Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Baby Kaulitz ❯ Intermission...aka naming fluffy ( Chapter 10 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A oneshot from the universe of `Baby Kaulitz' brought to you by Thea AKA paarthea
So all my lovelies, the naming of the pup didn't really fit into my chapters so… I thought why not write a oneshot for it? So here it is…
Tom buys Bill and Dani a little black Pomeranian… but they can't agree on a name.
Dani pulled the little ball of black fluff onto her lap, the little mischief maker had been chewing on Tom's shoelace. “She needs a name.”
Bill laughed and clapped his hands, “let's call him Billa!” he exclaimed happily, only to earn exasperated glances from the other two occupants of the room.
“She's a GIRL Bill,” they both supplied, somehow Bill was unable to grasp that the little pup was a girl and not a boy, no matter how many times he had been told so.
“I like Sammy,” Tom offered, to which both Bill and Dani had placed their hands over their faces.
“There is no way I am letting you name him after Sammy Deluxe, Tom,” Bill spoke through his hands.
“Bill is right, Tom, there is no way we are calling HER-” here Dani turned her eyes to Bill, who seemed oblivious to his slip up, “-after that rapper,” she finished, giving Tom a soft glare. “I like Dior.”
“Uugh..” Tom groaned.
“How about Lieb!” Bill offered with a look of pride on his slim face.
“That's not bad,” Tom replied as he rearranged his hat, “what about…Milo!” he exclaimed triumphantly, hands in the air, as if to draw attention to himself.
“I don't know, it sounds kind of like a boys name…how about Prada,” Dani mused as she fluffed the little pup's already fluffy hair.
“Are you just stuck on giving him-(here Dani and Tom both sighed exasperatedly) - a designer name?” Bill Joked, he laid himself down on his belly on the couch, his head practically in Dani's lap, to pet the pup and coo at her affectionately.
“Nikki?” Dani offered, unsure of the name itself
“Blacky?” Both Dani and Bill frowned at that one. This wasn't working.
“How about we pick a name out of a hat?” Bill offered, Dani nodded and Tom gave a noncommittal sound. Dani and Bill both turned to Tom with expectant eyes.
“W-why are you l-looking at me like that?” Tom stuttered, his eyes shifting between his brother's and Dani's. Dani's eyes flickered to the top of Toms head and back.
“There is NO Fucking way are you using MY hat!”
They ended up using a kitchen bowl that Tom had found under the couch; it had recently been home to some week old popcorn. After a quick washout under Dani's careful watch, they had written out the names they had thought of, and a few more, on pieces of paper and placed them in a bowl.
“Who gets to pick?” Bill asked, they all seemed unsure of what to do.
“How about we get someone else to pick,” Dani offered.
“Okay. Who?” Tom was fidgeting with his hat again, Bill gently tugged on his twins arm, and silently telling him to leave it alone, Tom scowled back.
So they found themselves scouring the quiet neighbourhood for anyone who could pull a name out of a hat…or bowl rather. Finally they stumbled upon a scrawny young man who seemed to be weeding one of the neighbourhood yards.
“Excuse me?” Bill enquired.
“Yeah?” the young man did not even look up.
“Could you help us, we need you to pick one of these pieces of paper out of the bowl for us,” Tom held the bowl out to the pimple faced youth who had finally turned to look at them. The boy winked at Dani, Bill and Tom both stepped closer to her in a show of possession.
“Can't you pick one yourself?” the boy asked, showing his braces, Dani shivered.
“No, that wouldn't be right; we need someone who has no opinion on the matter to pick for us.” Bill replied indignantly, as if the boy should have known that the picking of a piece of paper was too important to let anyone but a stranger do it.
“Okay then,” the boy slowly shifted his muddy hand inside the bowl and pulled out a folded piece of paper. Dani was feeling ignored, apart from the disgusting wink she had received, the boys were speaking in German and she could only under stand the odd word here and there, not enough to make their sentences understandable.
“What does it say?” Bill and Tom both urged as the muddy boy slowly opened the paper. The suspense was unreal, the boy actually felt that he could have cut it with a knife it was so thick, and he didn't even have an opinion on the matter.
“Lieb Dior Kaulitz” the boy said, and Dani was happy to finally be able to understand and entire sentence, though that hardly counted as one. He had picked one with `Dior' in it, she cheered happily and tried to jump a bit, but the weight of the babies made jumping a no-no, so she settled for wiggling happily,
“Thank you,” all three shouted happily and quickly made their way back to the house to christen their new puppy Lieb Dior Kaulitz.
THE END ( but only of this oneshot)