Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ Sex Days: Shinji Ikari ❯ Day 4, Episode 2 - Pleasurable Negotiations ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sex Days: Shinji Ikari
Taro MD
Day 4, Episode 2 - Pleasurable Negotiations
I've regained my means to write which now means I can write again and possibly write more smut in the upcoming months... when this story does come to it's conclusion, I'll perhaps venture out and do a Ranma one and then with determination in hand, I'll write my top secret PwP lemon as soon as has fully recovered (or not.).
I've did try a lesbian scene before in one of the Teen Titans chapters with Raven/Starfire but I'll venture into this one with good intentions so yeah, I'm going to try as hard as I can for this so you'll understand why Hikari was so understanding of Shinji and Rei's relationship.
The amount of reviews that I've gotten is now over 100 and that by itself is a record... now I'll reserve my thanks until the story is complete but there are a few who don't like my writing style and whilst I'll take their advice and make it better, rarely I'll just say screw you I'll do what I like, this story is on it's way to the conclusion of this day and the shocking end I've guaranteed.
Now is time for some lesbianism!
Hikari was busy walking towards the next class in school as she was the respected class rep of her group, it was a good thing that she was alone because she wouldn't of thought of getting her plans of convincing Shinji to come to her place, Asuka although she was a bit distant she was still a good friend as well... she wasn't looking forward to the eventual backlash.
Asuka would be pissed off at me if she knew that I was Shinji... I don't want to lose her friendship.
She thought as she finally arrived in the class although Asuka told her that Shinji wasn't able to turn up today but she has plans to turn up at his place regardless and see if she could take him over to her place later on tonight... her pussy throbbed at the thought of having his big cock thrusting inside her space.
I'll have to keep focus for later today, I can't wait though.
She thought as she sat down and then when the sensei came into the room she did her usual routine before the class took their seats and herself as well...she was concentrating on the lesson but her thoughts were mixed up especially on Shinji but she tried her best to concentrate with her thoughts unsuspecting that cool eyes were watching her.
I must have a word with Representative Horaki sometime today, if she was sharing my Shinji then we must come to a deal otherwise I'll regard her as a rival to Shinji-kun's affections.
Rei then thought on how she would catch up on Hikari sometime during lunch and hopefully work out a deal.
But we all know that this is one of those plot moment so don't blame me.
Lunchtime came about and Hikari managed to slip into the toilets because she needed to go after drinking a can of orange soda during break and was desperate to relieve herself as she slipped into a nearby stall before she lowered her knickers and sighed to herself, the tension was gone for the moment.
I knew I shouldn't have brought that drink... but Kodama insisted I bring it in and she didn't want to waste it herself and it's a good thing I like this sort of drink myself.
She thought as she got up and lifted her knickers... she didn't notice how her stall was soundlessly opened or the other person that stepped through to confront the class rep.
"Time for lunch I reckon."
"Representative Horaki I believe we have something to discuss about."
She then turned to see Rei inside the same stall as she was as she got nervous at how she managed to get it without making a noise... and then the horror at the thought of what would happen if anyone else would have found out especially Asuka, her reputation wouldn't be able to recover from such a massive fall.
"A...Ayanami what are you doing, this is not practical!"
"There's no-one about and if there are, they would be eating lunch although I wouldn't know but there's a matter I want to check with you about..."
"What kind of matter?"
"How you was with Shinji-kun in a non-business manner."
Oh god she can't have known about that unless... wait a minute, she's saying Shinji-kun there's no way unless... oh god Shinji and Rei are a couple and I didn't know about it, this is REALLY going to set my plans back!
"W...what do you mean by that?"
"How you seduced Shinji in an open manner and proceeded to suck his cock."
Oh god she REALLY does know... I am so screwed!
Hikari thought in a worried manner before she broke down realising that she messed up in the attempts to secure her one and only perfect man but only to find out that he was already taken.
She didn't see the small smile that was on her face... nor how her crimson eyes were to spark a flame, she wouldn't be curious to know how lesbian partnership would work.
But there was a first for everything... perhaps they would come to a deal.
I believe that she seems to be worried about if I was angry towards her making advances on Shinji-kun but from what I've observed of him... my love for him won't be enough, perhaps I ought to share him with those that he love as well... perhaps I could convince Horaki to 'share' the love as it often referred to.
"I'm not as angry as you would believe."
"Huh?" The hell?
"Although I'm a bit angry on how you made your approach, I was hoping that we could come to a deal... since we love the same man."
Is she willing to share Shinji with me, that can't be it...?
"You want me to share him with you?"
"That is what I just said unless you weren't listening."
"No... I heard you but I thought you would be angry..."
"Shinji isn't the kind of person that could cheat on me so I assumed that you approached him am I correct?"
Hikari who was a bit dumbfounded just nod but she was definitely suspicious cause after all her older sister has had a history of highly sexual meetings and was usually the one that was forward if not perverted and she felt that she could continue the line when she snagged Touji for herself but with that relationship ending badly, she relied on Shinji to make the pain go away.
"I do admit that I approached Shinji-kun earlier in the week but I thought that he wasn't with someone much less you... no offence."
She said in an uneasy way and unsure how Rei Ayanami would react but she kept calm regardless.
"I was wondering if we can come to a deal that would allow the both of us to share Shinji without the need for neither of us to come to blows."
A deal to share Shinji... oh that means I can still take Shinji over to my place and lose my virginity with him and then the surprise as well.
"Alright Rei you got yourself a deal... I'll share Shinji with you as long as I get dibs on him this evening."

"It's fine with me Horaki but there's one more thing I want to add as well."

"What's that?"
Hikari was practically stunned when Rei leaned over and kissed the shorter girl on the lips.
"R... Rei why did you kiss me?"
"Isn't that what partners do?"
Hooray for Rei Ayanami's bi-sexual nature ^_^.
Hikari was still confused as Rei kissed her again, unsure of how she would respond especially if this was her first lesbian experience but like most young women she was learning and thus she began to kiss back as well, soon they were onto French kissing as fast as they could dare think that it wasn't going to be possible to comprehend.
Anyway back to the story, they were trying to get clothes off each other but they only had a small amount of time before the lessons would continue once more so Rei decided to take the offense and fumbled around for her panties which she then pulled to one side and then slipped a finger in her before the other hand opened up her shirt and moved her bra upwards before she took her exposed breast into her mouth and sucked on it.
Hikari moaned as quietly as she could whilst Rei continued on with her methods as she would calculate that the time towards the end of lunch wouldn't be far off now so she quickly kept the pace up as her finger moved in and out of Hikari's moist pussy and she started to lick the nipple at a fast pace knowing that they would have to be rushed for time.
"Oh yes!"
Unfortunately Hikari came at the right time from the shock and the intensity of the girl-girl scenario playing out as Rei's finger got very wet and it was squeezed tight like a cramp before it stopped and she was forced to clean up her finger with her mouth tasting another woman's cum in the process which she liked.
She sighed as she felt Rei kneel down and stick her tongue inside her drooling gash and cleaned her out... in the process she gained another few orgasms as Rei's tongue not experienced washed over her inner tunnel and her clit which was throbbing with pleasure, finally she came down from the rush and sighed to herself as Rei withdrew satisfied for the moment.
They cleaned themselves up and proceeded
"I hope you enjoy your evening miss Horaki."
"Thank you and Rei?"
"Call me Hikari please."
"I will Hikari as long as you call me Rei."
Rei nodded just as she left the stall with a need to eat her lunch and then ten minutes later Hikari left the stall as well.
It would begin the partnership between them and for Shinji.
Hikari was overjoyed at how school came about... now dressed up in a outfit that is more on the like of schoolgirl that wanted to show off but decent enough to show off her ampleness, she was heading towards the apartment complex where her man Shinji was residing and now that she got Rei's blessing... things were going her way and this evening will be something that she'll never forget.
Kodama will love me after tonight especially with what Shinji is packing but perhaps I should test to see if he's in the mood for a little fun before that happens and then I'll escort him back to my place... that sounds like a good idea.
She thought as she made her way over to where Shinji lived unknownst that from out of nowhere, the lush blonde appeared and smiled to her before she became a bright light and disappeared from view... her mission for the moment completed.
I shall watch these upcoming events with great pleasure.
She said this with her crotch very wet.
(Taro) Well after a long time I've finished this edition with not as much glamour as I hoped... believe me it wasn't easy detailing a girl/girl encounter but I managed to pull this one off with some measure of satisfaction that and I had my attention focused on what I'm going to provide.
I've entered a lemon contest... yes you heard me right there's a new contest after the last good contest provided us fans and readers with the winning entry Blackout and my entry is one of the few that are confirmed, believe me you fans are going to LOVE with what I've managed to whip together and there is news on that as well.
As soon as the contest is done, I will put my entry onto MM.Org for you fans to enjoy the utter PWPness that I can do... this is also my largest lemon ever so I would love to have you guys help me win this cause it'll revive the Eva Scene and guaranteed a new heavyweight of the lemon genre will be established.
So apologises if this chapter is short... I am going to work on the chapter that will make this story famous and I have one word to describe it as well.