Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ Sex Days: Shinji Ikari ❯ Day 3, Episode 3 - Reunion in the Dark ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sex Days: Shinji Ikari
Taro MD
Day 3, Episode 3 - Reunion in the Dark
You guys have been patient enough and that is good, well at least for me although I am still surprised on how popular this series has become.
I mean all the experts or as I call them the elite of the genre told me that this wouldn't even last and it wasn't good enough, however you fans out there have taken this to about 60 reviews which is on it's way to become a very much talked about fanfic.
Best thing is though this story is that it's on it's way to the halfway mark and the way that the reviews are coming in, this will pass Payback and become the top lemon in the Mediaminer.Org Evangelion genre... maybe become the next benchmark for all newbie Lemon writers.
Anyway we're about to end up Day 3 of the 7 day series and as promised from last chapter... this will be the first NC-17 of the Shinji/Mana pairing and also I'm going to set this up in an area to which I consider as a real-life scenario, the content and language will probably be harsh but it works with the story.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Neon Genesis Evangelion or all the characters as they are the property of Gainax so you can't bash or flame me otherwise fuckers!
Shinji's mind was still reeling just as he walked back to the apartment where he lived; he was surprised that Rei Ayanami was understanding even when he said that Hikari was seeing him or better yet making him feel like a king with her attitude.
He felt slightly at ease from Rei's understanding that he was glad that she didn't find out about Asuka and that was something he wasn't looking forward to.
So after their session in which the sun had settled down for the night and the moon was slowly coming up, not lighting much on the destroyed streets below he felt that it suited his mood at the moment quite well, all was quiet even if danger and disaster was to happen to which it rarely happened at the time of night.
Before he left Apartment 402 though he thought he would take a quick shower just to get the smell of sex off him, Rei even came in and with gentle motions cleaned up his cock and balls with her small hands and as usual he got hard
She just looked up at him cutely and smiled before kissing the tip with a small kiss before she got out of the bathroom to get herself cleaned up.
Now he was walking on the pavement heading in the direction of his home unknownst that he was being watched from the alleys nearby that were so dark that he couldn't see what was going on, although he did hear that those who choose to stay having to resort to methods that are described as inhuman but then again he was used to seeing the inhumane that was Misato's room.
For the watcher in the shadow seeing her prey walking through the street not knowing her presence brought a sort of thrill in her... too long did she had to wait for the day when she would reunite with the love of her life and waiting even more would be even more nerving than it was to wait for the right moment.
At last to her joy, she finally saw her opening just as he went down to tie down the shoelaces of one of his shoes so with a deep calm breath she decided to play a little game with him in order to get his full attention.
"Shhhinnnji..." She did a little giggle as she saw his attention gaze around trying to find the source of where her voice was coming from.
"Oh Shinji..." She had to hold her laugh to herself on the confusion that was on his face... it was so cute that she restrained from coming out and dragging him in, nope her hormones would have to be calm.
Shinji himself thought he was going mad, I mean after all if you spend time in Tokyo-3 then your bound to start losing your mind... it was the voice that
he never thought he would hear ever again.
Otherwise he thought he was finally losing his mind from all the chaos and the fucking crap of his life.
Shinji finally decided to investigate the alley before him completely engulfed by the darkness he had no idea of where he was going plus also he made a mental reminder to eat more carrots in the future just in case he maybe do this again, so anyway he was following on where the voice was but all he had was just a hunch.
His wonderings in the shadow finally drew him into an area that was lighted only by moonlight and looking around he found himself in a secure intersection of alleyways that seemed to go on at different places and in different directions as well but what Shinji could only see in the darkness was a sort of light that reflected the moonlight and as he got closer, he got another shock of his young life.
"Hello there Shin-kun missed me?" The figure turned round and finally revealed itself to the young man as the girl he met not long ago.
With her figure close to Rei but the difference was that her breasts were slightly bigger than Rei's but smaller than Asuka's and perhaps bigger than Hikari's but her hair color was a dark red and her eyes were a light blue compared to his own blue eyes which were darker.
He is practically stunned at her chosen outfit which made her look innocent but then again with her subtle curves she damn well didn't look innocent at all... then again he really never could figure out why she liked him and that was right before she left Tokyo-3 under the assumption that she was dead to the world
This is just not possible... there is no way that lovely lady is Mana. He closed his eyes hoping that the figure would disappear but as soon as he opened his eyes, he was staring at her eyes and he was surprised when she spoke.
"I'm not a memory Shinji... it's really me Mana." She then smiled in the one that he remembered so much, I mean after all she was the first person that came so close to getting his heart.
"Shinji you have no idea on how good it is to see you again..." She hugged him in a massive glomp that surprised even him but he hugged back unsure on how to respond.
Shinji didn't realise it but his week was about to get a lot worse.
In the old traditions of absolute corny, time seemed to have not passed between them before at last Shinji was brought back to reality when he felt a small kiss on his cheek just as he looked down at the proper redhead.
"I told you that I would come back for you one day remember?"
"O…of course I remember Mana; I'm concerned about how the JSDF and Section 2 finding out that you're still alive and here...." Shinji was then silenced by her fingers and with a small caring smile.
"They don't know that I'm here and this place is so far away from their eyes and ears then it's just you and me..." Mana then run a finger up his right cheek and proceeded to surprise him by giving him a very powerful kiss on the lips to which he responded just as he would with Rei, Asuka or Hikari.
Experiencing a sharp pain of guilt that went through his chest as he gave a wince but the redhead took this chance to use her tongue as it caressed with his in a rough method.
"Ooo Shinji Ikari I didn't know you enjoyed being treated rough... good thing I love to be dominant."
Grasping for one of his hands, she layed it onto her blouse just as his eyes went into shock as he felt her chest whilst she plastered herself onto him, kissing him roughly and licking his tongue the same method with her own tongue... before she pulled away and did a loud moan just as he regained his senses
"M...Mana what's wrong with you... I mean..."
He then felt a sharp pain from his ear as she tugged hard on his earlobe with his teeth and nibbling the fleshy part just as she rubbed onto him more and rubbed his shirt covered chest hard, she gave him a hard glare to which he sweat dropped but it went even further when he saw the hungry expression that was in her eyes.
"I waited too long to do this Shinji, at least you should enjoy it, I know I'm going too especially if this little guy wants to come out and play."
Mana's other hand wandered down low until it was rubbing the bulge of Shinji's slacks and his shirt at the same time but Mana was impatient with his hand not doing anything so she tore open her blouse and forced his hand to touch her breasts which were without a bra so he was more than surprise when he realised what she had in mind.
Oh god she wants to have sex with me!
He didn't realise how his fly was suddenly opened or how the hand on his chest was suddenly gone but as he looked down at Mana, she was on her knees tugging his slacks down with all her might, she did that and easily moved his boxers down she was now eyeing his cock like a peace of meat.
"Wow Shin-kun you are gifted, let's see if you can last through this."
He then felt the pleasure of a wet mouth over his groin and moaned loud.
Mana was focused on sucking on his cock as her head moved up and down in a pace that she developed long after her supposed 'death', she spent her time in her new identity learning how to do this cause she became a prostitute at Okinawa which was of course a sleaze town after the drugs, corruption and violence made it a place of living hell.
The last time that she saw him was six months ago and now her new skills in personal pleasure were now being used here just as she went down to his pubic hairs, easily swallowing his shaft but not going into a deep throat just yet she focused on her licking which was fast and shallow at first but then her licking became slow and deep but this made him moan more louder.
Oh my, how did she become so good with this, she's even better than Asuka's methods. He thought just as she started again with her up and down movements, tongue action and then adding to all of that she was twisting the skin at the base of the shaft with her right hand in a manner that screamed that she did this before.
She pulled away from all of that before she looked up at his face just as her attention was focused on the head of the cock to which she licked as slowly as she could, she could literally feel him shivering.
Why do all of this keep happening to me, I'm suppose to be depressed and instead the important people of my life are giving me this much pleasure, it's like I've been blessed by a lady of sin.
He thought but silent happenings made him groan with impatience, but as he looked down Mana was getting rid of her blouse and her breasts were bared open to the cold air.
"I bet no-one you know has ever done this to you Shin-kun, now your about to receive a tit-fuck from your Mana-chan."
Mana then enveloped his cock into the cleavage of her breasts and start to pump them together giving Shinji Ikari a new kind of pleasure, he moaned just she pumped herself up and down whilst when the head would pop out, she gave the tip a good lick.
This repeated on for a few minutes until her hands that were on his balls felt that they were being drawn in, so she stopped with her torture and just opened her mouth and crudely licked her lips and held out her tongue.
"Give me your cum Shinji, I want it!" Keeping her tongue out and her mouth open wide; Shinji had to grit his teeth and then grunted before the familiar sensation of cumming happened.
It's too much! He thought with a grunt just as his cum shooted out and went into her mouth for the first blast and then a few more went in to which it slightly dribbled out of her mouth and onto her breasts.
Wow... I never thought that Shinji would taste this good, this pales in comparison to some of my previous works.
She thought as she pulled away and swallowed the loads in her mouth before she cleaned up his cock with her tongue before she stood up and hugged him tight.
"I'm glad that I was able to do this with you Shinji, I couldn't do this with anyone else."
"Why would you risk your own life just for me Mana?"
"Because I care about you Shin-kun and I felt that this was the way for us to see each other again." Her hand reaches up and caresses his cheek softly just as she pressed her head on his chest.
"I'm just concerned about you Mana..."
"Sometimes Shinji Ikari you are a sweet boy... no wait man most definitely a man especially if he's still ready to play."
She motioned to his still erect cock to which he blushed slightly but he was stunned to see Mana pressing herself to the wall with only her hands against but the difference was that her skirt was flipped over so he could see her backside slightly split.
"Now Shinji I want you to claim me as yours... just like what you always want."
Shinji finally twitched at the amount of cum dripping down her legs and making a puddle on the floor after all the stuff that he went through for the last few days and finally from the inside something just snapped like THAT.
Maya didn't know who or what fucked her.
She braced herself on the wall waiting for the moment she had been waiting for the last six months ever since she saw him last, she could literally feel her own juices dripping down her thighs as she waited for the moment that it would begin, suddenly she was impatient just as she turned her head to look at her soon to be lover, he seemed different... his muscles were more bulky and his cock was even bigger.
Oh my... Her thoughts were interrupted when he pounced on her with his hands on her hips and with one hard thrust he was in her fully and she had to scream out loud at how powerful his methods seemed to be.
She feels a little loose but still tight. He thought in his mind which seemed a bit hazy just as he begun his hard thrusts into her, just as the noises were slowly increasing to another level somewhere in his mind he was afraid that he was going to be found out by Section 2 or some sort of authority would crack them down.
But deep down inside the both of them in an area where the matters of the world are forgotten, only a primal instinct that has existed since the dawn of time can only suffice for the both of them, despite the fact that Mana's breasts were rubbing roughly against the hard and cold brick wall giving her a sensation that she can groan too and plunge back onto his cock with all her strength.
This continued on as time passed by, neither of them not caring what was happening only for the fact that they were together and were finally in a scenario that required mating, their actions continued just as Shinji went even faster and more harder with his thrusts pressing her harder onto the wall whilst she thrusted back as hard as she could.
Their actions lasted a good twenty minutes which was longer for Mana as she's had sex before and was used to dealing with the whole thing
She'd even picked up a few tricks of her own but the cock that was in her was the longest that she had ever had in her and she was determined to get her man to cum inside her so she began to use her muscles to squeeze the shaft.
Oh god if this doesn't get him off, I don't know what will... this is so good and I won't be able to last if he keeps this up.
She continued on with the muscle squeezing but the hard thrusts kept getting harder and harder and even faster than before, she kept from moaning loud on how rough she was being treated... Shinji was now much better than the last few men that fucked her.
I won't be able to last long if she keeps squeezing my cock with her pussy... I hope I don't cum first that would be embarrassing!
He thought with the amount of his mind not focused on the fucking... he knew that he was close to cumming because he did actually pass the time that he normally had with Rei, Asuka or Misato but his endurance was slowly developing and he had passed his best a while ago now.
"Come on... Shinji... pound that monster in me and make me cum... and then fill me up!" Mana was doing her best now at making him cum, abandoning all reason and just basically going with it, Shinji knew he couldn't last now and so with a few very hard thrusts he shouted out her name.
"MANA!!!!!!" Feeling his cum shoot out was the trigger that she needed before she screamed out to the heavens his name.

"OH SHINJI YES!!!!!" Together they cummed for a good five minutes before they fell to the ground together, Shinji promptly fell on his arse whilst panting like an animal whilst Mana was basking in the aftermath of the best sex that she ever had.
"That... that was great..."
I can't believe how good that was, god forbid that was REALLY great.
Many Evangelion fanatics would agree and finally after reading those sex sequences Mana fan boys have cummed in their boxer shorts.
A few minutes later, they had their clothes on and were looking at each other.
"So what happens now Mana?"
"Shinji I didn't come here just for the great fuck... no I love you loads and I want to take you away from all of this."
Lately I have been thinking of other thoughts but then again I have never liked it here... I'm not sure on what I want now because I have people here that I don't want to disappoint anymore.
He thought as he reflected on what Mana said and with what's been happening recently he couldn't decide on what to do for him…either he turn his back on the people that cared for him or turn down his first love.
"I don't know Mana if I should..." Mana then looked up at him and then in a rare show of compassion, she understood what he was trying to say.
"Shinji-kun I'm only here for a few days and all because I don't want to risk everything I have in order for us to run away together, get married and have kids somewhere out there... so I'm hoping that you choose a decision for us otherwise I don't know what to do..." Mana as she was fully dressed started to turn away and head down to a nearby exit.
"W...Wait Mana, how do I know where you are... I'm not sure how to contact you." She turned back and then walked to him and wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him hard and then rubbed his crotch lightly with her hand.
"I'll call your mobile or if you want me even more than tonight, I'll be in the shadows waiting for you my darling."
Mana then let go and blew a kiss at him before she trekked down the shadows and disappeared from his sight once again, the pilot of Unit 01 stretched about and then without realising where he was going... he went down the same path that he took and disappeared.
From out of nowhere the busty looking blonde appeared once more as she observed what was happening and with a smile on her face was satisfied with her result.
"That young human deserves to have happiness... but he'll have to choose which happiness that he can have." She then disappeared leaving the alley intersection completely empty once more.
After a couple of hours, Mana returned back to the flat that she was currently occupied and promptly fell on her bed, she felt all sore all over and her breasts were starting to sting from the rubbing on the brick wall all in all she was feeling good all over.
"Rough night eh Mana?" She then turned her head to another young woman who was sitting on the bed reading a book with her glasses on, she looked at Mana with a knowing smile on her face.
"Yes Mayumi... it was so good, it went better than I planned."
"Please tell me the details."
The two girls then went on how the evening went, basically a lot of girl talk... in reality they were more than just flatmates Mana Kirishmata and Mayumi Yamagishi are in fact bi-sexual partners.
(Taro) I hope you are all done with your wanking cause this is where it ends for the moment, as far as I know then that was the first full-on Shinji/Mana lemon filled chapter and all based on a fantasy of mine which is good as well but then again that is my opinion.
I hope you all are reeling from the fact not only did I add Mayumi from Evangelion Second Impression in this but also Mana's lesbian partner as well... I can promise good sex will come from this however so don't worry about lack of stuff.
I can say now that the story is about half way done and according to my knowledge there will be 13 more chapters full of smutty plot before this series comes to a close and when this is done, you guys will go on and on at how good it was.
I feel that this series is now an epic on its own so before I get with the ego act, I am not going to alienate my FF.Net fans either, I'll be focusing next on the 2nd chapter soon.

So write in and tell me what you think!