Original Stories Fan Fiction / Romance Fan Fiction ❯ Unnatural Love ❯ Phone Call ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I woke up to hearing my brother's door being shut. I immediately jumped out of bed and darted towards the door. I opened it and saw my brother standing in front of my door.
“Wow, you look lovely.” He was smiling and I could tell he was getting ready to leave. I was still half asleep and I know my hair was probably sticking up. He was fully dressed and I was just in boxers.
“I was coming to see if you were up so I could say goodbye.” He pulled me in for a hug and wrapped my arms around his back. He squeezed me really tight and said, “Goodbye, I will call you when we land in Florida.”
“Okay, bye. Don't forget.” I laughed.
“Never.” He pulled away and smiled at me. He reached up and messed up my hair some more. “I'll miss you.”
It felt like my heart dropped to my stomach. I smiled back, “I'll miss you too.”
He stood there for a few seconds just looking at me. Then he turned and left down the stairs.
I walked back in my room, shutting my door, with my heart racing. `Why was he looking at me like that?' I headed to my bathroom and started a shower. Once my clothes were removed, I stepped in. I shuddered as the hot water warmed my skin. I stood there with my eyes closed wandering if I should tell Andrew my feelings. This was so messed up.
I can't just keep this from, I need to tell him. How am I supposed to confess my feelings to my older brother? I am afraid he will push me away. For some reason, I think he will listen and understand. I don't care if he likes me or not. I just hope he doesn't hate me. I don't want to lose him as a brother or a friend. I would love it if he liked me back, but I doubt it. I couldn't get that lucky.
After a few minutes of thinking I washed and got out. I walked downstairs and saw my mom and dad eating breakfast. Mom asked, “Morning, you hungry?”
I smiled, “Very.” It was 7 and they would be leaving around 8.
We ate breakfast together and then they left for work.
I was home by myself, all I had to do was watch movies and wait for Andrew to call.
I decided to watch the seasons of my favorite show, Friends. I spent the whole day watching season nine. I was watching the episode where Rachael realizes she has a little thing for Joey. I heard my cell phone playing Photograph by Nickelback, then I jumped up realizing it was my brother's ringtone.
I answered really fast, “Hello?”
“Hey!” I heard his familiar voice and smiled.
“Are you in Florida already?” I questioned.
“Yep, and it is hot as hell!” I heard his gorgeous laugh and I in return laughed.
He asked, “Whatcha doin'?”
“Watching Friends.” I replied with a chuckle.
“Imagine that, you are obsessed.” He laughed.
“Nah. It's a good show.” I said in defense.
“Yeah it's good. I just like giving you a hard time.” He laughed again.
“Well, I have to go. We are going to eat and I will call you later when we get back to the hotel. Maybe you can tell me your secret love.” I heard his friend telling him to hurry up.
“Don't get your hopes up.” I laughed.
“You suck,” he laughed, “I will talk to you later then, okay?”
“Bye, bye.” I heard his side of the call go silent and I hung up.
I felt tired and laid down for a nap. Then I started to have an interesting dream.
Disclaimer: Hey, review and tell me what you think. Next chapter gets better. Todd has a nice dream.