Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Killer ❯ Chapter Seventeen ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
"Well that's pleasant," Ian muttered. Reaching over to his nightstand he grabbed his lighter. He didn't smoke unless the situation called for, but in the assassin profession a lighter had a hundred and one uses. One of those uses was the ability to destroy stuff.... Setting the piece of paper on fire he set it in the ash tray and watched it burn. Looking up at Constance who was still sitting on top of him, he gave her a smile. "So how did your day go?"

Constance smiled at him. "I got to do a bunch of boring things and answer a bunch of boring question, but I got pizza for dinner!" she said. She placed her head on his chest and snuggled to him. "But I missed you, Ian."

He slowly rubbed her back. "Yeah, I missed you too." So basically what Daniel was telling him, was that he was suppose to get close to her. He was suppose to love her. But if he let her do anything physical she might go crazy and kill him. As for the whole pregnant thing, he wasn't even going to think about that right now.

Constance sat up slowly. She pulled her shirt off then her shirt and crawled under the covers with Ian. After getting underneath, she slipped her bra off and snuggled close to him. She loved the feel of his bare chest on her skin.

Ian's face turned red as her chest pressed against his arm. After clearing his throat he just looked over at her. She looked so cute and comfortable.... "Do you want to sleep with me tonight?" he asked, already knowing that regardless of what he'd said he wasn't going to be able to get her out of his bed.

Constance nodded against him. Her eyes closed and she yawned again. "Let's stay like this forever, Ian..." she mumbled while sleep took her over.

"Yeah," he whispered. Wrapping an arm around her, he let her lay against him. Though he tried to sleep, it didn't come easily to him. Instead, he let his fingers trace the outline of her flesh as he watched her sleep.

Constance smiled and sung a song while swinging her arms with her hand on a guns triggered. She could hear the faint footsteps of her prey as they ran for their life in the large building. The elevators were broken, thanks to Ian, and the only escape was the stairs, where Ian was now waiting at. It was dark out and the building was empty so the poor man's screams were gone unheard.

"Please! Don't do this!" the man yelled as Constance closed in on him.

"Don't complain. It's rather annoying," Constance called to him.

Ian heard the ruckus upstairs. Apparently Constance was taking her time. He toyed with the collar that she'd made him wear. He thought she'd been joking about the name change. Apparently she hadn't been. Looking up, he saw the door begin to open. Ducking into the shadows, he waited for confirmation of his target. Sure enough, there he was.

Drawing his knife, he readied to take him out.

"Yoo-hoo! Ms. Muuuuse!"

Constance sighed. "Quit following me!" she yelled in frustration. She then started to run. Shadow was so annoying! She couldn't breathe without him on her neck. Round a corner, she fired a few shots, killing her prey as he was heading for the stairs. She ran to the door and into Ian. "We have to leave now," she said sweetly to him.

Ian watched as the guy's body crumpled at his feet. "Huh? What's going on?" he asked. No sooner did he ask this then he saw Shadow standing at the doorway of the stairs.

"Hello," he said cheerfully. "You must be the Phantom. Nice to meet you."

"Ah man! And I still don't have orders to kill you!" Constance pouted. She pointed her gun at him. "But I can wound you," she smirked.

Firing at his leg, she watched him hit the ground. She laughed and grabbed Ian's hand. "Come on!" She ran down the stairs while pulling Ian with her. They were on the top floor so they had a bit to go.

Shadow hissed in pain. That wasn't very nice. Drawing his own gun he began to go after them. Pain was just an illusion of the mind...and illusion which really hurt. "I will find you Muse! You and your little Phantom too!" He began laughing even as he fired at them.

Ian and Constance dodge the fire as they made their way down the stairs. This wasn't good, eventually he'd pull off a lucky shot and hit one of them.

Constance pushed Ian as she watched Shadow's pattern. "You are predictable, Shadow! And you suck at this game! I'll always be number one!" Constance yelled as they hit the last floor. She pulled Ian out the door and pulled out her phone. "Daniel, job done. But..." the limo pulled in front of them and Constance pushed Ian in then got in herself before it sped off, "I got hit."

Constance held her side where she was bleeding out. Even though she knew Shadow's pattern, she could tell he was aiming for Ian. When she pushed him Ian on the stairs, she was able to move him out of the way and took the bullet for him. She smiled at Ian sweetly while trying to stop the blood flow. She kept her promise so far, no more scars, not on him. Daniel tried hard to hide a gasp. Constance never got hit, not ever. She was the best. He turned to the boss who was standing next to him. "Get to the building," he said to Constance and hung up the phone.

Ian stared at the wound. She'd gotten shot...she never got shot. He helped her apply pressure to the wound until they got to the building where she was immediately taken away by the doctor's. "This Shadow guy is starting to get on my nerves," he muttered as he got out of the limo. He was worried about Constance. Why did she get hit? That wasn't like her.... At least they got here in time for the doctor's to fix her up, but he still didn't like it.

Daniel looked down at Constance. Her breathing was ragged yet she still smiled. He pushed the doctors away as he worked on her alone. Ash stood in the door way with a smirk on her face. She walked out of the room and headed down the hall. Taking her phone, she dialed a number.

"Good job. She fell for it. She took the bullet just like I said she would," Ash said to Shadow. She round the corner and walked in her room, shutting the door behind her.

Daniel hovered over Constance and she screamed as he pulled the bullet out. "How did this happen? I don't understand. You are never careless," he said.

Constance gripped the sheets below her. "I wasn't careless." She took a deep breath as he started to sew her up. "I did the right thing."

Ian walked down the hallways while they worked on her. Spying Brian, he offered him a small smile. "We got our target, but Constance got shot," he sighed. Leaning against the wall he closed his eyes. "Who is this Shadow guy? This is the second time we've run into him in the past month."

Brian nearly choked. "What?! The Muse was shot!? This cannot get out!" He then stopped and looked at Ian. "Shadow? What the hell was he doing there?" No one should have known about that mission. No other assassins were sent after that man, Daniel had said so to him earlier. "Shadow is obsessed with Muse. He always has been. From the moment she shot him in the gut back when she was twelve. He's a addicted to her like a drug."

Ian shrugged. "I don't know," he said slowly. "All I know is this is the second time he's shown up on one of our missions. The first time was during that boat fiasco...and now this." If he was truly addicted to Constance, then he wouldn't rest until she was dead. He'd managed to shoot her once; and Ian couldn't help but to think that it was because of him. All of the Shadow's bullets had been targeted at him...and Constance had moved to take the hit.

Brian leaned back against the wall. "This isn't good, Ian. She's never been shot, never been cut, never been hurt in any way during a mission. Not ever. When the boss finds out, there is no telling how he will react."

Daniel helped Constance sit up and pull her shirt off. He ran a wet rag over her body to wash to blood off then helped her change. She laid back on the clean bed with headphones in her ears and music in her head.

"Why did you get shot, Constance? I need to know," Daniel said as he stroked her hair.

Constance only smiled. "I want to see Ian."

"I can tell you," Ian replied solemnly. "It won't end well."

Daniel shook his head. "No, I want answers first."

Constance looked away. "Too bad."

Daniel glared at her. "Fine. You can stay in here until you come to your senses." He left the room and started to the elevator to talk to his brother.

Constance sat up and pulled the headphones out. Going to her feet, she winced as she started walking to the door. Already she could feel her stitches pulling at her skin. She walked down the hall, leaning on the walls to steady herself.

"Tell me I'm wrong," the boss said as soon as Daniel entered his office. "Tell me that the reports I'm reading here are wrong. The Muse was actually hurt? That's impossible!" He slammed his fist down on the table. He couldn't believe this. After all the money they'd sunk into her, there was no way he was going to let this happen. She was the perfect killer. She'd never been hurt before, so what happened this time?

Ian looked down the hallway to see Constance limping toward him. "Constance? What are you doing up? You should be in bed," he told her.

Daniel sighed and sat down. "She won't tell me what happened. She only says that she did the right thing. I gave her no orders to get shot in battle and I know you didn't, so I have no idea why getting shot seems right to her."

Constance smiled when she saw Ian. "I came to find you. Daniel said I wasn't allowed to see you until I came to my senses." She pouted. "I disobeyed him."

The boss's gaze narrowed. "It's that blasted kid. He's the reason she got shot. It has to be!"

Ian shook his head. "Come on, you've got to go lay back down before someone sees you," he said as he began to escort her back to her bed. He couldn't believe she'd actually disobeyed Daniel just to come see him. She was injured, didn't that mean anything to her?

Daniel nodded. "Of course it is. But what can we do about it? She's more attached to him than to me. I don't know how far she would go just to keep him around. I'm scared to admit that I really don't want to test it."

Constance held tightly to Ian. "Don't be so worried. I'll protect you if anyone gets mad."

"If he causes her to get hurt, then he's better off to us dead. I want you to look into alternatives. Anything else which we might can get to replace him. Something we can control."

Ian shook his head. "I'm not worried about myself," he told her. "And Constance, you don't have to protect me. I can take care of myself." He didn't want her to think that she had to throw herself into harm’s way just to protect him. He'd survived a lot worse than a little gunshot here and there.

Daniel looked his brother in the eyes. "I've already done that. The day I ran test on her chip, I did everything I could to try and take her attention from him, but all she talked about, all she saw, all she wanted was Ian." He leaned in towards his brother. "If you do anything to him, she will rebel, I have no doubt about it in my mind."

Constance let Ian help her back into bed. She pulled at his shirt. "Don't leave me here all alone, Ian. Stay with me."

"Well then, we'll just have to make it look like an accident won't we?" the boss said as he crossed his hands in front of him. "If he gets hurt...next time we might not be able to save him."

Ian couldn't say no to her. So he pulled up a chair and sat beside her. "Just get some rest so you'll heal," he told her.

Daniel narrowed his eyes coldly. "You will be toying with her! I won't allow that! She's not just a toy for you, she's a human being and she has a right to live a life somewhat normal with someone she cares about!" Daniel never raises his voice, though, there are times when he can't control himself. At those moments, he finds the easiest way to reach his brother was to yell. Calming himself he sat back. "I won't be part of her heart break, Brother. And I won't stand by and watch you have someone else do it."

Constance grabbed Ian's hand. "You'll be here when I wake up, right? You won't leave me?"

The boss just shook his head. "Then what do you suggest? How long before she stops taking orders from us altogether? If she should ever quit being the Muse, how long do you think she'd last out there before she kills someone or someone kills her?"

Ian nodded. "Of course I will. Just sleep. I'll be here when you wake."

"I want her happy. I want her safe. But I also want her to stay off the streets." He smiled at that. "Constance won't leave as long as Ian stays. But...putting him on the same missions as her clouds her judgment. She would have easily got in and got out without trouble if she didn't have someone there to tag along. Put them on separate missions, at least on the ones that have one kill. Constance never had to work with someone before, much less someone she cares so much about. And neither has Ian."

Constance smiled at Ian and squeezed his hand as she drifted to sleep. Brain walked in and sat next to Ian while eating a banana. "So, you have been swept away by the very girl you swore you would never see more than as an assassin." He looked at the collar and smiled while chewing. "It's that just the sweetest thing."

Ian made sure that Constance was asleep before looking over at Brian. "I have not been 'swept away'. This is job, just like any other." He mouthed the words instead of speaking them, just in case there were any idle ears which would listen in on his conversation. When he followed Brian's gaze to his collar, blood tinted his cheeks. "She made me wear it even though it looks stupid," he muttered out loud.

"Your job?" Brian asked. He looked at Constance. He had never touched her before. Reaching over, he brushed her face lightly with his fingertips. "If that is the excuse you give yourself to sleep better then by all means, lie to yourself." His hands went down her face to her collar bone. "She has perfect skin."

Ian stiffened as Brian touched her. "She doesn't like to be touched," he said softly was he watched his hands trace her face.

Brian smirked. "I know. But she's asleep and since no one hear cares what she thinks then it's ok. After all, she's just your job." His hand traced her collar bone and she moaned lightly. "How sweet."