Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ On A Summer's Afternoon ❯ Remembered ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Evangelion is not mine. It belongs to Anno, Gainax, and
other not me people. I'm making no money off this, and
probably will end up losing a few dollars. Don't sue me.

Oh, and if you aren't at least eighteen, don't read
this. It's naughty.

*On A Summer's Afternoon*

*Stage Two: Remembered*

"That concludes the sync test."

*And about time,* Shinji thought but would never say.
About the only thing worse than sync tests, in his opinion,
was actually piloting EVA. An EVA sortie might be horrify-
ing, dangerous and tense, but at least it wasn't boring.

The test plug drained, and he coughed, bringing the LCL
out of his lungs, then gasped the cool, clean air that was
pumped into the plug.

He hated the LCL. It looked like water, but smelled
and tasted more like blood. He couldn't understand why; it
wasn't red, or even pink, but a pale rose shade that barely
filtered the colours in the plug. After prolonged exposure,
such as during a sync test, it had a tendency to turn
whitish, though still not enough to affect his vision.

It was one more thoroughly unpleasant experience to
lump in with his hatred of all things connected to EVA.

*Why the hell am I still here?*

He crawled out of the now-open hatch. Across from him,
Rei was just standing up. Her hands shucked the LCL from
her suit, then reached up to squeeze it from her hair.

Her actions captured Shinji's attention. First,
because of her hands running along her curves, then because
the action of raising them pulled her suit tighter across
her body, and brought her breasts to stand up firmly.

He looked away guiltily.

"You two are free for the rest of the day," said Dr.

"Good," said Shinji. "I promised to meet Touji and
Aida at the arcade."

"What about you, Rei?"

"I need to rest," said Rei quietly.

"Sync tests tend to be tiring," agreed Dr. Akagi.
"Even for me. I could use a nap myself."

*A nap,* mused Shinji. *And today is even warmer than
yesterday...Wait. What the fuck's wrong with me?*

He still hadn't come to grips with what he'd done yes-
terday, and here he was, plotting to do it again?
- - - - -

He paused, halfway to the arcade.

*Don't have much I want to waste it on video

He blinked, and realized that he'd turned to face the
south. Towards Rei's residence.

*Maybe she wants some company...*

He cursed himself for a hypocrite, but started walking
towards her apartment building anyway.

- - - - -

Again, the door was not locked, and he quietly let himself

Ayanami was in bed, fast asleep again. Apparently,
sync tests of any sort, even the routine ones, fatigued her.
But this time, the bottom two buttons of the shirt were
undone, and her legs were straight out, ankles touching.
The sheet was firmly wrapped around both legs at the knees.

*Not so easy this time, I guess.*

He rested his left hand on her breast, and paused,
feeling the slow rise and fall of her chest as she breathed.
He gently placed his right hand between her legs, at the
knees, and slowly drew her legs apart. The gap at the bot-
tom of the shirt opened as he did so, exposing her panties
again. But when he released her knee, her legs fell back
together again.

Well, he'd already seen his solution. He gently undid
the third button, then drew the bottom corners of the shirt
apart, exposing her panties to his view.

However, the crotch of the panties were still covered
by her legs, and he couldn't make out her cleft. Plus, they
were a heavier cloth than before, completely opaque.

He traced a finger along the gusset, and Rei stirred
slightly, but as before, did not wake. He slipped a finger
under the gusset, and paused, feeling the warm, soft flesh
beneath under his fingernail. Then he pulled them to the
side, exposing her pussy to his view for the first time.

She was completely bare of hair, the exposed skin
smooth and pale. The top of the cleft was visible, though
nothing below that, and he felt his cock stiffening again at
the sight. He gently undid the topmost buttons of her
shirt, his hands shaking so badly he was certain she'd feel
it and wake. But she slept on, and he drew the top of the
shirt open as far as he could. It exposed the swell of her
breasts, but not the nipples, and he didn't think he could
risk undoing any more buttons without waking her.

Instead, he transferred his attention back to her
exposed mound. He caressed it softly, and a gasp escaped
her lips. He snatched his hand back, but she continued to
sleep. He let his fingers drift back down to the skin, and
he gently traced a circle along the top of the mound, then
drew a line down across the top of the cleft.
Rei made a soft sound, almost a mew, and the flush
appeared again on her cheeks. Shinji shifted his fingers up
to the exposed breast, tracing along the side of it, and she
shifted under his hand.

*She's asleep, but I think she's enjoying this anyway.*

He considered the buttons, then carefully undid one
more, leaving only one still buttoned. He drew the top of
her shirt back a bit more, exposing one carmine nipple. He
brushed his thumb across it, barely contacting skin, and it
crinkled, pushing itself up from the mound of her breast.

His self-control was eroding badly, but he resisted the
urge to pull his cock out again. Instead, he leaned down,
and gently licked the nipple. Rei gasped, and he jerked his
head back, but still she slept.

He took a step to the side, and leaned down again, this
time towards her mound. He inhaled deeply, catching the
scent of her, then kissed the exposed skin.

Rei sighed again, and mumbled in her sleep. This time,
he caught what she said.


He shivered. *She's dreaming about *me?*

It was too much. He fumbled with his zipper, pulling
out his cock, and began stroking it clumsily with his left
hand. His right hand continued to gently trace the top of
her cleft.

Carefully, he leaned over, and kissed the nipple. The
salty/musky taste of her skin made him want to lick more
thoroughly, but he repressed the urge. Rei mumbled again,
unintelligibly this time, and arched her back slightly,
pushing the breast towards him, and he suddenly became wor-
ried that perhaps she was not so lost in sleep as he


"Ikari..." The reply was in a breathy whisper, but her
eyes did not open.

*Still asleep, and still dreaming of me...*

He felt the climax building again. Hearing her whisper
his name in his sleep, as he touched her, was bringing him
to new heights of pleasure, and he forgot, as he came, to do
anything to prevent his cum from escaping.

The first jet splashed across her thighs, and he
quickly cupped his hand across the end of his cock to catch
the follow-up blasts. He nearly bit through his tongue,
resisting the urge to groan.

Again, he stumbled towards the door, wiping his hand
clean. It wasn't until he was halfway home that he remem-
bered that he'd shot a load across her legs.

- - - - -

Ayanami's eyes opened as the door latch clicked, and
she sat up groggily. Something had awakened her thirty-five
minutes before she intended to finish her nap.

She looked down at herself, and realized that three
buttons of her shirt that had been done up when she lay down
were now unbuttoned. Her underwear was twisted somewhat,
pulled to one side. And the sticky fluid she'd observed
after her nap yesterday was back, in greater quantity.

And someone had just left her apartment.

She considered, for a moment, the wisdom of leaving her
front door unlocked. Surely, someone had come in, partially
undressed her--just enought to expose parts of her anatomy
that Commander Ikari had insisted should remain unex-
posed--and left the fluid behind. And she suspected that
she knew what the fluid was.

She dipped her fingers in it again, then sniffed it.
There was enough this time to catch a scent. A salty,
unpleasant scent, that she did not care for, but she sniffed

"Smells like Ikari."

She recalled the dream that had flitted through her
mind during her nap. That Ikari had been here, that he had
touched her.

Perhaps it was not a dream?

Perhaps he had been here, done these things to her. It
did not concern her overly--the dream had been pleasant--but
why would he enter by stealth, do such things without her
consent, and then leave? She wasn't upset by this; merely

She remembered that yesterday, when this had happened,
Ikari had left a note. She glanced at the table, but there
was nothing new from when she laid down.

But she was convinced that it was Ikari who had done

But how to test that conviction?