Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Killer ❯ Chapter Fourteen ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Two days later Ian was sitting in an office across from Daniel. He was bored out of his mind, and he didn't bother to show it. "For the last time, Doc, I feel fine. I'm not psycho; and no I don't plan on murdering you while you sleep." There was a slight pause as he waited for Daniel's response. The past two days had been nothing but recovery and psych exams. He didn't see the point in all of them. It wasn't as if he had never gotten shot before. They'd seen him naked enough times, they should've seen the scars. Getting shot came with the job.

Daniel smiled. "I'm doing my job, Ian." He then got serious and put the clipboard away. "Look. I'm going to make this blunt. This," he gestured to them both, "is a test. One that you aren't doing so good one. You see. You are passing the basics but I'm about to get to question that may cause you to react...rashly." He sat back. "I talked to Brian and he said he told you why you are here. Now that you know that, the boss has found you to be more trouble than what he would like. Since you showed up, Constance performance has gone down in double. Without Daisy, her stability has become a huge issue. The point I'm getting across to you is that is you don't step up and take Daisy's place, you will no longer be here. If you choose to deny her, then you have the right, just leave. But I can't sit back and watch this little game anymore because soon you are going to get shot in the head. Now, on to the questions. What are your feelings for Constance. I want straight forward, blunt answers. Don't complain or whine I don't have the time and neither does the boss."

Ian took a deep breath. Crossing his legs he began to pick at something on his pants before brushing it off. "My feelings for her are non-existent," he told him bluntly. "I...do not...." He took another breath. "I care for her to the extent that an assassin can." Though he said this, he couldn't quite meet Daniel's gaze. He wasn't quite certain what he should tell Daniel because he wasn't certain what he wanted to hear. "She...deserves to be happy."

Daniel wrote that on the clipboard. "If given the opportunity, could you ever care for her? Could you be with her like Daisy was? Love her?"

At this Ian fidgeted slightly. "She's a young girl," he told Daniel. "That would be wrong on many different levels." He pretended to fidget with his shirt, anything to give him time to articulate his thoughts. "I'm not the emotional type, nor do I get attached to people easily, therefore it is hard for me to really answer that question. The last person I ever really had feelings for ended up dead in a trash compactor."

"Just answer yes or no, Ian. I have to record this for the boss and he wants straight answers."

Ian sighed, and just like so many times before he decided to go with the easiest answer possible. "Sure, why not," he stated. "I could probably be all lovey dovey after a few years."

Daniel pushed at his glasses and wrote that down. "You don't have a few year, Ian. We don't have a few years. When I say time, I mean days, weeks, maybe months, but not years."

Ian gave Daniel a look and just shook his head. "I'm afraid it doesn't quite work like that, Doc. Sure, I don't want to see Constance cry, but that doesn't mean I have feelings for her. You want me to stay here, to keep her sane...fine I can do that but it'll take time."

Again, Daniel wrote on the clipboard. "You are award that she thinks of you as hers, like a possession. She won't be willing to share you. And if you stay, it will be like promising yourself to her." He leaned forward. "I'm giving you a choice, Ian. You can leave, we can give you the money and let you start your life over anywhere in the world. You can have freedom just as soon as we fill out the paper work and have your memory wiped of Epsilon. Or...you can stay. Promise yourself to Constance and do everything in your power to keep her happy and keep her killing. You will not get this choice later, Ian. This is it. Stay or go. If you stay, you will be in for life, or until Constance moves on. If you go, you won't even remember ever meeting her. Choose now."

Ian froze as he heard this. He could be free.... He could be free from all of this. All he had to do was to say those little words. He wanted out... That's all he would have to say. He could have his freedom. He could live how he wanted. He could live in a life where he didn't have to worry about death or killing.

On one hand there was freedom. On the other there was Constance. She deserved to be happy, but was it worth giving up his happiness for her? The answer was easy. "I-"

Just was he was about to give Daniel his answer, Daniel's phone rang.

Constance pulled the IV with her as she walked down the hall. She was sick, very sick and ordered to stay in bed by Daniel, but she wanted to see Ian. She went to the top floor while coughing and moaning then walked to the boss's office. Knocking lightly, she leaned her head against the cold door to keep herself steady.

"Boss Man...we must talk..." she moaned through the door.

The boss stared at her as she entered. Putting what he was doing on hold he crossed his hands in front of his face. "You're sick, Constance. You should be in bed."

She nodded and pulled the IV in as she sat in the chair in front of him. "I won't go to bed until I see Ian!" she yelled then started to cough badly. After composing herself she laid her head on his desk. "Don't take him from me, Boss Man. I'll do anything. I'll kill anyone. I'll do whatever you tell me to...I promise..." she moaned. Her body hurt. Was he really worth all the trouble? Yes! He was hers!

The boss stared at her for a long moment before picking up his phone. "Go back to bed and I'll have Ian tuck you in," he told her. Dialing Daniel he told him what he wanted. They questions would have to wait until Constance was feeling better. They couldn't risk her deteriorating health due to this.

Daniel sighed. "Yeah, if that's what you want. I'll send him to meet her half way," Daniel said and hung up the phone. "Looks like Constance just bought you some time. Go meet her in the elevator. She's the one pulling the IV bag behind her." He stood. "But, this is only temporary, Ian. The boss will want that answer at some time. Constance just bought you some thinking time. Until she's better, she won't be taking any missions. Keep her company. Maybe she'll grow on you." He pointed to the door. "Hurry up, she might pass out in the elevator."

Constance smiled at the boss. "Thank you, Boss Man. I'll do better this time. I'll do whatever you say," she assured him and headed out. She walked down the hall and back into the elevator. She tried to hum the elevator music but ending up coughing up a storm in the process.

Ian only nodded as he stood and left. He was wearing something similar to scrubs since he'd been staying there the past few days and no one had bothered to get him any of his clothes. Making his way to the elevator, he paused as it reached his level. When the doors opened, he noticed how awful Constance looked. He hadn't seen her in a few days, so he was surprised by her appearance. "You should be in bed resting," he told her as he stepped inside the elevator and pressed the button for her floor.

"Ian!" she yelled in her weak voice then began coughing again. She leaned against him and closed her eyes while holding the IV pole. "I've missed you, Ian. I knew you would find me..."

Ian looked down at her. His lips formed a tight line as he slowly wrapped an arm around her to keep her supported. "Well it wasn't exactly hard," he told her. "There's only one elevator on this floor." When the elevator came to her floor he walked with her to her room where he proceeded to make her lay down in her bed.

Constance grabbed his hand. "Will you stay?" She smiled. "I promise I won't get you sick."

Ian knew there wasn't much he could do for her, but at the same time it wasn't as if he had anything better to do. It was either this or go back to sitting in his room waiting for his next session with Daniel. With that in mind he nodded. "Sure."

And just like that he stayed with her for most of the day and well into the night. The next two days really passed without incident. Due to Constance's constant begging, he stayed with her on occasion, dividing his time between her, Brian and Ash, and some physical therapy to help him with his wound. Finally after five days at that God awful place, Daniel finally felt that they could go back home.

Constance sniffled and sneezed as she stepped outside. She was still pale, but mostly because of the lack of sun. The flu had come and hit her hard, but with all the drugs, she beat it down enough for Daniel to let her go home. She was left with a small cough and sniffles but at least her fever was gone and she could laugh again without feeling like she was dying. She crawled in the limo and put the window down after Ian got in. The drive home was short and the walk to the door was shorter, but when she got to her apartment she jumped on her bed and hugged her bear.

"Oh, Jack, I have missed you so!" she said while dancing in the room.

Even Ian felt somewhat nostalgic about being back at home. Tossing his stuff onto his bed he plopped down hard and curled up with his pillow. The beds at the building were so hard and rigid. He was glad to have his soft squishy bed back. He watched as Constance danced around the room with her bear. Rolling his eyes he stretched and began grabbing some of his clothes. "I'm going to take a shower and get comfy," he told her. He was tired of wearing other people's clothes. When he got through he'd make them something to eat. It was starting to look like it was going to storm tonight which meant t hey would probably end up staying at home all of the night. Oh well, hopefully there would be a good movie on.

Constance through her bear on the bed and sniffled. "Want me to wash your back?" she asked walking behind him to the bathroom.

Once again they were in this scenario. He stripped to his boxers and shook his head. "No, I think I'll be able to wash my back by myself," he told her. What was it with her and showers anyway? With the way she behaved he was surprised that she even bothered with clothes at all while they were home.

"Then..." she smiled sweetly, "can I take one with you?"

Ian looked over at her. "If you wish, you can take your shower before me, Constance." He wasn't going to give in. He was having a hard enough time keeping the mental images out of his head as it was.

Constance hugged him from behind. "But it's no fun playing in the water all alone. Can't we just take one together?"

Ian tensed when she hugged him. One...one shower...that was it. They were both reasonable adults so she shouldn't get any ideas about it. Taking a deep breath he sighed. "Fine...one shower," he muttered. Perhaps once she realized that it wasn't that great she'd leave him alone about it. "But you look one way and I'll look the other."

Constance jumped up and down. "Yay!" she yelled and began stripping. In a matter of seconds, her clothes were on the floor, the shower was on, and she was getting in. She peeked at Ian and pulled at his arm. "Come on!"

He still couldn't believe that he'd agreed to this. He slowly took off his boxers before getting into the shower. He kept his back to her so that he wouldn't look and so that she couldn't see anything. He still couldn't get over the fact that he was taking a shower with a little girl. "There, I'm in, are you happy?" he asked as he reached for a bath cloth.

Constance grabbed the cloth first and lathered it with soap. Humming, she began washing herself. After she was done, she passed the cloth to him and began washing her hair. "This is fun!" she said while rinsing her hair and passing him the shampoo.

"Yeah...sure it is," he said sarcastically. He took the rag from her when she was through and began to wash himself off. After which he took the shampoo. "Really...cherry blossom shampoo?" he said as he looked at the bottle. Shaking his head he poured some in his hand and began to wash his hair.

Constance giggled. As his hands played in his hair, she wrapped her arms around his waist from behind again. Her chest pressed firmly against his back. Her hands held his chest. "Ian, let's stay like this forever," she mumbled.

Ian stopped when he felt her chest press against his back and her arms wrap around his waist. This was wrong. This wasn't suppose to be happening. His hands slowly lowered and rested on top of Constance's hands. "Constance, we'll have to get out of the shower eventually," he said, trying his best to make light of what was inevitably a serious conversation. Of course since his tone of voice rarely changed, it was hard to tell if he was joking or being serious.

Constance sighed. "Then stay with me forever, Ian," she whispered through the water. She pressed her check to his back. "Just stay with me." She knew that he could leave and she knew that the boss could take him away, but she didn't want him to go. She wanted him to stay with her. She wanted him to be with her no matter what the boss said. She had never disobeyed the boss before, but for Ian...she would break all the rules just to keep him. Daniel had explained to her that he and the boss were talking about letting Ian go and she needed to be prepared for the outcome. He had also told her that Ian had a choice to make, to stay or to go. "Let me keep you, Ian."

"No one can see the future, Constance. Why don't we talk about this later...preferably when we're dressed." What was Ian suppose to say? If he told her no she could go ballistic and kill him. If he told her yes, then he would probably just end up lying to her. Neither option was entirely desirable. He wanted to turn around so that he could see her face, but now really wasn't the appropriate time for that. So instead he just took her hands and brought them to his lips. He'd seen this done in a movie once, so perhaps it would have the same effect. Kissing her hands he held them against him. "We'll see...okay..."

Constance pushed against him more. A part of her felt that he could walk away and she would never see him again. She was preparing herself for that. She had been telling herself to let him go if he wanted to go, but somewhere deep down she wasn't willing to let him go. But...she was forcing herself to. Pulling her arms from him, she stepped out of the shower and grabbed her towel then left the bathroom.

Ian sighed as she got out. Once he finished washing his hair he grabbed and towel and wrapped it around his waist before getting out and following her. He stopped her and pulled her around to face him. "You forgot to wash my back," he told her softly.

Tilting her head to the side she raised her eyebrows. Before, she wasn't allowed to do it, now he wanted her to. Did that mean he was willing to let her keep him? She smiled lightly. "I'll remember to do it next time."

Ian just nodded. "Good," he said slowly. Turning back he began to grab his clothes so he could change. Going to the bathroom he shut the door and leaned against it. Shaking his head he dropped his towel and threw on boxers. The rest of his outfit had gotten wet when Constance had gotten out. Oh well... Stepping back out of the bathroom he looked at her, still wearing nothing but a towel.

"See if there's a good movie on. I'll fix us dinner and we can just stay here this evening. The boss promised that you wouldn't have to work until you were top notch."

Constance nodded and turned on the TV. She flipped through the channels until she found something worthwhile then she dropped her towel and changed into some clothes. She brushed out her hair then walked to the kitchen and sat at the bar. "You didn't wash my back either," she said with a smile.