Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Killer ❯ Chapter Eleven ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Daniel walked Constance to the door and waited for the limo to show. She smiled sweetly at him. "I have to go now!" she said and waved. She ran up to the limo and crawled in. Constance looked over at Ian. "Good morning, Ian!"

Daniel walked back inside and dialed his brother's number. "I want her pulled out of school. She doesn't have any social skills with anyone know that Daisy is dead. Something needs to be done before she does something regrettable."

"Good morning Constance. Did you sleep well?" Ian asked as she got into the car. She seemed cheerful, that was good.

The boss sighed. "What do you want me to do? You were the one who suggested that she go to school in the first place." When there was silence at the other end of the phone, the boss muttered something to someone. "What if we put Ian in her grade? They could keep an eye on each other."

Constance nodded. "I slept with Daniel!"

Daniel groaned. "I'm not having any more work done on his face. If you put him in her grade, then he will have to keep his age and name. I can't do anymore profiles for him. Would he go for that? Being pushed back again?"

Ian spit out the water he'd been drinking. "Y-you slept with Daniel?" She was moving really fast considering she'd just killed her girlfriend yesterday. How fair was that? She got to sleep with anyone she wanted yet he couldn't sleep with one person without them running away.

The boss laughed. "Who cares? He's a hired gun. You could put him in a dress and make him dance and he'd still have to do it. Just do what you have to so that we don't lose the Muse. We lose her, we lose everything."

Constance laughed and hugged herself. "Yeah! He held me until a fell asleep! He gave me milk and then put me to bed and held me!" she said.

"Really, Brother. I wonder if it's really me who runs this organization," Daniel laughed and hung up. He dialed another number. "Yes, put the new student Ian back in tenth grade. I want his classes to mirror those of Constance." He waited. "Yes, that's the one." He smiled. "Today, make it happen."

"Oh...that's all." Ian sighed with relief. Well at least she hadn't had sex with him. He should've figured that she meant she had just slept with him. Shaking his head he relaxed in the seat. He was glad that she hadn't slept with Daniel. Something about him just irked him.

As they pulled up to the school he got out and waited for Constance. Another day of this.... Oh well, at least he got to sleep most of the day. It wasn't as if it mattered whether or not he did well. He already had a job, so school was a rather mute point.

Constance stepped out of the limo and scanned the area. She stepped back and pressed her back to the limo. She debated whether to get back in the limo or not. Without Daisy waiting for her, she really didn't know what to do. Daisy walked her to her locker and to her class. Daisy sat next to her and passed notes to her. Daisy held her hand and talked to her. But there was no Daisy. What was she suppose to do now?

"Come on," Ian said as he nodded toward the school. "If I have to go through this then so do you." He stopped as he looked at her. Quirking an eyebrow he smirked. "Unless you wanna play hooky, which sounds good to me."

Constance looked at the school then at Ian. Would Daniel be mad? What would he say? She never missed school. Not even once. Before she could really choose, a teacher walked up to them. Constance moved behind Ian and clung to his shirt.

"Ian, I'm so glad I found you," the teacher said. "Here is you new schedule. You've been moved to a sophomore class. You'll be sharing classing with Constance." She peered behind him at Constance. "Won't that be great, Constance?"

Constance said nothing but she did nod. Smiling the teacher walked back to the school.

Ian took his new class schedule and stared down at it. "Really?" he muttered beneath his breath. "Well, it looks like I'm now sixteen and your new class mate," he said as he looked at Constance. Putting the schedule in his pocket he stared at her. "It's still your choice. If you want to leave it's fine with me."

Constance looked at the school again. She could do this! She could be brave! Looking up at Ian she practically begged, "Will you hold my hand?" she asked.

Ian looked at the books in his hands and then to Constance. Muttering something beneath his breath, he shifted his books to his free arm and took Constance's hand. "There you feel better?" he asked.

Constance smiled lightly. "Thank you..." They started walking to the front doors and before they even stepped inside, people were talking. Constance could hear them.

"Where is Daisy?"

"Is she cheating?"

"Who is that guy and why is she holding his hand?"

"She's such a slut! She was just with Daisy yesterday!"

"Poor Daisy, I beat she doesn't even know she was being cheated on."

Constance heart picked up its pace and she moved closer to Ian. The talking got worse. Finally, they made it to the classroom. Constance swallowed hard as Ian sat in Daisy's old desk. It was the only one open.

Ian sighed. This wasn't going to end well. Looking over at Constance, he couldn't help but feel a little sorry for her. On one hand, she shouldn't have to go through this. On the other hand, she deserved this. If she hadn't killed her girlfriend then none of this would be happening. Setting his books down, he frowned. He wouldn't be needing these books since he was no longer a junior. Yay....

Setting the books aside he turned to her. "Anytime you wanna leave, just let me know," he said as he started to relax so that he could take his nap.

Constance was silent in class and she did her best to avoid students as she walked to her next class with Ian. It wasn't until lunch when things really got heated. Ian had left her for only a few minutes to get his lunch while she sat at the table alone. She picked at her food as a group of girls came up to her. They were some of the girls Daisy had clubs with after school when Constance had to work. Constance looked up at them.

"What the hell?" one of them asked.

Constance tilted her head at them. "What?"

"Daisy deserves so much better than you. We saw you with the new guy. Not only are you holding his hand but he moved himself to your grade and took her seat! You are acting like she is dead!"

Constance stood and went to walk away. One of the girls reached out to grab her. "We aren't done!"

Ian took hold of the girl's wrist and pressed a pressure point so that she'd let go of Constance. "In case you didn't hear, Daisy moved. Her and her parents took up and left. Apparently her father got a new job somewhere. If you were her friends, you'd know how much they struggled with money. As for Constance and myself, I have a boyfriend. I'm simply helping her with a hard time." He glared daggers at the girl as he started to usher Constance away.

Hopefully that was a good enough lie to keep the children at bay. If he knew teenage girls, the entire school would know what he'd told them by the time lunch ended. He'd gone from the hot mysterious guy to the gay guy in two seconds. Oh well, at least they'd leave Constance alone.

Constance stepped outside and took a deep breath. She was trying hard to control herself, but the girl had touched her. She had actually touched her! Constance shook hard as she grabbed her phone and tried dialing Daniel. She got his voice mail.

"Daniel...I want to go home now..." she said. "Why won't you answer your phone?"

She closed her phone and dialed her boss's number. She never called him, not unless she couldn't get Daniel. And the only time she couldn't get Daniel was when he was with another assassin. She looked at Ian and grabbed his shirt. She pushed herself in his chest and started taking deeper breaths as she waited for her boss to answer.

Ian hesitated when she buried her face in his shirt. Sighing, he just patted her back while staring away awkwardly.

The boss stared at the phone. Picking it up, he could hear Constance on the other line. "Is everything okay? What's wrong?"

"She touched me..." Constance mumbled. "I want to go home...where is Daniel..." She was breathing so hard and her nails started to dig in Ian's skin. "She touched me..."

The boss sighed. "Okay Constance, I'll send the car to pick you up." He hung up and sat back in his seat. This wasn't good. Calling his brother, he waited for him to answer. "We have to come up with a solution about Constance."

Ian continued to rub her back even as she closed the phone. "What'd he say?" He couldn't understand why she was freaking out so much because she touched her. He knew she had trouble dealing with people touching her, but this was just ridiculous. The only emotion on his face was the slight twinge of pain as her nails drew blood.

Constance dropped her phone. She didn't bring her knife with her since she had stayed with Daniel. A part of her was happy because she knew it would be bad if she had killed the girl, but the other part told her to use her hands and make her pay. Constance pulled away from Ian and stared hard at the ground. Her head hurt.

Daniel picked up the phone. "I'm with Ash," he said to his brother. After hearing about Constance, he pointed to the door and Ash left. "I'll get her myself."

Daniel got in the limo and ordered the driver to get to the school as fast as he could.

Ian knelt and picked up her phone. Putting it in his pocket he put a hand on her waist and began to lead her to the front of the school where they could wait for their ride. He didn't say a word, mainly because he didn't know what to say. Knowing Daniel it was only a matter of time before he came and made everything better.

Daniel's limo pulled up front and he got out. He rushed over to Ian and Constance. Putting his hand on Constance chin, he made her face him. Her eyes were dark red. He put a hand on her back and guided her to the limo. Constance got in followed by Ian. Daniel pulled out a needle and stuck Constance.

"What happened?" he asked her.

"She touched me, Daniel..." Constance said. "You didn't answer...you ignored me."

"I was with Ash, Constance. It was her time," he said.

"But I need you," Constance said and punched his chest. Daniel flew back. He gasped for air. "And she touched me!" she screamed. She reached for the needle and aimed it for Daniel's head.

While Ian found this scenario slightly amusing, it was time for it to stop. In her frenzied state, it was child's play for him to grab the needle and twist her arm behind her. "That's enough of that, Constance," he said as he forced her back in her seat. She was strong, much stronger then he had guessed a small girl like her could be.

Daniel composed himself and grabbed another dose. Pulling the needle from Ian, he stuck her again. Constance thrashed and screamed, but eventually calmed and passed out. Daniel sighed.

"She's never had to take two doses before," he said. "Then again, no one she doesn't want touching her has touched her in years." He moved her body and pulled her close to him so he could listen to her heart and monitor her pulse to make sure it didn't slow too much.

"Yeah, you're going to have to explain that to me. A lot of people that I don't like have been teaching me as of late and yet I haven't killed them...yet." He looked at Daniel, a frown creasing his lips. "So why is it that she freaks out when people touch her?"

"To her, touching is very dominating," Daniel started. "Her father sexually abused her for so long that she grew so distant to physical contact from those she didn't trust. When someone touches her when she doesn't want them to, it's a reminder of her father putting his hands on her. She doesn't want to feel that way again, so she defends herself the best way she knows how, by killing them." He wrote something on his clipboard. "Well, it looks as if you won't be needing to go to school after all. I'm pulling her and you out. Without Daisy, Constance doesn't stand a chance against high school teens."

Ian smiled that was the best news he'd heard since he arrived here. "That's fine with me. I detested the idea in the first place." He leaned back against the seat and started to relax. "I assume that you'll still maintain her education, however. You don't exactly strike me as the type who prefers brawn over brain." Constance had no real people skills that weren't fake. At the very least she deserved some sort of education.

Daniel sighed. "That's the problem. I do a lot more than just helping Constance. I don't have time to tutor her. Until we find someone that Epsilon trust and Constance won't completely object to, she will be out of schooling." He brushed at her cheek. "I can't help but feel as if she would be better off with her memory erased and being raised by someone who can love her." He stopped. Did he say that out loud? Shrugging he pushed it aside. They stopped at Constance and Ian's apartment. Daniel moved and slipped Constance in Ian's arms. "Until I can find someone to teach her, you are to entertain her. Keep her busy and happy. You can leave now."

"Hey I'm not a babysitter I'm an assassin," Ian said as he ceremoniously pushed out of the limo. "I have a date tonight! I can't just watch her." He watched as the limo pulled away. Muttering, he made his way back to their apartment. Putting Constance on her bed, he sat on his and began texting Brian to see what he was up to. There wasn't really much for him to do until she woke up. Perhaps he should send Brian naughty pics.... No, he wasn't in the mood.

Brian smiled as he received a text from Ian. He text back asking why he wasn't in school. Ash paced back and forth in front of him.

"I can't believe that I was pushed out of his office!" Ash complained. "I bet it was Constance! That little bitch interrupted my time!"

Brian groaned. "Ash, you know he doesn't answer calls from anyone but the boss when he's in sessions."

Ash stopped pacing. "Then that means Constance had to have called the boss. Why else would he have called Daniel?" She smirked. "Ever since that new boy showed up, Constance life has been really fucked up. I like him already."

Brian smiled. "Too bad. He's interested in me."

"He sounds desperate. He's text you to ask you out again and now he's texting again."

Brian smirked. "I don't mind desperate."