Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ Sex Days: Shinji Ikari ❯ Day 4, Episode 3 - Dinner to the Horaki's ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sex Days: Shinji Ikari
Taro MD
Day 4, Episode 3 - Dinner to the Horaki's
Yes this is it; the main event that I've been hyping up ever since I've started this story is about to happen in this chapter... Hikari and Kodama are involved in this and you'll wonder if I'm going to produce one of the best lemons so far but hey I've been sick writing this story and I know I've been on a bad run lately.
I'll be in redemption soon enough and especially with the lemon contest of Tobias's coming up so the fortunes of my lemon writing career will be based on that cause if I don't beat any of the heavyweights then I might consider throwing the towel in and resign from writing altogether cause this series in general has been the shocker of the Evangelion genre.
Anyway skipping the lemon contest for now, this is for Sex Days and now the main event of this story and when this chapter is done, it will shock, astound and will make this story more infamous than what it is now.
Enjoy and happy reading!
Hikari was the one for the last hour or so was on the edge... her biggest night of all her life was coming up and although they were going through a not so popular area of the city to travel to her house, she made sure that her father was at work and possibly coming back in the next morning and now that the night was here... she was nervous.
Kodama was in her mind an inspiration to her sexual feelings... hearing her stories about what she got up to in university was the only reason why decided to ask for advice in the first place, she was glad that she decided to stay home although Kodama disapproved of Touji, their break-up quickly led into her seduction of Shinji Ikari to which Kodama approved of.
Now she wants to meet him and somewhere along the lines, sex is always on the objective just in case for Kodama's sake as she, herself and Touji were in a threesome and although she thought his cock was big, Kodama didn't like him at all and later on the older sister told the younger one of her opinion and saying to her that he wasn't good enough for her.
The incident with Unit 03 was a blessing and a curse for the class rep... Touji was the one that pushed her away and it saddened her to see him like that but it was something of the past in her mind and now this was like showing off Shinji to her which meant that if she would like him then her future with him would be secured regardless if heaven would drop down and wage war.
She had to remind herself that she was with Shinji and his lean somewhat muscular frame kept her safe especially on a night like this... the thought of him fucking her center made her moist slightly in between and she had to shake herself to keep focus on the task in hand.
Keep focused Hikari you don't want to drag him into an alley and rape him... although that sounds so tempting right now I must get him to my place!
"Are you feeling alright Kari?"
Shinji's voice broke her out of her thoughts and brought her back to reality as she looked up at his eyes... she was lucky to be sharing him with Rei.
"Of course I am silly Shin... it's not long before we get to my place."
The look in Hikari's eyes told him that this was something he wouldn't forget neither.
Well it was obvious after all cause of the last 3 days worth of story, sex and smut.
Finally they arrived into the Horaki apartment and the class rep showed him up the stairs outside and then finally she unlocked the door and let him in first before she closed the door.
"Welcome to my home Shinji."
The Horaki apartment looked spacious but he remembered that he lived in an apartment as well although this was a bit more bigger than his home... he loved the decorations as well but a door opening interrupted him and a new voice was then heard in his mind.
"So you must be Shinji Ikari."
Coming through was a slightly older version of Hikari he felt but her figure was much different, much taller than her and slightly taller than him plus her hair was slightly longer... her breasts weren't as big although they were a very large form of the B cup but it was her ass that was a highlight for her body and Shinji resisted getting himself hard in front of Hikari's sister.
"Hi Kodama and yes this is Shinji, Shin this is my older sister Kodama."
Wow this kid is certainly shy around strangers... I'm not sure this is the one Hikari wanted to shag.
"I'll get dinner ready guys oh and Kodama can you tell Nozumi that dinner is ready in about half an hour?"
"Yes Hikari."
Kodama went off towards a part of the apartment that Shinji didn't know and when he checked his watch that the time was until he noticed that it was about nearly 6pm and felt that it was late but he was invited for dinner and it was rude for him to leave after all, so he noticed a couch and sat down to wait.
Kodama went by and Shinji avoided looking at her butt although the older woman had a smirk and then winked at him before she went off into the kitchen and checked on Hikari and the cooking, then Nozumi rushed into the room and was delighted to see Shinji... he felt embarrassed at the attention so a short conversation was ensured before she went back to her room.
"Ok everyone it's time for dinner!"
Nozumi quickly ran by again and this time Shinji couldn't resist the lure of fresh cooked food so he got up and went to the kitchen... feeling a bit hungry as well, the kitchen was full with the smell of not only something really good but Kodama and Nozumi were at the table ready to eat and from what Hikari was cooking made his mouth water.
"Something smells good Hikari."
The young woman smiled as she put the last few spices to the dishes... looking at the meal, Hikari prepared a beef teriyaki with fried rice and vegetables although it wasn't something special but Shinji did have a fondness for teriyaki so he was hoping that he would enjoy the meal.
"Thank you Shinji... I'm almost ready so go ahead and sit down."
Shinji nodded as he took a seat down at a part of the table just as Hikari came in and asked for Kodama's help just as they brought in the meal and with all 4 people on the table, they did a small prayer and then they ate the meal... it was done in great gusto and everyone enjoyed it and Shinji resisted going for a second round.
Now that was cooking... Hikari must have put her soul into that meal.
After 20 minutes had passed and idle chit-chat went passed, Nozumi got up and bowed her head before she ran out of the kitchen and went back to her room under the guise that she wanted to do her homework but there was a secret that she had and it almost was revealed and that was she still had that crush on Shinji and although she was young, she overheard what her sisters were planning for him and thought perhaps she could join with them for one time.
Speaking of which, it's almost time for the main event, would anyone like to have popcorn or just have some tissues?
A couple of hours later more than planned, Nozumi was waiting for everything to kick off and Kodama was sitting in the living space watching a Soap Opera that she wanted to watch for a while now which left Shinji and Hikari free for something, the class rep decided
Shinji didn't realize what was happening at the moment, first of all he was invited into Hikari's room especially the why he could detect a bit of passion in her voice which was something he picked up on Rei and Asuka before they willingly bedded him on their beds and the next moment Hikari was on top of him playing tonsil hockey with her tongue on his tonsils.
He didn't mind this at all cause he had a feeling that he would be fucking her on her bed and in her own home as well which made the whole thing an exotic feel but his hands were roaming about her lower back and arse which made her moan and squirm about before she slightly raised herself up and put her hands under his shirt, feeling about his chest and stomach muscles which she liked.
"You are so handsome Shin... I still can't believe Rei was willing to share you."
"I know Kari, I should be the lucky one because you was so close to Touji I never thought that I would have a chance with you... well this was before the start of the week happened and Rei got to me first but we're here."

"Yes Shin I've never felt so special before... not even Touji made me feel like this."
This began the kissing session once again especially with their hands all over each other although this was a much more heated version of what happened earlier but then Hikari decided to help him up somewhat as he then was forced to stand up to which the young woman grinned knowing what would happen next.
Her hands grasped the waistband of his slacks, determined to get at the source of his sudden bulge and with ease she got them off and the boxers that covered them so she got gaze at his cock which stood out like a rod of metal with dripping precum, she immediately licked it up loving the taste before she slipped her mouth over the tip and sucked on it softly.
His hands came onto her head as she began to move her head down partially before moving back up and repeating it again, the pattern became apparent especially when he moaned from the action... he was glad that she was the most eager when it came to his lady lovers, Rei was more focused, Asuka was more like dominant and Mana well he won't go into detail there.
Whilst this was happening unknownst to him that Kodama snuck into the room and observed the whole thing from a distance as she carefully made her way towards him waiting for some sort of sign... it did please her that her younger sister chose a right gentlemen although she didn't like Touji on the basis that he was arrogant and his prick wasn't big enough to satisfy her.
She was so quiet in her approach but she noticed how her sister was enjoying bobbing up and down on his shaft which seemed big from how she went up and down.... she often had sex in university and she knew what to enjoy from a big cock and if Hikari was right about this one then she would give him an enjoyable experience.
Finally she spotted the opening that she was waiting for, Hikari in her pleasure had her hands on his ass and was massaging them occasionally opening them is which she decided how she would enter this affair and turn a spark of passion into a inferno of lust and she knew what to do with this as she had a few lovers to try this on.
Shinji was enjoying the blowjob and how his asscheeks were massaged as her lips and tongue were on his cock but now he felt a slight feeling on his ass as another tongue was going up and down whilst he felt a pair of hands massage his balls to which he moaned loud and resisted not the urge to cum right there but he felt that he was getting double teamed.
That's strange I know Hikari's giving my dick a suck but if she's here then who's behind me?
He tried to turn his head round but the hairstyle was enough to make him realize that it was Kodama that was attacking his ass with her tongue and this instantly made him cum to which Hikari was a bit surprised but she continued to suck and suck until all the cum was discharged properly before she pulled back and smiled up to him.
"Guess you found out about Kodama's special skill?"
Kodama pulled back and finally made herself appear in his vision, her outfit showed her curves out and she smirked on his reaction but was more impressed on the size of the cock.
"Wow... that's some tool hey sis can you share some with me?"
Her sexy smile was shown as she instantly kissed Kodama and thus the two sisters were sharing his cum between them and seeing that they are related... he never thought he got the chance to see incest up close but now that was a reality and he had no idea what to do although his cock was throbbing hard especially when the two girls stared at it.
You can tell that this is going to be fun.
The two sisters then treated Shinji to intense pleasure within the next half hour as Kodama then proceeded to show the male how skilful her techniques were by effortlessly swallowing his hard shaft into her throat as he felt soft and hard sucking and then precise tongue action made him moan very loud.
"Here is how you easily pleasure a man, once you get his cock into your mouth then you'll have the power to do whatever you want with him and he'll be powerless to do anything."
This advice Hikari took to mind as Kodama let her suck him for a bit more as she made him squirm by hollowing her cheeks and sucking hard at the tip of his mighty knob but tongue action was used a lot as well but it got more interesting when Kodama joined in with the licking of Shinji's cockhead as the two sisters gave him another excuse to cum as they cleaned him up.
He was still hard which was surprising to them but Hikari thought this was a great chance for her to get more action for her pussy which was really wet by now so the two of them decided to strip themselves naked showing off the contrasts of older and younger woman as he felt the blood was flowing back into his cock.
Hikari decided to lay down on the bed spreading her legs ready as Shinji took off his shirt as he was fully naked as well... then he set himself up ready as his cock rubbed her pussy before they spread themselves eagerly before he thrusted into her depths surprising her on the action and that her inner muscles were already squeezing the hell out of him before he found himself into a familiar pattern that was beneficial to them both.
Oh yes I missed this... thank goodness my virginity was taken otherwise this would of dampen things.
She thought in glee as his cock went in and out of her pussy continuing on and on as it would.... time would pass but Kodama wanted to progress things on so she decided to suck on Hikari's right nipple as the double sensations kicked into her as she screamed out an orgasm but didn't pass out as she eagerly responded in kind with her own thrusts.
"Well aren't you a stud Shinji..."
The seductive voice of Kodama was heard in his ears just as he was increasing the speed of his thrusts made sure that she gotten his attention by looking at her.
"I bet you enjoy fucking the brains out of my little sister."
"When you are done with her, I want to see if you're better with me."
She then licked her lips and ran a finger down her curvy form before effortlessly splitting her pussy lips and teasing her clit that was standing out just as he was watching but not realising he was going on just aggression and Hikari was squealing loud at the treatment to her pussy so much that it clinched his cock again forcing it to unleash it's load.
"Go on lover boy cum into your little girlfriend."
That was all it took before Shinji did unleash the load that he kept for nearly an hour and into the girl that was moaning loud and then squealing again before she stopped cumming, this was the cue he needed as he pulled out and Hikari was so dazed that she rolled off onto the floor exhausted and with his cum slowly seeping out.
She thought as she took a deep breath and sighed in happiness before she took an important rest.
Kodama however was about to enter the fray.
Kodama watched how his sister was fucked like nothing she saw before other than the last guy that impressed her but more than that... she wanted to see that he was more than man enough to pass her test which was an intense session of fucking and normally she would be the one that was on top.
Let's see how Shinji handles me.
Taking advantage of him whilst he was recharging wasn't the most graceful thing she would of done but it was the most effective as he was on his back and she was on top, taking his shaft in one hand as she stroked it ready before surprising the young man by placing it on the entrance to her pussy and then in one feel swoop she dropped onto his shaft enveloping it and forcing her to make a small moan.
Oh my god she is so loose and tight!
He thought as he felt instantly unable to do a thing as Kodama went up and down on his shaft... her pussy was experienced as it was clinching his shaft whilst she was moving to make sure that every inch of his cock was in her but Shinji who didn't know what to do in this position can only watch the interesting sight before him.
I didn't know that this can be good.
Kodama then grabbed one of his hands and placed it onto her breast on the instruction that he squeezed it to which he did although he didn't know that she moaned and increased the downward thrusts as he squeezed the breast in his hand just as the passion increased and Shinji finally thrusted back into the area.
Hikari finally came round after a breather only to sat up and see her sister and her lover in the threshold of passion and she could only watch and drool... as they increased speed to their thrusts and such, his other hand was onto her ass now as it squeezed the flesh as they continue on and on.
30 minutes had passed before finally Shinji couldn't hold on anymore and began to thrust hard into Kodama's box and from the force this made Kodama scream loud as her pussy began to cream and it squeezed the life out of the cock before three powerful squirts of his cum began to shoot inside her pussy and after a few minutes, both of them were exhausted afterwards.
"God... Hikari he's good, I approve of him."
Hikari then leapt onto the bed and joined them in a three way snuggle before they went to sleep... unsuspecting that this was the perfect time for the watcher to make her move, Nozumi then quietly made her way in.
She couldn't wait anymore and she was hot.
Shinji was dozing off and was exhausted from the assault of the two sisters and they were cuddling up to him satisfied of the result... but before he could realise what was going on, he felt another shuffle on the bed as he immediately spotted a mound on the bed slowly coming towards him and for some reason he got worried.
Oh god not another one.
He thought as the form went up and before he could say anything, Nozumi moved up and with a smile on her face... Shinji started to sweat himself because she was very young and she was naked as well and although she didn't have much look on her, her angelic face was attractive.
"Hi there Shinji."
"Err... hi."
"You been fucking with my sisters and that doesn't make me happy."
"Why's that?"
"Cause I wanted to fuck you as well but I wasn't allowed to take part tonight."
Shinji was speechless but suddenly felt very wrong as she was obviously underage even though he's like 14 but the choice was taken away from him as he felt her small hand rub against his cock which began to harden and he immediately thought of something not sexy before he would instantly regretted it but a small tongue on the tip of his cock made him moan but he kept it quiet.
"Mmmm... this is tasty."
He noticed that she went underneath the sheets as he felt her tongue and hand trying to make his cock hard again as she obviously succeeded as she then took the tip into her mouth as her mouth was small and against a 7 inch cock it was like eating a monster but she didn't care as she tried to get the head into her mouth, her hands were stroking the shaft well.
This is good... oh god Shinji don't think like this, she's underage but why is this good?!
Shinji thought in sin as Nozumi continued to suck on his cockhead although her mouth was twisting left and right to get more saliva onto his shaft before the next part which was as she took a couple ore inches into her mouth although her mouth was small and he felt that she was gagging but kept it in as she continued to suck and lick on the head.
Nozumi was determined to get to drink a bit of his cum... it was impossible for her to get his shaft inside her pussy because it was small but this didn't phase her because Shinji was close to actually cumming and he felt like he was about to burst and commit a great sin but he couldn't resist anymore especially when the tip of his dick touched her throat, that was the trigger needed.
Nozumi felt an urge to gag as she felt the first streams of cum hit her throat and then she went into a frenzy of sucking as she swallowed down the cum like it was a sweet and then after a few minutes she pulled away and licked her lips clean glad that she had some.
"That was good Shinji, I'll see you later."
Nozumi then quietly slipped out of the bed and tiptoed her way out of the bedroom which surprised him.
Ok that was weird...
He thought as Hikari and Kodama then came round and had grins on their face before they took turns kissing a surprised Shinji.
Everything then started all over again.
Outside the room and on a chilly night, the Scribe which if you have forgotten was this REALLY curvy, big breasted wavy blonde woman that wore very sexy clothes and was basically sort of like a messenger can only smile at the scenes that would make blokes cum in their shorts was very pleased at the developments her plans were coming towards.
Soon, he will have lovers that will be loyal to him and soon he'll have the power to control his destiny.
She then disappeared into thin air satisfied with everything going on at the moment... with that Thursday came to an end and hopefully Friday would be the start of everything as her plans start to have concrete in the foundations.
(Taro) So with that Day 4 comes to an end and we're halfway through the story and you might want to know why I didn't let Nozumi go through with being fucked the basis that originally it was a tribute to an Evening with the Horaki's by Steve Vader which was an entry in the Lemontastica Eva Lemon Contest to which it finished 2nd.
In a couple of days I will be facing off against several lemon writers in Tobias's Eva Lemon Contest and my entry is going to be well deserved for all my fans as I'll be putting it on MM.Org regardless of what happens so I'm slight nervous but I'm not expecting to win so when you go to Tobias's LJ you'll know which one is mine.
I also have to thank you guys for sticking with me so far and I will say this, Sex Days will be done that I can promise.
BTW I don't recommend nor do I glorify Paedophilia for anyone out there.