Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ Sex Days: Shinji Ikari ❯ Day 3, Episode 2 - Cold as Ice yet Hot as well ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sex Days: Shinji Ikari
Taro MD
Day 3, Episode 2 - Cold as Ice yet Hot as well
I am back and now we move onto the 2nd episode of the 3rd day... It's focused on the Shinji/Rei pairing so for those fans on the other two ships will have to be patient as I have got plans ready for them which includes my special surprise to which I haven't revealed yet.
So expect the usual when it comes to this lemon and that is a lot of smut... however since I have now released two different versions of this, people have asked me on how I will determine the endings... well I'm going to say this however both of them have the same beginning.
On the same note I'm still going to have a few more surprises in store... so here we go with another smut filled edition of Sex Days.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Neon Genesis Evangelion or all the characters as they are the property of Gainax so you can't bash or flame me otherwise fuckers!
Rei Ayanami was pondering on how to ask Shinji on how Hikari meant to him... although she did have some time on the way back from school to think on how to say what she thought was acceptable... she started to feel nervous which was a feeling that she didn't have before.
Why am I feeling nervous all of a sudden... if Representative Horaki likes Shinji in a sexual way just like I do then I must make Shinji-kun feel most comfortable, otherwise I don't mind at all and sides I really don't want to disappoint my love. She thought as she came up to the run down apartment complex in which she lived in.
Maybe I should get my concerns out of the way first... then hopefully if he still approves of me then we can catch up on the 'sexual' antics that I keep hearing about... Monday was an enjoyable time and I wish to repeat that soon. She thought again as she arrived at her apartment of 402 before walking in making a brief note to request the Commander for a lock for her door.
That thought was quickly disappeared when she took off her uniform and headed for her bath... she needed to get clean and also she had the urge to masturbate.
Hey she's still human after all.
Shinji Ikari thought of what his blue haired lover wanted him in the first place... the last time he went to her apartment, she and he exchanged a moment which ended up with him receiving a blowjob which was followed by eating her cunt out and then fucking her to the point where he and she almost passed out.
Ever since then Asuka gave him her virginity to which he replied in a forceful manner that made her turn into a sexual goddess and of course there was Hikari who gave herself willingly and although she just only sucked his cock... he felt bad because he would be literally stabbing his friend Touji in the back.
He didn't really want to go remembering how he took advantage of Misato last night hopefully she wouldn't discover that it was him and probably put the blame on Kaji instead but for the moment he was alright... and a good thing too or otherwise he wouldn't have the chance to go to Rei's for a second time.
At least I'm coming up to Rei's apartment soon. He thought as he saw the Soddy block of apartments that resided his azure haired lover so with a smile on his face he made his way inside.
He didn't realise that this session would emerge as an interesting point in he and Rei's relationship together.
Shinji looked left and right making sure that no-one was watching him before he entered the apartment... he looked around although he knew that Rei was inside and probably getting ready for him, he took a few steps before he heard a sound that meant the door had been closed and something was blocking it to make sure it stayed closed... before he felt two arms wrap round his waist and a warm sensation on his back before he felt a cool breath on his right ear.
"Hello Shinji-kun." Feeling a kiss on his neck, he turned to see Rei with a light smile on her face before the two started to kiss again but this time they included tongue as well as the passionate kiss lasted for a good 15 minutes before Rei pulled away with a larger smile on her face.
"That was a way to greet someone hello." She grinned slightly at his face as she pulled away, lightly wiggling her ass before she looked back at her blue-eyed lover.
"Perhaps it was Shin-Chan but before we continue, I like for us to talk." She sat down on the bed just as Shinji turned around and gaped at her chosen outfit which consisted of a white cotton bra and panties which the top half was covered by a very short light blue t-shirt that reached her midriff which exposed a good bit of skin but mostly her long pale legs were the main focus of his attention... she patted the spot next for her as well.
"Uh... ok... Rei-chan." Sitting down next to her, he felt a bit overdressed at the moment but he wondered why Rei would talk to him first... perhaps something had happened whilst they were separate or perhaps worse for wear she'd found out about either Asuka or Hikari but it was hard to know what Rei Ayanami was thinking... unless it was something serious.
I can't really understand her sometimes... every time I try to understand her, I get lost in those eyes of hers... perhaps... Before Shinji can think even more, he was snapped back to reality when Rei lightly caressed his slacks hoping to get his attention before he turned back to Rei who was looking into his eyes.
"You weren't paying attention Shinji."
"I got distracted sorry... so what is it that you wanted to talk about?"
"Do you have feelings for Class Representative Horaki?" This literally wasn't what Shinji expected but this left him stunned so much that he started to go pale slightly at what she meant by how he felt for Hikari.
"Why would you be asking me that question Rei-chan?" She seemed to be hesitant but finally she looked to the floor before she gave her response.
"Cause I overheard her call your dick little Shin today... at school." Fearing of what he might say next, she just looked down in what might be called shame although she didn't have any idea of what Shinji was going through.
OH NO SHE MUST OF SAW HIKARI GAVE ME A BLOWJOB AT THE SCHOOL!!! His thoughts were in utter chaos and he was getting distressed inside his mind until his shoulders began to slump and he too looked at the ground.
I think she wants to tell me that our fun or whatever you can call it is over. He finally turned towards Rei but she was doing the same as well and was shocked that they were looking at each other.
"I'm sorry Rei... but the last couple of days have been chaotic for me, Hikari just came out of nowhere whilst I was doing cleanup duty with her... I couldn't stop her... please forgive me." He just looked to the ground not even looking at Rei... he felt like a scumbag, a cheating bastard and before he could continue on with his self loathing... he didn't notice how Rei's right hand came up and basically laid on his cheek softly.
"I don't mind Shinji-kun." She said in a quiet voice that broke out of his self-depression, he was clearly surprised.
"You... you don't mind if Hikari comes onto me?"
"No Shin-chan... you need love and if she can give you as much love as I can then I don't mind at all." He was going to say something more until Rei kissed him lightly on the lips in a symbol of her love to him, he responded back as well with his own kiss until they went into a good round of kissing that lasted for 5 minutes.
Well you obviously had to admit that you saw this coming didn't you... HERE COMES THE SMUT!
Having got past the difficult bit, the lovers finally got down to business... Rei promptly tore at his outfit trying to get them off to which he just took them off and after a few minutes Shinji was only in his boxers which were black were strained by his erection that made her smile and her pussy twitch as they began to kiss in a passion like two days before... although this time she was on top this time.
This time Rei was feeling braver as she rubbed the erection covered by the black boxers just as they kissed which was quickly turning into an open mouth, tongue swapping experience which heightened when Shinji put his hand on one of her asscheeks.
This made her moan slightly as she was slowly and surely being aroused so she pulled away from the kiss and pushed him down so she can look down at her fellow pilot/lover and licked her lips at the sight of him before plastering herself to his front as she began to lick and suck at his neck to which he moaned at her determined action.
This concluded too soon as she moved down towards his chest and stomach, already knowing where she was heading as she approached the covered erection as she carefully rubbed it whilst she looked up at Shinji... then she couldn't wait anymore and took off his boxers in one swift moment before her attention was returned to his hard cock which was slightly throbbing... this made her smile.
"I can see that you are aroused Shinji-kun... allow me to ease your discomfort for you." Even as she said it without much emotion, Shinji spotted an added seductive tone as well but that was before she started to take the head of his cock into her mouth as he gasped then moaned at the familiar sensation that went through him.
"Oh... fuck." She licked round the head, taking in the pre-cum to which she was delighted to taste before with a moan she started to move her head downwards to get more of the shaft into her mouth beginning once more to give her lover a blowjob... then slowly she moved her head back before repeating what she did and then finally getting into a pattern.
He wasn't really going to be idle in this dance so whilst she was intent on making him cum, with one hand starting to fondle her ass another then slowly caressing her panties rubbing her crotch making her wide eyed and stopping the blowjob only to look up.
"I want to try something new... don't worry this will make the both of us cum and I've always been meaning to try this." She nodded as she pulled away just as Shinji was removing her panties leaving her half naked... but Rei realising that the experience would be marred if she still had her bra on so easily as she thought on it, she discarded them with ease.
Now she understood what this meant... apparently this was on the research that she was going through and she was going to mention doing it with him but now it seemed that he wanted to do this on his own initiation
I am glad he is willing to do this with me, I like this side of Shinji... it's exciting. She then laid across him on her front as they were in a 69 position before Shinji surprised her by starting to lick her pussy, of course this surprised Rei because she didn't give him permission but she was moaning because she was liking it.
She decided to go through the motions and such and returned to sucking his cock instead as she bobbed faster than usual repeating the delight for Shinji who was still licking her pussy from behind, for the next few minutes their passion increase in every lick and suck that they managed to get in and all the while they were getting very close to the conclusion of this dance... which was of course climax.
"Shinji.... I'm close!" She took his slick cock out of her mouth so she started to jack him off as fast as she could, the response was fast licking and the clincher was the hard suck on her clit which made her scream.
Rei! He thought as he noticed the sharp increase of her cum so he put his mouth there and licked up as much just as his cock began to twitch which Rei immediately put her mouth onto the head and sucked for all she was getting... this resulted in two things, the first Shinji was moaning and groaning and last Rei felt the first burst of his seed enter her mouth so she started to swallow as much as she could.
Finally after a couple of minutes both of them stopped cumming and were in a slight state of nirvana.
"That was great Rei-chan..."
"I must thank you Shinji... for showing me how fun that position can give us." Rei then turned round and smiled at him before her smile became as close to a smirk as she saw that her lover's cock had not gone down.
This session was not going to end just yet.
She was right as well just as she felt his cock enter her pussy... feeling that sensation of being stretched made her moan just as she felt her lover start to fuck her in the slow and steady rhythm that she remembered from Monday as she reached up to passionately kiss Shinji on the lips as she started to move her hips back to make it more enjoyable for him and her.
Shinji already used this method of fucking when he did Rei for the first time but mastering it when he did Asuka over and in some extent Misato made him have some control but he always enjoyed Rei because she was his first and this made it more enjoyable... he grunted as he felt her move her hips back just as he thrusted into her slightly tight pussy.
Both teenagers were getting into it now as they continued to fuck each other, time went pass for the two where as in fact they have lasted for a good ten minutes... just as they became more desperate, lust filled the air as Shinji fucked Rei with firm hard thrusts that made her moan wanting more whilst her pussy was clinching his cock tightly making him groan and moan.
This is even better than the first time... she is so wet and tight it's fucking good... I don't know if I'm going to last much longer. He thought as his thrusts became more forceful and powerful whilst Rei moaned even louder and of course she brought her legs up to go round his waist only to make her pussy more tighter so he went even faster.
I am enjoying this... Shinji's penis is making me feel good all over, I won't be able to survive much longer if he keeps this up. She thought as a loud lusty moan was heard from her as she felt the will to cum come ever closer... five minutes later from this thought, her pussy finally clinched as she finally had her orgasm.
"SHINJI!!!" The pilot then groaned loud as he thrusted for a few more times before he finally had the will to cum in his blue-haired lover.
"REI!!!" She gasped loud just as her pussy felt his cum firing into her, so her pussy in response began to milk the shaft for it's load... making them panting before a few minutes later, Shinji's weight made her comfortable as he laid on her, the two of them were resting and recovering before Shinji pulled out of Rei... with him resting on his back, she then decided to slowly make her way down and clean his cock in a very loving way.
"T...thank you Rei-chan..." She looked up at him and smiled her brightest yet before she moved back up to deliver him a kiss regardless of where her mouth had been and then rested her head on his shoulder, her arms were wrapped round him.
"Mmm...Shinji-kun... All is right in my world." With that both of them then closed their eyes and took a nap together in each other's arms.
I don't want to feel all mushy here but I have to move on before I throw up...
Meanwhile in another part of town in a lone apartment which was lit up we see the figure of a teenage girl dressing herself up ready to go out on the town to look for someone to have fun with... unfortunately this wasn't the chance for the female and especially with what she was wearing which consisted of a very skimpy white/purple dress and blouse then she was definitely looking to get her man... especially if you are Mana.
"I know your here Shinji-kun... I've come back for you, I can't wait to find you and make you mine... I can't wait to be fucked by your cock." Mana had a lusty look in her eyes just as she picked up her sunhat and just as she turned round to walk out of the door... there was one thing missing from the picture and that was the fact... that she had no panties underneath.
Shinji is going to be in for something...
(Taro) The 8th Chapter is over as I'm close to finishing off Day 3 of Sex Days: Shinji Ikari... but for those looking forward to a New Year's present from here well here it is so enjoy if you love Shinji/Rei... but the real present is coming up in the next chapter and it is my way of rewarding you loyal fans for making this story as popular as it is now... the next unofficial pairing will be Shinji/Mana.
But a problem will arise from this... I don't want to screw up the Shinji/Mana reunion so researchers out there will know what I mean I need your help... other than that e-mail me at my Hotmail address at so I can turn the last episode into something worth remembering.
Also let's make this story into the most read lemon of 2006... so by the time I get this finished I'm hoping to get a few awards... nudge nudge wink wink.
Ok then I'll leave it up to you on how I've done so enjoy!