Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ Sex Days: Shinji Ikari ❯ Day 2, Episode 2 - Hidden Agendas ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sex Days: Shinji Ikari
Taro MD
Day 2, Episode 2 - Hidden Agendas
By popular demand this is the chapter where Hikari will make her moves at long last but how will Shinji react and more importantly how will it effect the other two girls in contention.
Everyone that has been reviewing this is waiting to see how I will do with the Class Rep and how will her character handles against Rei and Asuka as she too wants Shinji anyway you'll have to wait and find out.
When it comes to how I will plan out the entire week into a manageable storyline then you can expect some twists and surprises plus you'll get to experience other one-off pairings as well.
Alright then enough crap, let us begin!
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Neon Genesis Evangelion or all the characters as they are the property of Gainax so you can't bash or flame me otherwise fuckers!
Lunchtime ended just as fast well too fast for Shinji as lunchtime came to an end and the afternoon lessons began to pass by, for some it was feigning boredom and yet they had to pay attention otherwise they would be in trouble from the principal who was tough as nails... well to those who have to work for NERV they have something worse to fear instead.
For Shinji it would be a time of reflection... ever since Rei came onto him yesterday he had experienced what he couldn't muster in his angst ridden teenage mind, the fact that she and Asuka to whom didn't care about him just utterly came onto him and well cause he was angry after getting knocked out by the redhead and fucked her good.
But somewhere in his mind there would be a so called voice of reason that would bring the whole dream crushing back down into reality and he would once again be depressed as before.
So he resolved to enjoy it as much as he can before someone or something can take away his happiness again but as he mused on how they were attracted to him, The class rep was planning out her move so she can seduce poor Shinji... she was already falling head in heels over him so this was a good chance for her.
I got everything all sorted... I'll assign him classroom duty with me and I'll make sure it's just us... so then I can make my move, I'm so excited I'm starting to feel my panties getting wet with excitement. She thought as she rubbed her thighs together underneath the table whilst listening to the history lesson
Asuka however was thinking one step ahead, her loins were on fire and it was killing her patience... wishing that she wasn't in class so she could drag the baka into the nearest closet and practically ravage him until she was satisfied.
This is driving me insane, I wish the fucking sensei can hurry up and get this fucking boring lecture over with so I can drag Shinji off and fuck him senseless... calm yourself girl you are getting worked over a boy here... actually he's more man than I originally thought.
Time seems to fly by when you're thinking about getting laid huh?
The end of the day arrived and it would be a time to go home for Shinji, expect before the bell rang that he heard Hikari say that he would be assisting her in classroom duties whilst their classmates who included Asuka left for home as they cleaned up the classroom.
However for Shinji... he wished he did go home earlier, because throughout the two hours that they were cleaning up... he could have sworn that she was actually... flirting with him, enjoying their conversation and somehow liking when they bumped into each other whilst cleaning various spots of the room.
What's gotten into her, I mean sure she's a good friend... but she's dating Touji and I don't want to betray my good friend... especially to what I've done to him with Unit 01 when 03 went berserk. He thought as he finished up cleaning up the floor but he felt like he was severely watched but as he turned to check, she was cleaning up as well or finishing off what she was assigned to.
I feel like a piece of meat right now...
God has he got a nice butt on him, so perfect... She thought as it was almost time for her to make her claim to Shinji, now she was hoping that he would be the ultimate male thus a prime candidate to be her boyfriend.
"Hey Shinji…?"
"Yes Hikari...?" He didn't even notice how close she became until she was next to him, he could tell that she was wearing some sort of fragrance that made her smell like a fresh spring morning, although he didn't notice the look in her eyes otherwise he would of been in trouble.
"I want to tell you this... and not let anyone know of this yet... not even to Asuka but anyway... I broke up with Touji."
Man poor Touji... I guess it had to happen eventually... Why would she tell this to me...? She could have told Asuka but she would probably tell her off... but why the hell did she came to me?
Time for the finishing blow and he'll be mine.
"It's hard to find the man of my dreams Shinji, he's got to be perfect... although that's what I thought in Touji and we was happy until he lost his arm and leg... then he became different and started to shun the world which included me and I couldn't handle being rejected like that... so it's over and as soon as I can, I plan to move on."
"That's... good Hikari." She then did something which surprised him, besides the fact that she was getting closer to him made the third child uneasy.
"I see these qualities in you... your so calm sometimes but from what Asuka tells me you can put that aside and unleash a strength that overcomes anything... and that makes you perfect in my eyes."
What the hell is she on about? He thought before Hikari made the distance and kissed an absolutely shocked Shinji Ikari who wasn't expecting it at all.
His week so far just became more complicated.
He couldn't really register the kiss because he still hadn't come out of the shock but slowly he started to respond but still wasn't sure either way Hikari didn't care and she pulled away... and for the first time Shinji finally noticed the change in her eyes and this meant that he was in trouble.
If things were bad enough... He stepped back a little, but Hikari pulled back and looked at Shinji with love-struck eyes or was there something hidden that look... he didn't notice and it looked like he wouldn't be going anywhere for a while.
"Hikari... why me, I'm not exactly perfect..."
"Don't deny it to me Shinji; you're the man that I want... Touji doesn't compare to you... and you have no idea how hot you make me every time I see you... especially the bulge that's down there... you must like me." She points to the bulge that had her attention for some time but Shinji just noticed it now and practically blushed.
This can't be right somehow; she was your best friend's girlfriend... now I'm literally backstabbing Touji! He thought as distracted as he sound, he didn't notice Hikari getting onto her knees and her hands caressing the bulge and trying to get to the zipper at the same time.
I hope all the times with Touji pay off... I want to show Shinji that I'm worthy for him, worthy to be his girlfriend. She thought as she lowered the zipper down slowly, remembering to make it as seductive as she could which was said by her older sister Kodama when she offered her own advice.
Slowly she massaged the bulge for a few minutes before she took the belt buckle off his slacks and lowered them so she could have a good look at his boxers, she was surprised at the size of the bulge... her mouth was now watering and a little drool was seeping out to the side.
I can't wait anymore... I got to see...what... this looks like... OH MY GOODNESS! She thought as she lowered his boxers as Shinji's cock was revealed to her eyes, her eyes widened as she took in every detail of the mighty tool before nervously she put her hand on the base, something she did first when with Touji.
"It's so beautiful..." She smiled up to him as she finally overcoming her nerves as she examined his cock in more detail, nervous jitters were disappearing as her increasing passion as she looked up at him, admiring the details of his face.
Wow... it's so soft and yet it looks as hard as stone, and he's way bigger than Touji was... I can't get my hand round his girth... this cock is magnificent. She finally waited long enough and with her other hand moving up and down on the shaft moving the foreskin down and leaned in to give the purple head a light kiss and then a small lick to taste the pre-cum that was already there.
"Mmm...." She already was addicted to the taste and thus she wanted to have more so she concentrated her tongue on the head with continuous licks as her hands stroked the shaft and it's base as his moans were the signal that she was going alright and her technique was slightly better than what she had before.
It tastes like heaven... She thought as she turned her attention to lavishing the shaft with kisses with short sucks and long licks up and down the shaft whilst sucking on the head lightly... her other hand was paying attention to his balls to which she was careful not to harm.
She's good... god-damn. Shinji thought as the class rep took care of his cock, opening her mouth to accompany most of it into her mouth... she sucked on the mighty tool whilst lavishing it with her tongue on the underside and still stroking it with her hands.
This continued on for at least a few good minutes, sides for Hikari... it was getting too good so she kept stroking him with one hand, licking and sucking the bit of cock in her mouth and placing her hand past her skirt and rubbing on her panties, getting herself off in the process.
I can't last any longer... Hikari's too good at this, I'm going to cum! She also felt that he was about to cum because she saw his nuts contract and that meant she was almost done, so taking her hand off his shaft; she lunged forward taking most of the shaft into his mouth as he began to cum, filling her mouth.
"Hikari… I'm going to cum!"
Oh god... it tastes so good... She thought as she swallowed it down, moaning on his cock which seemed to make it spurt some more as she rubbed herself to an orgasm to which she screamed which was only reduced to a loud muffled moan as a few minutes pass before his cock ran dry which led her to pull his cock away from her orifice.
"Mmm... you taste good." She then cleaned up his cock as he relaxed, taking in all detail of his cock... every ridge and vein as she finished off as she pulled up his boxers and then kissed the tip of the declining bulge and helped him put back his slacks before standing up and kissing him on the cheek.
"I'm sorry for coming onto you like that Shinji..."
"Uh... I... I don't mind... Hikari-san."
"Please Shin-kun call me Kari-chan when we're in private... I may be the class rep but you're more important than me so it doesn't matter..."
"Why would you Kari?"
"Cause I overheard Asuka saying that she was going to rape you and I got scared... she may be my best friend but I was hoping that she didn't do it otherwise I would of been upset... I hope you can forgive me Shin..." She looked up at him in a puppy dog expression and was slightly fearful.
So that's why she did it... she heard that Asuka was going to rape me and she got worried... well I'm not exactly going to tell her the EXACT truth but this could work in a way... I guess. He thought as his mind decided leaned down to kiss Hikari who relaxed and kissed him back.
"I don't mind at all Kari..."
"Thanks Shin, we will have to keep this a secret for now... but expect a lot of fun from now on." She winked which was out of character for her as he blushed before cleaning themselves up and leaving the room so they can go home.
Lord only knows what Hikari unleashed.
After his encounter with Hikari, he ended up going back to the apartment like he usually does, feeling like his world was now more complex than usual... he put it to one side as he made dinner... Misato was at work again and Asuka was home and she was in her room which meant that he left her alone.
It's been two days and I've got three of the most beautiful girls in the world after me... why did my life get complicated... maybe I had this coming.
He went back to cooking himself and Asuka their dinner as their lives continued on.
No one really noticed that a white glow appeared outside the apartment complex nor the fact that it was watching Shinji and silently and without a sound the light began to morph itself into a lush angelic figure that put most big breasted women to shave, this was completed by white wings... blonde hair, green eyes, lovely features which included full pout-ful lips and a smile on her face.
He deserves to have some fun in his life... after all even Fate itself can not without some interesting twists and turns.
She licked her lips and disappeared whilst coming up the lift on the far end was a weary Misato back from another day from work and as she arrived, she had a weird feeling that something happened here... then she shrugged off and headed for her apartment.
Shinji was finished rinsing his face and looked back to the mirror, still remembering his experiences from that day.
"That evening on that day was certainly fun... it certainly changed a few things."
He then went back to his bed and admired the three girls that he loved before getting back in bed to relax and before going back to sleep.
It was about 2 in the morning so yeah he needs sleep...
(Taro) Well I hope that was fun for all those who been expecting something good to happen... especially with Hikari so I hope it's up to everyone's liking.
The attitudes for the girls are based like this... Rei's is curious but also she has her mission to protect Shinji, Asuka's is possessive and her feelings are acting on jealousy namely securing Shinji from her rival pilot and finally we have the outsider Hikari who's attitude is on obsessive towards the male pilot and her concerns and her solutions which could bring an end to the Rei and Asuka rivalry.
It's not like I'm giving away any spoilers but we aren't done yet, there's the end of the second day to come and the first outside pairing to be confirmed... let's say a lot of people will be happy.
Ok then I'll leave it up to you on how I've done so enjoy!