Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Baby Kaulitz ❯ 10 ( Chapter 9 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
They were out shopping, Bill and Dani where having a great time, while Tom was not. They were walking down some downtown street that was lined by shops on both sides; they had traveled many such streets in the six hours they had been out shopping. Tom was stuck carrying the purchases, he didn't understand why they hadn't simply called for the car to pick up the bags.
Tom heard a wolf whistle off to his left; he turned to Bill, a large smile plastered on his face.
“I think that guy just whistled at you,” all three teens said at once, Bill pointing to Dani and Tom and Dani pointing at Bill.
“Hey!” Bill cried indignantly, “I resent that,” he huffed and sped up to walk past the two sniggering teens. Tom smiled at Dani, it was kind of funny.
“He was probably whistling at you,” Tom spoke softly to Dani, his eyes shifted awkwardly about, it was so different flirting with Dani, almost like he actually cared what she might think of him.
“At me?” Her tone was incredulous, “I'm pregnant, plus Bill is much better looking than I will ever be,” Dani scoffed and waved off Tom's compliment with her hand.
“Whatever, you're still the best looking girl around here,” He supplied sheepishly and he shifted one of the bags to his other hand. “Why don't you call the car to pick those up?” She finally questioned.
“I'm fine,” he tried to assure her, mostly to hold his manly image, but by the look she was giving him it obviously wasn't working. “I can't reach my cell-phone.”
“Where is it, I'll get it,” she offered, Bill had stopped at a window up ahead and was staring at whatever was inside.
“Back pocket,” Tom blushed, what was it with Dani, around her he was like a total virgin, he was blushing at everything and stumbling at the oddest times.
Dani reached behind Tom and fumbled with his baggy back pockets that where situated somewhere behind his knees. “God, Tom you need to wear smaller pants even the pockets are ridiculously large,” she chuckled. Tom felt the tips of her fingers brushing lightly behind his thigh as she pulled them from the first pocket to the second. After a few moments of fumbling on Dani's part, and lip biting on Tom's, the cell-phone was finally extracted. Dani dialled the number for him and held the phone to his ear, she had to stand on tip toe and he had to lean his head rather far forward. It was an awkward position but it got the job done.
“Fillip, could you bring the car here to pick up some purchases?” Tom spoke quickly. He watched Dani from under his eyelashes, she was biting her lip, she had laid one hand on his arm to steady herself, and she was looking towards Bill, who was cooing happily at something in the storefront window.
Once the phone call was finished, Tom and Dani made their way over to Bill. Tom placed their purchases on the ground and watched as Bill and Dani both cooed over a little puppy in the pet store window, the thing was literally a ball of black fluff; it looked like one of Bills cotton balls after he had used it to take off his makeup.
“What is that,” he asked, unsure if he wanted to know, the poor thing was probably one of those `designer' breeds.
“It's a Pomeranian I think, isn't it adorable Tom?” Bill supplied, as he waggled his fingers at the puppy.
“It kind of looks like you,” Tom offered, he hadn't said either way if the thing was cute but he knew Bill would take it to mean that it was. Dani giggled as the puppy wiggled its bushy tail and turned happily in a circle.
While the two were engrossed in the puppy, Fillip arrived with the car and Tom pointed Fillip to the purchases, before making his way discreetly into the shop.
Bill and Dani were startled out of their puppy watching when a little door behind the pup opened and a hand reached in and took the puppy back into the shop, leaving Bill and Dani with an empty window to watch. Dani sighed dejectedly, but was brought back from her sudden misery by a gasp from Bill.
“Where is Tom?” He asked slightly surprised that his twin was not nearby.
“Probably saw a cute girl,” Dani offered, trying to pretend that she was unconcerned by Tom's sudden disappearance.
“Glad to know you think so highly of me.” Dani and Bill both turned to see Tom stepping out of the pet shop, a kennel in his hand. “Let's go,” he spoke briskly and walked to the car, “we still have to go to the furniture stores.”
“Oh my god, Tom!” Dani squealed, a large smile stretched across her thin face, “She is so adorable!” Tom turned out the window and blushed darkly. Dani was gushing over the puppy that was now resting in her lap. Neither Bill nor Dani had noticed that Tom had carried in a kennel, until the Pom had started whining. Dani had quickly let the little ball of black fluff out and proceeded to coo over it.
“We should go and get him some accessories,” Bill offered, clapping his hands at his wonderful idea.
“It's a girl Bill,” both Dani and Tom supplied at the same time. Dani laughed at Bill's crestfallen face, but then he brightened.
“We can still go shopping for accessories!” Both Dani and Tom sighed, while Tom hated shopping (except for guitars), Dani loved it, but shopping for six hours strait is kind of tiring, even for the most seasoned shopper.
“Bill,” Dani asked softly, “Do you think, we could got shopping for that sort of thing later, like tomorrow or next week kind of later?” she spoke slowly, not wanting to upset him.
“Are you tired Dani?” Tom asked while he gave her puppy eyes, begging her to say yes.
Bill didn't seem to notice the look Tom was giving Dani. He moved closer and placed one hand on her forehead and the other on her knee. “Are you okay Dani? You should have told me you where tired, I would have stopped as soon as you asked, and of course the puppy stuff can wait until later, Fillip can pick up the necessities,” he spoke apologetically as his hand on her knee caressed it softly.
Tom watched Bill's hand intently, the way Bill touched Dani was not the way a friend would, at least not a new friend. What right did Bill have to make a move on Dani?
Was Bill the one who had gotten Dani pregnant? NO! Then why was he touching her like that?
Tom moved slightly closer to Dani and placed his arm over her shoulders, she leaned her head back on it. “I'm sorry Bill I should have known you would have been fine with it, yes I'm very tired,” Dani replied as she kicked off her sneakers, Tom noted that she wasn't wearing any socks.
About half way home, Dani fell asleep against Tom, Bill kept his hand on her knee, and Tom saw this as a declaration of war between them, but decided to ignore it; Bill might have been doing it unconsciously.
“Bill, she's not wearing any socks,” he whispered over Dani's head at his quiet twin.
“Ja, she never wears socks, says it makes her feet feel thick,” Bill answered absently, he was staring at his hand on Dani's knee, slowly caressing her pale skin. The colour of her skin mesmerized him; she had a very pale complexion almost like a redhead's but without the freckles, and her skin was soft. An inch long scar on her knee was the only blemish he could see easily.
“Bill, what are you doing?” Tom asked, his voice was very serious. He placed his other hand over Bill's on Dani knee, stopping Bill from stroking any further up her leg.
Bill looked at him his face showing confusion; Tom nearly lost his resolve to talk to his brother about their relationships with Dani but he quickly looked away from his brothers beautiful face. “What are you doing? We can't both have her,” Tom tried.
Bill leaned over Dani and gently grabbed Tom's chin, turning his face so He could look his twin in the eye, “Why not?”