Original Stories Fan Fiction / Romance Fan Fiction ❯ Unnatural Love ❯ Things Start to Heat Up ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
The next morning really wasn’t much different. Everything seemed so….normal. The only difference was I felt less awkward and Andrew looked less tense. I tried my best to not think of the previous night, although difficult, I had to try. I kept reminding myself ‘It’s got to be kept a secret. We’re only brothers. Nothing else.’

All my concentration was broken when Andrew sat down next to me in the kitchen. I slowly looked up at him and met his blank expression.

“You’re makin it a little obvious.” He said softly.

I sighed and returned my gaze back to the table surface. “Sorry….I’m trying not to….” I trailed off.

He patted my back, “It’s no problem. I’m just bein paranoid. Only me and you know what ‘happened’.” He lowered his voice on the last word. I nodded, feeling heat rise to my cheeks as I pictured Andrew being so close and intimate with me.

We spent most of the day with our parents. It seemed long, all we did was watch movies and talk about Andrew’s trip. Close to eleven our parents went to bed. When we reached the top, I felt Andrew was closer.

He spoke, his voice low, “You want to sleep in my room again tonight?” His hand gripped my shoulder. I paused, mind frozen, and felt his chest press up against my back.

“Y-yes?” I stammered.

“You don’t have to.” He said, sounding disappointed.

I spun around quickly, facing him. “I want to!” I said rushed and somewhat louder than a whisper with reddened cheeks.

His eyes lit up and a huge smile spread across his face; my blush deepened. “Come on,” He tugged on my hand and led me to his room.

Once we were in his room, he shut and…..locked the door. I felt my body break out into a cold sweat. He turned my way and I glanced down, not wanting to see what his eyes held. I listened to his feet drag across his emerald carpet and then saw his feet placed in front of mine. A lump grew in my throat, wanting and not wanting to see his emotions; fearing what the night will hold.

I slowly moved my eyes up his body from his feet to his chest; I stopped. After a short pause, I cautiously looked up to his eyes. His eyes gleamed from the street light shining in through the window, the only light in the room. His features were really calm and tranquil; and also comfortable and relaxed. I couldn’t tell what was on his mind. I had a few ideas……

He exhaled heavily and my stomach turned. When was this nervousness going to go away? He spoke, his voice shaky, “Lay down?”

I looked towards the bed, “Kay.” My voice was shakier than his.

We lay down, facing each other. For awhile, we just stayed this way with him rubbing my arm slowly. “You okay, little brother?” He laughed quietly.

I also laughed, “I think so.”


“A bit.”

“So am I.” We laughed again nervously.

“What do you want to do?” Andrew asked.

“Uhh…..”I felt a little panicky………”I don’t know. What do you want to do?”

“Ummm…..”He laughed again, sounding nervous.

My mind froze and my hands started to shake and I felt….hot. What will happen? Same as last night? Or will we go further? Do I want to go further yet? My thinking stopped when I felt his forehead press to mien.

“You feel kinda hot.” He said in a low voice.

Oh wow….. “Nervous…”

“Mmmm.” He squeezed my arm slightly.

Even though we have not gotten anywhere yet….this is still better than what I used to imagine. One thing I worry about is if we were to go any further, could I hide it as well as he could from our parents? I wish we could act like a real couple, but we can’t. At least, not yet. Would this work out? Could we find a way to live together forever and people not get suspicious? I suppose that we would eventually have to tell our parents. Their reactions…..I have no clue what to expect. I guess, I can worry about that later. Right now, I’m going to just think about the person I love……who is so close to me.



̶ 0;Take your clothes off?” My jaw dropped. He was serious. My brother just asked me to take my clothes off. I feel so alive!!! Wait….if I’m naked….that means he will be touching me. HOLY CRAP! I have to stay calm.

It took a second to remember how to move my lips. “Y-yeah….s-sure….” I got up out of bed and pulled my shirt over my head.

“Want me to take mine off too?” Andrew asked. I paused in the middle of undoing my jeans. “Yeah.” I whispered. I saw him, barely, get out of bed. I focused on taking off my jeans and boxers and trying not to fall over….or pass out. I stayed standing there until I heard him slide under the covers on the bed. “You comin?” he asked eagerly.

“Mhmm.” I slid under the covers with him and he wrapped his arm around me pulling me as close as possible to him. I loved this feeling. Our warm skin pressed together. I put a hand on his arm wanting to touch him. His hand felt my side and ran down my thigh and back up to my side.

“Your skin is soft.” He rubbed the tip of his nose against mine. I smiled. I rubbed my thumb back and forth on his side, “So is yours.” He shuddered. Then his lips slammed into mine causing me to grip his side tightly.

This kiss was much more heated than the last kiss we shared. He hungrily pressed his lips to mine, until they parted. His tongue moved fiercely with mine and was moving deeper into my mouth as he worked in. Our breathing quickened as did my pulse while the kiss continued. His hands were all over me:

My back; running his hands up and down, sometimes pressing hard or clawing at my skin slightly. Then up to my neck, deepening our kiss. His hand clenched and unclenched with his breathing as I felt his knee’s start to push into mine. His hand gently slid down my back, down my……..butt….

I clenched; he chuckled. My cheeks became very hot. I exhaled heavily, my mouth opening more, he took my lower lip between his teeth. His hand crept around to my front side, I opened my eyes wide as his fingers brushed my inner thigh. My breath caught as he got closer to……….

And then it was all over, I could all of a sudden see his closed eyes so close as that little bit of light lit up the room. His eyes snapped open as his hand froze in place. He quickly sat up in the bed, throwing the covers off me.

We held our breaths and listened for…….footsteps that were going down the hall, getting closer. Andrew shot out of the bed, pulling on his briefs. I quickly did the same, although, my erection made that difficult….

“Lay back down.” Andrew quietly demanded of me. I did what he said and pulled the covers over me. I saw the front of his briefs bulged out only briefly before he turned. With his back to me he pulled his jeans back on.

The was a knock on the door, “Yeah?” Andrew asked calmly.

“Todd in there? He’s not in his room.” It was our dad.

“Yeah.” Andrew answered and looked over at me. He looked a little panicky, but his voice stayed calm; good control.

“Ok.” And he walked off. We waited for the light to shut off. When it was dark again, I heard Andrew sigh.

I swallowed, my throat seemed so dry. “You ok?” I asked.

Andrew took in a deep breath. “Yeah, he just scared the shit outta me.”

“Yeah.” I heard him unzip his jeans again and crawl into bed. He laid back next to me, both on our backs. “So?” I asked.

“Kinda freaked out now.” He laughed nervously.

“Yeah……..want to just….” I trailed off.

“Go to sleep? I guess so….we could try this again some other time.” He sounded disappointed.

“Ok.” I reached down for his hand and laced our fingers together.

“This sucks.” He sighed.

“Yeah, sorry.”
“It’s not your fault.”

“I know.” I squeezed his hand and he tightened his hand around mine.

“Love you.”

“Love you too.”

“Try not to have wet dreams about me, brother.” He said with a chuckle.

I snorted, “Yeah, thanks.”
Yaoi-Freak1990 - Hello, peeps!!! So, I finally finished this chapter. LOL obviously….sorry if it didn’t go as you wanted to lol. I will make it better next chapter lol.

I’m also sorry it’s taking me so long to update on my stories. I’m just so busy with school and my fiance…….not enough time in the world. *tear* And I started another story, but I won’t post that one yet…… I’m workin on things! Thanks for reading!!! And reviewing, it makes me so happy ^.^ Let me know what you thought. Love you guys!!!