Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ Sex Days: Shinji Ikari ❯ Day 3, Episode 1 - Winds of Change ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sex Days: Shinji Ikari
Taro MD
Day 3, Episode 1 - Winds of Change
I know it's been months since I last updated this and some of you have been waiting on the next part well wait no more... the next chapter is here and now the plot begins to reveal itself slightly and give a glimpse on how I want to end this series.
Day 3 out of 7 will provide with more Shinji main girl pairings, a couple more original ones and the emergence of the villainess of this story... trust me things will get more hotter, more complex and conflicts will start to emerge.
Hope everyone is enjoying this story so far, gathered by the near 50 reviews I got so far then yes you are enjoying this so this makes me happy knowing that I can write some quality smut... overall I want this story to get as much reviews as Payback then that will be an achievement by itself.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Neon Genesis Evangelion or all the characters as they are the property of Gainax so you can't bash or flame me otherwise fuckers!
Shinji was content in the bed that he was occupying at the moment, surrounded by his lady loves he began to ponder on the most dangerous part of last week... when an old flame returned to make his life and the lives of his girl's complete and utter hell.
If I only knew how Mana was going to cause a lot of trouble, I wouldn't have acted the way I did with her... He thought with regret as he began to remember the third day from the top of his mind.
Wednesday - Five Days Ago
Our hero was slowly waking up from the night before where he felt like he was sore all over and he definitely felt a hard-on from the activities as well... he not only did Asuka in but he was practically raped by a hangover Misato who felt like she was literally draining his essence... but anyway it was day and he had to get up and prepare for school as usual.
"I better get out of bed and into the bathroom... I smell of sex." Shinji got out of bed and then carefully he snuck out of his room and headed for the bathroom with tiptoes as not to wake up the rest of the apartment and as he got in, he relaxed as he turned the taps which poured the hot water and the cold water needed for his soak.
At least I'll be clean and keep myself safe for the moment... He thought as the tub was filled to the right level as Shinji got into the tub and sighed when he made contact with the warm water as he relaxed and closed his eyes briefly before he went to find the cleaning utensils so he can get himself clean.
"That feels better..." He closed his eyes for a bit just to relax for a little bit for what he didn't know was the fact that someone silently opened the door and he didn't hear it nor the fact that the person that just entered the room was looking at him in a sexual need until he opened his eyes and then looked to his left only to find himself staring into the face of Asuka.
"Good morning baka." He jumped slightly she made the cross and planted her lips against his in a firm kiss before pulling back... she then stood up as he looked up her long legs and seeing her look down with a smirk.
"Enjoying the view Shin?"
"Y...yes" Asuka then got herself into the tub as it was big enough to fit in two people as she settled herself down as the warm waters caressed her body as she began to clean up, all the while she teased him in almost every chance she can get... which of course made our hero turn crimson and with his hard-on in full mass she then smirked and gave him a coy lick of her lips.
"Oooo... can I have that for my breakfast lover?" He would of responded but she dove onto his hard-on and started to suck on it hard if it was her favourite treat, he moaned lightly as he felt her tongue lick the head fast as she bobbed her head up and down on a fast pace.
Shinji knew that he was going to be in for a rough day even though after a few minutes he felt his ball sack tightening and then he felt his cum rushing up and into her mouth to which she sucked harder to get all of it down her throat.
"Mmm... I liked that treat, now how about getting breakfast done." He sighed as he got out of the tub just as Asuka looked at his back side and give a wolf whistle just as he left before going back to relaxing in the tub and returning to her normal routine.
Things can change strange enough... but is it a good thing?
After breakfast where Misato came in without having to rely on her daily beer ritual/scream fest and they had a meal together without anyone actually talking and it was basically nice and peaceful and just as the two pilots left for school, Misato then run towards the bathroom.
The scream that came from the place was so loud that it disturbed the neighbourhood around and it forced the two children to move as fast as they could to the school.
Eventually they arrived and so they went over to their friends and so the day began as they went up to the classroom to go through the same boring lesson once more but a few were thinking about what's been happening in the last couple of days... that was what Hikari was thinking herself at the moment.
I need Shinji so much it hurts... I hope I'm able to get him for later on and sides its fun just to care for little Shin. She thought as she continued to listen with interest meanwhile Rei still looked away but at the corner of her eye, she glanced at the Third Child with interest in those eyes although she didn't know how to show her emotions.
I checked with my schedule today and I got time today for me and Shinji to do the deed at my apartment... I'll remind him later when I get the chance. She thought just as she started to remember the events of Monday as a light pink flush appeared on her cheeks but this was ignored by most of the class didn't notice not even Shinji, just as Asuka was also thinking to herself as well about this morning's encounter in the bathroom.
Thank goodness I spotted him going into the bathroom earlier... last night was great and now that Shinji knows what my feelings are, now comes the next step in my plan. She thought with a gleam in her eye as she began to plan for the next couple of days.
Shinji of course had no idea what was going on overall, at the moment his life was completely in chaos... last night he took advantage of his guardian whilst she was having a hangover and promptly shagged the life out of her and this made him feel bad
Sometimes plans are always interrupted or bound to be changed.
Shinji found himself all alone at lunch as Touji and Kensuke went off home all because the military otaku was expecting a delivery back at his place and dragged the jock with him leaving the not so timid boy alone for his lunch and he was going to eat in total peace and quiet when he heard a quiet shuffling noise as he looked to see Rei looking down at the ground.
"Hiya Rei." She didn't answer but instead handed him a note and then went off in a direction without anyone of their classmates spotting her or otherwise rumours would start to erupt and it would ruin her plan anyway.
"Hmm... ok that was weird." He shrugged but he opened up the note and was surprised with the content of the letter and he felt his lust side gain control at the detail of what she wrote.
Good god she really wants me, I can't believe that Rei Ayanami actually wants me to do that to her... looks like she's free after school which is good since it looks like I got nothing to do since then. He thought as he folded the note neatly away into his pocket and headed off in the direction of the toilets where suddenly he got dragged into the nearby bush.
"LETME..." His mouth was then covered by a warm pair of lips as he and the unknown began to kiss each other but Shinji pulled back when he realised who he was kissing... Hikari was there with a smile on her face.
"Hiya Shin." She smiled even more when he remembered the pet name that she gave him so she gave him a hug, rubbing against him fully with her body and then glomping him as hard as she could as one of her hands absently went down to his groin for a rub which made him moan slight.
"Shh… Shin we're still on school property." She said in her class rep voice quietly hoping not to attract attention before she then in an expert way undid Shinji's zipper with one hand and then getting out his half hardening manhood out of his boxers as well brought his attention down below and then to rub up and down on his shaft.
"Looks like Little Shin want to come out and play with me." She then kissed him on the lips passionately before she moved down onto his shaft and started to caress it in the way that she has now adapted before she put her lips onto the head in a kiss which followed by a lick.
Kari... He thought as she began to suck on his cock and bobbed her head up and down, her other hand was rubbing the base as she continued to orally please him.
A few minutes passed since she started and Shinji knew from the pace of her bobbing head and her sucking that he wasn't going to last long, the thought of him and Rei later on made him horny and he was hoping that it would pass but Hikari caught up to him and she was about to get a cum shake.
OH GOD KARI! He thought as he stiffened before Hikari felt it as she was sucking even harder just at the head before the first splash of cum went against her throat before she swallowed it as the next one was then felt as she continued to swallow until his cum was starting to just leak and this made her pull away as she cleaned up his cock with her tongue.
"Mmm... you always taste good Shin-Chan." She then stuffed his spent manhood back into his boxers and did up the zip whilst at the same time she cleaned up any traces of sperm that was on her hand or on her face with her tongue as she savoured the taste of her lover.
"Hey…Shin?" He looked down at her as he was coming out of the lust induced joy that he went through.
"Yes Kari?"
"I was wondering if you were doing anything tomorrow." Shinji then frowned as he thought of what he was doing tomorrow... but he remembered Misato telling him and the rest of the pilots that they were entitled to the day off after the NERV staff was going to analyse the data they did the previous day.
"Actually I got the day off tomorrow... why you ask?" Hikari beamed at him as she crawled up to his side and hugged him... Shinji tried to hug back but he was resting.
"I was wondering if I could invite you over to my place tomorrow... we can do whatever we want." She flashed him a sexy grin at the thought of what she and him could do but somehow she was only telling a half truth because she had something special in mind.
"Sure I'll be glad to come."
"That's great, you're the best." She kissed him hard as he was shocked when he tasted a slight trace of his cum but he couldn't pull back just in case he might offend the Class Rep so he kept on kissing and when they pulled back she still smiled at him.
"I got to go anyway... I don't want rumours of us to spread, you do understand Shin?"
"Of course Kari... I really don't want to get Asuka angry."
"Don't worry about her love; I won't let her hurt you." Hikari hugged him before she got up, fixed herself up just in case and checked to see if there was anyone out and then left the bush pausing to wave goodbye at him before she went round the corner and disappeared from view leaving Shinji all alone.
I better go as well... He thought as he stepped outside the bush and head off back to his usual place at the tree returning to his normal routine.
Well despite the fact that he's the play toy for three sexy girls I wouldn't really think of his routine as normal if you know what I mean.
Why would Representative Horaki call Shinji's manhood little Shin? The albino thought as she came from a hiding place that she ducked into quickly which was nearby the alcove with the bush, she watched carefully through her hiding place as she saw Hikari's bobbing her head up and down and seeing Shinji's expression on his face brought out conflicting issues within herself.
I don't know what I am currently feeling at the moment... anger, betrayal, sadness or perhaps that she loves him as I do... I must talk to Shinji about this issue at my apartment. She thought as she brushed her dress down and head off back to the classroom for the rest of the boring day.
With the lecturer going on about Second Impact constantly, you can imagine that he sounds like a broken record.
With everyone busy in their respected fields, no-one noticed that the wind started to blow in a direction that was unknown... fate was often quoted that life can be changed with a simple change of direction and at the moment that wind was deciding the future of not only Shinji Ikari but also 4 ladies as well.
It's not like I'm going to reveal what the future is going to hold now aren't I?
(Taro) I know this is a relatively short chapter but always I have a good reason for delivering short chapters and that is because I am adding not only tension but also inducing plot changes that will happen in the next day arc.
Next chapter will be Shinji/Rei and Rei has got questions for him to ask, who knows what will happen... only I know and I am not telling yet.
The reason why I am late with this story is because I was spending my time and energy into my original xover story which involves at the moment Pokemon but it is done so it is more better to read and understand... sides it's got violence, fantasy and swearing in it so it's got to be good.
Ok then I'll leave it up to you on how I've done so enjoy!