Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Killer ❯ Chapter Eight ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Ian followed the directions, which soon found himself standing before what looked like an emergency room door. The boss had said that he was in need of repair. That was true seeing as how he currently possessed a broken arm and fractured ribs. At least, that was his assessment since he was having a hard time breathing and his arm hurt tremendously. Opening the door with the arm that didn't hurt, he poked his head inside. "Doctor, I was told to come see you," he said softly, taking note that Constance was in there as well.

Constance turned to Daniel with question. Daniel waved to the other doctors and they began grabbing at Ian. Constance watched as the started striping him and patching him up. Four doctors were working on him at one time.

Daniel reached in his pocket and pulled out a piece of candy. Constance opened her mouth and he put the candy in it. She smiled. He kissed her head then walked over to Ian and sat down next to the bed while he watched the doctors work.

"What happened to you, Ian?" Constance asked on the other side of the room.

Ian winced as they began poking and prodding him. He was already stripped down to his boxers so that they could patch up his ribs and his arm. Judging from all the cuts and bruises he had taken more of a beating then he had previously guessed. Looking over to Constance, he kept his face emotionless. "I was reprimanded by the boss," he told her.

Constance looked at Daniel. "Can he do that?" she asked. Daniel smiled and nodded at her. "What did you do, Ian? Were you a bad boy?" she asked tilting her head.

As she asked her questions, Daniel sat in silence writing it all down, waiting for Ian's response. Any slip up and his life could be ended.

"Apparently I spoke out of turn about...." There was a pause. It was as if Ian and Jack were battling for control. His eyes got glassy for a second as he continued speaking. "About things which I shouldn't have. Even if what I said was the truth, it was uncalled for. I am to refrain from speaking to you about certain matters or else I will continue to be reprimanded."

"Certain matters?" Constance shook her head. "About what?"

"That's enough for now, Constance. Let him concentrate on getting better," Daniel said with a smiled.

Constance laid back and pouted. "I never get to know anything!"

"Stop pouting. You look cuter when you smile."

Constance looked at him again and giggled. "You are so funny, Daniel!" He returned her smile.

Ian stared at the two of them, his gaze turning hard. His hands balled into fists, but he kept his mouth shut. The threats of the boss were all too clear in his head. He knew what would happen if he did anything else. He would be made into a replacement for Daisy so that Constance could keep up her number one assassin title. He was fairly certain that they had the capabilities to do what they promised; and that wasn't something that he was going to allow to happen. He would follow what they said for now, and play the part that was thrust before him as long as it kept them off his back and away from his manhood.

Ash came bursting into the infirmary. "Get this damn cast off my arm!" she yelled. Dark brown hair fell in her dark brown eyes as she looked at Constance. Constance smiled and waved at her. "What the hell is she here for!? Did someone finally get a piece of her?"

Daniel stood and Ash paled as she saw him. No one spoke ill of Constance in front of Daniel. "Your cast doesn't come off for two more weeks. Stop whining, Ash."

Ash rubbed her arm and her face turned red. "Fine."

Constance sat up and Brian walked in. His hand went through his red hair and he smiled at Constance. His blue eyes sparked. "Constance, why are you in here? I hope nothing is wrong."

"I'm ok. I killed Daisy today," Constance said.

Brian stopped smiling and Ash gasped. Daniel looked over at them both. Thinking quickly, Brian smiled again. "Well, you were doing your job right?"

"Yes! Daniel said I did well!"

"Then that is very good!"

Constance laughed. Ash turned away from her while rolling her eyes. She looked at Ian. "Who is that?"

"Ian. He livedswith me. Isn't he cute!" Constance said as Daniel began taking the needle out from her arm.

Ash smirked. "Sure."

Brian's smiled widened. "Fresh meat."

Ian stiffened when the new comers joined them. Judging from their stances and they way they acted they must be the other assassins that Constance had told him about. He really wished that he was at least wearing clothes. Pushing himself up, he winced as one of the doctors pushed him back down so they could finish with his arm. "The name is...Ian, it's a pleasure to meet you," he said. Though 'pleasure' wasn't exactly the operative word, it sounded nice enough.

Ash stepped forward and examined his body. "Pleasure indeed."

"Dibs," Brian whispered.

"No fair."

"Too bad."

Before both of them could really fight about it, a scalpel landed at their feet, nearly missing Ash's leg as it stuck in the hard ground. Both of them paled as they looked up at Constance.

"He's off limits until Boss Man says otherwise. That's why he's living with me. He's under surveillance!" she said with a lightly laugh.

Brian swallowed hard. Usually Ash would reply with something witty, but as she looked at her arm in the cast, she decided that she had enough broken bones from the young girl at the moment.

"Whatever," she said and turned to leave.

Ian quirked an eyebrow at this. "Umm...am I missing something?" What were they talking about? His head still hurt from what the boss had done, so it was hard for him to really understand why they were looking at him that way. "I thought I was suppose to get to know the other assassins." God his head hurt. "Can I have some Aspirin please?"

Daniel nodded to the doctors and they put a needle in Ian to ease the pain. He then turned back to Constance. "Play nicely. Try not to hurt the others."

Constance laughed. "Ok."

Brian waved to Ian. "I'm Brian. And that," he said pointing to the door as Ash left, "was Ash. Hit me up when you get better." He glanced at Constance as she stared at him. "But as friends...of course."

He smiled again then walked after Ash.

Ian smiled as he felt the morphine begin to take its effect. Ah, that felt good. Looking up at Brian he just nodded slowly. "Uh, sure no problem. I'll call you...." He remembered Constance telling him something about Brian, but at the moment he wasn't certain what that was. He felt like crap. "So...how long am I going to be kept here?" He asked, curious about how severe the damage really was.

"Not too long. You signed up to use drugs and medication that hasn't been tested yet so most of the things being used on you will fix you up really fast," Daniel said.

"I sighed up for that stuff too when I first joined!" Constance said. "I just used some new stuff that took the bruises away!"

"Well, that's certainly a relief," he stated. Already he could tell that he was starting to feel better. Slowly he began to sit up. His body was sore, but manageable. "So tell me, what are Brian's and Ash's code names?" He could tell a lot about a person by what kind of code name they used; and he was curious what kind of people they were.

"Ash was given the name Blades and Brian chose the name Flame," Constance said walking over to him. She looked down at his body and her eyes grew wide. Daniel walked up behind her and placed a hand over her eyes. The doctors pulled the sheet over Ian's lap and Daniel dropped his hand. Constance smiled at him. "I'm not so innocent."

Daniel smirked.

Blood rushed to Ian's cheeks. Despite the protests of the doctors, he moved to start getting dressed. "Yes, well I would like to talk to them more," he said slowly. They didn't seem nearly as psycho as Constance was. Perhaps they would be able to tell him more of what was going on. "Brian seemed nice enough." He looked over at Constance and the Doctor. "Well then, am I free to go?"

Daniel nodded to Ian. "You are free to go," he said.

Constance tried to peek over Daniel's body to see Ian, but he blocked her every move. She crossed her arms under her chest. "Aw, poopy!" she pouted.

Finally, Daniel moved and she saw that Ian was dressed. She grabbed his arm. "Come on. Let's go home!"

Ian just nodded as she took his arm. She was dealing with all of this well enough. Taking a deep breath he looked back at Daniel. His eyes narrowed menacingly for a second before he looked away. This was just the beginning. Somehow he could tell that it was only going to get worse from here. "So what do you wish to do? The boss said that we could have the rest of the day off...."

"Rest of the day off?" she asked. "I have every day off, silly!" she laughed.

She pulled him to the limo and got in. When they got home, all the things that were given to her by Daisy were gone. The pictures were gone as well as the clown she had given Constance. Another clown from the boss took its place. All her texts from Daisy were gone and so was Daisy's phone number in her phone. The clothes she had from Daisy were replaced and even the daisy flowers on the counter was gone. Constance didn't seem fazed.

Ian sighed when he saw how things had changed in their room. It was as if Daisy had never existed; and Constance seemed unaffected by all of this. Rolling his eyes, he began to undress. Well, undressing for him meant he took off his jacket and began to relax. "Well then, why don't we go out on the town and go look for girls...or guys?" Though he was under strict orders to keep his mouth shut, he was curious to see how she would react to that.

"Look for girls? Who are we looking for?" she asked. She didn't understand. She never spoke to anyone who she didn't know which meant she didn't know what 'look for girls' meant. She began to strip down. She was still wearing her blood covered clothes but Daniel had washed some of the blood from her skin. She still had it in her hair, however.

Ian sighed. "Take a shower, put on something cute, and I'll explain once we go out." He knew that he was going to get more crap for this, but oh well. He wanted to see if she could be normal. In order for him to do that he was going to have reduce himself to the age of the teenager he was suppose to be. Tonight was going to prove to be interesting.

Constance smiled. "Come take one with me! I'll wash your back and you can wash mine! It will be fun!"

Ian's cheeks turned blood red. "N-no! You're a girl and I'm a guy. That's just...wrong," he said. What was she thinking? Was she purposely trying to give him a heart attack? It was bad enough that he was starting to get accustomed to seeing her in only her underwear. He didn't need to get use to seeing more.

Constance frowned. "I don't understand. What's wrong with a guy and a girl?" she asked.

She really didn't get it... "It's just that a guy isn't suppose to see a naked girl unless he's with her romantically. Just as a girl isn't suppose to see a guy naked unless she's with him romantically. It's just...wrong.... It makes people have bad thoughts."

Constance sat down on her bed and stared at him. "I don't get bad thoughts. I get happy thoughts!" She smiled.

Ian slumped on his bed and groaned. Talking to her was impossible! "I'll just take a shower after you. If you want me to wash your back just yell and I'll help you with that." At least that ought to get her to quit asking question and more importantly he wouldn't have to take a shower with her. Thoughts entered his mind, and with another groan he set a pillow on his lap. Great.

Constance shrugged. "If that's what you want." She stood and walked to the bathroom. Turning on the shower she slipped in and started to bathe. After washing her hair she screamed for Ian. "Ian! Wash my back!" she said then giggled.

He should've known better. Sighing, he got up and walked to the bathroom. Grabbing a washcloth out of the cabinet he leaned against the wall. "I'm here," he muttered. Closing his eyes he pulled back the curtain so that he could proceed to wash her back and get this over with. Hopefully she wouldn't be expecting any more from this or she was going to be sorely upset. "How far down to you want me to wash?" he asked, getting the cloth wet and putting some soap on it. Moving her hair away from her back he slowly began to wash her back while trying to focus on his feet.

Constance turned to look over her shoulder at him. Her back was covered in blood from her shirt soaking in it. "The whole thing, silly," she said.

"Fine," he muttered. He began rubbing her skin hard so that he could get all the blood out. It had stayed on there so long that it had tinted her flesh. Frowning, he turned toward her. Placing a hand on her shoulder he began to scrub more. At this rate it was going to take a while to get all this blood off of her. "You should take better care of yourself...."

Constance looked over her shoulder at him again. "I do. But...I've been in the apartment all alone since I was eight..." She smiled. "Daniel tried to have someone move in once, but I accidentally killed them when they tried touching me. He said I had a small panic attack because I'm not use to being touched." She thought of Ian living with her. "But I don't mind you...in a way...you remind me a lot of what it feels like to have someone take care of you." She turned back to face the wall. "Daniel tries to take care of me, but there is only so much he can do when he is always working. I know I can be such a handful sometimes which is why I'm always trying to make him happy. I just want to be his favorite... But it's nice...to not be so alone all the time."