Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ Maya's physical ❯ Chapter Drei; Cab fair ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

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Maya's physical
A Neon genesis fan fic by Greengo
Disclaimer; I don't own shit
Chapter Drei; Cab fair
`Now this is interesting' I thought to myself as I was driving along side some kind of restaurant in town.
What caught my eye was, by the looks of it, two ladies being rather rudely escorted out the premises by the security, unfortunately one of them went down from what seemed a broken heel on there shoe & to make matters worse a storm that had been forming decided to let itself be known as it began raining from the heavens.
I felt it my manly duty to offer a helping hand to the damsels in distress. . . & quite the dazzling damsels they were.
“Need a lift, ladies?” I politely asked as I pulled over next to them just as the fallen one was being helped back up.
They looked at me through the rain & decided that I was the only option for them to get out the weather & clambered into the back. I have to admit my gentleman ways wavered slightly as they heaved forward showing off there bust & ending the display with there silken thighs in tow.
“So what was all that about?” I asked politely as I adjusted the rear view mirror to see there faces no longer clouded in downpour, `Oh my. . . ` is all I could muster.
“Oh lets just say our bathroom habits were not appreciated”, Replied the Blonde as she smirked at the younger one who blushed.
“Cant believe we did that. . . “ Whispered the bashful short haired one, I raised my eyebrow in interest as the night of the young ladies started to piece together a rather kinky jigsaw.
“I trust they let you finish” I asked with the Blonde in my mirror.
“Oh they caught us at it just as we were finishing off. . .” Rather boldly the younger one said.
“I meant the meal. . . But thanks for confirming where my mind was going” I joked, not that she picked up on it as she blushed furiously, I chuckled.
“Anyways thanks my names Ritsuko &. . . I. . . Uh oh. . .” The older one derailed herself as she rummaged about in her handbag.
“What's wrong Sempai?” The short haired one hesitantly asked
“Don't suppose you have my purse in your handbag Maya?”
I looked into the mirror at Ritsuko as she rummaged about in Maya's handbag.
“Ladies it's ok, im not expecting to be paid”
“But you have been really helpful, I insist that we pay you. . . Only ive lost my damned purse & Maya hasn't got much” Ritsuko said as she sighed & ran her fingers through her damp hair.
“Well you insisted that I was your date & that I didn't need to go to the bank” Said Maya as she looked like she was getting a tad emotional.
“Listen ladies it's really ok, I just had to help yous out of that rain, I'm not a taxi or anything”
There was silence as we pulled up to a red light, well they seemed to be whispering in the back, presumably plotting to jump out as I started up again for it looked like they were quite drunk & didn't know, but I couldn't hear them through the pattering of the rain on the car roof.
Just before the lights were going Amber, Ritsuko heaved herself forward giving me an up close & personal view of her heaving bosom.
“Pull into that car park so we can pay you, I insist that we do for your help”
As I clicked the indicator to go there I noted that it was a multi story car park & they probably came to the conclusion that it no doubt had an ATM, I sighed as I drove to it in defeat. . . I really was just helping them.
I circled up till I saw a spot & switched off the engine, when I turned around to say to them I stopped on the fact I was taken back by the smile on Ritsuko's lips as Maya was kissing her neck. As the younger girls hands began to roam about the curves & contours of her Sempai it dawned on me what she meant by paying me.
“So would you like cheque. . . “ Asked Ritsuko as she ran her hand down Maya's front & under her skirt, followed by the young lady giving the cutest lil moan ive ever heard.
“. . . Or cash in hand?” as she slipped away from a disappointed Maya to behind my seat snaking her hands around & caressing my chest through the shirt.
Before I had a chance to reply, Maya launched forward & clicked my seat tilt sending me & Ritsuko flying back.
“Oopsie” Said the giggling Maya, as I regained my senses I noticed just how nice Ritsuko's breasts were as they jiggled just above my head.
“Anymore of that & I'll give you another spanking Maya dear” Ritsuko said. . . Not in a scolding tone of course but in a suggestive way, I had only wished I had seen the first one.
“Well I can see he's enjoying it anyway” Maya changed the subject as she pointed at my growing bulge, well who could blame me.
“What are you waiting for?” It was quite obvious who the dominant one was in this relationship as Maya shuffled down towards me upon being instructed by her Mistress Ritsuko.
I watched as Maya kneeled down in the foot space & between my legs, she spread herself across my legs till she was gazing at my crotch, Maya unzipped my fly & was greeted as my half erect cock popped out.
She licked her lips before engulfing my penis, as she wrapped her lips around it I could feel her tongue gently lick from the shaft to my foreskin, I could hear her quietly moan as it grew inside her mouth, that was before my view was obstructed by a thigh swinging over my head.
Before I knew it Ritsuko was straddling my neck as she faced towards Maya who ran her lips up my now hard cock until it was just my head in her mouth, which she subtly sucked on like a lollipop.
Ritsuko stretched forward like a kitty cat running her nails down my torso & sticking her ass out giving me full access to her panty lacking pussy, I take it she was observing Maya's technique for I could feel her silky lips pause in mid-stroke followed by her blowing saliva between my inner shaft & foreskin, she let it fill a bit before she pursed her lips just below my head & tightly squeezed the saliva back out as she sucked my foreskin when my cock was near enough out her mouth.
I decided not to focus on this for I didn't want to end the show so soon, I parted the doctors lips to see she was already wet. . . more than likely from just watching her student enjoy herself, I didn't let this go to waste as I slowly slide my tongue in causing me to nearly lose it as the walls of her womanhood clamped tightly upon the visiting tongue.
Maya rolled back the skin of my foreskin back a bit for I felt her teasingly lick the tip of my shaft, I tilted my head back a bit due to the feeling which in turn tickled Ritsuko's Clitoris with the stubble on my chin.
“Mmmmmm. . . Maya ease up a bit on his cock, I think he near enough came then when you did that” Ritsuko said as she gyrated her hips slightly giving me deeper impalement with my tongue.
“Are you sure it isn't because he has that delicious cunt at his mercy?” Maya said as she rested her chin on my cock, I felt her every word.
I felt Maya shift from her position & make her way up, I took this as a sign she was about to penetrate herself on my now rock hard cock so I rested my hands on her hips guiding her when I was stopped by Ritsuko.
“Now now, I'm glad we could pay you for the favor but I'm afraid the only one who will be de-virgin'ing this young sexy dear will be me” Maya stopped her movement & I pulled my tongue out of Ritsuko with this little revelation.
“H-How did you know I was a. . . ?” Maya stuttered but was cut short by her Sempai
“I'm your doctor aren't i? you think that when I was down there I wouldn't notice?”
“W-Well what should I do now?” The short haired girl said as she lost place with what she was doing.
“Sit aside a moment” Ritsuko instructed as she climbed down my body, Maya didn't quite understand by the looks of it but did as she said.
Ritsuko sat up still straddling me & wrapped her fingers around my penis as it was still quite happily hard though getting a little cold from the saliva, she stroked some warmth into it a few times & I could tell she had a lot more experience at this sort of thing.
Just as I was getting into it I felt her thighs slide upwards as she lifted herself, as I looked she was positioning herself to receive me into her tasty pussy.
I heard Maya's breathing get a little ragged as she looked at her dear Sempai slowly lower herself, I could feel the warmth that I had my tongue not to long exploring slowly slip around all sides of my beating cock, she was considerably tight considering her obvious professionalism at this when as she slid down further her tight pussy was rolling back my foreskin to which Maya had started doing, the warmth intensified as my bare bell end was being exposed to the tightness that was Ritsuko Akagi.
With a throatful moan she was now sitting on my pelvis with the full length of my man meat inside her, she relished the feeling for a few moments before rising again slowly.
I looked over at Maya who was now gingerly touching herself & gently biting her knuckle, `safe to say she's getting turned on' I thought before Ritsuko began her decent again.
Ritsuko stopped with just my head in her as she moved her left leg & tip toed it next to my legs, she did it with her right leg whilst keeping her balance by holding onto my calves.
With this little odd maneuver seemingly finished she proved me wrong. . . but in a way that I was glad as she lowered herself again but this time she turned her body to face me as she did it, the feeling of her tight wet pussy twisting my cock slightly was something quite new & highly pleasurable as I let out a gasp.
Ritsuko, happy with her work, began to slide up & down on me at a more frequent pace, I could already feel the end building up.
“Ok Maya you can come back now. . . Unless your quite happy fingering yourself over there” She said with a rasped voice as she held out a hand for the young girl to take.
Maya took her hand as the good doctor temporarily leaned back & helped the girl straddle me just above where she was.
“Now lean forward & give the nice man a kiss” She said with a slap to the younger girls behind, she yelped slightly before wrapping her arms around my neck pulling herself up for a kiss.
As she gazed into my eyes she was taken back for a bit, but I helped her along by engaging in the kiss, when our lips locked Ritsuko resumed riding my cock, it was a sweet kiss as it appeared she was still a little shy. . . which struck me weird as she had previously just gave me quite a blowjob.
“That's a good girl. . . Now for your reward” Ritsuko said through her teeth as I could feel what she was doing, I felt one of her hands slip between my torso & her thighs, just then Maya let out another one of her cute moans, I took this opportunity to slip my tongue into her cute lips.
It seemed to do the trick with Ritsuko fingering her & me French kissing as she seemed to shake off the last of her shyness & really got into it as she began frantically tongue wrestling & gyrating against me.
She wasn't the only one as all of a sudden I felt the good doctors pussy clamp tightly around me followed by her shaking, this in turn probably made her hand like a human vibrator as Maya broke off the kiss to pant & moan.
“Enjoying yourself?” I asked with a wink as she took deep breaths.
“Not bad. . . how about yourself?”
“I'm close, take it you don't want me to cum inside you?” I said in between breaths, I had been trying to keep for a bit longer but taking your mind off one girl fucking you by focusing on another being fucked on top of you didn't exactly work.
“Come on Maya dear, time to let him finish” Ritsuko said as she took her hand away & patted Maya's thighs, whom lifted her head up looking as if she was in quite a daze, I chuckled as I helped her off.
She quickly perked up as she slide down aside Ritsuko who had begun stroking my cock, Maya tucked some of her hair behind her ear before suckling on the top.
It was quite a sight that I wish I had a camera for, young Maya sucking & licking the tip of my penis, though she could just be sucking off every drop of her Sempai's cum whom which was jerking me off. . . & I mean jerking, her technique rather than the usual up & down way was followed with a twist half way which was bringing me over the edge quicker & quicker, it was when she lowered her head & began sucking on one of my testicles I knew it was time.
I rolled back my head as the build up could build no more, my body clenched & I thrusted my pulsing cock up, by this time both the girls had stopped & lined there hungry lips to receive there reward.
I grunted as my load of hot semen shot out spraying into the awaiting ladies gasping mouths, they relished every bit of it as every drop was lapped up from there lips, they even began running there tongues up & down my gradual falling penis for the last of my jizz.
“Well I'd say that's cash in hand” Ritsuko grinned as she fixed her dress & clambered back into the backseat, Maya sheepishly grinned as she followed suite, using her Sempai's ass as a guide rail.
I zipped up & smiled at them before starting up the engine & driving out the carpark.
I turned the corner & caught a glimpse of both Maya & Ritsuko in the rear view mirror, although slightly tired they still were giving each other glimpses & the occasional touch.
“Well ladies this is your stop” I said still with smile on face as I pulled up to there apartment.
As they opened the door, Maya winked at me before Ritsuko came up to the drivers window, I rolled it down to see her there smiling sweetly.
“Thanks for the lift Kaji”
_________________________________________________________________ __
“Now now, I'm glad we could pay you for the favor but I'm afraid the only one who will be de-virgin'ing this young sexy dear will be me” Maya stopped her movement & I pulled my tongue out of Ritsuko with this little revelation.
“H-How did you know I was a. . . ?” Maya stuttered but was cut short by her Sempai
“I'm your doctor aren't i? you think that when I was down there I wouldn't notice?”
“Well actually Sempai. . . Theres was something ive been meaning to tell you” Maya said as she looked down.
“You trying to tell me you aren't a virgin?” Ritsuko said with some disbelief in her voice.
“Well yes. . . Um. . . I. . . “ She tried to form the words but was cut short by her lover.
“. . . Who did it?” She spat out.
“Um. . . It's a bit hard to say”
“Hard to say? Your saying you don't know?”
“Oh I know. . . It's just not a who. . . “
“Then what?” Ritsuko asked with a raised eyebrow
“. . . Gear stick”
“Gear stick? What do you mean by Gear. . . Oh my!” Ritsuko stopped in mid sentence as she looked down to see her Students little accident.