Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Killer ❯ Chapter Fifteen ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
"Yes, well that was because I was otherwise detained," he told her as he began slicing up the meat for their dinner. Twirling the knife around his fingers he grabbed out some ingredients before looking back at her. "You look...cute," he said slowly. All he had to do was keep her happy...that was all. "Go grab me some pants to put on. I'm feeling a draft," he said suddenly when he realized that he had been staring at her for too long. He couldn't have these thoughts. He couldn't be attracted to her. It was just wrong. Why couldn't he just be gay?

Constance hopped off the chair and walked over to him. "We can snuggle after dinner!" she said and looked at the food. She grabbed a knife and smiled. "Teach me?" she asked sweetly.

Ian looked down at her and shuddered. Gently taking the knife from her hands he placed it away from her. "I'm not quite ready to die just yet," he told her. Brian had told him horror stories of how she had killed people just by cooking. He didn't feel like dying yet. Of course all the while he was trying to ignore her 'cuddle' comment.

Constance sighed. "I'll never make a good wife someday if I don't learn. Please..." she batted her eyes at him and placed her hand on his chest, "teach me."

Ian put his hands on hers and slowly pushed them back down. "Tomorrow...when we can start with something simpler. Like mac and cheese. Tonight is chicken Florentine, which requires years to master," he said with a smirk. He was curious about the wife remark though. "So, do you really think you could marry someone and live the life that you do?"

Constance smiled and hopped on the counter. "Of course! One day I'm going to get married and have kids!" She then thought a minute. "Ok...maybe not any kids..." She then thought again and frowned. "Then again...I don't think I would make a good wife...being on medication and everything." She smiled and laughed lightly while looking down. "Who would want to marry someone like me? I can't even keep one person around long enough." Another small laugh. "But that's ok..."

She was fishing for a compliment. He knew that, and still he took the bait. "Hey, there's someone out there for everyone," he told her. Of course, in his usual way he had to end it with something sarcastic. He couldn't be sincere even if it killed him. "At least that's what my fortune cookie said one time."

Constance laughed slowly and jumped off the counter. She walked to the closet and grabbed her coat. "I'll be back before dinner," she said and walked out before he could say anything to her.

"What a weird girl," he sighed. Shaking his head he just continued fixing their dinner, wondering what he was going to do about her.

Constance walked don't the street and to the park not far away. It was gray outside and she could smell the rain. Above her head, dry lightning flashed. It wouldn't be long before it would start to storm. She sat on a bench and watched as people hurried home. Taking out her phone, she began taking pictures of them. She had a whole collection of random pictures of unknown people. Mostly they were families and of mothers and fathers. Daniel was the only person who knew about her pictures and had told her that it was a way for her to cope with the lose of her family, however, Constance felt she did it because she liked seeing so many happy faces.

It wasn't long before it began to pour and Constance stood. She started back to the apartment and end up slipping on some water. She tried catching herself gracefully, but ended up hitting more water and slipping harder. She hit the ground hard and water splashed all over her. Standing, her hands were all scrapped up and bleeding. She ran the rest of the way back.

Ian hissed as he burned himself on the skillet. He was making a bad habit of that. Putting the food on two plates he looked up when the door opened. Taking one look at Constance, he frowned. "Well, so much for your shower. Grab a towel, dry off, put on some warm clothes and come eat," he said. He noticed her injured hands and shook his head. "After you've done that let me take a look at your hands." He didn't bother to ask what she'd been doing. She was a mess, that was all that mattered now.

Constance smiled. "It's ok. I can take care of it," she said and went to the bathroom. She pulled all her clothes off and grabbed her house coat on the door. Slipping it on, she ran some warm water in the sink and put her hands under it. Wincing, she watched as all the dirt and blood washed down the drain.

Ian wiped his hands off as he peeked into the bathroom. Pulling out some disinfectant he held out his hand. "Give me your hands. This will hurt, but it's better than your hands getting infected."

Constance turned off the water and held out her hands. "This happens a lot when it rains. Daniel says it's my weakness in battle. I'm just no good with water," she said sighing.

Ian smirked and poured the disinfectant on her hands. There was the bubbling foam which signified that she was indeed a mess. Wiping off what was left he held her hands and blew on them for a few seconds until he was sure they were okay. "You should be more careful," he told her. He then proceeded to pick up her clothes and carry them to the dryer.

Constance followed behind him. "It's not so bad. Last year I slipped in a puddle and landed on a pole that was sticking out of the ground. It went straight through my leg and Daniel had to have me rushed to the hospital so I wouldn't lose my leg. It was a rough year for me..." she said then sat at the bar. "Smells good." She pushed the sleeves up on her house coat and grabbed a fork.

"Yikes. That couldn't have been pleasant." He made a mental note, that if he ever wanted to kill her to do so at Sea World. Once the drier was on he turned and sat down beside her. "I hope you enjoy it. It's my specialty," he said. "I lived off of this stuff for weeks one time."

Constance ate quietly while messing with her house coat to keep it out of the food. She played with her hands while she chewed and picked at the blood. It really wasn't so bad. She had done so much worse to herself before. Sitting back in her chair, she pushed her plate away after more than half of the food was gone. She smiled at Ian for a thank you then hopped down and moved to the white couch in front of the TV. Outside, the storm raged on.

Ian put what they didn't eat into a container and threw it into the fridge. At least he wouldn't have to cook breakfast in the morning. After washing the dishes he walked over to his closet. Throwing on his night pants he walked over and sat down on the couch, relaxing for the first time that day. "So what are you in the mood for?"

Constance moved closer to him and wrapped her arms around him. The house coat on her shoulders fell down, exposing her peach flesh and bare shoulders. She moaned as she took in his scent. "Cuddling sounds nice."

Ian stiffened as she wrapped her arms around him. He slowly let his arm wrap around her small body, his thumb gently toying with her exposed shoulder. He kept his eyes trained on the television, however, so that he didn't have to look at her. He didn't honestly think that he could handle it. Constance moved closed then finally moved completely into his lap. Her face nuzzled into his neck as her hand flatted on his chest, warming her sore palm. Moving about lowered the house coat a little more and it dropped loosely down her back. Her eyes closed as she let her face brush his shoulder.

Ian's breathing became harder as she leaned against him. He moved his hand to the small of her back to hold her, but he still wouldn't look at her. He couldn't or he might do something he would regret. Already she was getting to him in more than one way. His hand began to slowly stroke the bare flesh on her back as he tried to drown out her heavy breathing with the sound of the TV.

Constance's hand moved to his face slowly. She let her fingers dance crossed his jaw line lightly and shivered as his hand warmed her back. Moving slow, she pushed herself more to him causing the house coat to completely fall to her waist, leaving her bare against his chest. Breathing hard, she nuzzled his neck again, almost begging for more attention, for more of his touch. "Ian..." she whispered. She didn't have anything to say, but at the moment, his name sounded so nice on her lips and tongue.

When she called his name, he seemed to snap out of whatever self imposed trance he had been in. Looking down, he felt her chest against his...he saw her.... "Yes," he said softly, his tongue flicking against his suddenly dry lips. Parts of him were coming awake, and it was rather uncomfortable and wrong to have her like this, pressed against him...wanting...needing him. The worst part about all of this was that he wanted to feel her flesh. How sooth and soft it was...how pure...

Constance opened her eyes lazily to look him in the eyes. Pulling her hand down from his face and back to his chest. Her heart skipped a beat and she suddenly felt so hot. Pulling back only slightly, her eyes trailed from his lips back to his eyes. "Can I keep you?" she whispered, her eyes begging.

Ian took a deep breath. Looking down at her how could he say no? "Yes...you can keep me," he said softly. Even as he said it, he knew he'd just made a mistake one that he couldn't take back.

Constance's eyes lit up and she moved in. Gently at first, she pushed her lips on his and moved her hands to his shoulders. Her legs moved around to each of his sides and she pushed herself closer to deepen the kiss. Even as her bare chest pushed on his, she knew this was different. With her lips so neatly pushed over his, she could feel that it was different than Daisy. She didn't want to lose Ian. She didn't want to risk anything to make him leave. Did that mean she had to disobey Boss Man?

Ian's eyes widened as she pressed her lips against his. His hand instinctively moved to her sides as she straddled him to kiss him more. Slowly his hands moved up so that he could move her back. "N-no," he said softly, obviously finding it hard to say that. He wanted it...he knew he did. He wanted all of it. "We shouldn't..."

Constance felt like she was going to cry. Why was he stopping? Why was it that when she wanted something from someone she couldn't get it but when they wanted it they always took it from her!? She didn't understand. "Don't say that, Ian. Please, don't say that," she begged and buried her face in his chest.

Ian ran a hand through her hair. Her soft hair... Looking down at her, he felt what little resolve he had slowly falling away. How was it that this tiny girl had managed to break him so easily? Leaning forward he gently pressed his lips against hers. She tasted nice... Constance felt a small tear roll down her face as his lips met hers again. Was this what it felt like to be happy without killing? Was this what it was like to feel normal? She wasn't sure. It was the first time she had ever allowed a man to touch her like this. It was the first time she had enjoyed a man's touch like this. It wasn't scary or wrong. It was right, so very right. Ian pulled back after a few seconds. He was uncertain as to what he had just done, why he had did it, and if he was going to continue. Licking his lips, he noticed that her lips had an interesting taste. Looking back at her, her eyes were still closed as if she was expecting more. Staring down at her exposed chest, his hand slowly reached and caressed her cheek. What was he going to do about this? Constance's eyes opened slowly as she felt his hand on her cheek. This was nice, this moment. Her heart was beating so fast she wasn't sure if it was possible. It had never been used so hard like this. What was this feeling? It was beyond happiness, so much more than she had felt before. Was it all the medication she was on? Was it clouding her thoughts? Moving her hand to her stomach, she pinched herself and winced. It certainly felt real even if it was the drugs. Either way, she didn't want it to end....then her phone rang.

Ian looked over as her phone rang. Daniel. That was the first and only thought on his mind. Of course it would be him. If he was right, Constance's chip or whatever would be going haywire about now. Crap, he was going to be in trouble.

"You better answer that," he said softly.

Constance sighed and sat up. She walked across the room and grabbed her phone. She flipped it open. For the first time, she didn't sound excited when she answered him. Daniel was a little shocked.

"No, I'm fine, really. I'm with Ian." She pulled her coat up and closed it, holding it closed with her hand. "No. Well...yes...kinda..." She looked out the window. "Ok. I'll tell him." Constance hung up the phone. Turning to face Ian, her face was flushed. "Daniel said that you need to meet him tomorrow. He said that you need to give him your discussion. Boss Man wants an answer before night fall tomorrow." She wasn't told what exactly Daniel was talking about, but she was smart enough to know that if it involved the boss than it involved Ian leaving.

Ian just nodded slowly. This really wasn't going to end well. "Yeah, I'll make sure to swing by the office tomorrow," he said. Looking over at Constance he stood and started toward the bathroom. He really needed a cold shower before anything happened. "Um, why don't you find us a good movie to watch? I'm in the mood for a decent horror movie."

Constance put down her phone and sat on her bed. The moment was gone thanks to Daniel and the question about Ian remind in the air. Would he stay or would he go? And if he chose to go...would the boss have him killed? Would he order her to do it? Constance began playing with her curls while thinking of this and she hadn't really been paying much attention to what Ian had said, but when the light flashed outside, all the power went off in the apartment and Constance shot up from her bed screaming.

Ian poked his head out of the bathroom, he was wet from the shower and wearing nothing but a towel. The power had gone out...great. "You alright?" he asked as he looked from the bathroom door. He couldn't really see anything since his eyes were trying to adjust. Even killers had a hard time in the dark if they weren't prepared.

Constance grabbed her bear. Lightning flashed again and lit up the room followed by a loud crash of thunder and Constance screamed again. "I'm scared!" she yelled.

"You're...scared of lightning?" Ian asked slowly, just to make certain that he had heard her correctly. The Muse was afraid of lightning.... Really? Was that even allowed? Sure there were things that he was afraid of, but they wouldn't affect a mission

Constance shook her head. "Thunder!" she screamed as the crashing sound echoed again. She screamed again. Running to her closet she got in and closed the door while holding her bear close to her. Usually, Daniel came over in a storm and put her iPod in her ears, but her iPod was gone...with Daisy's body. And Daniel had left her alone tonight; after all, Ian was there. During a mission on a stormy night, she was given ear plugs to drown out the sound, but she didn't keep them with her at home.