Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ Sex Days: Shinji Ikari ❯ Day 5, Episode 3 - Today's Dessert, A Double Helping of Lemon Pie ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sex Days: Shinji Ikari
Taro MD
Day 5, Episode 3 - Today's Dessert, A Double Helping of Lemon Pie
You have to realise that one it's a bad pun and two there's going to be two pairings up for some lemony smut... yes I know I'm glad to be back as well mainly because well everyone was glad to see me back and also this was the most read Eva Lemon last year and right now it's close to have been viewed at least 70k times.
I know that it's bad to brag but considering that I wrote this to establish myself as a lemon writer and to realise that I would work hard in order to establish myself into the community but now I just think I would establish myself as something on the lines of a serial lemon writer.
In a way I'm reinventing my methods, checking that for one a lot of people that I know want me to establish an original series which is something I've considered for a long time... but I want to get this complete before I can even do such a thing so as soon as this sentence comes to an end so let's begin the smut!
Back at the secret area in the school grounds, we find our unusual coupling of Kensuke and Noike going at it like horny rabbits in the Springtime... as Noiko was the taller, she was the one that assumed the top position as her downward thrusts were meeting the ones coming from her lover and hopefully future husband once her father can get Kensuke under her father's employ so that they can go back to Tokyo-2 and live happily.
That thought made her giddy and then horny as she increased the pace to which he quickly followed... she learnt that first hand that brainy people are quite as passionate as regular people, also she beamed with pride at how fast Kensuke learnt how to be not only a passionate lover but a good one at that.

Her body pulsed with passion as their lovemaking continued on and on, driving them closer to the moment that all lovers aspire to achieve and that was to cum together or at least in one place but then again it doesn't matter well not to them but anyway they kept going at it which they have lasted for a good 15 minutes now.
Kensuke's hands were playing with her massive breasts as he gripped them, keeping his connection with his tall Amazon still bouncing up and down on his shaft... he always liked Noiko's warmth and tightness and his balls began to churn ready just as he felt her hands helping him with her breasts, he also looked up into her face which was replaced by that knowing grin that he knew.
"Come on Ken-kun cum in my hot pussy you know you want to!"
"Oh yes Noi, I would like that... oh yes I would!"
"Oh Ken baby I'm Cumming!!!"
"Noi... OH YEAH!!!"
Both went rigid for a few minutes before Noi slumped down on Kensuke as they lay on the grassy floor beneath them... since they are teenagers, their energy was briefly gone and before they had the chance to regain their control... Noiko remembered what she wanted to tell Kensuke.

"Before we continue on koi I thought I would tell you on something I managed to overhear before coming here..."

"What's that...?"
"I know that the class rep is cheating on Suzuhara-san... I overheard her talking to Ayanami-san about Ikari-san and something about sharing."


To Kensuke, Shinji betraying Touji was a very big issue.

Asuka was searching the corridors trying to find Kensuke and get some answers out of him concerning Shinji or rather his location because she wanted answers and such so yeah she has no idea where the otaku was however because he just disappeared in an instant which was unusual to her because she thought he would be hanging round with the baka.

Where in the nine hells did that geek go?
She thought as she kept on looking, finally she got herself a lead as she questioned one of her classmates and with that person telling her that she saw him leaving the school to go outside, now she just found the scent.

Ok otaku-baka you got some answers that I need to listen!

You can tell that this isn't going to end pleasant for Kensuke.


Somewhere in another secret location on school campus, we find ourselves in the midst of another sex scene... Shinji was seen hard at work covered in sweat as he thrusted into the warm box underneath him at this point belonging to Rei Ayanami as her pussy began to tighten round him in succession giving him a tight feeling as he kept on.

However what was different was that Hikari ended up joining in making this into a threesome and currently she was having her pussy eaten out by Rei who had her mouth covering her crotch basically this was a classic three-way position so as Shinji thrusted into her, Rei had her tongue inside the class rep's box imitating a long dick.

She noted that Hikari was actually bi-sexual and seemed to enjoy having her pussy licked on plus she didn't mind having her clit sucked on as well... Rei also liked Shinji sucking her clit as well so she did that and to her enjoyment she licked up all the cum that came out.

This has lasted for ten minutes so far, just like a typical porn scene but you might wonder how did this came about... well Hikari convinced Rei that they could share him in an area that she heard from her older sister when she did the school at her time, Rei was interested and a plan was made... Rei convinced Shinji to come to the area with a blowjob and the lure of a good fuck which easily convinced Shinji but when they got there, they were joined by Hikari who not only gave a passionate kiss to the young pilot but also to Rei who returned the kiss... at least this surprised him.

Back to the situation at hand, Hikari then leaned forward as she watched how Shinji's cock gleaming with Rei's cum is glistening in the daylight thrusting in and out as she couldn't resist licking her lips with her tongue covered in saliva at the thought of how Shinji's cock would taste like.
Immediately she got a chance after he heard harsh groans just as he pulled out and immediately cummed onto Rei's pussy area where the lips were spread showing off more girl cum as the area was splashed with white pearl like drops but this was before Hikari reached for Shinji's soaked cock as he compelled her by moving forward which she took the head into her mouth as she sucked hard hoping to get more cum from it and down her throat.

Rei on the other hand was licking Hikari's pussy as fast as her tongue could go whilst sucking her clit as well in alternate as then she felt Hikari moan loud which was muffled and then cum flooded into the albino's mouth which she sucked up before all three were exhausted and on the ground.
"That... was so much better than the last time me and that bastard Touji had sex."
"Why's that?"
"That was before his accident... that was before I lost the Touji that I once fell in love with."
"Any regrets?"
"Wish he did accepted that offer with me and Kodama a while back... but he mentioned something about staying loyal to me, I thought it was cute at the time but now I realise what a mistake that was."
Shinji went into absolute disbelief and his eyes were wide... he finally had proof enough that Touji was a fucking moron, somewhere in Tokyo 3's Hospital where Touji violently sneezed for no reason.
"Damn it whoever it is, stop talking about me dammit!"
This coming from a moron who can't handle two women in bed let alone Hikari.
Kensuke felt like grown an extra inch or two in height as he rested against the nearby brick wall with Noiko resting her head onto his shoulder... when he gained her as a girlfriend, he nearly felt like he was an important person, to him getting a girlfriend as talented, as rich as Noiko was beyond his perverted dreams.

"Ken-kun I love you."
"I love you too Noi-chan... you make me feel important."

"I always make you important lover... Mommy and Daddy like you, you agreed to work for my dad's company and hopefully one day I'll be Aida Noiko and be your very loyal wife."
Noiko ran a finger up and down his chest which didn't have much hair, it's not like it matters to the young woman who never had a chance to feel love for herself but although her reputation as being a rich bitch ruined most of her chances of making friends and even if she did, all her friends were mostly as rich as her but when she was with Kensuke... she felt an attraction that never even knew existed and soon enough she made a vow to get to know the young otaku better.
That was the best choice that I made... who knew that Ken was as perverted as me!
Noiko closed her eyes and smiled as she snuggled up to Kensuke some more but then that peace was about to be ruined...
"AH-HA! Finally I found you, you baka pervert!"
Both of them froze as Asuka who was slightly fuming and if you was a Ki adapt then she was glowing in a bright red aura... together they looked at her and then looked at each other and together the same word that came to their minds was easy to spot.

"Oh shit."

(Taro) Cliffhangers are an evil method of gaining suspense and will make you wonder how will Asuka react to the Kensuke/Noiko coupling, hell will she find out what's going on with Shinji Ikari? Hell I'm not going to reveal most things but normally this is where I would start a new day fresh and with a continuing plot element... but as I said before a few chapters back, I'm not exactly done with this day just yet... I will be doing 15 more chapters taking this to a total of 30 with the Epilogue and also two PWP lemon chapters which I can announce that it can be all you... details will be revealed in the future.

Yeah I will give notice to this and you should know as well because Vilkath mentioned it in his review... Touji is an idiot, I never liked him and whilst most people would kill him off after the incident with Unit 03 aka Episode 18 but I really don't like the guy and you might say that he's become an emo which in my opinion makes him hate able but hey this is my view and it doesn't affect general opinion so don't it to mind.

Also I am giving notice as well but eventually I will reconstruct that god-awful Eva Stockholm and add more scenes, more content and more lemon... yes I'm going to make it less suck and more flavor... I really regret doing that and I regret how I tried to win the contest with that piece of shite.

Anyway as usual I expect reviews and some constructive ones as well so I can generally improve