Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Baby Kaulitz ❯ 18 ( Chapter 19 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
*time-skip three weeks*
Things finally seemed to be going well for Dani; she now had a permanent place of residence, she had two sinfully gorgeous men looking after her, and she had found a mother-like figure in Simone, she was also able to keep most of her meals down; somehow her stomach wasn't as set against the shakes as it had been to other foods, and she was actually gaining weight.
Even thought the boys were on vacation they could not stay still for long, and so they spent most of their free time writing lyrics and composing the music to go with them.
Tom still seemed withdrawn and tired most of the time, except for when he was playing his guitar; Simone Dani and Bill were all very worried about him, but tried not to mention it to him anymore, as the few times they had tried asking him what was wrong he had shrugged them off and gotten angry if they persisted.
Bill on the other hand was the picture of happiness, he gushed about random happy things, freely hugging anyone who was nearby; which was usually Dani; who enjoyed it, or Tom; who was indifferent. Bill was always singing something, usually in German. Whenever he was around Dani felt instantly happier.
Simone was the picture of calm orderliness; nothing was out of place around her. She was constantly cleaning something. At first Dani felt bad because she had not been doing much of that for the first few days before Simone had come, but Simone had laughed and tried to communicate that it was why she was here, to look after Dani and the boys. She insisted that Dani do nothing, not that she would have been able to do much anyways.
Simone and Dani spent most of their time together, and they seemed to communicate well enough, despite the slowly melting language barrier. They spent most of their time decorating both Dani's room and the empty one next to hers that was being transformed onto a nursery for two. They had settled on white, sea blue and Caribbean green as they were neutral colours; despite the numerous ultrasounds the doctors were still unable to determine the sex of the twins.
Jost had found Dani a doctor that she actually liked and slowly Dani and the twins' health were getting back on track. She and the twins were growing quickly now, the doctor said it was because they were finally getting the nutrients they needed. Dani felt bad that her twins had been so unhealthy for the first few months of her pregnancy, but the kind grandfatherly doctor explained that it was not her fault and not to stress over it because they were now healthy as could be hoped for.
Once when Dani and Simone had been out shopping they bumped into Chelzi Joan, who made herself indispensable in fashion advice, soon she was in on the decorating and planning for the twins' arrival. She and Dani instantly hit it off and Dani now considered her a friend.
Half way through the third week, Simone had sat Dani and the boys down to discuss what they were planning for the future, it had taken Bill only seconds to demand that Dani stay with them forever; to which Dani laughed but didn't argue. Tom said she could stay as long as she liked. So it was decided the Dani had a place in their home as long as she wished to be there.
Dani had finally met Georg and Gustav half way through the second week of the boys' vacation. Georg had teased her and Tom almost incessantly, Gustav on the other hand had been a total sweetheart, Dani was surprised by how talkative he could be if he was interested enough in the subject of conversation.
Eventually the boys' vacation time ended and they were soon packing. They were scheduled to be in Nice, France October 2nd, and they spent their last half day at home with Dani. Simone had promised that she would spend the weekends with Dani, but had to be home for the weekdays so she could actually get some works done.
Jost had hired a bodyguard to stay with Dani in the house, half for protection half for company. His name was Hunfrith. Dani was curious about his name and so had looked it up, and nearly died of laughter when she found out it meant `peaceful giant'. The man was hardly taller than she was, but he was good at what he did. Jost said that he was one of the best in his trade, one: because he was so inconspicuous, and two: because he had been one of the top marshal artists in the country before delving into the art of protection.
Hunfrith was a jovial man, always laughing heartily and Dani feared that he would have a hearty snore too. He was very much like an uncle in the way he treated Dani, but it annoyed her to no end how he would follow her so close while she was out.
Once the boys were gone she spent as much time as possible away form the house. It seemed so much emptier without the boys and Simone there. Chelz proved to be a wonderful distraction during the week, often dragging Dani off to some spa, or a designer shop.
Dani had also been gifted with a credit card by the boys the week before they left, but she was loathed to use it, and since most of her decorating needs had been met she only used it for groceries and the odd meal out with Chelz.
She passed her six month mark and then some. She took an online course to learn a little more German. She bought an English cookbook and spent her evenings practicing. There were many nights when she had to get Hunfrith to fan the fire alarm, or even worse get him to grab the fire extinguisher, but ultimately Dani felt she was progressing, from Mac-n-cheese to roast chicken and homemade gravy; the gravy was uncooperative though, and refused to quit being lumpy.
Ultimately though, life was boring. Despite the many distractions Dani had, life just wasn't the same without the boys around and it didn't help that they hardly called.
It didn't take long for Simone to notice how lonesome Dani was, she tried hard to hide it, but to a mother it was as obvious as the grass was green.
She noticed how Dani tried so hard to occupy herself, how she tried to fill her days with activities, often tiring herself past exhaustion. She noticed how Dani's smiles weren't as bright and cheerful as they used to be, how they lasted only seconds, how her laugh was drying up.
The girl was bored and lonely, and not for just anyone either, she was lonely for the boys. Simone had a plan; it would take a few days to set in motion and a few phone calls.
Bill was melancholy beyond belief; Tom barely spoke, and the G's were too wrapped up on their `make-fun-of-Bill' game, Gustav wasn't too bad, but Georg wouldn't stop with the `diva' comments. Jost was back to his bossy old ways, with a few added perks, but mostly the same kill-joy attitude.
Singing didn't help much anymore, it had stopped working after Tom had threatened to castrate him if he didn't stop, to Which Georg had commented `what's to castrate, he doesn't have any balls!' which received a death glare from bill and a punch from Tom; that was somewhere between the first and second day.
So he tried drawing; he'd never been exceptional at it, he wasn't bad, just not amazing, he was also too critical of his own work; nothing was good enough, therefore it was horrible. So drawing didn't last long either.
Painting his nails only amused him for ten minuets everyday, doing his hair only took an hour, and he was only able to stretch makeup to twenty minuets, unless it was a concert day, then he had to let the makeup ladies do it for him; that drove him crazy.
Bill missed his house, he missed his big comfy bed, he missed Liebe and most of all he missed Dani. Around here people were too grumpy to hug, or joke around with, or kiss…
“Eww,” Bill exclaimed quietly, who would he want to kiss here? They were all boys, well except for Dunja, and she may be good looking but she was just a tad too old for him, plus she and Jost seemed to be getting it on when they thought people weren't looking. That thought drew another “Eww,” from Bill.
Just when He was about to give up and try sleeping the rest of the free afternoon away Bill heard his phone ring, the first few notes of `sexy, naughty, bitchy me' sounding too loud in the silent room; he had changed his ring when Dani had caught him with `Barbie girl'; though he had to admit this one wasn't to much better.
He grabbed his phone and peered at the caller ID, it was his mother. Bill felt his heart skip a beat and then stutter to a stop, before starting again at a pace too fast to be healthy. Why would his mother be phoning? Unless something was wrong….
Hastily he flipped the cell open and called out a desperate “Hallo?”
Tom stared at the bleeding cut on his calf, it was a place that bled well, but wasn't too close to any arteries of veins that he could accidentally slice.
The cutting had begun two weeks ago, right after the beginning of the tour. It helped him deal with the emptiness, it helped distract him from the pain of loneliness, somehow he felt connected because of it; connected to all those others who cut themselves.
He felt somewhat guilty about it, but no one would ever know, not even the groupies saw his legs, he was careful now to leave the lights off. He didn't want to see their faces anymore; he preferred they remained anonymous, that the only thing he would take with him would be the momentary numbness that sex brought.
He could feel it, he was becoming more withdrawn and hard, and soon nothing would hurt anymore, because he would be empty, soon there would be nothing left to make it feel like he was pouring out.
Not his blood though, that would keep pumping, it would continue to keep him alive. Something kept him from ever cutting to much, or too far, something kept him from ending it. Maybe it was some deviated sense of loyalty to his band, maybe it was his self preservation finally taking a stand, maybe it was something else…something he couldn't explain.
The cut stopped bleeding, it hadn't bled for long and he felt tempted to make another one, to continue on for a little while, but he wouldn't.
He took a slow breath as he washed the tiny, inch long cut. The scars, or rather scabs, reached a third of the way up his inner calf, they were all short, and they had only bled for a few minuets. He didn't know what was wrong with him; he didn't know why he felt this way.