erect tips in between pants.
Doctor Akagi decided to set her further over the edge as she slurped her tongue out she run her tongue up a little further licking the underside of her swollen clit sending shivers up & down the younger girls spine.
Maya could feel the build up from the slow licking & snaked one hand down to entwine through her lovers blonde locks of hair.
The doctor smirked at the young ladies pants & moans before engulfing the clit & sucking hard.
The short haired girl shrieked in pleasure whilst tugging harder on both her nipple & Ritsuko's hair throwing her head back in sheer ecstasy as Ritsuko then massaged Maya's dripping pussy lips with two fingers.
“I-I'm about to Cum Sempai!”, Groaned the girl as she began bucking her hips, Ritsuko dipped her tongue back in the young girls pussy to await the reward.
Maya arch her back up as she finally came, Ritsuko began lapping furiously in attempt to get every bit of her sweet nectar as pulse after pulse of warmth shot through Maya.
Ritsuko pulled away & licked her lips clean as the young girl slumped back down panting heavily.
“Wow. . . that was heavenly Sempai”, gasped Maya as she recuperated from the orgasm, Ritsuko smiled & stood up causing an odd look from the girl.
“W-Where are you going?”, said Maya as she darted towards her date & hugged waist height, Ritsuko was pinned against the toilet stall door & turned around to see a cute lil face peek between her buttocks.
“Well I had my dessert so I'm going to wash up”
“”But I aint had mine!” & with that Maya poked her head under Ritsuko's dress & lifted it up to reveal that the beloved doctor wasn't wearing any panties.
Ritsuko gasped as her legs were parted as she stood, still pinned to the cubicle door.
Maya turned her head about & began suckling on her Sempai's clitoris causing a purr from the doctor who could feel herself getting lost in the moment not noticing her legs firmly against each side of the cubicle wall although her breasts gently rubbing off the door she felt all too well. Ritsuko ran her hands up & down the door before grabbing the top for dear life as the Bridge bunny began tugging at her clit.
“Oh Fuck me!” Groaned the Blonde bunting her erect nipples against the cubicle door as Maya rolled the juicy clit between her teeth.
Ritsuko's knee's began to buck under the pleasure as she slowly lowered onto the short haired girl face, she retorted by clamping both hands onto her Sempai's ass & put her thumbs under & between her thighs & pleasure zone, gently massaging her lovers pussy lips off of each other.
“Yes. . . YES OF FUCK YEESSS!!!” Ritsuko suddenly clamped her thighs together as she felt the climax approaching, Maya took this opportunity to delve her fingers into her lovers cunt running her nails gently along the inner walls as they pulsed to her touch.
Ritsuko screamed as she came catching the younger girl by surprise by the quickness but cupped her hand to get the cum as it smoothly dripped out.
Ritsuko continued to hang onto the door frame & lowered her head to catch her breath only to see her assistant slurp in her girl cum like it were a shot, even tilting her head back, which was when she caught the stare from her Sempai before licking her lips smiling.
Ritsuko helped the girl up & they both adjusted themselves, Ritsuko giggling as Maya jiggled her boobs back into her dress, she blushed before they opened the door to step out. . . Only to notice that they had an audience, one of which was the restaurants security.
_________________________________________________________________ __
Maya slowly slid down as Ritsuko guided her onto the toilet, Ritsuko broke away from her nipple & showed an evil grin similar to what Maya had a few minutes ago.
“What is it Sempai?” Blushed the young girl as she was going down but still not feeling any seat.
It occurred to her that Ritsuko had other plans as she grabbed Maya's shoulders & pushed her down into the toilet.
“Oops silly me forgot to put the toilet seat down” Said the doctor as she gave a cheeky chuckle.
Maya watched Ritsuko's reach behind her & suddenly felt a sense of dread as she figured out what was going to happen.
“Y-You wouldn't dare?” Squeaked the bridge bunny as her eyes bulged out.
Ritsuko gave a huge cheesy grin closing her eyes as she yanked the flusher.