Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Baby Kaulitz ❯ 16 ( Chapter 17 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Dani had to pee, and so she was consequentially the first one in the house. What startled her most was not the fact that the door was unlocked, but that singing could be heard from somewhere in the direction of the kitchen. As she drew nearer she noticed that the lights were on, and someone was obviously making themselves at home.
She delicately poked her head around the corner, knowing full well that it would have been smarter to simply go back outside and warn the boys, but since when did smarts out weigh curiosity? She spotted a woman standing over the stove, singing. She did not look particularly threatening.
“Excuse me, what are you doing here?” she called to the woman, who startled and nearly dropped the wooden spoon she was holding. She turned quickly to Dani, a surprised look on her dainty face.
“What? Who are you?” the woman called out in German, Dani was unable to understand the sentence. The woman took a few steps in her direction before being interrupted by Bill coming into the kitchen, Liebe in his arms. He was cooing at the pup and didn't notice the woman until she spoke.
“Bill?” Bill finally looked up, his face showing shock and disbelief. He practically threw himself into the woman's arms.
“Mom!” he called out, and the word seemed vaguely familiar to Dani, but she was to tired and still too shocked to try and figure anything out at the moment, she just wanted to eat, and then head off to bed; it had been a long day. Oh she needed to pee too...
Just then Tom walked into the kitchen with bags in his hands, since Dani had left so eagerly for the house to pee, and as Bill NEVER carried anything but his own bags, Tom was left to carry in the few but heavy bags of nutritional supplements. The nutritionist had clicked his tongue a lot at Dani's description of her eating habits and subsequent vomiting after most meals; he had prescribed protein shakes and many different kinds of vitamin supplements.
“Dani, I'm just going to put these on the counter,” he called over his shoulder, thinking that Dani had indeed gone to the bathroom as opposed to sneaking into the kitchen to spy on the intruder. He turned back to the kitchen and nearly stumbled over his pants, but thankfully caught himself before falling too noticeably. The first thing he noticed was his mother still hugging Bill, the next thing he noticed was that Dani was streaking like grease lightning for the bathroom, hands on her belly, as if holding it up would help relieve the suddenly no-longer-ignorable pressure to pee.
“Tom!” Simone called over Bill's shoulder and extended her already mostly full arms to her eldest son. He not so tenderly dropped the bags and joined the group hug with such force that Bill groaned in discomfort. Tom felt much better with his mother here, now he almost felt whole, almost complete but something was still missing and he didn't know what.
Dani walked back into the kitchen, still unsure of the woman, but not concerned since both boys had hugged her immediately. She stood in the kitchen doorway watching the scene unfold before her.
After a few moments of bonding with her boys, Simone finally took notice of the obviously pregnant girl standing in the doorway. She paused in her speech to the boys, reminding them to call more often, and stared at the girl, she was very familiar looking; someone whose face she had seen often in pictures on magazines covers.
“Tom, who is this?” Simone asked, already afraid of the answer.
Tom turned from his mother, and spotted Dani standing just outside the kitchen, she seemed very nervous, so he stretched his arms out to her and beckoned her to come to him. She moved slowly across the rather large room, her steps unsure, but steady. Finally she was within reach, and he wrapped his arms about her shoulders, pulling her back to his chest, and facing his mother.
“Mom, this is Dani. Dani, this is my mom.” He spoke half in English half in German in consideration of both his mother and Dani, seeing as their knowledge of each others language was limited.
Simone's mind reeled; it seemed that for once the rumors were true; her son had indeed gotten a girl pregnant. She extended her hand to the girl and tried to smile, but her heart and head were too confused and hurt at the moment to make it very convincing.
Dani winced at the look on Simone's face. She was a very beautiful woman, not that Dani didn't think that she would be, seeing as her sons were so beautiful, but she had a truly lovely face. Dani felt more than plain in her presence. She softly shook Simone's hand, thankful for Tom's reassuring presence at her back.
“Hallo.” Dani spoke, while gazing at the floor, somewhere in the vicinity of Bills boots, he had worn a cowboy boots that looked like they were from the future, they were silver with all sorts of useless buckles and such, and they were a welcome distraction from the nerve wracking moment.
“Mom,” Tom spoke slowly and slightly tightened his arms around Dani. “I'm going to be a father.”
Simone felt her world fading, her breath growing short. “excuse me?”