Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Killer ❯ Chapter Twelve ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Ian filled Brian in on what happened. Somehow he doubted a code of silence really worked between assassins that worked in the same industry. They would find out what happened eventually...and if not, oh well. The higher ups didn't particularly like him anyways. Going to the kitchen, he grabbed a bottle of water before looking back at Constance.

She didn't exactly look comfortable.... Shaking his head he walked over to her. Moving her so that he could take off her school jacket, he slipped it off her shoulders and also took off her socks and shoes before tucking her into her bed and handing her the boss's stuffed clown. At least now she might sleep through the entire day.

Brian nearly choked. Ash rushed to his side and pulled the phone away from him, reading Ian's words. "No fucking way!" Ash yelled. "This is gold! She was touched!" She looked at Brian. "You have to ask if she killed anyone!"

Brian snatched his phone from her. "Obviously she did kill anyone or the boss would have me burn the school down. It would take a lot to cover up a public killing like that." He got another text. "Man...Daniel and the boss is serious about this though. Ian says Daniel is keeping her out of school."

"Great! Now she is free to kill during the day! This is bull shit!" Ash yelled and fell back on Brian's bed.

"You are such a drama queen."

Judging from Brian's response, what had happened was a big deal. Ian still couldn't get over it. Constance had tried to kill Daniel. Hell, she would've succeeded if he hadn't been there. He was still surprised by how strong she was. How feral she'd been. That made him shudder. In a fair fight, he honestly didn't think that he could beat her.

Stroking her hair, he moved it out of her face and sighed. "You're one messed up little girl," he whispered as he sat beside her.

Constance moaned lightly and her eyes opened. She looked up at Ian. The last thing she remembered was being at school and calling her boss. "Where...am I?" she asked lazily.

"You're at home. Today was your last day of school," he told her. If it wasn't for the fact that she'd been a bloodthirsty monster a few minutes ago she might actually look cute as she as.

Constance slowly sat up, but fell back down. Her body ached. She reached over and let one of her hands fist Ian's school shirt. "What...happened?" She never felt like this before. Everything felt heavy. Was she given new medication?

"Well, you freaked out so Daniel gave you two doses of medicine." He placed his hand on top of hers as he reached out and pushed some hair out of her eyes. "You'll probably be groggy for quite a while. It seemed to be fairly powerful stuff." He paused and forced a smile as he remembered what Daniel told him. "Is there anything I can do for you?

Constance shook her head and closed her eyes. Moving slow, she pulled her body to him and moved into his lap. He was warm, like a teddy bear. She snuggled into his chest and held him tightly. She was given two doses? Does that mean she did something bad? What did she do? Her head hurt too much at the moment to ask. She just wanted to sleep, here, in Ian's arms.

Ian tried not to groan as she moved into his lap to sleep. Great...now he wasn't going to be able to move for God knows how long. It wasn't that he had a problem with sitting still, he had learned long ago that the key to assassinations was patience. That meant that sometimes you had to stay in uncomfortable positions for long time until it was time for you to kill your target. What upset him most about this was that he now couldn't reach his phone to talk to Brian. Hopefully she would wake up before it was time for Brian to pick him up. "You're so not worth all this trouble," he whispered with a sigh as he stroked her back as she slept.

Hours later, Brian knocked on Ian and Constance's apartment door. He walked in shortly afterward and smiled at Ian. "That is so cute," he tease as he saw Constance sleeping in Ian's lap. "You know, now that she is attached to you, it will be really hard for you to try and have a relationship with anyone else. You really don't know how lucky you have it. She chose you."

Ian looked up and smiled as Brian entered. His smile faded as he heard what Brian had just said. He couldn't help but to have a confused expression on his face. "What do you mean by that?"

Brian sat at the bar. "Constance has only ever allowed two people to touch her, Daisy and Daniel. Then you show up and out of the blue, she attaches herself to you. With Daisy dead, it's kind of your job now to take her place. Daisy kept Constance in the real world. She let Constance know she was still human." He smiled. "And that's a big deal. Constance isn't going to let you go so easily. If she sees you getting attached to someone, she could snap and set out to kill that person." He smirked. "I so don't want to be that person."

Ian groaned. Really? Was his love live really going to be governed by this small child? "Couldn't I just sort of push her onto someone else? I mean, she just met me, it's not as if I'm not replaceable." He couldn't believe he was actually saying that. The entire life of an assassin was proving the fact that you were one of a kind and they needed you. If you weren't needed you were a liability and liabilities were dealt with in only one way...

Brian laughed. "That's just it, Ian. You are not replaceable. She's not just going to find someone else in the blink of an eye. Do you honestly think that the boss brought you here because of your kills?" He smiled again. "He was looking for someone new, fresh. Constance was sitting next to him and she picked up her picture. She took one look at you and said that you were the one. The boss couldn't deny her. Daniel and Daisy were the only people he had to help control her, you were perfect. She liked you and as soon as he saw her attach herself to you, you were a done deal. Why else do you think they moved you in here? No one else had to be changed to go to her school or move into her place." He moved to Ian and sat on his bed across from Constance's bed where Ian sat. "You were brought here for her, Ian. It's what you are paid for."

"I'm an assassin, Brian. Not a babysitter. I kill people, I don't watch over them. I don't know how." So that was the truth behind all of this. They had never wanted the Phantom. They just wanted someone who could keep their little pet at bay long enough for them to figure out what to do with her. Here he thought he was getting the chance to move into the big leagues. He thought that someone had recognized his talent for killing.

All of it had been a lie.... "I'm not exactly the emotional type, in case you couldn't tell. As far as taking care of anything, I had a pet rock once and that died. Do you know how hard it is to kill a pet rock? Well I succeeded."

Brian's smile never wavered. "I'm not saying that they got you solely for her. Your skills got you far enough to be an option before Constance got a look at you. The boss liked your style and he didn't expect Constance to like you so much. Everything changed when she saw your picture. His mind changed." Brian looked at Constance. "You are suppose to be the ultimate team, you know. Do you have any idea how unstoppable you will be together? I would have killed anyone if she had attached to me like she has you. I would be set for life. But...being gay didn't help any." He laughed. "You weren't intended to be for her until she saw your picture, Ian. Look at her," he gestured to Constance. "Can you honestly say you don't want to be any part of her life? Would you really be willing to deny her?"

"You don't get it," Ian told him. "This was suppose to be my final gig. I work here for a year and then I'm set for life. I could use what money I had to escape this life. As it is, our life expectancy goes up to the age of twenty-five. I'm twenty-two already!" He stopped Brian before he could correct him.

"Humor me," he said. "I don't kill because I enjoy it. I kill because that is the only choice which is presented to me. It's all I know; and it pays well. This," he said indicating Constance. "Isn't part of my plan."

"I just...I don't do well with others. It's easier to look out for yourself if you don't have anything to tie you down. People are nothing more then pawns which can be used against you."

Brian stood. "The boss is a lot easier than you think he is. If you don't want to be here, he will let you go. Many assassins have walked out of here with their lives and plenty of money. Those who work for him enjoy their jobs. If you don't like what you do, Ian, then you should leave. Just doing this," he said and pointed to Ian holding Constance, "will be worth more money than you have ever possessed. The boss will pay you top dollar for just holding her. You are already set for life, Ian. All you have to do is walk away. But first, you have to tell her why you want to leave. She's going to want to know." Brian walked to the door. "As for us," he smiled, "there really isn't anything we can offer each other. And I really like living which means I won't step in the way of something Constance had dibs on way before I had a chance to grasp." With that said, he walked out and started to the limo.

Ian stared down at Constance. "Great, now I'm never going to get laid," he muttered. No sooner had he said then Constance's phone began to beep. Evidently the boss hadn't been informed of her condition. Positioning her to the side he saw that she had a new target. Apparently this mission they were suppose to do together. "Well, this is certainly a predicament." She wasn't in any condition to kill anyone....

Moving her off of him, he let her curl upon her bed while he looked up the target. He started to get dressed. There was a weapon cache waiting for them down by the pier. He'd take care of this personally so that she wouldn't end up getting hurt in her condition. Not that he cared...he thought quickly, trying to justify his actions. It was just that there was no point in her getting her hurt. That was all.

Constance's eyes opened and she sighed. Ian's body heat was gone. Sitting up slightly she watched him move about the room. Grabbing her phone to check the time, she noticed the next text. Slowly, she got out of bed and stretched a bit. Wobbling, she made her way to the door. She walked down to the limo and crawled in then waited for Ian to show.

Ian muttered a long string of curses when he realized that she'd already gotten up to leave. Heading down the limo he got in and stared at her. "There's no way you're in any condition for this," he told her. Number one assassin or not, she was still just a child. A severely doped up child at the moment. A child who could barely walk and didn't even have shoes on....

Constance turned to him. She forced a smile. "Don't be silly, Ian. This is my job," she said and leaned her head against his shoulder. "Besides...I'm good at this. And you will be there."

Ian squirmed slightly as she laid her head on his shoulder. She was getting way too accustomed to all of this. "Fine, the target is a business man, Richard Flask. He's have a large party on his boat this evening. We're suppose to get on it and take him out and then survive until they pick us up." Seeing as how she was the number one assassin and all that, he figured that he'd let her take lead so that he could see how she operated. "So how do you want to do this?"

Constance smiled. "Rule one: I do not like names. I don't know my targets name, ever. I go by pictures." At that moment, her phone beeped. She opened it and handed it to Ian. "See, Boss Man sends me my target's picture. Daniel says names are too personal." She closed her phone. "Second," she looked down at her feet, "I forgot my shoes so we need to be quick. My feet are sensitive." She giggled. The limo stopped and she got out. Pulling Ian with her she followed the directions on the phone to get the weapons. Opening a crate, she pulled out some hand guns. She hugged one. "So very nice. Boss Man takes such good care of me!"

"Fair enough," Ian said. Taking his own gun, he tucked it into his coat. "Though I'm afraid that 'quick' won't be possible with this one." Even as he said this the boat was getting ready to leave. Of course boat wasn't the operative word. This looked more like a luxury cruise liner then a boat. It was going to be hard to find their target without proper preparation.

Constance ran towards the boat. She jumped on the back in then moved to hide behind something. Loading the gun and smiling she waited for Ian. Though he thought it wouldn't be quick, this wasn't her first 'boat kill.' If all else fails, she could just shoot the fuel takes and watch it blow up. She had done that before too. Besides, accidents happen like that all the time on boats. Constance laughed to herself.

Ian groaned. Running. Why was it always running with her? He ran after her. Jumping over the railing, he caught the edge of the boat and pulled himself over. Crouching, he checked the gun to make sure that everything was in order. Looking over to Constance, he hid the gun in his jacket. There was laughter and people nearly everywhere. Going in unavoidable would be impossible. They were going to have to play this one smart.

Constance waved to Ian. She peeked over and saw a young woman walk to the bathroom. Smiling, she eased her way to the bathroom and slipped in. Just before the lady could scream, Constance hit her neck and she blacked out. Smiling, she undressed the woman and changed then tucked her school uniform under her arm after trapping her gun to her thigh. She looked at herself in the mirror and fixed her hair then opened the woman's purse and put on some lip stick. The small, white dress clung to her skin and pressed her boobs up. Constance felt so grown up. Ripping her uniform to shreds she tied up the woman and pushed her into the supply closet, braking the handle so no one could get to her, not that she would wake for hours. Constance walked out of the bathroom and threw the rest of her uniform over the boat into the water. Smiling sweetly, she grabbed a drink from one of the waiters and started making her way around the boat. Most likely her target was the owner and he would be somewhere he could boast about himself. A trophy room was the perfect place.

Ian's jaw dropped as he saw her walk out of the restroom. He had to do a double take, just to make certain that it was indeed her. He couldn't get over how well the dress fit her figure. She looked good, much older then she really was. Shaking his head, he had to remember why they were there. He wasn't exactly dressed for the party, but that could change. While she took the high road, he took the low road. Slipping down to the help quarters he found what he was looking for. Disguises had never really been his thing, but tonight he was going to go with the flow of things.

Grabbing some extra worker's clothes, he toned the white shirt and tux vest. Tucking his gun in the vest, he grabbed a tray of wine and began going through the decks to find their target.

Constance walked in the trophy room. There was the target. Smiling, she knew this would be a little too easy. He was middle aged and most likely loved the younger women. He glanced at her and she fluttered her eyes. He smiled. Moving to one of the trophies, she let her fingers bush the cold metal. The target never moved his eyes from her. She smirked as he started to make his way to her.

"I won that after my first year in law school," he boasted to her.

Constance giggled. "Wow! Law school! How exciting!" she said and flashed him another smile. His smile widened. Constance hands trailed down her collar bone to the deep v-neck of her dress. She let her fingers dance over her open chest as she bit her lip innocently. "Wow...it's really hot in here..." she said seductively.

He smiled again. "Well, I know a place we can go to cool off."

Constance nodded. She took his arm. "That would be wonderful!"

Ian nearly gagged as he watched her performance. He tried his best to keep up a smile as he passed through the rich and famous handing them glasses of wine as he passed. While he followed the target and Constance, he took the last glass of wine and downed it himself. It seemed that Constance had things under control, but he'd keep an eye on her from here. She may be a killer, but she was just a small girl after all. A small girl in a lion's den as they case may be.

Constance was led to the bottom of the boat where the bedroom was. She winked at Ian as she walked in and the target closed the door behind her. It didn't take long before the man lightly pushed Constance to the bed. The only part Constance hated was this part. His hands on her body and his lips on her skin...it made her skin crawl, but as long has it was for her job, she could bare it. He moved over her and pushed his knee between her legs. His lips came down to her but she moved quickly, his lips met her cheek. Constance's hand slide down her thigh to reach for the gun.

Ian shuddered. He wondered just how far she was going to go before killing him. He reached out and grabbed another glass of wine from a passing waiter. Downing it, he tossed the glass overboard. Looking back at the room she went to, he noticed someone entering it. His eyes narrowed as he made out the glint of something metal.

Making his way through the people, he hurried to where she was, wondering what was going on.

A velvet gloved hand slid up Constance's skirt and grabbed her hand, keeping it from grabbing hold of her gun. "Now then, that's just rude," a whimsical voice said. Before Constance could react, the blonde leaned forward and kissed, her letting his tongue lick her lips. "You're distracted tonight. That's not like you."

The target backed away, a confused look on his face.

"She was sent here to kill you. Please leave so that I may have fun with her."

The man left without question.

Constance snapped up. Her leg went to the side and kicked the man in the face. Moving fast, she got off the bed and pulled out her gun, pointing it to his head. He free hand went to her lips. His kiss still burned. Her body shook but the drugs were still in effect, keeping her mind fogged from the monster she needed to keep back.

"Nice to see you again, Shadow," Constance said. "I'll have to cut your lips off for that, you know."