Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Baby Kaulitz ❯ 13 ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Dani sat in a hard chair in front of a man who called himself officer Schlitz; he had a disapproving look on his face. He had been drilling Dani with questions ever since she had arrived at the police station.
The man spoke passable English, which somehow added to the discomfort of the situation, Dani wished she had worn her hoodie so that she could hide in it. The man obviously didn't believe her claim to be Dani Milton, especially since she had forgotten her wallet and any form of ID at the boys' house, but he had acquiesced to give the boys a call, the outcome of which he kept from her, Dani only hoped that the boys would know it was her and that they would come.
Suddenly there was a great amount of commotion to be heard from behind officer Schlitz's office door. Above the loud sound of people yelling Dani could clearly hear Tom's bellowing voice, making demands in a language she did not understand.
She watched a shadow moved across the blinds that covered the indoor windows of the office, it was a tall, slim shadow with long hair, a shadow Dani immediately recognized. The shadow reached towards the door, and slowly the handle began to turn.
Officer Schlitz was talking heatedly over the phone to, what Dani assumed was, the front desk. He spoke in harsh tones, and Dani was glad he had not used such inflections with her.
Before Bill could open the door fully and look to see if Dani was inside, David came in the front door with a line of men in suits following behind him. He began talking to Tom, and Bill figured it wouldn't hurt to look in one last room before making his way to David.
When Bill opened the door, he could see a man behind the cluttered desk who was almost screaming into the intercom on his phone; Bill scanned the room quickly and almost missed the girl curled up on the chair in front of the desk.
“Dani?” he whispered, before crashing his way into the room and smothering the cringing girl in his hug. He heard her sniffle as her own arms wrapped around him, she buried her face in his chest and her hands clutched at the back of her shirt.
“Bill,” she sighed, “where is Tom?” Bill froze for a moment, she wanted Tom.
“He's outside talking to David,” he spoke slowly; as he made to move back from her, but she held on tighter.
“Good,” she spoke into his shirt and nuzzled his chest with her nose. “I'm sorry, I didn't think that I would get lost, I was so careful, but I guess that doesn't matter now.” She pulled back slightly and Bill realized that the man behind the desk was now talking to them.
“Do you know her?” he asked, and Bill nodded.
“She's my…” he didn't know what to call her, “…well, she's the mother of my brother's kids.” He supposed that would have to do.
“Tom, the press will be here any moment.” David spoke quickly to Tom careful to keep his voice low. “These men are lawyers form universal, they are here to help you and Dani keep the press' questions at bay. We will be calling a press conference tomorrow to deal with this and properly introduce Dani to the public.” Tom nodded, used to David planning things without their say-so, but it was alright, Dani deserved a proper introduction anyway.
Tom Turned to look for Bill, he spotted him through an office doorway, his heart stopped and started again at the sight of Dani in his brother's arms. He almost sighed out loud, she was safe. `She's safe.'
Tom ran to the room and soon joined in on the hug, doing his best to hold Dani instead of his brother; he hugged her from the back and buried his nose in her neck, which caused her to giggle a bit. After a while David suggested that it was as good a time to leave as any, as the press was already here.
So with a pile of body guards and a stack of lawyers, the trio made their way through the crowd, of overeager reporters, to Tom's Escalade, which had been delivered late last night. Tom let Saki drive so that he could sit in the back with Dani and Bill.
The boys barely let Dani out of their sight for the rest of the day, she didn't mind much, since without them she had nothing to do. They watched a movie and played some sort of knowledge testing game, which the boys had to translate for Dani, which inevitably led to her losing.
Dani retired early, with Liebe following as close behind as her short legs would allow. After Dani left, Tom would not speak to Bill, no matter how hard his twin tried, he was still mad at him for his comment about them sharing Dani. Dani was not a possession to be had, or shared.
After about twenty minuets of being ignored by his brother, Bill also retired, leaving Tom alone. He soon followed his housemates' example and went to bed as well, even though it was only just after ten o'clock.
Tom was dreaming. He was dreaming of soft lips and even softer sighs, dreaming of something that was almost a memory. She had been a breath of fresh air. That was why he had picked her to be his first that night; she had smiled and laughed, instead of leering at and touching him. She had been so innocent; she had made him feel important yet human, even if only for a few hours. Other girls treated him like a god, or some other sort of unearthly being, yet they were often so rough.
He tossed about in his large bed, flashes of easily forgotten memories playing through his mind in the form of a dream. She was soft, small and sweet, Calm, careful and admittedly by her own words, clueless. He felt like he had been given something that night, even if it was only another girl's body, he felt like it actually mattered. That was why it almost, almost broke his heart to leave her when it was done.
He wanted to stay, to sleep in her arms, to pretend for a little while that it could actually be, that he didn't have to leave in the morning. Instead he kissed her goodbye, a bittersweet kiss, and left her. He had stood outside her door for a while; he felt empty, lonely, feelings that had been occurring more and more often of late. The girls helped sometimes, but other times they made it worse. She had helped, he hadn't been so un-lonely in a long time, but now he felt more alone and empty than ever before.
When he left he filled the rest of his night with more girls, more dancing and more sex, it didn't help, even his twin was of no consolation. So instead of remembering her, the one who had made him feel whole for a little while, he thrust her from his memory, so that the contrast, of pain and wholeness, would not seem so severe.
Tom bolted upright, clutching his chest, and breathing deep. His dream had not been nightmarish, and yet they left him feeling so…scared. The loneliness was unavoidable, the emptiness slowly growing until, he knew, it would one day consume him. Dani, he had to see Dani.
So quickly that he almost stumbled, he bolted out of his bed and across the hall to her room. He opened her door and stepped in, hoping to at least be able to watch her sleep, perhaps then he would not hurt so much. His heart nearly jumped from his chest. For the second time, he had come to check on her and she was not there.
His hand grabbed at the front of his shirt again, just above his heart, twisting the material. He tried to calm his breathing, she wouldn't have gone out at such an hour, it was something like three am, No, she would have stayed inside. “She's probably just downstairs,” he whispered to himself.
After about five minuets of almost frantic searching he found her in the kitchen. She was half bent over the island, spoon in hand eating something. His heart gave a skip and then settled completely. He stood just watching her for a bit, until he noticed the sharp jerking of her shoulders.
“Dani?” he spoke quietly. Her head jerked up, and she nearly dropped her spoon.
“Ja?” the word made Tom smile, she had been trying hard to learn what little German she could, but the look on her face stopped the gesture before it could be properly formed.
“Are you okay?” he took a few steps forward as she scrubbed furiously at her eyes. She pushed herself away from the island.
“N-no,” she let a sob escape with her answer, and it compelled Tom into action. He quickly strode over to her, for once not clumsy in her presence, and wrapped his arms around her, trying his best to comfort.
“Why?” he asked, “Why are you not okay?” he spoke into the skin of her neck, letting her own mouth and nose rest against his own neck. Worry was rising slowly in his gut, was she sick? He slowly rubbed his hands up and down her small back.
“I miss my mom,” she sobbed, and Tom never felt so silly. He and Bill had a very hard time the first few months of their first tours, they had never been so long without their mother's comfort, Tom mused that that was when the emptiness had begun.
“We could get her to come and visit,” he tried.
“I don't think she'd come,” she sobbed again. Tom came up with a plan then, if her mother wouldn't come then perhaps his own would be able to help, if only a little.
“How would you like to meet my mom? I know it's not the same as having your own around, but maybe it'll help a little?”
Dani laughed through her tears, and pulled slightly back from Tom so that she could look him in the eye. “I think that would be great,” she smiled through her tears, and Tom wondered if he had ever seen anything so surreal and perfect.
“Okay. So what are you eating?” he smiled at her and changed the subject to help and lighten the mood. She blushed, and mumbled something that Tom didn't catch. “What?” he asked again.
“Cottage cheese, gummy-bears and strawberry syrup,” She looked away and then back, “It tastes good!” she defended herself and Tom laughed, but agreed to try some, and oddly enough it wasn't half bad. They spent a good hour talking while eating, right until the sun began to rise above the horizon.
“Dani, do you want to sleep in my bed?” Tom asked, for once feeling that the answer to that question could heal or break his heart. She looked up at his startled. “Just to sleep,” he stammered quickly, and slowly a smile spread across her face.