Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Killer ❯ Chapter Thirteen ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Shadow just laughed. "Yes, perhaps you will. Sounds kinda kinky if you're in to that stuff." Despite the fact that she had her gun pointed at him, he was still smiling. Why? He held up his hand, holding her ammo clip. "I'm afraid that gun's not going to do too much for you."

There was a sound outside. Ian had saw the target fleeing, and in true form he made certain that was the last thing the guy did. Snapping his neck he threw the guy overboard. It wouldn't be hard to believe that the guy got drunk and fell over.

Shadow smiled at Constance. "Why Muse, I didn't know you had a partner! Is he cute?" Pulling a gun from his jacket he pointed it at the door right as Ian went to open it. Firing several shot into the door he looked back. "Oh well, now we'll never know."

Constance smirked. "You under estimate Epsilon, Shadow. We are the best of the best." She tilted her empty gun to the side and twisted her body in the small area. Gracefully, she grabbed his gun and fired off the rest of the shots in the air then hit him in the face with her barrel. He went to the ground and she moved on top of him. Using her hands quickly, she searched his body. She pulled out something hard and laughed. "How cliché! You have a detonator!" It was beeping which meant that the bomb it was connected to was set off. "Well, this kind of sucks, doesn't it?" Hitting him in the face again, she got off him and ran to the door.

Shadow just smiled while spitting blood out of his mouth. "Tick-tock goes the clock!" He sang as he jumped into a standing position. He had hoped to trap her here and simply detonate the entire boat. It seemed that not everything had gone according to plan. Oh well. Whistling he went out a rear exit to the bedroom. He had a boat waiting for him. As soon as he got on it he looked at his watch. "Bye bye!" he waved before pressing a button on his watch. Suddenly the ship erupted into flames.

Ian muttered curses. He had moved too slowly and because of that one of the bullets had lodged firmly in his gut. Constance came running out, which meant good things...right? Before he could ask what was going on they were flying over the edge of the ship as it erupted into fire, panic, and chaos.

Constance pulled Ian close to her as they flew into the water. She twisted their bodies to make her land first, knocking the wind out of her for a few moments as the water hit her back. She kicked and swam to the top then started ripping at her dress. Thinking fast she wrapped Ian's gut. Her phone was gone and so was Ian. She looked off in the distance and saw Shadow laughing and speeding off in his small boat. The large cruise was completely gone and all that was left was pieces. Constance hugged Ian to her.

"It's ok, Ian. I haven't checked in in almost an hour. Daniel will send someone to come get us. He'll track our chips," she said stroking his head. "Just hold on."

She swam them to a large piece of floating wood from the boat and helped Ian on it. There wasn't enough room for them both so she smiled at him. "You're wounded so just relax, ok? I'll get us out of here!" she said sweetly.

Looking in the distance she could see the dock. It was a good way away, but she had to try and get there. Looking back at Ian resting on the wood, she swam to the back of it and began pushing it, using her legs as a motor to get it moving.

Ian held his wound. He must've been really sloppy to get shot like that. Judging from the blood loss he had about ten minutes before he would pass out. That wasn't good. Staring down at Constance he stiffened. "I'm fine," he assured her, trying to help her with what he could. She was still messed up with the drugs, she didn't have the strength to get them both back.

"Swim to the shore and find a phone. I'll be here when you get back." If he had his knife he'd just dig the bullet out. It had been so long since he'd gotten shot that he'd forgotten what it felt like. Adrenaline was keeping him from feeling too much pain, but he was also well aware of the fact that shock could set in and kill him just as quickly as blood loss and internal damage could.

"Can't. I was ordered to take care of you. So here I am!" She sighed. "If only I got orders to kill that bastard Shadow then he wouldn't have gotten away!" she pouted. She shivered.

The water was freezing. She was about to say more when a helicopter started hovering above them. A ladder came down and Ash jumped in the water. She came to the top and smirked.

"Isn't this just lovely?" she said as she looked at Constance and Ian.

Constance just smiled. "Shadow visited us!"

"Geez, don't look so peppy about it..."

Minutes later, they were all in the helicopter and Ian was getting bandaged up and worked on by doctors. Constance sat back on the ground as a blanket came over her. Daniel sat next to her.

"You stayed with him," Daniel said as she snuggled against him.

"It's my job," she replied.

"Is that all?"

Constance looked over at Ian. They were working so fast on him, but she knew he would live. "He's mine."

Daniel nodded.

"Easy!" Ian moaned as the doctor's began to work on him. Reaching out he grabbed one of the needles of morphine and stabbed it into himself with a sigh. Looking down at what they were doing he just muttered something beneath his breath. Already the drugs they'd given him were starting to take effect and he was going off into la-la land. "I'm pretty sure I need that..."

A few seconds after the boss man came on the screen in a shadowy figure. "What happened? I can see the flames from my office."

Constance smiled and waved at the screen as the helicopter continued towards the building. "Shadow showed up," she said. "If I had more time, I would have asked permission to kill him, but no luck! He blew up the boat before I could ask you." She glanced at Ian. "Maybe I should go back to working alone..." she added while looking at the screen.

Daniel pulled her to face him and he looked in her eyes. "She's still really doped up. Most likely she wasn't performing her best."

Constance frowned. "Am I in trouble?"

The boss was quiet for a moment. "I want a full psych evaluation and a physical done. If the Phantom is causing her performance to deteriorate then we'll have him exterminated. I'll see you when you get here." With that the screen went blank.

Constance paled. She went to the screen and shook it. "Come back! Come back!" she screamed at it. Daniel pulled her away from it. "He can't do that! He can't take him from me! I just got him!" she screamed.

Daniel rubbed her back. "Hey, I'll take care of it. I'll do the physical and psych evaluation myself."

Constance shook her head. "It wasn't his fault! He wasn't even there! Don't kill him, Daniel! Please don't kill him!"

Ash watched and looked at Ian. Finally, a real weakness. She smirked. If she could get rid of Ian, or even have Ian deny Constance, Constance would freak and the boss would have no choice but to put her down before she went on a killing spree. What a perfect plan!

The boss waited in the council room. He was the only member there this time, because he wanted to handle this matter personally. They had decided to bring this Phantom in because they needed another assassin and Constance had taken a liking to him. That was all fine and dandy, but when it came down to it so far he'd been nothing but trouble to their organization and to her. He was going to have a word with his brother and then take care of the problem personally if the need be.

While Constance was ushered one way, Ian was taken to the medial wing so that they could take the bullet out and properly stitch up his wounds.

Constance sat in the theater room after she took a shower and changed. She laid on the large couch and stared at the screen while Brian laughed at the movie. Ash sat next to him and munched on popcorn. A few other assassins were there as well enjoy the relaxation. It was after three in the morning and Constance was waiting patiently for news about Ian.

She had been given a new phone, this was decorated just the way she liked it with glitter and sparkled, but she never got word from anyone. She had been texting Daniel, but she heard nothing from him. Her heart sped up.

Daniel sat in his brother’s office as they talked about Ian. He sat back in his chair. "And what exactly do you plan to do if she finds out you want him dead?"

"It's simple, she won't...." He said calmly. "We control Ian. All we have to do is push the right buttons and he will leave on his own accord. After that happens, we're free to do to him as we please." Walking over to his desk he grabbed out two glasses and began to pour some bourbon in them. "Either that...or I've considered hiring Shadow to do the job for us. He's a capable assassin, and if he does the job then Constance will take down Hades because of it."

"You are willing to destroy her life to make yourself up two points on the bar?" Daniel shook his head. "Do you honestly think Ian can so easily be pushed out the door? And how do you know she won't follow him? She lost Daisy because you ordered her to kill any witnesses and just when you gave her someone else to be with, you are taking him away as well? You do know that I will be the only one left for her."

"That seemed to work out well enough before Daisy came into the picture. She trusts you, Daniel. She'll do whatever you say." He handed Daniel one of the glasses before he leaned against his desk. "As for the incident with Daisy, I had no idea that the girl would get involved. Up until that point the eliminate witnesses policy had worked fairly well. I'm just trying to do what's best for the company and what's best for her. If this kid is ruining her skills, then she's likely to get killed because of him."

"I can't be the person she needs." Daniel sighed and sipped his glass. "She needs someone to hold her at night to tell her she's loved and that she is normal. She needs someone she can love like she did Daisy. You take Ian away and you will be pushing her on me to do that. And I can't do that." Daniel glared at his brother. "I love that girl like no one else in this company and you know that. I know that Ian can be good for her. He just needs to be told straight up. If he denies her then I will do what you want me to."

The boss nodded slowly. "I'll hold you to that," he said. "I'll give you one week to determine if he's worth the trouble. If at the end of the week you deem he is not then you will be the one to kill him and the one to explain to Constance why you did it."

Daniel laughed. "I don't kill. Not for you, not for anyone. I'm here because you asked me to be. I'm not one of your assassins and you know the only reason I stay is because of Constance. Don't try to push me, Brother. I didn't come here to follow your orders to kill. I came to help you control your assassins and keep Constance in check. I'll do the evaluation, and if he doesn't pass, you can do the killing, and I will be there for Constance the way Daisy would have been. But that's all I can offer you."

The boss sighed, his brother was the one person he couldn't intimidate. "Fine," he said after a minute. Now that the business was dealt with he was able to relax a little more. After all, they were brothers. There was no need to be the boss right now. "So tell me, have you read anything good lately? I haven't found the time to read anything as of late, but I keep meaning to get a new book."

Ian's eyes fluttered open. They had him connected to an I.V. machine which made him loopy and feel really good. He would have to look into what they were using. This stuff was pretty good.

Constance sighed and sat up. The assassins turned to her. Half of them stood, ready to run in she was upset. She glared at her phone as if she was mentally commanding it to beep or ring with word of Ian.

"Just go to him."

Constance turned to look at Brian. He was still watching the movie and didn't take his eyes off the screen. Ash glared daggers at him He was suppose to be on her side!

"It's not like anyone here will tell you no. Well, expect for Daniel. But he's not answering your texts so just find Ian yourself," he said and shrugged.

Constance smiled and nodded. "Ok!" She stood and started running down the halls towards the infirmary.

Ash pushed Brian off the couch. "Why don't you just give her the gun to blow my brains out while you are at it!"

As Ian heard footsteps coming his way he smiled. "Hey Doc, what is this stuff exactly? It feels like happiness." Obviously the drugs were affecting his mental state at the time. Though that was probably for the best considering that he still had a rather large hole in his stomach which was kept together with mounds of stitches.

Constance peeked in the door, first looking to make sure Daniel wasn't there to tell her to leave. She walked in and the other doctors looked at her. "What? Is there something on my face?" she asked with a concerned voice. The doctors busied themselves again. She turned to find Ian and quietly walked up to his bed. She smiled sweetly at him and played with his hair with one hand. "You look really comfortable."

Ian smiled as she played with his hair. That should've been a key sign that he wasn't all there, just the simple fact that he smiled. It was almost creepy seeing him smile. It was sort of like watching a wolf right before it sank its fangs into its prey's flesh. "Yeah, whatever they have me on feels pretty great. How are you doing?" He noticed that she looked a little pale, that wasn't like her at all.

"I'm ok!" she assured him. She wanted to say more but Daniel walked in. She dropped her smile when she saw him. "I...missed him?" she said like a question.

Daniel smirked and walked over to them. He placed his hand on her forehead. Then turned to the others. "She has a fever. Most likely has a cold or the flu from that water. Let's get her in bed," he said. The doctors nodded and Constance stared at Daniel. "I'm sorry, Constance, but I'll be moving him to another room in the building. He's under observation. That means you won't be seeing him for a few days."

She didn't have time to object. She was pushed on a bed, stripped and put in a hospital gown by Daniel then had an IV in her arm. She watched Ian's bed being rolled out of the room and she sighed.

"Get some rest. We can't afford for our best girl getting too sick, ok?" Daniel said and kissed her forehead. He followed Ian's bed out.