Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Baby Kaulitz ❯ 12 ( Chapter 12 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Dani awoke when the sun was just rising above the horizon, which was not usual. She stretched and yawned surprised that for once she felt no nausea. She quickly showered and dressed for the day before making her way down stairs. She had forgone makeup, seeing as she hadn't actually brought anything with her.
Last night had been an emotional one, poor Tom had quite the large bump on his head, and Dani had cried her eyes out at the cruelty of the world. Bill seemed to be the only one who had coped well, he had comforted Dani, but left Tom to Liebe's *mercy.
the pup had happily chewed on the bill of Toms hat, which, when he woke up, did not make him happy. Dani also noticed how he seemed to be ignoring Bill, which was extremely odd for the boys, just a few hours prior they had been laughing and joking around.
As she sat eating breakfast, which consisted of tomato soup and the German equivalent to Rice Crispies, she decided that today would be a good day to walk, she would be able to see the neighbourhood and get her exercise, and it was still early enough in the morning that she could be home before the boys woke up.
After quickly gulping down some orange juice and strawberry syrup Dani slipped on a pair of flip flops and opened the back door to explore.
It was a little troublesome, trying to get to the street, seeing as the driveway itself was half a kilometre long, but soon she was walking down the quiet residential street. She oohed over the houses that could be easily seen and admired the trees and shrubs that shrouded the others.
After what seemed to be an hour she found herself at a corner, behind her the quiet neighbourhood and in front of her the busy streets of Hamburg.
Bill rolled over into the pillow he had been hugging all night, his blankets wrapped about him like a cocoon. Something was pulling him out of the comfortable world of sleep.
“Bill!” there it was again, someone shouting his name, and then he felt something grab a hold of his blankets and tug them unceremoniously from him. He only grumbled and snuggled closer to his down pillow, damn who ever it was trying to get him up, he was comfortable the way he was.
“I can't find Dani anywhere,” Those words woke him up immediately.
“What?” he blinked blearily, his ears must be playing tricks on him. “Tom?”
“Yeah, I've looked everywhere, I can't find her.” His twin's voice sounded worried and scared.
“What time is it?” Bill asked as he flew from his bed and stumbled about for second trying to get his bearings. Tom reached out a hand and steadied him.
“One-thirty, Bill we have to find her, what if someone kidnapped her?” Tom was freaking out, it was easy to see. His bottom lip was so badly mashed, from his constant biting, that it was bleeding.
“Its okay, have you called Saki? Maybe she went out for a drive,” Bill tried to reason, but an odd sensation of worry was building steadily in his stomach.
Dani had no idea where she was, she had only traveled two or three streets into the busy shopping district of Hamburg before she had decided it was time to head back, and she had done just that, but somehow she had gotten all turned around. She was completely bewildered.
She was in a country whose language she did not speak, walking around a city she had only walked in once before, surrounded by people she did not know. What the heck was she supposed to do now? She didn't know the address of Bill and Tom's home or the phone number; she hadn't even brought her wallet with her. She was stranded.
She did the only thing she could think of, she looked for a police station, she did not know what police were called in Germany, but she figured it had to be pretty similar.
“Excuse me, sprechen Sie Englisch?” She tried asking people who passed her, most shaking their heads or muttering a `nein', it was hopeless. After walking around in the direction she hoped the boys home was in, for nearly an hour she sat down at a table outside of what appeared to be some sort of café.
“Hallo, was kann ich für Sie bekommen?” a young man with a pimply face and braces greeted her, a note pad in his hand.
“No thanks,” Dani tried, she was not certain what he had asked, but it seemed plausible that he had asked for her order.
“Sprechen Sie Englisch?” he asked with a smile, showing off his braces.
“Yes,” Dani replied, a tiny ray of hope in her heart.
“Cool, well anyways you can't sit here without ordering something.” The boy spoke with a very harsh accent, worse than Bill's, but Dani was able to understand, at least his grammar was proper.
“I forgot my wallet at my…friend's house,” Dani was unsure of what to call the boys, whether friends or what-not. “Actually I'm lost, I don't know where I am, or how to find the place I was staying at,” She spoke abashedly, “I don't even know their phone number…” she trailed off this was hopeless.
“Oh…” the boy paused to look at his feet then turned to look her in the eye, “Do you remember what it looks like, the place where you are staying?” Dani perked up a bit, maybe this could work, but he would never believe who she was staying with.
“Um…there were lots of trees, and really big houses, the house I am staying in is about three or four blocks out from the shops, it has a really long drive way.” Dani began playing with the edge of the table.
“That sounds like one of the rich communities, what is the name of the person you are staying with?” `Oh, god, he'll never believe me,' Dani lamented, but figured she should at least try.
“Tom and Bill Kaulitz,” she gulped out. The boy gave her a hard stare. “Please believe me! My name is Dani Milton, please at least show me to the nearest police station.”
“Dani Milton,” he deadpanned, giving her a quick up and down, the girl was pregnant, and she did sort of look like the girl everyone knew and subsequently hated (such hypocrites in his view), from the tabloids and entertainment news.
A bunch of girls who were walking by heard her name, and turned to look at her. “Oh my god it's the American slut!” they shouted, Dani picked out the work American, and quietly mumbled to her herself that although she was from North America she was Canadian.
“Hey bitch, we think your lying, there is no way Tom would have slept with someone as ugly as you!” they began yelling, it was amazing how wonderful the fans could be to Bill and Tom, but then were horrible towards her, she supposed it was because they were jealous, but she couldn't prove it.
The waiter suddenly grabbed her wrist and dragged her from her chair into the café. He pulled her past the indoor tables, behind the register and through a door until she was finally showed to a small couch in the back room.
“Wait, here I'll call the police,” the boy instructed in his heavily accented English.
“Saki, we can't find Dani anywhere, did she call for a car?” Bill was on the phone with his favourite body guard, worriedly chipping at his nail polish. Tom was pacing the main floor franticly looking out all the windows to try and catch a glimpse of Dani, in case she had decided to go for a walk, he stumbled so many times over the bottoms of his pants that he had actually resorted to holding them up by the belt loops, not caring that Bill could see this embarrassing act.
“She wasn't here when we woke up.” Tom heard Bill answer. He felt a little flop in his belly, what if something had happened to the babies and she had to go to the hospital and didn't have time to wake them up? What if someone had broken into the house and kidnapped her? What if, what if…
Tom nearly tripped again when he heard a loud ringing sound; it was home phone, as Bill was on his cell. Swearing softly to himself Tom jogged over to the phone and answered it out of breath. “Hallo?”
“Is this a Mr, Kaulitz?” he heard a professional voice ask.
“Um, what do you want?” he didn't bother to answer the man's question.
“This is Officer Schlitz, of the Hamburg police.”