Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Cove ❯ You Will Never be Alone ( Chapter 97 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

What have you done?

A pair of strong hands seized the child's body. She looked behind her. There was no one there, but she knew. Her eyes filled with tears.

Why are you doing this?

"I can't lose you. I love you."

But you don't even know me.

"Does that even matter?"

The girl froze. Her heart pounded against my chest. Kasumi thought that she was going to choke. She tightly shut her eyes.

Let me go! You'll ruin everything!

"No!" It felt like a sword was stabbing them both in the chest. They weren't the only ones. Kasumi could hear a man screaming over her own. She cracked one eye open. Seita hung in the empty space like a puppet in tangled strings. His body looked emaciated with gray skin covered in boils and sores. The boy could barely keep his head up. Kasumi's heart sank. No... This couldn't be...

But how?

"He's in so much pain. He's not gone."

But... That's not possible! Seita is dead!

"No. But he will be if the hate in Karasu's heart keeps eating him alive. Look."

She turned to look at the body. Seita looked at her with misery in his eyes. There was no life in his eyes. Kasumi felt tears running down her cheeks.

What should I do?

"We're going to help you."

What... We? More hands covered her body. The warmth started taking over. She opened her eyes and mouth. The girl reached out to the bonded boy. She heard his voice pleading in her head.

Please... kill... me... Tears ran down his cheeks.

"No! I won't let you! I'm not supposed to die! I want to be the most powerful!"

"You have to do this!" They didn't have to tell her twice. She reached further toward the boy before she froze.

Before I do this, I have to know one thing.

"What is it?"

The girl lifted her chin high. Will you all stay with me when this is all over? She didn't need to ask. A little smile came across her face.

Okay. I'm going to end this now. See you on the other side.

"I love you."

I love you too. The girl closed her eyes and touched the wasted boy on the chest. Her eyes flowed through his head.

It's okay now. I forgive you. Let's end this now. She closed her eyes. The boy closed his eyes as well. Kasumi's fingertips brushed against his chest. Seita let out one gasp before his body went still. White lights came out from her fingertips and swallowed everything whole. Kasumi had one more thought before the void was to vanish for good.

Thank you, guys. Thank you.

Outside, all of the roots grew and exploded into little pieces. Soon, the darkness broke into shards and dissolved into nothing. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

There wasn't a trace left behind.

Chapter Ninety-Nine: You Will Never be Alone: