Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Baby Kaulitz ❯ 11 ( Chapter 11 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Tom hadn't spoken to Bill for the rest of the ride home, and instead of joining his twin in the den for TV he went upstairs after Dani. So Bill sat alone in the large Den watching talk shows and such. At about three o'clock Punkt came on and Bill eagerly turned up the volume, he always enjoyed Punkt.
“We have an update on the `Baby Kaulitz' story for you today. A juicy little tidbit, apparently it is now babies Kaulitz, Tom is the soon to be father of identical twins. On camera we have Joan with Dr. Adrian Schumacher.” Bill nearly choked on his coke when the female host of Punkt began the show with what was now labelled the `Baby Kaulitz story'.
“Thank you Amalinda. Now Dr. Schumacher how was it you came upon this information?” the reporter known as Joan asked the slightly balding doctor.
“I'm afraid I can't reveal who, gave my this information, but I can tell you that I have seen the ultrasound pictures, I can also tell you that the procedure that miss Milton had done to determine the identity of the baby's father was most likely the cause of the twins.” He went on to explain about how the prenatal paternity tests worked, and which one `miss Milton' had done.
“Thank you Dr, Schumacher. Now we have some more news for you regarding the `Baby Kaulitz' story when we return.” The segment ended and Bill found he was unable to move, his mind was in a panic, he didn't particularly mind that the press knew about the twins, what bugged him was that Tom, Dani and he had not released that information.
“Tom, Dani, get down here!” he screamed as soon as he gained control of his vocal cords. Soon he could hear his twin bounding down the stairs and Dani's much more sedated footsteps following behind.
“What?” Tom asked stiffly, he and Dani had been vegging out upstairs watching some chick flick, they had both fallen asleep, and Tom had been happy to remain that way, if not for his brother's frantic call.
“Shh, just watch,” Bill placed a finger over his lips and gestured to the TV, Punkt was just coming back on the form the commercial break.
“Welcome back to our special `Baby Kaulitz' story segment, you heard just before the break, of the exciting news. Dani Milton is now said to be pregnant with twins, we talked to Dr. Schumacher and he was able to confirm the rumour,” the clip played form when the good Dr. had confirmed it.
“But that is not all. Tom Kaulitz had his blood taken earlier this week to have his DNA tested against that of the baby's, and we have the results of that test,” the host paused her speech as she opened an envelope, Bill felt reminiscent of a music awards ceremony, the anxiety was nearly as overwhelming.
“It says here that, Mr Kaulitz's DNA matches the profile, he is indeed the father of the twins,” the host smiled brightly, and Tom fainted.
Dani, was surprised by his sudden loss of consciousness, she tried to soften his fall, but being more than half a foot shorter than him, and pregnant no less, she found it quite hard. Bill hardly noticed Dani's struggle with his unconscious brother, he was so dumbstruck.
Of course he had thought it possible that Dani was actually pregnant with his brother's kids, but hearing the confirmation on TV was a little much.
There was an annoying buzzing sound, and it seemed to pull Bill out of his stupor.
It was the phone, tearing his eyes away from the screen; Bill went to the phone to answer it.
“Hello?” his voice cracked, and Bill cringed.
“Yes hello is there a Mr. Tom Kaulitz available please?” spoke a female voice in English.
“Um, he's a little indisposed at the moment,” Bill turned his eyes to his slowly recuperating brother, whom Dani had left on the floor after making sure he hadn't knocked his head during his mostly unhindered fall. “This is his Brother Bill speaking, can I take a message?” he asked.
“Yes please, could you tell him this is the Paternal Rights Clinic phoning with his results?” the woman spoke quickly and professionally over the phone.
“Is this about the paternity test?” Bill asked; he felt the anxiety build up in his stomach again.
Once Dani had made sure that Tom was as comfortable as possible on the floor, she once again turned her attention to the TV, what she saw shocked her more than anything; they had pictures of her making out with Tom the night she had gotten pregnant, of when he had lead her into the elevator, and oddly enough one of her and Bill as he signed her CD case.
They had pictures of her with Kaisha leaving the next day, pictures of her from many different encounters with the press, most of which were unpleasant, some of when Bill had come to get her in Vancouver, and lastly there was a picture of her hanging off of Bill's arm at the airport.
“We have all heard about Dani Milton the girl claiming to be pregnant with Tom Kaulitz baby, but are Tom the real father? We all know that the Kaulitz boys are identical twins right? Which means they have IDENTICAL DNA, so the big question is, whose babies are they, Tom's or Bill's?” Dani was unable to understand what was being said, but when a picture of herself came up with Bill and Tom on either side of her with the words `ist der Vater Bill? oder Tom?' she kind of got the gist.
Dani felt sick to her stomach, which wasn't unusual, but this was a different kind of sick. She let out a sob before collapsing on the couch in tears, trying to ignore the insinuations that were being made.
“I'm sorry I'm only supposed to tell him, it's a breach of privacy.” The woman answered exasperation evident in her tone.
“Well, the results are already on the news, I call that a breach of privacy. I am his brother and I'm sure- hold on he's here now,” Bill broke off when Tom regained his feet, he seemed lost and unsure of what was going on.
Bill handed the phone to Tom, who stared bewildered at his brother before speaking. “Hallo?”
“Yes hello, is this Tom Kaulitz?” Tom frowned; the woman was speaking in English, how annoying.
“Ja, what do you want?” he was beginning to feel annoyed, he didn't really know why though.
“This is the Paternal Rights Clinic, phoning we have the results back from your paternity test, would you like me to tell you over the phone or schedule an appointment?” Tom was at a loss for words, strangely enough he heard a voice that sounded much like his, answer.
“Over the phone please.” Bill had grabbed the nearest phone to listen in, and when Tom seemed unable to answer he took the initiative, like he always did.
“Alright sir, the results are positive,” she paused for a moment, and when no sound came from the boys' side of the conversation she decided to clarify. “The baby is yours sir.”
Tom fainted for the second time.