Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ On A Summer's Afternoon ❯ Forgotten ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Evangelion is not mine. It belongs to Anno, Gainax, and
other not me people. I'm making no money off this, and
probably will end up losing a few dollars. Don't sue me.

Oh, and if you aren't at least eighteen, don't read
this. It's naughty.

*On A Summer's Afternoon*

*Stage One: Forgotten*


Shinji looked up at his guardian's muttered curse.
"What's the problem, Misato?"

"I forgot to give Rei her paperwork."

Shinji blinked. "Paperwork?"

"The reactivation of Unit Zero carries some paperwork,
and the Commander said some of it was for Rei." Misato
dragged a sheaf of papers from her briefcase and slapped
them on the table. Some of the beer that puddled on said
table immediately began soaking into the pages.

Shinji quickly rescued the papers before they were
ruined. "I can give them to her at school tomorrow--"

"Tomorrow is Sunday, Shinji," his guardian reminded
him. "No school. And she needs this done before the sync
test tomorrow."

Shinji sighed. "Guess you could run them over to her

"I have my own goddamn paperwork to fill out," groused
Misato. "Mount Futago is just plain gone, and the fact that
we sucked up all the electricity in Japan for two shots from
a single gun...well, they want *someone* to take responsi-
bility for it, and guess who's elected."

Shinji considered this, then sighed again. "Guess I
can run them over. As long as there isn't a repeat of what
happened *last* time I was there..."

"What happened?" Misato grinned slyly. "You walk in
on her naked?"

"Nothing like that!" he lied. "But it was a near
thing, and she slapped me."

- - - - -

Okay, it wasn't a complete lie. It *was* a near thing--very
near--and she had slapped him, though not for that.

Pity he hadn't been able to take his mind of the scene
since it happened.

He knocked at her door--his last visit, he remembered,
the doorbell hadn't worked, and it was a good guess it
hadn't been fixed in the meantime--but there was no answer.
He tried the handle, and the door opened.

"Hello? Ayanami?"

No answer. He pushed the door more fully open, and
stepped in.

*I'll just leave the papers on her table,* he reasoned.
*She'll find them in the morning.*

He stepped into the apartment's single room, the combi-
nation living room/bedroom/kitchen that seemed to be all
Ayanami needed. It was then that he spotted the female

She was fast asleep on her bed, lying on her side. She
wore an oversized man's shirt for sleepwear, and her sheet
was only up to her waist. The blanket was puddled on the
floor, which was hardly surprising; it was nearly forty
degrees Centigrade in the apartment.

*She almost looks like a normal girl when asleep,*
mused Shinji. Of course, he'd seen no girls, normal or oth-
erwise, asleep in the past. But she *looked* more normal
than when awake. *Almost...innocent.*

He gently set the papers on the table, then pulled a
sheet of blank paper from her bookbag. He quickly scrawled
a note, left it on top of the paperwork, and turned to

A soft noise from behind him caught his attention, and
he turned back to the bed.

Rei had rolled onto her back, kicking the sheet down to
her ankles in the process. Her right leg was turned out at
the knee, and the shirt had ridden up a bit, exposing the
crotch of her white cotton panties.

He was almost unable to tear his vision from that tri-
angle of cloth. But eventually, it did stray, up to the
swell of her breasts beneath the shirt. Almost against his
will, he took a step towards her.

*She might be as odd as a snake's trousers, but she
*is* very cute,* he mused.


He spoke quietly, and there was no response from the
sleeping pilot. He spoke her name again, a little louder,
but she did not even stir.

*Must be a heavy sleeper.*

He reached for the sheet, intending to pull it back
over her, but paused, and instead ran his fingers along her
calf. She sighed in her sleep, but did not stir.

*A very heavy sleeper.*

He cupped his fingers under her right knee, and slowly
pulled towards himself. Her leg bent, exposing her panties
more completely to his vision. The cotton was drawn tightly
over her mound, and was just barely translucent when
stretched, allowing him to make out the shadow of her slit
through the material.

Rei muttered quietly in her sleep, but still did not

His hands seemed to be moving of their own accord. His
left hand gently cupped her breast, feeling the nipple
through the cloth. He spread his fingers, drawing the linen
over the nipple, outlining it through the material. His
right hand gently caressed the inside of her thigh, along
the gusset of her panties.

Rei's breathing deepened, and a light flush spread
across her cheeks.

His right hand gently stroked her mound through the
panties, his fingers following her cleft from the dampening
bottom to the nub at the top. Rei's eyelids fluttered, and
she shifted. He drew his hands back quickly, and she fell
still again.

His cock was like an iron bar in his trousers. He
unzipped, and pulled it out over the waistband of his box-
ers. His left hand remained atop her breast, cupping it
lightly, while his right hand slowly stroked his cock.

In almost no time at all, he felt the familiar tensing,
and cupped his hand over the end of his cock. He pulled his
left hand back from her breast, almost doubling over as the
orgasm wracked him. It felt at least twice as good as it
had before, and his seed blasted out into the palm of his
right hand. One drop escaped, to splash lightly across
Rei's right thigh.

At that, he nearly panicked. He stuffed his still-hard
cock into his pants, and zipped them back up. He jammed his
right hand into his pocket, wiping the sticky mess off on
the pocket lining. He always did the laundry; no need to
fear Misato asking embarrassing questions.

He stepped back, then almost fled the room, slowing
only to close the door gently. He walked down the stairs of
the apartment building, his thoughts awhirl.

*I'm so fucked up.*

- - - - -

Ayanami's eyes clicked open, and she glanced over to the
clock. She'd been asleep three point four hours, which was
an unusually long time for a midafternoon nap. No doubt
she'd expended more than the usual amount of energy during
the activation procedure.

She sat up, then paused. One hand drifted down,
exploring the inside of her thigh, and came back up with the
tips smeared with a sticky white liquid. She sniffed it,
and frowned.

"What is this?"

She stood up, and walked over to the table.

A stack of NERV paperwork was there, that had not been
there previously. A note atop it, from Pilot Ikari accord-
ing to the signature, stated that it was paperwork that she
had to complete before 13:00 the following day.

Paperwork was unusual for her, but not unheard of. She
decided to get started as soon as she'd had a shower.

For some reason, she had perspired more than she
expected during her nap, and she had also had an unusual
amount of vaginal secretions that would have to be washed

She wondered why.