Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Baby Kaulitz ❯ 17 ( Chapter 18 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Simone felt her world fading, her breath growing short, “excuse me?”
“Mom, Dani is pregnant, I'm the father.” Tom figured the news that he would be father to twins could wait until his mother was able to grasp the fact that he was indeed a father. He didn't need his mother fainting, or simply spazzing out.
Simone was a naturally calm person, but her life was run on order and control, she liked to know what was going on and when. She did not take well to change; in fact she had been living in the same house for nine years. He wrapped his arms a little tighter around Dani, he could tell that she wanted to flee the room, to hide, but he wouldn't let her, she needed to be here.
Simone took a steadying breath and slumped into the nearby bar stool, she let her breath out in a stuttering sigh, “when did this happen?”
Tom looked to Dani, who had no idea what was being said, thankfully Bill jumped in and translated what his mother had said. “April,” Dani whispered and Bill once again translated, he stood behind his mother, making faces at Dani trying to get her to smile, it worked only slightly.
Simone took another breath and extended her hand to Dani. “Hallo, ich bin Simone, de boys motter.” She tried her best to speak in English.
“Hi, Ich bin Dani,” Dani tried, she knew from `an deiner siete' that `ich bin' meant `I am', she had also been asking the boys, at random, what such and such was in German, her miniscule vocabulary was slowly growing, even though she had only been in Germany for a little over three days.
Simone smiled as she shook the young girls hand; she noticed that Dani was very thin, and very pregnant. “April?” she asked hoping that the one word would be enough to get her message across.
“Ja, um they're twins.” Dani answered nervously, Simone looked to Tom to translate but once again Bill verbally jumped in and explained. Tom finally let go of Dani long enough to retrieve the ultrasound picture to show his mother.
After some stunted conversation and a quick hug between the girls, Simone pulled Tom out of the room to talk to him, and Dani set about to finally eat something that would hopefully stay down. Bill stayed with her and they made small talk as she stirred herself a protein milkshake that the nutritionist had recommended. She also decided to give liquorice and peanut butter sandwiches a try.
She sat at the island in one of the bars stools, and Bill wrapped an arm around her shoulder and the other rest gently on her belly, slowly rubbing in circles. He placed his mouth close to her ear, mostly so he could smell her; she smelled slightly of hair dye but her natural scent was still evident.
“So, I'm not very smart in all this, when are you due?” He spoke softly, his breath ruffling her once again black hair. He listened as she swallowed her mouthful and worked her mouth before answering.
“Middle of January, if I carry to full term. Twins are usually born earlier via c-section, so I doubt that I'll really be pregnant that long. I need to find a doctor here in the city.” Dani rearranged her liquorice in the sandwich, and shivered slightly as Bill's breath tickled her ear.
“We can get David to find you one,” he whispered again and wrapped his arms a little tighter when she shivered again. “Cold?” He asked innocently enough.
“N-no,” Dani stuttered, hoping he didn't know the reason for her shivering. Because admittedly she found both Bill and Tom attractive, but seeing as she had spent the most time with Bill she felt more drawn to him, he was kinder, softer and, dare she say, more responsible? Sure, he had his moments where he would go Diva on them all, and often he was stubborn beyond belief, but he had his sweet and wonderful moments too. Overall he seemed the more stable of the two.
Tom on the other hand, was handsome and dashing, an all around ladies man. She felt inexplicable attracted to him too, although the pull was slightly biased because he happened to be the reason she was pregnant. If anything though, her one night with him had cemented her belief that he was a player; he would not commit to her. He might be willing to have children by her, but what would happen to her when they were born? When they were old enough to care for themselves? Would he `drop' her? Would he ever agree to some sort of relationship? Or would she be forever just the mother of his twins, the groupie who got pregnant?
Sometimes he could be so amazingly sweet and slightly clingy, not that she minded, who would? He would hold her, and whisper to her; much like Bill was doing now.
“Dani?” She heard and felt Bill breathe into her neck where he had buried his face. She tried not to let her enjoyment show as he began to lightly kiss her exposed shoulder and neck.
“Kiss me?” She turned to him startled but before she could say anything he had planted his mouth upon hers, his arm that had been around her shoulders, now wrapped gently around her head; his hand touching her cheek, to hold her in place.
The kiss was sweet, almost innocent but underneath it was needy and passionate, his kisses were better than any she had ever received; the only ones that came close were Tom's.
Bill finally broke the kiss and rested his forehead against hers. “Dani.” He said her name like a prayer as his hand slowly stroked her cheek. He was looking her in the eyes, trying to convey his feelings without words, but her eyes remained confused.
“I-I think,” he tried, but his throat seemed to be rebelling.
“Yes?” Dani finally spoke, he heart was beating quickly and her breath was coming in short gasps, she felt elated and at the same time scared that Tom might catch them.
`I think I love you.' He wanted to say, but the words would not leave his mouth, he was so scared that she would scorn him, that she would choose Tom, or worse that she would leave them forever.
“Oh god Dani, I don't know what I'd do if you ever left.” That was better, still as corny as hell, but it didn't reveal as much as his previous thought would have.
He looked into her dark brown eyes, marvelling at how bright they could be while still being so dark. Her eyelashes were no big affair, not exceedingly long but just right, they framed her eyes perfectly.
His gaze moved to her lips, they were wet and slightly separated, a gentle cupids bow just begging to be kissed again, and so he obliged. She responded much quicker this time and wrapped her arms around him, subsequently pulling him in front of her, he didn't mind.
Their tongues battled gently, their hands softly exploring each others torsos. Dani made a soft sound and wrapped a hand behind his head to pull him closer. Bill felt excitement and passion rush to his belly and pool there in a seductively alluring eddy.
Just when he was willing to push the kiss a step farther, he heard his mother and brother's voices grow louder. He quickly backed away from Dani, biting his lip and wringing his hands to keep them to himself. Tom could not be allowed to catch them like that.
Dani was beyond dazed, her body was begging and pleading for more on Bill's part, and her mind was inclined to agree. She was utterly baffled as to why Bill had pulled away though. She did not have to wonder long as Tom strolled into the room with a large grin on his face.
Bill nervously turned to a cupboard so he would not have to look his brother in the eye and started randomly pulling things out and putting them back in. Dani on the other hand was blushing madly and hoping Tom wouldn't notice. She had no such luck.
“Dani, are you okay?” Tom asked, concern marring his beautiful features. And Dani gulped nervously; thankfully she was able to come up with an excuse almost immediately.
“I'm okay, just tired. I think I'll head to bed now,” she mumbled and made her way from the kitchen.
Tom wasn't sure what to do, he was absolutely stumped. His mother had given him quite the lecture.
She had started out asking him what his plans were for the future. Tom never planned for the future, David always planned their lives for them, the only choices they made where what they were going to drink and maybe what colour and make of car they could have.
“Will you keep her, after the kids are born? What place will she hold in your life Tom? Will you abandon her like all those other girls? Or will you do what is right? It's not just her fault she's pregnant, you were there too, you should marry her; it's the right thing to do.” His mother had said, as if marrying Dani was the only way, as if it was easy. It made him mad, extremely mad.
Screw the right thing; he'd never done the right thing. Dani could stay with them as long as she wanted, he wouldn't force anything.
Tom knew he wasn't thinking clearly anger was clouding his mind. He didn't need to think about this. Right now what was important was that Dani was healthy, that the twins were healthy, and that he didn't scare her off, there was no way he would raise those kids on his own, or let her do it on her own either, the only way was if they did it together.
Another thing that greatly bugged Tom was that Bill seemed to be getting pretty close to Dani, he hadn't actually caught him doing anything, but when he had walked into the kitchen and Bill had turned guiltily away, and Dani had appeared dazed; Tom had his suspicions about what was going on, but maybe the easiest solution to the Dani situation was for Bill to fall in love with her, he did spend the most time with her anyway.
The thought made Tom feel strange but not jealous…just strange.
He was so confused, this was definitely not helping with the emptiness and loneliness; it was aggravating it. He sat down on his bed, holding his face in his hands; he felt like crying, but he never cried it showed weakness. Instead he curled up on his side on his bed, hugging his knees to his chest, and breathed as slowly as he could, trying to regulate his heartbeat which had started beating too quickly.
He felt like he wasn't getting enough air, he knew better than to breathe too quickly, instead he tried deeper breaths, but soon his body won over and he was hyperventilating, desperately clutching at his knees trying to relax. The blackness quickly overtook him and he was welcomed by calm cool unconsciousness.