Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Killer ❯ Chapter Nine ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Ian stiffened. That was unexpected. It appeared that she did have some sort of humanity left in her. "Well, I guess I should be grateful that you don't feel the need to kill me." What else could he say? He wasn't going to take care of her. He was an assassin not an older brother. He didn't know how to take care of someone. Still, he did feel slightly sorry for her, but only slightly. "From the way that Daniel acts, you are indeed his favorite."

Constance smiled. "You think so?" she asked happily. "I really hope so. Daniel is my favorite. Now that I don't have Daisy anymore I don't know what I will do at school or during the weekend. I suppose I'll have to take Daniel up on his offer." A long time ago, when Constance first started school and joined Epsilon, Daniel asked her to be home schooled, but at the time, she had Daisy so she didn't mind going. Without Daisy, school would be hard. She would have no one to talk to and no one to touch. In a way, that saddened her. "I miss Daisy. She was my best friend."

Ian closed his eyes. Was he really doing this? "I'm sure you'll find a new best friend. I mean, tonight we're going out to look at the girls and guys. Perhaps you'll find a new special someone out of them."

Constance moved away from him. She turned to face him. "That's what that means?" she asked. "You are taking me out to find someone else to replace Daisy?" Why would someone want to replace her? She was dead, that meant no one else could be Daisy. There was one Daisy and that Daisy was dead. She didn't want someone else. "I don't want a new Daisy," she said sadly. She grabbed the shower curtain and closed it. Sitting on the bottom of the tub, she pulled her legs to her chest and let the water beat over her. Silly Ian. She didn't want to keep anyone else. She wanted Daniel, Daisy...and Ian. That's all. No one else.

In the other room, Constance's phone began to ring. Already Daniel was concerned. Constance's chip was spiking but not like it had done before. This time, she almost seemed depressed.

Ian dropped the rag and turned to leave. Oh well. He had tried. Looking at Constance's phone, he realized that Daniel was calling. Great, he'd probably tell the boss and then bad things would happen to him. Picking up his phone, he realized that he still had some freedom. If Constance didn't want to do anything, then he would let her have her time alone. Going through the contacts on his phone, he realized that Brian and Ash's phone numbers were already in his phone. Punching in Brian's number he waited for it to ring.

Perhaps if he got them altogether Constance would want to go out and hang with them. It was a small hope.

Daniel hung up his phone and stood. He walked out of his office and started to the limo. Having Ian with Constance was proving to be a bad move. At this point, he was only hoping that Constance would just kill the boy and make his job a little easier.

Brian picked up his phone and Ash looked at him. Brian never got calls. "Hello?" he asked. "Oh, Ian. What a surprise," he said with a smirk.

"Hey...Brian. I was curious...if you're not doing anything and don't have a mission lined up. Would you like to hang out tonight? Maybe go grab some drinks or something." Not that he could actually drink, but that was all he could think of to say.

Brian looked at Ash as she smirked at him. He wasn't allowed to leave the building without permission. Ash grabbed her phone and text Daniel. Daniel gave the permission but reminded her to remind Brian that if he couldn't control himself then he would be punished.

"Sounds like terrible fun! I'll be there shortly," Brian said and hung up.

"You are so lucky."

"When I'm done with him, you can have him."

"So nice of you to share."

"Joy," Ian said after he'd hung up. Constance was still in the shower which meant that he probably wasn't going to get a chance to do anything. Sighing, he stripped and began looking through his clothes. What should he wear? When was the last time he'd ever really gone out and done anything social. This wasn't a date.... They were just two professionals having a drink and talking about work. That was all. "Crap, all my clothes suck," he muttered.

Twenty minutes later, Brian arrived. He knocked and waited for the door to open before going in. This was the first time he had ever been to Constance's place. She usually didn't let anyone in her place. He smiled at Ian as he opened the door and was about to say something when Daniel walked up behind him.

"Daniel...I thought I had permission..." Brian started.

Daniel walked pass him and looked around then apartment. He could hear the shower running and walked into the bathroom. Pulling the shower curtain back, he peered down at Constance. She was shaking, all the hot water was gone and her lips were blue. He could tell she was crying even though the water was beating on her.

"Constance, you are freezing," Daniel said shutting off the water. He grabbed a towel.

Constance held herself while shaking and crying lightly. "Daisy is dead..." she said.

Daniel moved down and wrapped her in a towel. He scooped her up in his arms. "It's ok, Constance. You still have me."

Constance clung to Daniel's shirt and nodded against him as he walked to her bed. Brian looked at Ian and paled.

"What did you do?" he asked. He showed up at the wrong time. Already he could hear the boss blaming him for being part of this.

Ian groaned. "It's not what it looks like! She freaked out on me! You guys had already replaced everything from Daisy with something else, so I figured she might want a new girlfriend," he said, groaning as Daniel just stared at him. Looking at Brian, he sighed. "Can we just get out of here for a little bit?" He could already tell that he was going to be in trouble. He at least wanted to have fun a little bit before everyone stared freaking out on him.

Brian looked at Daniel for approval. "If you so much as set a hair on fire you will have a bullet in your head by morning," Daniel warned. Brian nodded his head.

"I won't even go near anyone with a cigarette. Promise," he said holding his hands up in defense.

Moving fast he pulled Ian out of the apartment. He grabbed his phone and dial Ash's number. She picked up after one ring.

"Constance is crying!"

Ash froze. "You are lying."

"Not even a little. She was in the shower freezing to death when Daniel showed up. And she didn't try to kill anyone!"

Ash gasped. "This is so big! I can't believe I missed that! You have to tell me what happens!"

"Hell no! I'm not going back in there even if you pay me. Not even I'm that psycho." Brian smirked. "Look, I have to go. I got plans."

"Brian, wait you need to..."

Brian hung up the phone and smiled at Ian. "I know an awesome place to eat. Hope you're hungry."

Daniel pulled Constance's night gown over her head. He laid her back on the bed and pulled the covers over her.

"This is really good, Constance. You are dealing with emotions rather well," he said brushing at her hair.

"I miss Daisy," she said.

"I don't think you miss her. I think you miss what she was to you."

"Who will I talk to at school, Daniel?"

"I can change Ian's profile again. He can be in your classes."

Constance sighed and moved to him. She laid her head in his lap. "I don't think I want Ian anymore."

Ian looked over at Brian. He didn't like the tone of voice in which he had been talking to Ash in. Was everything okay with Constance? He was starting to feel bad about all of this. That feeling was quickly washed away when Brian smiled at him. "Yeah, I'm starving," he admitted.

Brian took Ian to a small restaurant not far from where they were. It was in walking distance. They sat down at a window table and Brian ordered drinks for them. He slipped the waiter a few extra bills to ignore their ages.

Constance gripped Daniel's pants as she laid her head in his lap. He stroked her hair lightly. "Do you think people go somewhere when they die?"

"Like heaven or hell?" Constance nodded. "I don't really know."

"Do you think that if there is a heaven or hell Daisy would go to heaven?"

"Daisy was nice and sweet. She was a good person so I believe that she would have gone to heaven," he said in a gentle tone.

Constance smiled lightly. "Then I want to believe in a heaven."

"What about hell?"


"Why?" Daniel asked with a smile.

"Because...my mother once said that all killers go to hell...and that's what I do..." she whispered.

"Your mother wasn't a very good mother, Constance," Daniel said in a stern voice. "She loved a man that used you and her. She didn't love you."

Constance looked up at him. "But you love me?"

"I do." She smiled. "And I don't want to believe in a hell either."

"Then let's only believe in a heaven. Because that's where Daisy is." Daniel nodded to her. "She said she forgave me...before she died." Daniel stiffened. "What do you suppose she meant?"

Ian nearly jumped with glee when they got their drinks. "It's been forever since I've had a drink," he laughed. He downed nearly half of it in his first gulp. Looking over at Brian, he gave him a small smile. "So umm...how long have you been with Epsilon?" He wanted to get the conversation started and to find out all that he could about his fellow killers. It didn't hurt that Brian was pretty hot.... He considered that was a bonus.

Brian sipped at his drink. "Too long," he said shaking his head at the memories. "But I enjoy the work. I get to do what I want, as long as follow the rules and leave Constance to her dream world." He watched Ian closely. It was funny. Ian was nothing like he thought he would be. Seemed so easy to get his way. It would be a lot more fun if Ash was around to fight with him about Ian. But...there was always upsetting Constance. She had said to keep his hands off Ian. Did he really want to risk pissing her off?

Daniel rubbed her back as Constance searched his eyes for answers. "I don't know, Constance." Of course, he did know. But he chose to shut up. Constance sighed and snuggled back to him. "I'll stay with you until you fall asleep ok?"

"Thank you, Daniel," she said in a yawn.

"What about Ian? Do you wish for us to rid him from your apartment?"

She shrugged. "I don't know yet. He's a very funny guy..." she mumbled. She was tired. It wouldn't be long before she was asleep.

"Constance's dream world?" He found that saying odd, but really appropriate at the same time. She was in a dream world, and that was what kept her safe from what she had to do. "She's a peculiar girl." He sighed. Downing the rest of his drink he looked over at Brian. "So what do you do when you're not on a mission?" He couldn't help but to look away from Brian's gaze. He felt as if he was being scrutinized.

Brian noted that he had finished his drink in only five minutes. How...alcoholic of him. "Mostly I train. I have most access to the building and I enjoy Ash's company so we are often seen together. Though, Ash has a lot of issues with people," he laughed lightly. He sipped at his drink again. "How about you? What is your story, Ian?"