Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ Sex Days: Shinji Ikari ❯ Day 5, Episode 1 - Dawn of the Red Devil ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sex Days: Shinji Ikari
Taro MD
Day 5, Episode 1 - Dawn of the Red Devil
Well we're about to go on with the next day which is going to be heavily Asuka involved so I'll be preparing to help her reaction to the whole ordeal as Rei and Hikari team up to share Shinji and she feels that he belongs to her as she hopes to finally win against Rei and also to deal with Hikari's apparent backstabbing.
This whole revenge thing is something I'm hoping to introduce as the theme for this day so expect a lot of Shinji/Asuka coming up and also maybe I'll introduce an original pairing as I did promise a friend of mine that I would do it although I am not sure that I would do it because of the demand I've got for this story in general.
The Scribe as I call her or as you know her as the lush blonde will play a part in this day as well so count on her to make an appearance and this is the start to where everything blows up.

Asuka was curled up against Shinji as she reflected on how she finally found out what was going on with her baka which prompted a massive flow to the week; she was glad that she finally got into what was going on at the time.
I was so mad at Shinji-baka for having sex with Rei and Hikari that I didn't see what was going on... I wanted to make sure that he belonged to me and only I, so I thought let me have my way with him in the morning right before school.
Once again we go back to the week, to day 5.
We open up as Shinji was in his bed getting a lot of sleep as he barely was able to get back home to which he was glad that Asuka wasn't around or still asleep and Misato who was seriously stuck in her work as she was drinking down her favourite beer like it was tap water, the time on his alarm clock read 2:05am meant that he had about a few hours worth of precious snooze time.

This love business is hard on the groin and especially from yesterday, he'd really thought that he was going to die... although he now in his opinion has a escape rope and family that would support him even though it's just Hikari's sisters... he felt that he was on top of the world.
I'm pretty content with life right now... this is everything that I asked for.

There is one rule in life that everything follows... what goes up must come down.

A few hours later when the sun was slowly coming out of the darkness, Asuka was waking up from the previous night rueful because she spent the last 2 days doing homework and was so caught up by it that she didn't get to have any fun with her lover although she did like having to take charge; which was the only good thing she can think of, she was indeed possessive and would do anything to get her man.
Wonderslut doesn't have a chance against me, not only does Shinji live with me but he obviously prefers having sex with me... unlike you because you might have an ice cold pussy, good thing I'm hot literally... I'm horny for some Shinji so let's see if the baka is up and literally I hope.
Asuka thought with a saucy grin at the term of 'up' as she approached Shinji's lovely suite and opened the door quietly as she saw the sleeping form of the male pilot and thought of what he was packing which made her juices stir up... she blamed herself for missing out on the fun although she had no idea on what happened during those two days.
Anyway the German was slowly taking off the pj's that she had which were last week's bought items from the mall nearby but they were in the way right now and she was in the mood for hard cock especially when it came from her flatmate and local idiot, ever since a few days ago when she was on the receiving end of his passionate onslaught.

Let's see if he's up and ready as most young males are...
Her hands slowly drew down the sheets covering his form as she smiled in glee as she saw the familiar bulge tenting his boxers which meant she was close to getting her prize out into the open air and then the fun would begin at least to her.
Ok just move these aside and then... here we go; it is as hard as I remember it... and looks so tasty.
She moved in close to give the shaft a broad lick which went upward as she then pondered on the taste, somehow it was a bit different than before... it was sweeter in taste but she could taste the sweat in there as well and combined she immediately loved the taste although she was a bit suspicious where the sweet flavour came from.

Alright where did this taste come from? Has Shinji been with other ladies that I don't know about... he better not have been with Wonderslut because I will rip his head off with my own two hands if he did!
Asuka's natural instincts was nagging her to go back to work to which she did as she began to lick the shaft with her tongue and proceeded to kiss and suck on the head and then the shaft in her own way, she felt that she wasn't as hungry or as desperate this morning although she wished that had any sex in the last three days but considering that she hasn't gotten far yet meant that she was doing alright.
Shinji however was having another vivid dream where he felt a wet warm sensation down below as he looked down to see a dark female form licking and sucking on his cock before taking it into a warm mouth where he felt a tongue working it's way on him as the motions were going up and down every time for the next few minutes... his dreams lately becoming more vivid and more erotic with the experiences of sex so far this week.
Ugh god this is so sexy I can't believe that this is happening to me... god I'm going to cum!
In reality Asuka was enjoying herself when she noticed that almost like a machine, Shinji did a jerk upwards with his hips before she felt a blast of cum fire down into her throat before she immediately started to suck down the seed and move even faster on the motions before she wrapped her lips onto the tip and sucked hard making sure that he was bone dry so she could enjoy any cum that she will suck up.
Wait a minute that doesn't normally happen to me... unless...
Shinji opened his eyes and immediately looked to his left just as he spotted down on his groin where a familiar mess of red hair before him rose up and licked her lips before looking up and smirked.
"Good Morning baka-Shinji... missed me?"
His erection throbbed in agreeing with the German and somehow he knew it was going to be one of those days.
Thoughts of elation, surprise, shock and utter terror went through the young man's mind... Asuka he knew was the one that he didn't think of lately because he was distracted by Rei and Hikari but he definitely remembered how she was tamed although he did have to watch out for her temper now and again.

"Looks like a certain part of you is glad to see me baka... it's rude of me to tease it."

Shinji was still reeling that Asuka was fondling him or maybe it's because he was recovering from that vivid dream of his and was still tired but by the time he knew what was going on, the red-head then lay on top of her flat-mate and started to kiss him passionately but with a hint of roughness as it showed just when he felt one of her hands tightly squeezed him down below.
Does she always have to be this rough?
His inward question was answered when she pulled off her yellow Pj's as she went naked and as he spotted her pussy was already wet which meant that she was horny and this couldn't be good, she then positioned herself over his erection and instantly she dropped onto it as it went inside her depths and made them both moan loud.
Why am I cursed to go through this pleasurable torture?!

Fuck Yes I've missed this... so big and it's all mine to control!

Asuka went into control as she bounced up and down using the muscles in her legs to give herself the leverage as all that he could do was take it and moan but however he learnt some skills that made him into an instant lover and put those into effect... she was shocked and surprised when she felt his hands onto her breasts giving her nipples a few tweaks as she went up and down.
The two youths carried on with their rough lovemaking as Asuka kept moving up and down whilst Shinji continued to manipulate her nipples and proceeded to take one into his mouth as the moans got more louder and louder before his eyes flashed a powerful red hue before he grabbed her hip and using her body mass, turned her over and began to thrust against her hard.
"Oh yeah baka that's the spirit, fuck me!"
He began to thrust into her, shaking the bed in the process as the German thrust back to make the experience more pleasurable than before as the sun continued to come up slowly as the minutes went by and the pressure between the two of them was on the verge of exploding with pleasurable results for both Shinji and Asuka.

"I'm getting close... don't slack off and finish me off or you'll live to regret not helping me cum!"
A dark gleam appeared in his eyes as he knew what to do.
"Don't worry Asuka... I won't."
Shinji then increased the pace and surprised Asuka when he began to go rough on her as they descended into a sideways position which saw him plow into her into a frenzy and rubbing her breasts hard which saw her moan very loud and hopefully he prayed that Misato didn't have to wake up and disrupt them but he was lucky.
Oh god I don't think I can last anymore, he's just too rough and I love it!
"Asuka... I'm ready to cum?"
"Cum in me you idiot, give me what I want!"

Shinji grunted loud as cum erupted from his cock and shot itself inside her wet squeezing pussy as her insides were coated in the sticky substance as they collapsed to the bed in a total thud although Asuka had this sated look on her face as she leaned up to give him a kiss on the lips.
"Wow... I didn't realize you had it in you baka."
"Me neither..."
Asuka then got up as she gathered up her robe and pj's and then headed for the door before giving him a wink.
"See you at breakfast... I won't be long in the shower; if you get the chance then you can wash my back."
Shinji instantly got up and rushed Asuka into the shower... they had some fun for a few more minutes.
In another place at this time, Rei slowly woke up as usual although she did have pleasant dreams and as she checked herself, she felt wet down below and slowly she smiled to herself realising that she finally has a purpose in life other than being the instrument of world destroying purposes, now she wants to give her fellow pilot the happiness he deserves.

I feel like I got a new purpose in life and Shinji deserves to have everything which includes physical pleasure... and I feel that myself and Hikari can do this task for him.
Nodding to herself, she went to begin her daily ritual whilst meanwhile Hikari was waking up as well and resisting the urge to squeal to herself about last night and how Shinji was practically a boyfriend to her and how she was glad that Rei allowed her to share him and her sisters accepted him following the events of last night.
I am feeling so good right now, Shinji's the best thing that has happened to me and I'm grateful for Rei for sharing him... although I feel bad for stabbing Asuka in the back about this, I know that she fancies him but her attitude towards him is a concern to me.

Regardless of this, Hikari began her day as usual but they all didn't know that the events of the days will determine the future of the week because one person will reveal the deception, the lies and the betrayal... and that person wear glasses.
(Taro) You have no idea how good it feels to finally have a chapter finished at last, I know I would of have it done soon but I blame Toby for the sudden lemon contest and the fact that it took every ounce of lemon energy writing THAT chapter out and believe me it is not only the longest thing that I have ever done but I believe it is a strong contender for the top prize.

University is getting closer guys so it may take some time out of writing future chapters but I'll make sure that I'll get this series done then I'll probably leave the internet and TAKE a break, I know my fans will review this and regardless if you like it or not then just review for the sake of it because I need to think about how to handle 5-2.
Thanks for your support and review!