Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ On A Summer's Afternoon ❯ Joined ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Evangelion is not mine. It belongs to Anno, Gainax, and
other not me people. I'm making no money off this, and
probably will end up losing a few dollars. Don't sue me.

Oh, and if you aren't at least eighteen, don't read
this. It's naughty.

*On A Summer's Afternoon*

*Stage Five: Joined*

Shinji stood, his knees somewhat shaky beneath him. He
pulled his pants down, stepped out of them, and knelt before
her again.

She watched his actions, and her eyes widened as he
placed the tip of her cock at her opening. "You intend to
insert that into my vagina?"

"Uh..." He blinked. Did she honestly know so little
about sex? "Yeah."

"And this brings physical pleasure?"


She considered him critically, then shifted her legs,
bringing her feet up onto the edge of the mattress and open-
ing her knees more fully. "This angle should make entry
more easy."

Maybe she didn't know a lot, but she was willing to
learn, it seemed. He started to lean in towards her, watch-
ing his cock as it pushed inward. It caught on the skin of
her pussy, pulling everything inward. He paused, then
pulled the lips open again with his thumbs.

This time, the head slid into her, and Shinji gasped.

"That does feel pleasant," said Rei. "But--"

"Wait," said Shinji. "I'm up against the cherry. And
I'll need to push hard to get past it."

"This is the part that will be painful?"

"Yeah," said Shinji.

"Then proceed."

He pushed forward forcefully, and felt her maidenhead
tear as he buried himself in her. Rei's eyes squeezed shut,
her mouth tightened, and he held the position, not wanting
to make anything worse.

She opened her eyes, and he was surprised to see them
moist. She raised a hand, and wiped at her eye.

"Is this...a tear?"

"I'm sorry, Ayanami." He looked down. "I thought--"

"The pain was not unbearable," she reassured him. "And
it is already fading. The sensation of you within me

"Let me know when the pain is gone."

"It is almost completely faded now," she said. "Though
I doubt it will entirely leave me."

"You sure?"

She looked at him as though he were an imbecile. "If I
was uncertain, I would have said so."

"Okay." He slowly pulled back, and Rei gasped, her
eyes widening.

"That was...very pleasant."

He leaned forward again, burying himself within her,
and she closed her eyes. Slowly he stroked in and out of
her, and her breath turned to gasps, gasps into small cries
of pleasure.

He was again amazed that he was able to hold off
orgasm, and began to build up speed. Rei's head was thrown
back, her back arching upwards, and her hands grasping the
bed sheet, balled into fists.

"More, Ikari--Shinji. Faster."

The words were almost driven out of her. He picked up
more speed, his hips slapping into her buttocks now, and Rei
writhed under him.

*I can make this better for her...*

He shifted his right hand, and began to rub her nub,
pushing back the hood that covered it. His thumb flicked at
it rapidly, and he timed it to match his thrusts into her.

Every stroke brought another mew of pleasure from the
girl, until finally, her legs spasmed, wrapping around him.
Her cunt clamped down on his cock with warm pressure, and
she shuddered, her left hand tearing the bed sheet.

*She came--* The thought had only just percolated
through his brain when he felt his own orgasm approaching.
He stopped moving, remaining buried within her, and felt the
tension easing.

Her muscles relaxed, and she collapsed bonelessly on
the bed, her breath coming in gasping sobs. He waited until
she regained control of herself, then asked, "Was that suf-
ficiently pleasant to warrant additional experiments?"

"You are mocking me," she said reprovingly.

He shifted again, drawing his length from her, and she

"Please, more for now."

"But I didn't come." It was perhaps an unfair thing to
say, but--

"Is that what just happened to me?"

"I think so."

Rei considered this, then said, "I find that I am some-
what sore, and would not prefer to continue at the moment.
Though it was very pleasant." She thought a moment, then
said, "Is there anything else that we may do, that would
allow you to reach the same level of pleasure."

"Well..." He pulled himself from her passage, causing
her to gasp again, then sat on the bed next to her. "What
you were doing to my cock before would do it."

She eyed his member with some disapproval. "You are
less clean now that you were before, as your...cock? It is
now covered in my own vaginal secretions. And blood."

*Great, Shinji. Asking her to go down on you seconds
after you pop her cherry...*

She grasped his cock gently, and turned it to the side.
"There does not appear to be much blood...I do not believe
that you have injured me greatly."

"It's not exactly an injury," he said. "It will heal,
and then it won't happen again."

"You are stating that the next time we do this, it will
be only pleasure?"


"Then I think it would be worth exploring further."
She started to stroke his cock gently. "This is what you
were doing to yourself earlier. Am I correct?"

"Yeah." He closed his eyes and leaned back. "Feels

"And when you 'come', your 'cock' will expel the fluid,
as I observed before?"


She began to stroke him more quickly, and he gasped.

"How long does this take?"

"I'm surprised I haven't come already," he admitted.

"So the time frame is unknown in this case." She con-
sidered this, staring at his cock as she rubbed it, then
leaned forward and took the head into her mouth.

"Oh, God..." He gasped in surprise. "I thought you
weren't going to do that?"

She pulled it from her mouth, almost causing him to cry
out. "I do not wish you to be unsatisfied. Were that to
happen, you might not wish to do this again."

"Oh." He didn't really have a sensible comment to
that. "I'm sorry that--Oh!"

She had taken him back into her mouth, but most of the
motion came from her hand. Twice he felt her teeth scrape
the skin of his head, but it didn't hurt; if anything, it
felt good. And he could feel the pressure building again

"Rei, you'd better stop."

Rei paused, and withdrew him from her mouth again.
"You have not yet come."

"When I do, I'm gonna shoot again, and you don't want
that in your mouth, do you?"

She considered this, then said, "I feel it would not be
pleasant. But if I do not continue, you will not come."

"Just the hand. And more quickly."

She nodded, and started to stroke him again, rapidly
this time. He tensed, trying to hold off orgasm as long as
possible, but it eventually overcame him, and he thought for
a moment that his cock had exploded.

Rei jerked back in surprise as the first blast caught
her across the face. The second splashed between her
breasts, staining her top, and the third across his shirt.
He spasmed a few more times in her grasp, and she gently
laid his cock down across his belly.

"I assume from your reaction that that was pleasant for

"You could say that," he managed to gasp.

"But now, we are both dirty again." She stood, and
walked towards the bathroom. "You may use the shower when I
have finished, if you wish."

"Why don't we both use it?" Another impulse question,
but they seemed to be coming more easily now.

"As I just said--"

"I mean at the same time."

Rei paused again, considering, as she seemed to do with
every new suggestion. "We would both fit within, though the
available space would be a little more restricted. But I
believe we could make more efficient use of the shower in
that manner."

He wasn't thinking of efficiency, but of lust. He
choked down on that train of thought, however; Rei had said
that she was sore, and no wonder at that.

"Is it customary for two to shower simultaneously,
instead of one?"

He blinked. "Well, it is if they are close to each

"From your wording, I assume that you do not refer to
proximity." Rei considered again, then said, "Though I have
been in closer proximity with you than with any other per-
"I was referring to emotional closeness."

"Emotional." Her voice didn't seem to carry any emo-
tion. "Would emotional closeness result from the activities
in which we have been partaking?"

"Usually, it's the other way around."

That seemed to set her back, and he cringed inwardly.

"Do you feel emotional closeness with me?"

"In a way," he admitted. "You always seemed so lonely,
and I've been lonely. I sort of felt that maybe, we were

"In many ways, we are not," said Rei. "Though you are
correct; I have been alone most of my life. Until now, I
have not felt the lack."

Until now?

"However, I find that now that we have joined
so...intimately...I do not wish to be alone any longer."

Was this a good thing or a bad thing? He couldn't
decide, and so decided to take a chance.

"Then I will try my best not to let you feel alone any

"I would like that," she said softly. "I did not
expect to, but I find it makes me feel...pleasant."

He shivered, despite the warm air.

She turned, and walked towards the bathroom. "Come
with me, Pilot Ikari. The shower awaits us."