Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ Sex Days: Shinji Ikari ❯ Day 4, Episode 1 - A Day to Chill Out... Yeah Right ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sex Days: Shinji Ikari
Taro MD
Day 4, Episode 1 - A Day to Chill Out... Yeah Right
We're now officially halfway through and this day will have revelations that will set in motion the next couple of days... it will be a day off but the next three chapters will set up events that will shock you... right now from here on in, Alliances will form and you already know the first since I've been hinting it in Day 3, Episode 2.
I'm just an average writer who apparently according to a few fans has hit a winning formula and thus has become popular which is more than what I was expecting coming from an area that is dominated by the likes of Warpwizard, RX7 and Steve Vader so I wouldn't know how to react to see all the attention that I've had.
I was very disappointed that Night Shift beat me to the Shinji/Mana pairing but then again in that story she died whilst so far she's alive in mine but there is one thing I can be certain of and that is I will start a new pairing off in the Evangelion genre where not many authors DARE go to and this day will build up to the shocking conclusion which will stun most of you.
Let's begin the next part!
Shinji was resting on his back on the bed surrounded by the lovely ladies of his life, He watched the sun go up outside the nearby window whilst the orange and red light started to fill up the room in the early morning.
From the previous night's encounter with Mana in the alleyway, I felt that I was going to die... thank god I made it back to the apartment in one piece otherwise I wouldn't have enjoyed sleeping in the cold streets... I was glad though for the day off from NERV but I felt dead when I woke up the next morning.
Once again we return to the usual sensations that came over a flashback.
"Hang on I don't want to experience this, can we just get to it without having to resort to this." Shinji then said sleepily to the author's voice in the air just as the flashback stopped and the author grumbled.
Jeez give demand to anime stars and they think they can run the fanfic; it's like Lemon Rebellion all over again.
Shinji Ikari was flat out on his back on his bed back at the apartment, he was completely tired and unable to move a muscle at all... he barely remembered getting in and he was glad that no-one heard him come in so he went to his room and locked the door before slumping onto his back and passed out.
Finally he woke up and felt like shit... he sat up on the bed and looked at the clock nearby before he couldn't believe that he slept in for most of the day and it was impossible for him to go to school although he remembered that he didn't have to go to NERV today but at a slow pace, he got out of the head and winced at how painful it was to go through two powerful fucks in one day.
He headed to the bathroom to get himself clean as much as his body permitted before he went back to the bedroom and changed into a dark blue shirt with the normal black slacks... but he didn't bother putting anything on his feet because he didn't bother for one... so since no-one was in, he decided to make himself a late breakfast consisting of an omelet with ham and cheese which was surprising cause he was glad that he did the shop yesterday.
Now he was resting on the couch watching the television and not paying much attention to it at all... but he was remembering the events of the previous night as he was blown by Hikari in school no less and then afterwards in her apartment he fucked both Rei to which she knows about his and Hikari's activities and then from out of the shadows came Maya with skills that blew him literally into her mouth and pussy.
He felt that all of the events of the last 3 days were rushed all at once and he hasn't had a chance to take a proper rest yet to which he might do that soon but for the moment he was content by egging himself on the couch and watching the television like your typical American middle aged man.
Suddenly he heard a knock on the door as he welcomed back to reality and he was forced to get up and grumble as he got himself to the door but he was immediately surprised when he opened the door and saw Hikari beaming at him with an infectious smile on her face.
"Hi there Shinji… miss me."
"Hey Kari what brings you..." Before he could say anymore, he was in the bereavement of a very big hug from her as he felt her body rub against his in a very suggestive manner but he knew that she meant something more so she let go and then took his hand and dragged him inside the house but he remembered to shut the door blocking the outside world from seeing this event.
Usually when this happened you always expect a lot of sex.
He felt that it was sweet torture when her lips and tongue going up and down on his neck whilst rubbing the bulge of his slacks, this was an hour after Hikari came by and helped him in what he called personal care mainly cooking up a chicken fried rice to which she cut up the boiled chicken into strips and then used the stock to create the miso soup that she knew how to make.
After the filling meal and then relaxing on the couch for an half hour, he immediately felt her hands unzipping the zipper on his slacks as he looked to her face to which he saw a seductive smile on her face.
"You just relax there Shin, let Mama Take care of little Shin." She then licked her lips gladfully when she pulled the zipper down and dipped her hand to drag out his manhood by her hand and then she looked at it... although it seemed a bit red in places, it was still dripping pre-cum.
"Aw... little Shin's feeling a bit worn out, I should give it my special care." It was then she started to lick up the pre-cum from the tip and then she dragged her tongue up his shaft a few times from different positions before she started to add kisses to the head and half the shaft before she decided to let in the head into her mouth and started to suck on it whilst licking it with her tongue.
Ugh... I love it when she gives me her special treatment; I wonder if I should wait till afterwards to tell her about Rei and how she knows about us.
He thought just as she began to bob her head up and down, she was taking special care to make sure that her tongue would go over the red sore bits so they won't feel sore again to what she had in mind afterwards but anyway from his moans, she knew she was doing it right and this kept up with her bobbing head and her sucking to which she increased her speed.
After yesterday's events Shinji was surprised at the amount of stamina he had especially when he knew that wouldn't last any longer with her treatment... and sides he was suppose to rest today after all so he decided to give a grunt as his hips thrusted up into her mouth and then he cummed into her mouth to which her eyes sparkled in delight as she swallowed his cum.
A few minutes after he cummed, she cleaned him up and as eager as she did though... this is what sets Hikari apart from the other girls of his life, she was so eager to please him it was almost like if she would become a good housewife someday to any lucky male but her eyes were on him and she wasn't going to someone else anytime soon.
"Enjoyed that Shin-chan?"
"You know I do Kari... but we need to have a talk..."
"I already know Shinji about you and Rei... she gave me her permission earlier today in school after we had a.... well you could say 'talk'." Shinji was confused and was almost terrified about how Hikari reacted to his news of him and Rei together but he was relieved that she knew and apparently that must be why she was here like this... he was expected her to tear him apart in her class president voice.
"What kind of talk?" Hikari then kissed his cheek after he said that.

"I'll tell you later on... I'm here to escort you to my place for a little fun if you know what I mean." She winked as he fully knew what he meant... he was going to see Hikari's place and possibly her bed.
"So... what are we going to do now?" He easily saw her grin turn feral as she then took his arm and got up from the couch, dragging him from the couch.
"Let's go visit your room... I've always wondered what it's like and then you can fuck me on your bed."
Shinji's nose immediately dripped blood as he was dragged into his room.
Here we go again with the sexual content... prepare yourself with the tissues fellow reader.
So inside Shinji's room, the happy couple skipped the foreplay and jumped towards the bed... Shinji was prepared to claim Hikari for the first time and she was very eager to receive his love the hard way... for the young girl her virginity was claimed by Touji during an awkward first time that came to a short end but she's improved and so did he and that was before the incident with Unit 03.
She reminded herself that her love for the jock was in the past and now she was looking forward to the future... especially when she felt his cock going inside her and she had to moan loud because it was the biggest thing that her pussy has ever had... even bigger than the dildo that Kodama gave to her because of her frustrations.
"I'm ok... I'm not a virgin but treat me as one, claim me as yours Shin-chan!"
Kodama's going to like Shinji especially later on tonight... I know she'll thank me for this.
Hikari thought as she felt his cock go through her pussy like a piston as she moaned loud as she eagerly thrusted her hips back... long after she lost her virginity she discovered that she was a nymph meaning she REALLY enjoyed sex and this was highly because of the stories that Kodama used to tell her when she was a teenager.
Damn Hikari feels so tight but also so warm at the same time... I wonder if she likes it when I do this.
He thought as he decided to increase the speed of his thrusts in tune to her eager moans and screams as he felt her nails on his back with a tinge of pain but he ignored it just as he continued to thrust harder into the school rep as she became more louder in her vocalising.
"Yes, yes do me more Shinji!!!"
I can't really say no to a lady's request.
He thought as she became even more louder with her voice as he became more faster and harder with his thrusts as she screamed out to the heavens... although he was worried about disturbing the peace in this practically ghost city of Tokyo-3, basically half an hour had passed since they started to fuck each other... it was a good thing that the door was closed and locked which was a miracle.
Eventually they began to feel their physical and sexual limit meaning they were about to cum... so very hard thrusts met an eager pussy that was squeezing the life out of it's cock and finally with a growl, he let it loose and so did she.
They both cummed at the same time or in time, Hikari started and Shinji followed... after a few minutes they were absolutely wrecked amongst bed sheets that were all over the place and still on the bed, she then smiled at him and leaned her head up to give him a soul-searching kiss.

"That was fantastic Shin... it was beyond what I was expecting when I first saw your cock."
"I didn't realise that you was so... vocal." She then punched him lightly on the arm and giggled.
"You made me feel good Shinji, even more than when I was with Touji... thank you." She then gave a bone-shattering glomp that took Shinji by surprise and then she rolled him over and looked down on him... she still had that predatory glint in her eyes.
"As much as I want to start on Round 2... We need a shower and then I can take you to my place, where I can show you my bed." She winked as she got up, with a walk that involved shaking her ass to incite his attention, it practically worked.
They didn't get out of the shower for 20 minutes.
Hikari helped out with Shinji in tidying his room and putting fresh bed sheets on his bed before they dumped the very damp sheets into the washing machine and then drying them off before putting them away in the nearby closet in his room, then with her hands on his arm, they set out of the apartment complex and headed in the direction of Hikari's apartment.
Shinji was thinking how much of a good fuck was Hikari... with her talking she was the most vocal out of the 3 ladies of his life and also the most dedicated, he immediately wondered how she wasn't as angry as she was when he should of told her how Rei knew of him and the class rep.
"Kari?" She looked up at her man with adoring eyes.
"Yes Shin?"
"How did that talk with Rei come about?" She immediately had a blush on her face as she remembered how Rei convinced her.
"If you really want to know Shinji... I'll tell you."
Wait till the next chapter to find out how Rei convinced Hikari.
(Taro) Thanks for being patient with me, with the powers of perversion and imagination... I have completed this chapter, now you may wonder why it is so short... if you didn't get my angry rant then I was getting tired of seeing mindless fans wanting to work like a machine to produce the smut that they want.
I've been ill and I'm better now somewhat to least produce this... next chapter will be a Lesbian pairing between Rei and Hikari and this will continue off what this chapter ended on and filled in details and then the chapter beyond this will be the most lemony one so far so don't go into a fret that I haven't been updating is because I've been busy with a new sidejob that I need to improve my skills.
I'm a radio DJ on this station - so help the station by tuning in and listen in to my show which is It Came From The Valleys which is a music/talk show on Mondays and Wednesdays 10pm GMT and Fridays 6pm GMT... this is where I am If I'm not updating lemons or If I'm bored... download Winamp or Itunes in order to play the software.
I am also expecting reviews as well so go ahead and write one out as soon as your done reading... I need the support.