Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ On A Summer's Afternoon ❯ Forgiven ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Evangelion is not mine. It belongs to Anno, Gainax, and
other not me people. I'm making no money off this, and
probably will end up losing a few dollars. Don't sue me.

Oh, and if you aren't at least eighteen, don't read
this. It's naughty.

*On A Summer's Afternoon*

*Stage Four: Forgiven*

"Sit there."

She pointed at the only other piece of furniture in the
apartment, a kitchen chair.

"I need to shower."

Mechanically, he rose, and sat on the chair. He didn't
even bother to put his cock back in his trousers. What
would it help?

Rei rose from the bed, wiping her hand absently on the
shirt, and walked towards the bathroom. Shortly, he could
hear the sound of the shower running, but he paid it scant
attention. His thoughts were howling aimlessly about his

*Never thought she'd wake up. But maybe she wasn't
asleep this time. She told me she was going for a nap.
Ayanami never volunteers that sort of information. Why
didn't I see this coming?*

The shower stopped, and Rei returned, towelling her
hair dry. She tossed the towel on the floor, and opened her
dresser. She considered the contents for a moment, then
withdrew a long T-shirt and pulled it on. It covered her
from neck to mid-thigh, but when she sat on the bed, feet
tucked beneath her buttocks, it rode up.

He glanced up, noting that he could just see her pussy
between her half-open legs, then quickly looked away.
Hadn't he violated her enough?

"Why did you do this?"

"I don't know," he confessed.

"You must have had a reason." She paused. "I am
uncertain how many times you have done this."

"Three," he admitted.

"The first time was when you dropped off the paper-
work." It was not a question. "What caused you to think to
do it then."

"I don't know," he repeated.

Rei's voice was a bit disapproving. "Again, you must
have had a reason. I will not accept that answer."

"You looked beautiful." He shook his head.
"When you were asleep, you looked so different from when you
are awake. I guess I couldn't help myself."

She was silent for long moments, then said, "So you did
it because you found me visually appealing?"

He nodded, still not looking at her.

"And the second time?"

"I guess...I liked it the first time," he said. "So
when I heard you were going home for a nap, I..."

"You decided to take advantage of my being asleep."

He could feel his face darkening in shame.

"And this time?"

"Last time, it seemed like you were enjoying it, so
I..." He sighed. "I guess I thought that if you liked it
to, it was okay."

She was silent again, then said, "When one carries on a
conversation, it is easier if eye contact is maintained."

He looked up at her. She did not appear to be angry.
Of course, with Rei, that meant nothing.

"The second time was because you enjoyed it, and the
third time, because you felt I enjoyed it. Is that cor-

His eyes had strayed downwards to her pussy again,
though all he could see was the top of the cleft, and that
was in shadow. He forced himself to look up again. "Yes."
And his traitor eyes drifted back down again.

"I did enjoy it."

His eyes snapped up again, widening in disbelief.

"You did?"

"Yes." She nodded. "I would have enjoyed it more,
however, if I had been a willing participant."

"You said my name," he said. "Were you dreaming of

"Yesterday, I was."

"And this time, before I woke you up?"

She shifted, almost nervously, inadvertently exposing
herself a bit more to him. "I was never asleep."

He blinked. "But if you weren't asleep, why didn't you
stop me?"

"I believe I have already answered that question."

His mind was racing. "Because you were enjoying it?"

"I was." She shifted again, exposing a bit more flesh,
and this time, he was not entirely certain it was inadver-
tent. "But as I said, I would have preferred to be a will-
ing participant."

*Is she saying...*

Quickly, before his cowardice could impose himself, he
asked, "Then do you want to do it again?"

"I would."


She shifted again, and this time, he was certain.


He stood up, and walked towards her, leading with his
cock, which had regained its full size. She reached for him
as he approached, one dainty hand wrapping itself around his
member. He gasped.

"Is it very sensitive?"

"Yeah." He nodded. "Especially the tip."

"Here?" She brushed her thumb across the very end of
his cock, and he felt it twitch in her hand.

"Yeah, but anywhere on the head."

She began to slowly stroke it, her thumb and forefinger
sliding along the skin of the head as she did so. "I have
heard talk among the girls at school, that boys like this."

"It feels very good."

"They also spoke of another activity." She examined
the head of his cock critically. "You do not appear to be
very clean at the moment."

"Well, that's because I--"

"I would ask you to shower," she continued, "but I find
I lack the patience." She licked the tip, and he gasped

"You seem not to have expected that," she said.

"Well, I didn't," he admitted. "After all, like you
said, it's not very clean."

"Yet you did the same to me." She licked the head of
his cock again, then slid it carefully into her mouth.
Shinji gasped, the heat and moisture driving any rational
thoughts out of his head.

For several long minutes, she slowly slid his cock in
and out of her mouth. Shinji struggled to stay upright, not
to let his knees crumple on him, and wondering why he hadn't
already lost control and shot a load into her mouth.
Finally, she pulled him out of her mouth, and looked up.

"You appear to be enjoying this."

He nodded, unable to say anything.

She slid back on the bed, against the pillows. "Then
perhaps you will do it to me again?"

He knelt, and gently opened her legs. She smelled
clean and sweet, with a faint musky odour he'd come to rec-
ognize as the scent of her arousal. He drew his tongue
along the length of her slit, and she sighed in pleasure.

He pulled her lips apart, and leaned in again, licking
the nub. She shuddered under his touch, and moaned. He
kept it up for a minute or two--he had no way of knowing how
long--but found that his tongue was starting to ache.

He leaned back, and Rei collapsed back into the pil-
lows, gasping.

"Why...why did you stop?"

"My tongue was starting to hurt," he said apologeti-
cally. "I want to try something different."

"What do you intend?"

He didn't answer in words, but instead placed a finger
at her entrance. Gently he pushed it in, to the first
knuckle. Rei shivered, but did not speak.

His fingertip brushed her hymen.

"Do you feel that?"


He licked his lips. "If we go much further, that bit
of skin will have to be broken. It will hurt, but only the
first time." He prayed to God that he'd remembered enough
from Health class; what if it hurt *every* time? What if
it healed, grew back?

"How much pain is involved?"

"I don't know," he confessed. "I've never done this
before." He felt like an idiot admitting this.

"You have done this three times before with me, with no
pain being involved."

"We didn't go all the way those times."

"'We' did not go any distance," she corrected. "I
assume, however, from your meaning, that there is more that
could be done?"

"Yeah." Inwardly, he quailed; he'd been molesting her
in her sleep, and was now suggesting this?

"And I also assume, since you said 'only the first
time', that you intend to go as far in the future?"

"If you're willing."

Rei considered this, then said, "We shall proceed, and
if the pain is not too great, or the increase in pleasure
enough to offset this, we may experiment further in the