Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Baby Kaulitz ❯ 9 ( Chapter 8 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Tom was pacing again, he knew he should stop, but it was the easiest way to relieve his stress. The flight was late; he was starting to get worried. He began to chew on his thumb nail; it tasted like the French fries he had eaten on the way over here.
“I'm sure that everything is fine Mr. Kaulitz, if there had been a problem I'm sure the airline would have contacted you, the flight probably left a little later than planned,” Fillip tried to soothe, but right now Tom just found his voice irritating, he waved a hand dismissively at the man telling him to shut up.
“Flight 657, from Vancouver has just arrived at gate 34, that's flight 657 from Vancouver at gate 34.” A voice called over the intercom, Tom nearly choked on his thumb as he rushed to the glass partition separating him from customs. He fumbled with his belt trying to tighten it as inconspicuously as possible. His mind only thinking of one thing, Bill, Bill was back.
People started pouring through customs and then he caught sight of Saki clearing the way for his brother, Finally Toms eyes rested on his twin and he breathed a sigh of relief, and then he noticed the groupie who had been dumb enough to get pregnant, on his brothers arm, they seemed to be laughing about something. Tom felt jealously build steadily, she had no right to be holding Bill's elbow like that, she had no right to be here, it was her fault that she had wound up pregnant, why did Bill have to go and play the hero?
“Fuck,” he cursed under his breath. Before he knew it, Bill and his arm-limpet were making their way towards him. He watched as Bill looked his way and detached himself from the girl's grip, a smile breaking across his beautiful face, it made Tom's heart clench to see that smile again. It had only been a few days but he always felt lost without his other half, his twin. “Tomi!” Bill shouted, and then he was wrapped within his brother's embrace.
“Bill,” he breathed in his sibling unique scent, he felt whole once more.
Dani was feeling strange, her stomach was rolling, not that that wasn't unusual mind you, and her head was aching, but what discomforted her the most was the feeling of guilt. She felt increasingly nervous about what she had talked Bill into doing, and Tom's stares weren't doing much to calm her nerves either.
They were making their way out of the airport, Saki in front and Fillip in the back, both trying to deal with the sudden surge of fans and paparazzi. Cameras were flashing and microphones were being shoved in front of their faces, questions, and insults towards Dani, where being shouted. It was utter chaos. Fillip made a call on his radio and soon they were surrounded by a wall of security guards.
Dani was walking between the boys, she was unsure of how that arrangement had come to be, Tom on her left and Bill on her right. Bill had his arm wrapped around her shoulders, his fingers playing with the ends of her hair. The steady rhythm of his fingers helped to calm her a bit, but Tom staring at Bill's fawning fingers was a sufficient counter-comfort.
Dani couldn't understand a word that was said around her and it was driving her a little bananas, it was more than unnerving being in a country that spoke a language you couldn't understand.
They finally made their way to the car, an unassuming black Sedan, much like the one Bill had used in Vancouver. Dani assumed this was a rental, but when she was ushered in she saw that the cab was custom fit for the twins.
“Is this your personal car?” She asked to both the twins, Tom answered her; Bill seamed too busy looking through his large white leather bag to notice her curiosity.
“Nien, this is our Hamburg house car, I have an Escalade, best vehicle ever,” he smirked at the last bit, his eyes shining with mischief, he felt much better now that Bill was back, although not literally since Dani was in the middle, by his side.
“Oh,” Dani mumbled, Tom seemed much more… friendly than last time.
“So, I had my DNA sample taken yesterday, for the paternity test. We should have the results of the matching by Friday,” he saw the surprised look on her face, it was Wednesday, “being a rock star gets things done quicker,” he smiled almost kindly, still a little unsure of her but willing to make amends, especially if the kid turned out to be his.
“Oh,” that seemed like all she could say, but then a thought popped into her head, she remembered that Bill had thought there was only one baby, so maybe Tom thought that as well. “I have an ultrasound picture if you'd like to see it,” she offered and Bill looked up from his bag to smile a secret smile at Dani.
“Okay, sure,” Tom felt like Jumping up and down like a kid at the same time as running and hiding from what he might see. He watched as Dani dug into Bill's front pocket, Bill didn't seem to mind and shifted to make it easier on her. He made a funny little sound as she pulled her hand out and Tom frowned, why had he made such a noise? Dani blushed darkly and ducked her head as she passed the slightly crumpled picture to Tom.
It reminded him of an orange jello sculpture, a surprisingly accurate one mind you, but made of jello non-the-less. “It looks kind of funny but that is just the way the ultrasound makes the picture 3D,” she pointed to one little blob and then the other, “twins,” she simply said.
Tom blinked a few times, and then switched his eyes back and forth from the photo to her stomach, mouth slowly opening and shutting. “Bill?” He squeaked, Bill looked at him that same secret smile on his face.
“Ja, it's true, the type of paternity test she had done, because it can be done early on in the pregnancy, caused a splitting of the em-em…embryonic cells,” he finished in German, unable to remember the English words.
“They're called MCMA twins, they are identical.” Dani finished a scared smile on her lips. Tom digested this, in his mind he was very excited, sure he was young and was scared he would make a very bad parent, but he was excited anyway. He couldn't explain it; it just felt right that the kid, sorry kids, could be his.
He looked across at his twin, eyes shining, Bill looked back his eyes seemed to say, `I know how you feel'. They didn't have some telepathic connection like twins were rumoured to have, but they seemed able to understand what the other was thinking just by looking at them.
“Ahah!” Bill finally exclaimed, although he was looking at Tom, his hand had been inside his bag still searching for that `something'. “Found it!” He held aloft an mp3 player Tom had never seen before. Dani clapped her hands in a very Bill like way, a large smile plastered across her face.
“Thanks!, can we plug it in?” Bill had taught her the German word for thanks on the plane. It was her mp3, Bill had bought it for her at the duty free shop on the Canada side of the whole trip, he had downloaded some music for her while they waited to board, but she hadn't really listened to much of it on the way over.
“Sure!” Bill smiled, he darted his eyes back to his brother and winked, and then he plugged it into the console above their heads. He pressed play and a very familiar song played loudly over the speakers.
“I love this song!” Both Tom and Dani shouted, they looked at each other surprised. It was Basshunter's `now you're gone'.
“You love this song?” They, once again, said together, Bill laughed at their faces, his plan of bringing Dani and Tom to, if not in friendship, an agreeably neutral state of acquaintance, it just wouldn't do to have them at each others necks.
Tom and Dani conversed all the way to the Hamburg house, they found that they both liked Techno music, of all things, and easily agreed on artists and songs. Tom even introduced her to one of his favourites, F-777, who had just released his album in Asia, but Tom had been so desperate to get a copy that David (who owed the twins big time, as we all remember) had had one specially shipped just for him.
When they arrived at the house, the car drove around to the back and Fillip and Saki ushered the three out of the car, trying to move them a quickly as possible into the back door. A news helicopter could be heard, and seen flying above the house, its search light illuminating the evening darkness around the group.
Dani felt blinded by the light and tripped over a granite step, she nearly face planted but for the arms that were suddenly wrapped under each of own. When she regained her feet she was surprised to see Saki and Tom holding her up, Saki let go immediately but Tom held her elbow the rest of the way into the house. Bill just smiled and hummed to himself.
When Dani awoke the next morning she could not remember where she was and had a moment of panic before remembering that she had let Bill take her home with him. She awoke in a room that was blandly furnished, kind of like a luxurious hospital room, it was all white, and she remembered Tom saying that they would go out today to pick the furnishings for her room.
Dani was unsure how long she would be staying here, whether the boys would expect her to leave once the babies were born or if they expected her to stay. She was so confused by the whole thing.
She had just made up her mind to get dressed and find the boys to question them about their plans, when the door burst open and Tom stumbled through. He was clearly surprised that the door had opened so easily. He righted himself, brushed a few imaginary wrinkles from his oversized shirt to hide his embarrassed blush, and then lifted his head to look at her.
She was half out of the bed with barely more than her underwear on. She was too startled by Tom's abrupt appearance to care much about her state of undress. “Yes?” She squeaked, he seemed to be staring.
“U-um, w-we, well Bill really, were wondering if you would like to come shopping with us,” he stumbled through the sentence his eyes trained on her torso. He was not staring at her chest, what of it there was, no he was staring at her ribs, he was able to count them and the bones in her collar and arms were easily visible as well, did the girl not eat?
“We can also go out for breakfast if you like?” He offered, and was startled as Dani's hand flew to her mouth and he heard the sound of dry heaving, was she sick? He rushed forward, grabbed the bedside garbage can and held it a few inches under her bent head. He awkwardly pulled her hair back with one hand and watched amazed as she continued to vomit nothing.
“Bill!” He called, unsure of what to do with the heaving, and now crying, girl. He felt more than a little panicked now, what was he supposed to do with a sick pregnant girl?
He could hear Bill's quickly bounding up the stairs, and he breathed a sigh of relief when his twin rounded the corner into Dani's room. Bill took only a moment to take in the scene and within seconds he was kneeling by Dani rubbing her back and cooing to her softly in German.
“What happened,” he spoke softly and in a way that Dani would not to be able to tell that he had asked a question instead of continuing his calming monologue.
“I don't know! I just asked her about shopping, and then she started puking, how can people puke up nothing?” Tom defended, there was no way Bill was blaming this on him; all he had done was ask if she wanted to eat. “Does she even eat? I can see all her bones,” he added, as he tried unsuccessfully to keep her hair out of her face, he gave up and placed the garbage on the floor to take her hair in both hands, maybe then it would stay in place.
“I know she tries, but so far the only thing I've seen her keep down was waffles followed by gummy-bears; I think she has trouble keeping the food she eats inside, that is why she's so skinny. We have got to get her to that nutritionist.” Bill still spoke in soothing tones and Dani's heaving and sobbing seemed to lessen.
“David booked her for Saturday, if that helps. Man I love having him in our debt, it's awesome.” Tom offered, a sadistic smile slowly spreading across his face, Bill gave Tom a dirty look but didn't say anything.
“Dani hun, let's get you dressed,” Bill soothed once Dani's heaving had stopped. He grabbed the edge of the blanket and tried to pull it around Dani's almost bare torso, but Tom was sitting on the corner, Bill gave a hard tug and Tom lost his balance and landed ungracefully at Dani's feet.
`Great,' Tom thought, `that's the second time I've stumbled about today, and in front of a girl no less,' he quickly picked himself up of the floor, glared at his brother and made his way from the room, very careful to hold his pants up, there was no way he would risk tripping on them, then not only would he be teased for being clumsy but for his fashion sense as well.