Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Baby Kaulitz ❯ Intermission # 2 ( Chapter 13 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
I was babysitting twins today and i gave then lick-a-sticks for fun, they reminded me so much of Bill and Tom when they were young, (blond identical twin boys) then they struck a pose that I remembered Tom and Bill striking back in the schrei years from a news clip, unfortunately I can't find that picture.
Simone sat looking at a news article about her boys, her twins, her Tom and Bill, her babies. There were rumours now, of a grandbaby on the way, but with no phone call from her boys, she didn't see any reason to believe that the rumours were true.
What caught her attention in this photo were not her boys, but what they held in their hands. It vaguely reminded her of a time many years previous, a time when her boys were not famous, a time when their only love was their family, a time when they were still young and innocent, when they were four.
She had taken them to the store for groceries, and stumbled upon a childhood favourite of hers, a treat. She bought one each for her boys, knowing the fun and good memories this would bring. When they got home she opened the little packages, handed her boys the little candy wands, and showed them how to dip it in their pop and then in the package of flavoured sugar.
She watched as they giggled and made faces after tasting the slightly sour concoction, she had grown up on Lick-a-stick candies, they being one of the only treats her meagre allowance could afford.
Her boys often traded packages, laughing and painting each-other's faces and the table with the sticky sugar and pop mix, it would be a mess to clean up later, but for now it was a precious moment, a time that they both would remember for years to come. She laughed when they raised their almost empty cups over their heads and stuck their candy stick in their mouths.
Now she stared at a very similar scene, only now instead of cups of pop they held glasses of some unknown alcohol, and instead of candy sticks, there were cigarettes, instead of smiling innocent faces, there were sad faces, covered in fake smiles, and absent looking eyes. Her heart broke just looking at them, she wished they would call, she wished that she could hug her boys and make it all better, but they were grown men now, they had a life of their own.
They had already flown the nest, at an all too early age, and were now easily situated in the world, their place in society forever away form her. She missed her boys.
Placing the newspaper down on the table, she did not even bother to read the article, she made her way into her studio to fiddle away the boring hours until she could go to bed and begin the same constant cycle anew.
After a few hours she made her way upstairs and completed her nightly routine, just as she was about to snuggle into bed the phone rang. She sighed, Gordon was gone for the weekend on some sort of camping fishing trip thingy, so she made her way back downstairs and answered the phone
“Mom?” she heard her baby's voice through the phone, he sounded so close even though she knew he was not; the sound was comforting to her mother's heart.
“Tommy, is that you Hun?” she nearly stuttered over her words, she was so excited and yet scared to hear his voice.
“Yeah, do you think you could come to the Hamburg house this weekend? Bill and I have four weeks off, but we can't make it up there. And there is someone I want you to meet too.” Simone smiled at the uncertainty in her son's voice, her heart calming once she realized there was nothing wrong, because if anything had been, Tom would have told her immediately.
“Of course baby, I'll be up on Saturday, okay? How's Bill?”
“He's fine mom, sleeping if you must know.” She could hear the smile in his voice.
“Oh, alright then Hun, I guess I'll let you go. I love you.”
“I love you too mom.” Simone hung up the phone, a smile on her face and in her heart. `I'm coming babies.'