Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Killer ❯ Chapter Eighteen ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Ian knew what he was doing, and he wasn't going to allow him the satisfaction of it. "Fair enough, but when she wakes up and stabs you in the crotch I won't help you," he told him.

Brian smiled. His hand moved down, going to the valley between her breasts. The shirt she was wearing was loose so the lower he went, the more the shirt moved, allowing more to be seen. The sides of her breast came in view and Brian lifted an eye brow. This was getting interesting.

Ian watched as his hand went lower. Her shirt began to reveal more of her chest, and he watched as her face began to flush. Finally his hand shot out and grabbed Brian's hand. "That's not very gentlemanly," he said slowly. Pushing Brian's hand away, Ian tried to cover up his actions. "You never bothered to touch me that way."

Brian smiled. "Don't try to hide it, Ian," he said standing and heading for the door. "You have it bad for her. You shouldn't be so afraid of it. She feels the same way." He walked out the room and started to Ash's door. He opened it and narrowed his eyes as Ash looked at him with a shocked face and closed her phone. "Who was that?"

"No one." Ash opened her phone again and deleted her recent calls. "No one important."

Brian leaned again the door frame. "You look guilty. Guilty will get you killed. Just so you know, I don't mind being the one to do it."

Ash opened her mouth in shock and narrowed her eyes. "Go to hell, you bastard."

"I'm on the waiting list."

"I do not!" Ian protested as Brian left. Crossing his arms beneath his chest he muttered curses against Brian. He had no idea what he was talking about. Just because he didn't want Brian fondling a defenseless sleeping girl, didn't mean that he actually cared about her. "He's an idiot," he muttered to himself. An idiot that didn't know anything.

Constance looked over at Ian. "You don't what?" she asked with a lazy tone. She moved to sit up and placed her hand on his face. "I thought I felt you touching me..."

Ian looked at her, his face returning to its normal stoic pose as he moved so hair out of her face. "You must have been dreaming," he told her. "And you should still be dreaming. Lay back down."

Constance smiled and pulled at his shirt. "Lay with me. I promise to sleep then," she said and started moving over on the bed while still tugging on him.

Ian sighed. "There's not enough room for both of us," he told her. "Besides, if you move too much you'll tear your stitches or mess up your I.V."

Constance tugged again. "Get on the bed, Ian," she said a little more demanding but still sweetly. "There is plenty of room."

Ian quirked an eyebrow. The way she had just said that.... It was almost dark, even with her sweet smile. He was curious, was there a side of Constance that he hadn't seen yet? "I'll sit on the bed," he told her, but he was still afraid that if he laid down he might hurt her. Sitting on the space she provided, he turned his body toward her. "There...are you happy?"

Constance pushed him down hard until he was laying. She moved her body half over him and snuggled close while laying her head on his chest. "Yes, I am now," she said closing her eyes again and yawning once more.

Ian was surprised at how easily she managed to force him back on the bed. It was strange, but sometimes he swore that Constance was actually physically stronger than him. That was impossible...after all she was just a small girl...but still. Sometimes, she seemed a lot darker then she let on. Shaking that thought from his mind he looked down at her. She had gotten her way after all. Sighing, he just stroked her back as she slept. What else could he do?

Five days later Daniel hovered over Constance as she walked from the door to the window across the room for the third time. "I don't want to do it anymore! I want to see Ian!" she whined.

"I want to make sure you are ok enough to go home. And Ian is on a mission so you will have to deal with me. Now walk back to the door," Daniel said.

Constance was in shorts and a tub top, exposing her mid drift so Daniel could watch her wound closely. She sighed and stomped back to the door with her arms crossed under her chest. Daniel watched her closely. The new stitches were holding a lot better than the last ones. Two days ago, Constance tried crawling out the window and jumping to the ground, despite the fact that she was on the thirteenth floor. Daniel found her half way out the window and had to tug her back in with Ian. She had opened her wound and caused more damage. She wasn't use to staying confided for so long so jumping out the window seemed like her only escape since Daniel had decided to put locks on the doors to keep her from wandering.

"Am I done yet!?" she complained.

"You'll be done when I say you are. Back to the window."

Groaning, she started walking back to the window, now freshly done with bars on them.

Ian winced as he pulled out the last fragment of shrapnel. Who the hell used land mines and grenades? Really.... That was just ridiculous. He finished binding up his wound, using part of his victim's shirt as a tourniquet. He kicked the guy in the side as he started off toward the street. It was bad enough the guy was paranoid and had goons all over the place. He not only had to take out the hired muscle, but the drug dealer as well. Where in the hell a drug dealer got military grade weapons he didn't know.

Luckily all that happened was he got some shrapnel throwing into his shoulder and arm from a grenade. Not enough to cause too much damage. He'd been able to fish out most of the pieces. He'd just need to the doctor's at Epsilon to bandage him up. He sent a text to the boss, letting him on the mission had gone well, that all the hostiles were ready to be cleaned, and to bring twelve body bags. With that he proceeded to continue his trek back to Epsilon, figuring that the walk could do him so good.

By the time he got back to the building, his shirt was useless due to the blood. "Hey, I need a bandage," he said nodding to his arm. The doctor's just nodded as he took off his shirt and let them fix him up. He was flipping through a magazine as they did so. Only wincing when they tightened the bandage.

"I'm not doing it again!" Constance screamed and Daniel winced. He was sure the whole building shook. "I want to go home now!" She stomped her foot for emphasis and glared daggers at Daniel.

"Fine. But I want a check up tomorrow," Daniel said.

"I'll send you a picture of it, because I'm not coming back here. I've been here for a week!" Constance said throwing her hands in the air. "I want to go home!"

Daniel nodded. He held out his hand and she smiled. "Let's just stop at the infirmary and get some extra bandages for you at home." Constance glared at him. "For my sake, just do it for me, ok?"

She nodded and walked with him towards the infirmary.

"I'm fine, doc. Just give me some pain kills and I'll sleep it off," Ian said.

"I'm sure...but we weren't able to get all of the shrapnel out. There's still a few minor fragments left..."

"Are they going to kill me?"


"Then I'll be fine," he insisted once more before grabbing his bloodied shirt. Instead of throwing that thing back on he just opted for his jacket.

Daniel and Constance walked in and Constance paled. "You got hurt?" she asked. She didn't keep her promise. Her eyes stared to wail up. She turned to Daniel. "This is all your fault! You wouldn't let me go with him and now he's hurt!" she cried and pointed at him.

Daniel rubbed her back but she pushed him away. He looked at Ian. "She's adjusting to the pain killers. They mess with her medication a bit."

"I'm not crazy!" Constance screamed in the back ground while throwing things on the ground and the doctors tried to keep out of her way.

Daniel smiled while still looking at Ian. "Of course you aren't, sweet heart. You're a peach."

Ian tried not to laugh at the sight. "I'm fine," he assured her as she had her little temper tantrum. "It's just no one informed me that the Colombians had been trading with the Russians. Apparently they had some decent explosives." Grabbing his jacket, he winced slightly as he threw it on. After taking the pain killers the doctor's had given to him, he looked over at Constance. "I'm going to get hurt. It comes with the job. Trust me, it's not that big of deal. I've survived worse."

Constance pulled at Daniel. "Give him something to make him not get hurt in battle like me! Don't you have something for that!" she begged.

Daniel sighed and patted her head. "That's natural ability, Constance. It doesn't come in pill form." She pouted and he pushed her towards Ian. "She is all yours." Honestly, Daniel had been with her all day and she was driving him nuts about Ian. Finally he would get some peace. He handed Constance some bandages then pointed to the mess she had left and the doctors started to clean it. "Go home now," he said to them. "Please before anything else is broken."

Constance pulled at Ian's hand and started for the door.

It had been so nice at home without Constance there. He'd been able to wear nothing but his boxers without feeling naughty, he'd been able to cook without fear that someone was going to set the place on fire, and more importantly he could take a shower without having to lock the bathroom door. Oh well, all good things must come to an end. As soon as they walked back into the apartment he poured himself a glass of water and downed two pain pills. "So, what do you want to do now that you're back home?" He guessed they could do something special since she had been gone for a few days.

Constance cuddled with her bear for a few minutes before going to him and hugging him close. "I missed you, Ian. Daniel has been so cruel." She hadn't seen Ian for about two and a half days. Daniel had kept telling her Ian was busy but wouldn't tell her with what. Daniel had seen the time Ian had enjoyed alone and decided a few days alone would do some good. "I'm glad we are together again."

"Yes, the house has been so quiet while you've been gone," he told her. He wasn't certain if she'd realize the sarcasm in that. Knowing her, probably not. "I'm glad you're back and feeling better."

Constance pulled back then went to the bathroom. She hadn't really looked in a mirror since she got shot. She stepped in front of the mirror and looked at the stitches. Sighing, she poked it and winced. She wasn't really use to having wounds, especially ones made with bullets. Her memories rolled back until she was watching the scene play in her head again. Shadow was clearly pointing the gun at Ian and seemed to avoid her completely yet at any other time, he would have gone for her. Why did he change his pattern? It didn't make much sense.

Ian poked his head into the bathroom, and watched as she examined her wound. "That's going to leave a nasty scar if you keep poking at it," he told her. Leaning against the door he watched her. She was thinking something, and he was curious as to what it was. It was rare that she ever got really serious about anything. So it must be something relatively important.

Constance had a photographic memory so she was wrecking her brain to try and piece together the exact happenings of that night. She could see Shadow shooting and the way he held the gun but he was too far away to get a good view of anything he was carrying. She knew he held something in his other hand...but what was it? Another gun? No, he would have used it. Maybe his cell? But what would he need his cell out for?

"Hey...you." Ian poked her in the arm. She was completely tuning him out. That was odd. He poked her again, still no response. Frowning, he crossed his arms beneath his chest. "Hey...I'm naked," he said, seeing if that might snap her out of it.

Constance sighed to herself. She should have talked to Daniel about this. But he was so persistent on her stupid wound getting better. She turned to leave the bathroom and ran right into Ian. Rubbing her nose she looked up at him. "Ian? When did you get in here?" she asked.

"About five minutes ago." Shaking his head he moved aside so that she could get out. "I was asking you what you wanted to do tonight, but then you got all spacey on me." He wondered if her new medication was really taking a toll on her.

"Oh..." She walked back to her bed and sat down. "I don't know. I don't really have anything planned." She looked out the window. It was late in the afternoon. The moon would be up soon. She smiled at him. "You can come over here and fool around with me!" she said innocently.

Ian rolled his eyes. "You just got out of the infirmary. It's going to be quite a long time before you can fool around with anyone," he said. It wasn't as if they'd ever really done anything other than the occasional kiss, but he still didn't want her getting any ideas about them getting physical.

Constance still smiled. She walked over to him and jumped up, wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. She rubbed their noses together. "That's ok. I'll just fool around with you instead."

"Right, sure you will." Even with a hole in her side she still seemed to have a healthy libido. Not that he considered that to be a good thing given the scenario. He let his hands wrap around her so that she wouldn't fall off of him. He was surprised how limber she was given her wounds. Walking over to the couch, he sat down with her still wrapped around him.

"I will," she said and moved her lips to his neck. Her hands went down his body and pulled at his jacket while her lips tailed over his face and neck, leaving love bites and wet kissing behind.

Ian's breath caught in his throat as she began nipping at him and kissing him. Perhaps her absence hadn't been all good. In that time his resistance to said actions had drastically dropped. He'd allow the kissing and touching...but that was it. He wouldn't let her have anymore. She was still too young to know what she wanted. He couldn't take advantage of her like this.

Of course, even as he thought this, his hands slowly rubbed her back as the blood rushed to his face.

Constance pushed Ian's jacket off and threw it on the floor. She ran her hands over his chest, feeling the scars under her fingers for a moment. Her lips moved over his and she began nibbling on his bottom lip. Slowly, her hands went to her tub top and she began pulling it over her head, parting their lips slightly before crashing back to him. Ian's eyes slowly took in her body as her tube top came off. His eyes traveled to her chest, and he had to close his eyes or else he might be too tempted. When she nibbled his bottom lip, he let his hands dance across the bare flesh of her back. This was still okay...he could still control this. He was still in control of this. Flicking his tongue into her mouth, he deepened the kiss as he pressed her against him.

Constance moved her hands lower. She tugged at his pants and undid the buttons and zipper with ease. Her breathing picked up and a flash of her father made her eyes snap out. She hesitated, but pushed on, telling herself that Ian was the one holding her. Her lips went back to his neck and she moaned lightly.

Ian felt her tug at his zipper, and just like that it was down. He hesitated slightly. Her soft moan made him shudder. Placing his hands on top of hers, he kissed her neck, gently nibbling on her flesh before pulling away. "We should stop before this goes too far," he said while he still had the self restraint to do so. Daniel's warning kept ringing in his head. He could honestly die if they went too far.

Constance shook her head. "We can stop when I want to," she whispered. "And I'm not ready yet." Her hand moved back around his neck and she began to nibble on his neck again, mewing and licking. With his hands on her, she could hear her father in the back ground, yelling at her to stop crying and do as she was told. She stopped only for a moment before again pushing down the thoughts and continuing.

Ian winced as she began to bite harder. "No Constance, this needs to end now," he told her. He was already letting things get out of hand. He couldn't let this go any farther or he'd end up doing things that he'd most likely regret.