Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Mechanical Affection ❯ Chapter 16 ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Mechanical Affection- Chapter 16

“Have you seen Matt this morning?” I stared blankly at the breather who I would have sworn was trying to communicate with me. However, her flailing arms were not helping and I couldn’t help but try to follow the movement even though the world looked like film missing one too many frames. She grabbed my head so I’d stop looking at them, “Matt? You knock more of your brains loose?” More? “Matt! Have you seen him?” I don’t know that I knew who she was talking about. My guttural utterance was not very reassuring.
When my head was released I looked to New York, what a stupid name. Did we know what she was talking about? He looked pretty bright eyed and alert, as opposed to what must have been a glassy eyed daze on my face. Clicking his teeth, he growled oddly and I cocked my head at him so I at least looked like I was trying to comprehend… But I wasn’t.
“I don’t speak zombie,” Apparently neither did I, “Would you just go fetch him for me.” I guess… As long as one of us knew who she was talking about. New York grunted and bumped into me to get me moving, then he turned and walked towards the woods. I shuffled along in his footsteps, he seemed to be a bit better at navigating terrain then I was. Not surprising considering the way my eyes were going. Tipping my head back, I kept close, eyes fixed on the sky. The sun turned the empty holes in the trees blue. So pretty.
Thunk! I stumbled back a bit and shook my head. Warn a guy why don’t you? I grumbled awkwardly to myself and sidled along side him to take a look. I’m not sure why New York had suddenly stopped. I looked him up and down. Looked fine to me… Just wasn’t moving. He was looking at something and I looked too. Mm… That did look tasty. There was a deer caught in a wicked looking snare. Its body was starting to cool though. Much longer and it wouldn’t be appetizing at all.
Jaw slack, I drooled over the sight hungrily. Maybe I could rip off little pieces and eat that. Damn mask. I shook my head and approached. Not that shaking my head like I was having a seizure was going to get the thing loose enough to eat.
A trembling hand grabbed my shirt and before I could get another step closer, I was being thrown to the ground. New York jerked a bit violently over me, his own body not too pleased about following orders it seemed and as he bent down to look at me he coughed out what I assumed was a word… Sounded a bit more like the squawk of a crow.
I struggled to my feet and rasped at him. He’d started it. I hadn’t even noticed the juicy flesh dangling there until he had.
Jerking his head towards some building heat source, we moved on. I only looked back longingly at the deer once… Okay, maybe twice. But there was no more thought of it when we found what we were looking for. Oh, so that was Matt.
The lean breather was leaning up against a tree. His head was down and he looked like he was holding onto it for dear life with one hand. I couldn’t see where the other was, his back was towards us. Had we really been so quiet he hadn’t noticed? I mean… I’m pretty damn clumsy. He should have heard us a mile away, but nope! Didn’t even look over his shoulder.
I wondered if he was sick, he was radiating quite a delicious amount of heat. I looked at New York who seemed to be looking somewhere else. Not interested, huh? Well, if he wasn’t going to say hello. Working in stealth mode, I fully intended on sneaking up on him while he was distracted. I vaguely remember him deserving some kind of punishment, but for what I couldn’t say for certain. But then, what breather didn’t deserve it?
Arms in front of me, ready to nab him, I closed the space between us with surprising speed. A strange yelping noise came from him and he jerked back into me as my arms closed around his body. I dug my fingers into his stomach and chest, holding him tight as my face naturally craned down to sink my teeth into his throat. Nothing but air. Damn.
“Mi-itch.” He hiccupped his entire body tensing and shuddering against me. His breathing came back and his chest expanded largely under my palm. That sure seemed like a lot of surprise… A suspicious amount. His hand moved to mine and he dragged my hand up his stomach as he caught his breath. I stopped trying to chew his throat a moment and looked at his face. He was beet red… He looked guilty of something. I glanced down.
You’re sick. And I wasn’t very amused but, let’s be honest, this probably wasn’t the first time I’d caught him with his pants down.
He shivered a little as he let go of my hands and did up his fly, “I was uh… Just uh…” You were just? “Um, nothing. Never mind.” That’s what I thought. I gurgled a little response as he ran his hands over my arms, “I mean… Do you think you could?” Could what? Walk on the moon? Probably not. “You still get hard and everything when you touch me.” It’s not just you. You’re not that special buckwheat. Also, I brought a friend, “I wouldn’t do anything if you didn’t- Oh!” As I was saying I brought a friend. Matt clammed up at the sight of him.
Oh, don’t get all shy now. Not like we’re going to tell anyone and your line of thought was just getting interesting. I rested my chin on Matt’s shoulder and stared at him as he tried to speak but found no words. Matt pushed my hands down and stepped out of my grasp… He was so warm though. I missed his body when it was gone, “What are you two doing out here anyway?” Smooth change of subject. We’re here for you… I think.
New York barked out some sounds that eventually petered out into some muffled gurgling… What he said. That’s what we’re doing.
“Okay then, let’s go.” Don’t tell me you understood that. That wasn’t even- I don’t even know what that was… I’m not so sure why I was so upset that the breather responded so readily to New York. I tried to mimic the noise, but it came out wrong and Matt looked at me funny… Then he smiled a brilliant looking smile at me, and that made me feel good, “Come on, baby.” He cupped his hand behind my head and led me along with New York at his other side.
We passed by the deer again and Matt checked it to see if it was still alive, or maybe to see if it was cold. Either way, he cut it down and tied its back legs to New York and I with some wire that he had in his pocket. Seemed like a weird thing to have in his pocket but then again, I don’t know what else he’d have in there. Unfortunately for us, the meat had cooled down enough to be appetizing when we’d gotten back.
We watched longingly as it was dragged away from us to be prepared, leaving our own bodies cool and hungry. Matt stroked my head, “I’ll get you something to eat tonight.” He kissed my head, “Promise.” Tonight couldn’t possibly get here fast enough, “Right now… We’ve got work to do.” Wonderful, because doing things for breathers on an empty stomach was exactly what I wanted to do, “Don’t mope, you won’t even remember it.” That was supposed to be comforting? “Anyway, I’ve got good news. We’ve got home duty today.” I didn’t know what that was, but I’d have to trust him that it was good news.
Home duty, as it turns out, was exceptionally boring. Wash clothes, mend clothes, boil water… I was very unhelpful. Maybe I was just there for moral support because Matt really seemed to be enjoying himself being all homey and stuff. New York was kept fresh in my mind by conversation but I was having increasing difficulty remembering what he looked like without him in front of me. The day, however, was starting to take a turn for the better when we moved away from breather central and out into the backwoods, “This is nice right?” Yup, “Just the two of us again.” Worked for me. Matt reached back to help me over a fallen tree as I seemed to be having difficulty crossing it, “It’s not that I hate New York or anything… He’s just not you.” So? I’m always here anyway, “It’s just good to be able to… Talk with you I guess. Stupid, right?” Kind of, “It’s not like he cares or anything.”
Matt stopped talking a moment as he spotted a fallen tree he liked the looks of. He took an ax to it and spent a good while chopping it to bits before he packed the logs on a tarp… Which I was expected to drag to the edge of the Earth for all I knew, “So… About this morning.” Oh, you know I don’t remember that far back. He did, so he elaborated, “About sex.” I was stumped. Had we had sex? Damn, if I somehow got laid and didn’t remember it that was bullshit! Man or not, that’s shit I should know, “Ah, forget it.” Oh no you don’t! I needed to know!
Grunting, I pulled the wood a bit faster and pushed Matt into the nearest tree. He looked a little surprised and I blocked his way so he had to explain, “It was just a suggestion, no need to get all pissy with me.” Ugh, communication skills. I have none! “Anyway… I can barely get you alone as it is. New York is a real cockblock, you know that.” Okay, so we hadn’t done anything? I’m not sure how I felt about it. I backed off, and we continued.
“I’d be careful, you know.” I’d almost forgotten what we were talking about. He walked backwards to watch me but the partial paralysis of my body meant I had a wicked poker face. I didn’t necessarily believe caution was one of Matt’s fortes considering the second party he was considering for the deed, “It’s not like I don’t have condoms and lube stashed away for the occasion,” Been planning this for a while then? That seemed a bit perverted, “You have to admit, I’ve been a saint. Hand bathing you after dinner, changing your clothes, sleeping right there with you- I haven’t done anything.” Okay buddy, calm your shit down. He was starting to talk a bit too fast, “And I could have!” That’s reassuring, “You wouldn’t even remember it.” Keep pushing it, you’re about two inches from an ass whooping.
Matt palmed his face and groaned, my mood lessened, “Sorry… Just… I’m just frustrated.” You mean horny right? Well, keep it in your pants I’m not really in the mood. In case no one noticed, Matt’s not much of a charmer. I’m not so easy that he can just bring it up like that. I may be the walking dead, but there’s nothing wrong with trying to butter me up- Er… That didn’t sound right.
All right… That was a lie. I probably am that easy. It’s not like I have any other takers anyway and I wasn’t exactly adverse to the idea. Matt’s body was always so delightfully warm. Anyway, what was that white lie parents told their kids? It’s like a special kind of hug? I like hugs…. From Matt anyway.
“Shit.” The tone of his voice brought me from what little thoughts I had. I caught up with him and looked, “I hope the other traps did better.” I thought this one had done fine. Nice sized dog, that’d be yummy. Something struck me upside the head. My body tipped over like a felled tree and the dog whined and snarled in my face, “You are not eating a dog.” Fine, we’re not having sex then! I made an unhappy gurgling groan at him as he knelt beside the cage. He cooed at the dog inside and when he held up his hand to the bars, it licked his fingers. Oh yeah, I bet Matt was finger licking good too. Damn it.
When I found my feet, Matt was holding the mangy looking animal. He was smiling and cooing still, petting it and kissing it. I don’t know exactly what he said because apparently baby talk is not the same thing as zombie talk.
Come on, Matt. I gotta eat. I whined at him but he was pretty much ignoring me. Bastard.
The next trap, empty, my spirits sank. The next trap, a skunk, Matt said I couldn’t eat that either. I didn’t want to go on. After that, luck improved, a rabbit. Not a sizable meal but I’d take what I could get. By the end of the patrol, we had two rabbits and a fox that Matt was none too pleased about me eating either. Meat was meat to me.
New York and the girl had returned by the time we’d gotten back. They’d been waiting for us I guess because she was sitting around and New York hovering around her, “What’s that?” Matt found a puppy… I think he loves it more than me. I tried to look as unhappy about it as I felt, but I don’t know how well it worked. New York came to me and rubbed up against me a bit. He clicked his teeth at me and let out a sharp sounding noise. Then he went to Matt and the dog. He seemed a bit more accepting of the thing. Or maybe he wanted to eat it.
“A new dog.” Matt looked proud of himself, like he’d gone out and whelped the thing himself, “I’m going to call her Toto.”
“Like from Oz?” She asked and Matt nodded. Their reference eluded me, “You know Toto was a boy right?”
“That’s her name.” Matt was determined. “Anyway, we can always use another dog. And she’s friendly.” What did we need another dog for? New York and I could do better than any watchdog, “Mitch.” I looked at his face, “Take the hall to Logan.” He pointed to the camp and then he gesture to the girl, “Claire, you and New York grab their dinner.” She nodded and pulled the cages off the tarp I was pulling and loaded two onto New York. They left and I lingered a moment with Matt before I left too.
I don’t know who I was taking the junk too, but I figured someone would stop me when I found the right place. Or the wrong place. Either way.
I spotted something of interest by a tent and went over to investigate. I leaned down to take a closer look at something that… Didn’t look like it really belonged. What was it? A… Syringe? What would that be doing here?
“Metalhead!” The proximity made me look. Who was he calling metalhead? “Get away from there before I do something nasty to you.” I stepped away. Blue Eyes… I didn’t like the way he’d said that, “Go on… Get out of it.” I took another step back then looked at the bag again. What was he protecting there? Certainly nothing I would take. Must have been something I could destroy then? Or maybe… I can’t think anything more complicated than that, “Metalhead, what did I just tell you.” Blue Eyes stepped in front of me. He reached towards me but suddenly stopped and grabbed the bag and shoved everything nearby into it and threw it into the tent.
“What’s going on here?” A deep voice boomed behind me.
I turned and tried to speak. Blue Eyes was hiding something. Look at it. Look in the bag.
“I don’t know. He just came over here, like he was going to attack me.” I did no such thing! He’s a liar! “I don’t think Matt has fed him today.” The man in the red shirt pulled me away from Blue Eyes and removed the rope from me so I was no longer bound to the heavy tarp, “He should take better care of him.” Matt takes great care of me, snake! I seethed and snapped at him before I was jerked away.
“Go home, Mitch.” I didn’t have much say in the matter. I guess it could have been worse… They could have blown my brains out. Still… I stared back at the two as they spoke. My word against a breather, fat chance the guy believed me.
“Mitch!” I jerked back when I looked forward, having nearly run into Matt… And his new dog that was growling at me, “Oh Toto, stop.” I narrowed my eyes at it, her? Yeah, her, “Come on, let’s get you and New York fed.” Finally, an idea I liked the sound of. I perked right up and followed Matt in haste. I felt like my stomach was collapsing in on itself, I was so hungry. Matt laughed at me as I kept close by, hovering over him like he’d stuff the dog in his hands into my mouth instead. Highly unlikely, but that prospect was welcome too.
Matt put the wiry canine on the ground, leashed up to a tree, before coming over to me. He stripped me of my clothes, having a bit of trouble when he got to his knees to pull down my pants… I may have fallen onto him a bit… Naked. Totally not on purpose. My legs got tangled, that was all! Matt pushed me back and forced my legs up one at a time until I was completely nude, save my gloves and that pesky thing on my face. I practically ran to the cage, I seemed to know that the food would be there. I looked around but it wasn’t yet. Matt followed me in and took off my gloves, “Stay.”
Then he went back out for New York. He yanked the T-shirt up off over his head before kneeling down in front of him. I drew nearer to watch, “Mitch makes a mess when he eats.” I do not! Don’t listen to him, he just wants to see me naked. He’s gay you know… “Keep it clean and you can keep the boxers.” Matt told him as he pulled down his pants and helped him out of those. They stood face to face, Matt smiling a bit as he grabbed New York by the bars near his mouth and led him to the cage with me.
New York didn’t look very concerned about that fact that there was a gay guy shoving two nearly naked zombies in a cage together.
Stepping out, Matt closed the door and called me to him. I went to him with ease. I shoved my head into the bars and his hands reached in to assist me. Quick as a flash, the metal came free from my head and his hands were gone from the cage… Good thing too, because I was hungry enough to rip off any lingering limbs.
I stretched my jaw and tested the strength of my bite a bit. When I had finished getting used to the foreign feeling of a free face, New York was maskless too and, holy shit, his face! Was there always so much of it missing. I think he might have looked better with the hunk of metal covering his face like a ninja.
I watched as he raised a hand and curled his fingers around his lower teeth and pulled his mouth down. It was like a train wreck, I just couldn’t look away. There was a bit of a popping noise followed by a wet squishing sound before he removed his fingers and jammed his jaw back up into his face. His body shuddered and twitched in some sort of freakish convulsion before he went back to normal.
We turned in unison as a small door shrieked and something small and furry darted inside with us. I lunged after it. My hands caught air and my face hit metal. Neither deterred me as I flailed on the ground after the warm thing. I managed to knock it with a hand and stun it before I went to town on it. Face first into the fur, I bit in and ripped out as much as I could. The sinewy flesh crunched between my teeth and I dug my hands into the fresh orifice. Warmth exploded between my fingers, slicker flesh sliding in my grip as I shoveled whatever I got into my mouth. It spread down my arms and my throat, inside and out. I leaned forward and pressed my face into the blood warm soil, hovering over my food as I half bathed and half ate it.
I chewed the bone, working my tongue into the narrow tubes for the soft marrow. Only when the hard bone I couldn’t chew was left, I pulled away from the heat in a daze. My vision was a blur, my stomach aching for more than I had. So when another something warm slipped by, I attacked in a frenzy of tooth and nail.
This one went by faster than the last and I was disappointed when I could no longer find anything left to eat. I did follow a warm pool to a body though and finding rivers of liquid heat running over its cool skin… I licked it off hungrily. I didn’t want any of the cold meat in me, but the blood I’d take.
When my velvety tongue trailed up a throat, I opened my hungry eyes to search for a face- Holyjesusfuck! I jerked back. Half-face stared disinterestedly at me as he licked his finger clean… For having just eaten, he didn’t look like he’d enjoyed himself very much. Not much blood anywhere.
“I’m sorry about this.” About wha- Cold washed over me so blindingly icy every fiber in my body seemed to contract at once. The world went black, not solidly so… Kind of on and off like the flicker of a light. My eyes would open and I would see. Then I’d blink and I’d be somewhere else. When reality finally made it back to me… I was in a cradle of warmth. Something wet was gently dragging over my arm. I looked… A dog… Licking me. Hands holding mine… And a soft voice in my ear, “Then she clicked her heels together three times. ‘There’s no place like home’.”

Sorry for the delay everyone. I was suffering from food poisoning Friday and Saturday. The story will actually progress next chapter, I swear!