Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Killer ❯ Chapter Four ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Despite being out on his own, he couldn't help but to feel the need to constantly look over his shoulder as he walked down the streets. This wasn't London, not at all; but he had done his research. He knew the layout of this place well enough. Still, he wasn't accustomed to the people here. So loud and obnoxious. Where could he go to get a drink? That was the real question....

Looking into his reflection in the glass he shook his head. He missed his old face. Turning back, he could've sworn someone was following him. Keeping himself on edge he walked into the first bar he saw.

Constance ran down the streets with her cell phone in her hands. She waved to a few people she knew, they were a part of Epsilon. They had people on every corner. She ran to the bus stop and there was Daisy.

"Daisy!" Constance yelled and Daisy turned.

Daisy's golden hair spun with her. Her long, straight locks swung about her face as she smiled brightly as Constance. Constance wrapped her arms around her and Daisy laughed.

"I'm so glad you called!" She kissed Constance lightly on the lips then pulled at her hands. "Come on. Let's get some lunch!"

Jack hated this. He had to pay the guy an extra twenty bucks just so he could get a drink. He didn't even look twenty-two anymore! Downing the beer, he sighed. At least it still tasted the same. Looking at the television, he groaned. Football wasn't something that he understood. Apparently the rest of the male population was enamored by it, but he had never really cared for it.

While he sat there with his drink, he contemplated his decision. For now he'd simply play things by ear and see what it was that he was suppose to do and what they expected of him. Depending on how things went this might not be all that bad. At the very least he might could talk them into allowing him to have his own apartment away from Constance.

Constance stopped walking when they came to a bar. Daisy looked at her.

"You have to do something else for your boss?"

Constance nodded. Their hands separated and Constance walked in. She walked right behind the bar and pushed a few bottles aside as she looked for a small note. Reading it, she wrote something else on it and smiled at the bar keep.

"Keep up the good work!" she said. She glanced at Ian. "That's the new guy. He's under age." The bar keeper took the beer from him. Constance winked at Ian. "Sorry, the boss says you have to act your age." She turned back to the bar keeper. "You didn't know so I won't tell him."

Letting out a deep breath, the bar keeper thanked her and Constance ran outside and grabbed Daisy's hand again. As far as Daisy knew, Constance delivered messages for an old man working at a shoe store. She had told Daisy that she had to tell the bar keep that his shoes were ready.

When the man took Jack's drink away he nearly contemplated stabbing him. His death gaze turned to Constance as she winked at him. "I am acting my age!" he yelled, which drew everyone's attention to him. Growling, he stormed outside where he ran into her and a blond girl. Apparently it was Daisy.

Biting his lip he just glared at Constance. "Fine, I'll go to another one," he muttered as he walked past them both. She couldn't control him and pretend to be normal in front of her girlfriend; and he didn't feel like acting right now. She would have to deal with it.

Constance laughed. "They are following you, Ian. And each time you walk into a bar, they will warn the bar keepers." She looked at Daisy. "He thinks he's twenty two." Daisy tried not to laugh. "And you are complaining again."

Daisy fixed Constance hair. "We have reservations."

Constance nodded. "You are more than welcome to join us, Ian."

Daisy nodded. "That would be great! I would love to meet something that knows Constance other than me and a handful of students."

Jack's jaw dropped. He glared daggers at Constance. Fine, if this was how she wanted to play.... Surely the Epsilon group would have better work to do then to make certain that he didn't have a damn drink. "Very well. It should...prove to be interesting if I go with you," he said. Though he didn't smile when he said this, there was something almost sinister in the way he spoke. He wasn't going to put up a charade. If Constance wished to ruin his life, he could do the same for her.

Constance smiled at him as Daisy led the way to the restaurant. They walked in and got their seats. Daisy sat next to Constance and they looked at the menu together.

"Get whatever you want, Daisy. I'm buying this time!" Constance sang.

Daisy laughed. "I want dessert then!"

Jack stared at the menu. He wasn't exactly hungry, but he didn't have anything better to do. He waited for the waiter to come up to them. "I'll just have a salad," he sighed. A glass of wine sounded heavenly, and just as he was about to order Constance looked at him. "And a glass of water. Make sure to put it in a sippy cup for me since I’m so young," he muttered.

After the girl's had ordered and the waiter left, he stared at Daisy. "So tell me, Daisy was it? What all has Constance told you about herself?"

Daisy smiled. "I know just about everything. I've been through middle school with her and high school. We are best friends!" She laughed. "But Constance is such an air head sometimes. I have to make sure she's straight."

Constance laughed. "It's so true!"

Jack tried not to groan. This was just sickening. "So how long have you two been an item?" He was impressed with the fact that she'd been able to keep up a normal charade for as long as she had. He'd never bothered to get too close to someone. Keeping one's lies in order was hard enough in the field without having personal relationships get muddled up in the mix of all of it.

"A year!" Constance said sweetly.

Daisy smiled at her. "Yeah, it's been about that long. Constance is the first girl I've ever dated."

"Really? Well now, isn't that special?" He wondered if the contempt in his voice was even slightly hidden. Judging by the fact that Daisy's facial expression didn't change, he was a better actor then he had previously thought.

"Well, you two certainly make a cute couple," he said. "Since you go to the same school, I guess I shall be seeing quite a bit of you. I'm transferring there next week."

Daisy looked at Constance. "Really?"

"Yeah. This Monday. He works for the same guy I do. Only, he's not a better messenger than me. He's number two," Constance said with a smile.

Daisy patted her hand. "I'm sure your boss doesn't play favorites."

"Yes he does," Constance said honestly. "But it's ok that he is number two. I get to look after him and he said he would be my friend!"

"You can't just ask him to be your friend, you don't even know him!"

"His name is Ian and he's seventeen and he's living in the same place as me. What else is there to know?"

"He lives with you!?!"

"Is that bad?" Constance was confused. Had she upset Daisy?

"You can't just let strangers move in with you!"

"But my boss told me to."

"Do you do everything he says!?"

"Yes. It's my job."

"Oh, Constance! You have to quit!"

Constance shook her head. "But I like my job."

"But it's not any good for you. You can't let strangers into your house."

"But my boss gave me that apartment. Besides, I'm number one...he can't do anything to me."

"What does being number one at delivering messages have to do with any of this?!"

Though Jack cringed when she said his name was Ian and told her his falsified age, the sight that unfolded nearly brought a smile to his face. Well, this was working out rather well. All he needed was popcorn and a beer and this would turn out quite well. Once more he groaned...oh how he missed beer!

"Well, not all of this is completely truthful," Jack said slowly, eying Constance to see what she would say. He wanted to see how good of a liar she really was.

Daisy turned to Ian. She had forgotten he was there. "What else is there?"

Constance smiled. "Yes! What else is there!?"

Jack looked at both the girls. A thousand different scenarios played in his head. Most of which didn't exactly end well for him, but at least they were interesting. "Well, for one Constance here knows quite a lot about me. Like for one, I'm gay. So you don't have to worry about me doing anything to violate your girlfriend." Taking a sip of his water, he wondered why he'd just said that. His plan had been to simply ruin Constance, now he was trying to help her.

He obviously wasn't thinking straight.

"It doesn't change the fact that you are a stranger," Daisy said coldly.

"But he is telling the truth. I read his file and I'm number one! I could really hurt him if he tried anything!" Constance said with a laugh.

Daisy grabbed Constance shoulders. "You have a strange man living in your house! How is that not wrong in that head of yours! How can you be so clueless!?"

"Have I upset you, Daisy?" Constance asked dropping her smile again.

Daisy sighed. "Constance, you have to kick him out or quit your job."

"But my boss..."

"That old man doesn't know anything!"

Huh.... Well, it appeared as if he had s tarted something. Oh well. "Well then, while you girl's have your talk I'm going for a drink." Standing up he excused himself from the table, but not before looking back at them. "See ya at home," he said, allowing the tiniest of smirks to grace his lips before he started for the door. While she was preoccupied with her 'lover' he'd find the darkest sleaziest bar he could. Today was a decent day after all.

Daisy stood. "You can not go home with him! I'm going to go to the cops!" Daisy left.

Constance stood. "Well...I really wanted dessert...."

She walked to the door and her eyes followed as some of Epsilon's people began following Ian. She pointed to Daisy and another group began following her. Constance pulled out her phone and dialed Daniel. He always made her feel better.

Jack made his way through the streets. He wasn't an idiot. Now that Constance had tipped him off to the fact that there were Epsilon members all over, he knew he was going to have to lose his tails. Slipping in and out of buildings, taking obscure pathways, after quite some time he was certain that his would be trackers were long gone. The only problem with that was that he was now lost. Great.

He didn't know the area well enough to just keep moving without taking note of where he was going. Muttering a curse beneath his breath he realized that he could either wonder around lost or call for help. The first option honestly didn't seem that bad in comparison. Still.... Going to the nearest pay phone he dialed Constance's number which she'd give him. This sucked..... Some assassin he turned out to be.

"Hello, Ian!" Constance sang to him. "Are you lost?" She had received a message not too long ago from one of the members saying they had lost him. "No worries. I'm tracking you. I'll see you in five minutes! Don't die, ok?" She hung up and looked at her phone again. The little red dot told her where he was. She was glad the doctor put a tracker in his head.

She was tracking him? Great. Leaning against a brick wall he thrust his hands into his pockets. Sure enough a few minutes later there she was. Rolling his eyes, he pushed himself off the wall. "Next time I'll have to make sure that I know where I'm going before I try to lose the goon squad," he told her.

"Then I'll just have to hunt you down again. Really, must you make my job harder?" She laughed. Her phone rang. "Hello, Boss man!" He spoke quickly. "How smart of you! I will do it right away!" She hung up. "We are in the White Knight's territory and since we are here, Boss wants me to kill one of the assassins." She looked up. "He's not far actually..."

Before she could finish, a guy dropped from the roof in front of her. "He's here!" She smiled.

"Muse!" the man said. "Nice of you to stop by."

"I brought company!" she said and looked at Ian.

"Too bad for him!"

He was quick, but not quick enough. Constance moved out of the way as he pulled out his gun and fired a shot. She hit his arm hard, turned around and kicked him in the stomach then caught his gun in mid air while humming the whole time.

"I thought you would be a little harder. Are you not number twenty three?" she asked holding the gun at him.

He said nothing as he coughed up blood on the ground. Constance shrugged.

"Bang bang..." she mumbled and pulled the trigger.

The bullet went straight into his head. Smiling she text to her boss, "clean up on aisle three!"