Original Stories Fan Fiction / Romance Fan Fiction ❯ Unnatural Love ❯ Andrew Comes Home ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

It had been three weeks and my brother was on a plane heading back home. I was home by myself, my parents went to a family party and I decided to stay home and wait for Andrew to come home. I felt excited that he was coming home, but embarrassed as well.
Now that he's going be home, he's going to be teasing me. I'm afraid that he'll figure out that it's him that I'm in love with. I'm going to have to try my best to not say anything to make him think it's him.
I waited awhile just sitting at the kitchen table watching the clock. I started to get bored and decided to go watch T.V. As soon as I stood up, my phone started to ring. I reached into my pocket, getting my phone, and answered.
“Hey, I can see the house.” It was Andrew. My heart started racing.
“You're here?” I asked him. I ran to the door, yanking it open. When the door was opened, my brother stood right in front of me.
“Yep. I'm home.” He smiled, god I missed that smile.
I felt overjoyed, a huge grin spreading across my face. “Andrew!” I jumped into his arms, hugging him. Our phones were still on, but we just stood there holding each other. He had one hand in my neat hair, messing it up, the other on my back.
“I missed you.”
“I missed you too.” My heart felt like it was going to explode.
We pulled away, closing our phones, and came in the house. He set his bags down and kept smiling at me. Now it felt weird.
I laughed, crossing my arms. “What?”
He shrugged, “Nothin.”
“Yeah, right. What is it?”
He chuckled. “Wanna tell me who your crush is?” His smile widened.
`Oh, great. I was afraid of this.' I thought. “Umm…..nope. Forget it.” I started running up the stairs.
“Oh. Come on!” He chased after me. Of course, he runs faster than I do. Bye the time I reached the top, he was right behind me.
I ran in my room and turned around to face him. He shoved me onto the bed and jumped on top of me. He pinned my arms above my head and sat on my lower stomach. Since he was stronger than me, I was stuck.
I sighed, “You can't make me tell you.”
“How about this,” he started, “I'll ask you some questions about him. Maybe, I can guess who he is.” `Uh-oh. What do I do? He's going to find out.'
“Does he go to our school?” he asks.
“Andr-” He cuts me off. “Answer.” He says, demanding.
I sigh, irritated. “Yeah.” He smiles, I glare at him.
“What grade is he in?”
`Don't answer, don't answer that.' I know my face went pale because he had a concerned look on his face. “You can tell me who he is.” I shook my head, no.
“I can't, I'm sorry.” He looked disappointed. “Just tell me what grade.”
Maybe, I can just tell him that. “10th.” He smiled, “So, he's in my grade?”
I close my eyes, trying to avoid his gaze. “Mhmm.”
“See that wasn't very hard.” He's still on top of me and my heart is beating very fast. My face was burning and I felt like I was shaking. “I won't bug you anymore, for now.” He ends with a laugh.
I get out a small laugh and opened my eyes. I watch him climb off of me and hold out his hand, offering to help me up. I smile taking his hand in mine. As soon as our skin met, I felt electric shocks surge through my entire body. His skin was so soft and warm.
When I was standing in front of him, we released each others hands. For some reason, my eyes were glued to his lips. I tried to swallow, but it was stuck in my throat. I finally looked up and saw him looking down at me. I felt nervous and he was giving me an awkward look. `Oh god, now what?' I screamed at myself.
Thankfully, he just ignored it and moved on. “So, what do you want to do?” he questioned me.
Now things felt awkward. I need to be more careful. It just keeps getting harder and harder to keep it all locked up inside. I took a deep breath, exhaling heavily.
“What do you want? A movie? You're the one that just got back.” I felt odd. I couldn't seem to look him in the eyes. When I spoke to him, I tried to focus on other things.
“I guess we could watch some T.V.” He stood there just a few inches from me; thinking. “Wanna watch your show, Friends?” He asked with a smile.
I smiled back, “Yeah, sure.”
We went downstairs to watch Friends and sat next to each other on the couch. I had a hard time focusing on the show, being so close to him. I bounced my leg up and down and chewed on my bottom lip, nervously. Finally, he spoke. “Are you okay?” he asked, placing his hand on my knee to stop the bouncing. I stopped chewing on my lip and looked into his eyes. “Yeah, I guess.” I looked back at the T.V.
He patted my leg. “Come on, lets go to bed.”
We walked upstairs and I started to go to my room, but he stopped me. “Come sleep with me in my room. We haven't had a sleep over in a long time.” He smiled, making me smile back. “Okay.” We went into his room and he closed the door behind us.
I watched him walk over next to his bed and with his back to me; he pulled his shirt up over his head. I stood there by the foot of his bed and watched him slide his jeans down. He turned around and grinned at me. “You gonna sleep in your jeans?” He laughed.
I blushed, slightly embarrassed. I forced a laugh, “No.” I felt a little strange with him watching me take my jeans and t-shirt off. He got into his full-sized bed and into his covers. He patted the right side of the bed, next to him, motioning for me to lay down. I crawled into the bed with him and under the covers. I can feel the warmth coming from him.
We talked for about two hours, and then I turned on my side. A few minutes went by I figured Andrew had fallen asleep. He surprised me when I felt him wrap an arm around my chest and his chest pressed against my back. “Mmm, I missed you so much.” I could feel his breath blow through my hair.
“Mmm, yeah.” I smiled to myself. `It's nice being so close to him.' I thought. We just laid there and I listened and felt him breath in and out. He moved his hand to my arm resting beside me, close to my chest, and rubbed my arm, running his fingers lightly across my skin. I closed my eyes, feeling relaxed and also excited. `Oh my god, I want to try and kiss him or something. I'm terrified, but I don't want to wait any longer.'
I thought for a moment, `Okay, here it goes. God, I'm scared.' I nervously sat up and turned on my other side. My body shook as I looked into Andrew's eyes. My breathing quickened as I leaned in closer to him. I put one arm down, elbow against the bed, and placed my other arm on the other side of him. He stared at me, not blinking.
“T-todd?” He asked with curious wide eyes. He placed his hands on both of my shoulders.
My eyes went blurry with tears. “I'm sorry.” I whispered. I closed in the space between our faces and pressed my lips to his. His grip tightened on my shoulders, and I felt his lips quiver against mine. My arms started shaking and I felt a tear slip down my cheek.
Pulling away, I kept my head bent, tears sliding down my face. I straddled his legs and kept both hands on either side of him, arms straight. I shook my head lightly. “I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, so sorry…….don't hate me. Please. I tried…..” I stopped, not able to talk anymore.
I heard the bed creak and I tilted my head up a little, looking at him. He sat up and was looking at me, eyebrows furrowed. I looked back down and he cupped my chin in his right hand and tilted my head back up. My dampened brown eyes looked into his brown eyes. “I'm sorry.” I repeated.
“Hmph.” He gave me a small smile. “Don't be.” I felt confused; I gave him a questioning look. His smile widened and he leaned in, pressing his lips back to mine. I held my breath in shock. `W-what?' I thought. `He's kissing me back? I thought…..' He took his left hand and held the back of my head, pressing his lips harder to mine. Our lips moved together as I placed both of my hands against his back, holding him. He released my chin and moved it to hold my side.
I released my breath and closed my eyes. `God, I love him.' A few seconds passed, and he pulled away. I looked at him shyly, but slightly curious as to what that was all about. We both pulled our arms back and looked at each other for a moment.
“So….,” he started with a laugh, “when did this start? You liking me…..” he asked with a smile.
“Umm…..remember that night in the pool? Your birthday…..”I said with embarrassment.
He threw back his head and laughed. Looking back at me, he replied, “Ha, I should've known. You were actin goofy.” He paused. “You should've told me.” He said with a serious voice.
I sighed. “I was afraid.”
“I know……..so was I.” I raised an eyebrow at him. “I thought I was some kind of sicko for having the hots for my little brother.” He laughed.
“The hots?” I asked, laughing quietly.
“Yeah,” he leaned in to me and my cheeks burned, “You're just so damn cute.” He grinned.
I pushed him back, “Ah! Stop it!” I turned my face away, trying to hide my embarrassment. (Not working, ha. ^.^)
He grabbed one of my hands and pulled it close to his face. My eyes widened slightly as I watched him kiss the tip of my middle finger. I looked up to meet his gaze and something changed in his eyes. He looked in the `mood'. `Oh god.' I gulped and let my mouth hang a little open as he licked the tip of my finger. I stared at him as my heart began to beat faster. I feel really nervous and excited at the same time. `What's gonna happen?'
He slowly pushed my middle and index finger into his warm wet mouth. I could feel his tongue slide under my fingers; this causes me to draw in my breath sharply. My breathing became faster the more he licked my two fingers, running his tongue all over them, tasting me.
I tried to force another swallow down, but I was unsuccessful. I feel frozen. He pulled my fingers out of his mouth and leaned into me again. Pressing his lips to my ear, he whispered, “Want me to lick you anywhere else?” He nibbled on my earlobe playfully.
I gasped and my eyes widened more. Feeling him run one of his hands down my side, I couldn't get my words out. “I-I…..don't….k-know….umm…..” I felt more embarrassed now.
He positioned his face back in front of mine and put his lips against mine. This kiss was different, more intimate. I felt his tongue run between my lips, so I parted my lips more. Feeling his tongue in my mouth and moving against mine, was a weird, pleasant feeling. I closed my eyes to focus just on our kiss.
I'm not sure how it happened, but I ended up laying on my back with him on top of me, our heads at the end of the bed.
We stayed that way for what felt like hours and then he ended our kiss. He pulled his head up and just looked at me for a moment, running his fingers through my hair with one of his hands. Finally, he broke the silence.
“I love you.”
I smiled and at that moment I felt so happy, tears formed in my eyes.
“I love you too.”
He leaned back down, gave me a peck on the lips and rolled off me and lay beside me. As he held me, sometime that night we drifted off to sleep with only the sound of our hearts beating and us breathing in and out. `The next morning will be so much different.' Was my last thought.
Yaoi-Freak1990 - Hey everyone!!! I am so sorry for taking so long to put up the next chapter. Things have been……not sure how to put it. Well, our internet has not been on in months so it caused a problem with putting stories on internet. I have had this chapter written and finished for one month I think. We are getting our internet turned back on this month so then I will be able to update faster. Also, the writing thing has been kinda blah to me. I just don't know what to write sometimes. And I wrote two new stories and then decided to finish this chapter. I probably won't post them until I finish one of my stories. There has also been a lot of drama at school with friends…… (stupid). Yeah anyway……thanks to everyone who keeps reading my stories and especially to those who review. Love ya! ^^
Also, I am almost finished with the next chapter to A New Feeling, so look for it soon!!! Once again, THANK YOU!!!!!