Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Killer ❯ Chapter Twenty ( Chapter 20 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Ian's eyes fluttered open. He could hear doctor's around him, fussing over this and that. What had happened? His chest hurt, God it hurt. Was he shot? He couldn't remember.... Whatever it was, it must have been serious. They had him on an oxygen mask. Reaching for the mask, he winced as the I.V. pulled at his flesh. "What...what happened?"

"Sir, you're in no condition to speak. Just relax and go back to sleep," one of the doctors told him.

Daniel pulled Constance in the room and she glanced at Ian. He looked helpless and broken. It was because of her, she knew that. Turning away from him, Daniel lifted her shirt and began to stick her with a needle to numb the pain, she pushed it away. He looked at her.

"I want it to hurt," she mumbled.

Daniel hesitated, but put the needle down and grabbed some gals. "Put this in your mouth and bite down. It will help," he said as she opened her mouth. He put it in and she bit down.

Her eyes rolled in the back of her head as he began cleaning her wound and pushing a needle through her flesh to close her up once more.

Ian barely noticed Constance coming back in before he was lulled back into a medicine induced sleep.

Shadow toyed with his phone as he got the latest bit of gossip. Apparently the Muse was losing her edge. How perfect. He'd have to make certain to show how ruthless he could get. Looking at the picture of Ian on his desk, he just smiled before stabbing it. "The Muse has a weakness...."

Constance sat next to Ian and had her head rested on his bed with her hand in his. She was sleeping and hadn't changed, moved, or even ate since she sat down. Daniel looked out the window. It was nearly late afternoon and he had been watching them but neither had moved since what had happened the night before.

Ash stood in the door way smirking and sending texts to Shadow. Daniel glared at her. Her smirk dropped and she slipped out.

Ian finally came to an hour later. They'd taken him off the breathing mask, but they kept the I.V. in apparently to help dull the pain. He could barely keep his eyes opened as he yawned. "What happened?" he asked softly, his voice hoarse and dry.

Daniel brought a glass of water to him and put a straw in it. After letting him drink it down he set the glass aside. "Constance shot you. It took me five hours to stop the internal bleeding and patch you up." He glanced at Constance as she slept. "She never left you. This is the first time she has been able to sleep." He looked back at Ian. "Despite the fact that she shot you, she has been completely loyal to you, even standing up to the boss. How are you feeling?"

Ian's eyes widened as he heard this. He could barely remember what had happened. Only bits and pieces of the event. "I feel like I have a hole in my chest," he stated bluntly. His body didn't hurt any, which he was thankful for, but he knew that was just an effect of the sedatives. "This may be a stupid question...but why exactly did she shoot me?"

Daniel walked over to Constance and wiped her forehead. She had been running a small fever. The wound messed her up along with the guilt. She was worrying herself sick, literally. "She had a panic attack dealing with some past memories of her father. When she heard you at the door, she heard her father and did the only thing she knew to do, defend herself."

Ian nodded, or tried to at any rate. "Well at least I didn't do anything to deserve it." That was all he needed, guilt to be added onto the bullet wound. "How long do I have to stay cooped up in here for till I'm able to go back home?" He knew Constance had been in the infirmary for a week. He would go crazy if he had to be in here for that long. He hated feeling helpless, and he hated people waiting on him. Both things occurred when he was injured.

"We are trying some new drugs on you. Hopefully you won't be here for more than a few days," he said writing something on his clipboard.

He pulled down the covers to look at Ian's wound then pulled them back up. Going back to Constance, he got on one knee and lifted her shirt. He ran his fingers over her wound and she winced. Her eyes opened and she looked down at him. She pushed his hands away from her. It hurt, and since she refused pain medication, it hurt more than it should. Daniel stood. Constance looked at Ian and smiled lightly. Dark rings covered her eyes.

"You're awake," she said in a low voice. Her hand was still wrapped around his. "I'm so glad."

"I told you, Constance. I've survived worse. A little bullet won't kill me. Not by a long shot." He squeezed her hand. He was the one who got shot, yet he was still fairly certain that she looked a lot worse than he did.

Constance smiled. "I'm so happy."

Daniel cleared his throat and she looked at him. "Will you get in the bed now? You won't heal sitting like that," he said.

"No, I'm ok," she said and turned back to Ian. "Do you need anything? Are you hungry?"

"I'm fine," he assured you. "Why don't you do as Daniel says and lay down yourself? If I get to go home before you it's going to be pretty sad." He squeezed her hand again, hoping that she would listen to what he was saying. She needed to listen to Daniel when it came to her body. He wasn't a doctor, so he couldn't help her like Daniel could. Besides, her injury was far more important than whether or not he was hungry.

Constance looked at Ian and nodded. "Ok...because you asked me to." She stood and winced. Her body hated her, it was obvious. She pulled at her shirt that was still crusted with her blood.

Daniel helped her into the bed next to Ian and begged him to move her closer. Unlocking the wheels on the hospital bed, he rolled her bed over to his until the touched. She reached over and grabbed Ian's hand again.

Ian chuckled, but instantly regretted the action. This was going to be a long couple of days....

And in truth, they were. It took four days before Daniel finally thought that Ian was well enough to manage on his own. In that time Constance had nearly driven him crazy due to her constant need to be with him and to make certain that he was okay. He didn't know how to tell her that he could take care of himself. Fatal injuries aside, he had survived this long...he could manage.

Daniel placed a bandage over Constance's wound and glared at her. "Do not open it again, Constance. It can't take much more damage," he said. She nodded and he helped her out of the bed.

Constance walked over to Ian and grabbed his hand. She had been waiting all week to find out if the boss was made at her or not. She had never told Ian what happened or what she said to him, but she was on edge about the whole thing. She glanced at Ian. The most important thing had been that she admitted out loud that she loved him, however, it wasn't to him.

They walked to the limo then got in and rode home. Constance opened the door to her apartment and looked around. It was perfect. It looked as if nothing had ever happened to it. She walked to the bathroom and took a deep breath as she pushed the door open. It was just the way it should have been but the best part was that her father wasn't there.

"It's good to be back," Ian sighed. Plopping down on his bed he smiled before popping some more pain killers. These things were like candy nowadays. Getting up and walking over to the fridge, he noticed that they'd restocked it while they were out of commission. Well, at least that saved him a trip to town. Though he did sort of feel like a night out. For the past month he'd only really been out on one date, and the rest of the time he was either killing, in the apartment, or in the infirmary. Man life had gotten boring.

Constance looked in the mirror and lightly brushed her wound. It was still sore and she still couldn't move about like she wanted to because she refused to be on pain pills. She wanted to suffer through it. Glancing out the bathroom at Ian, she looked back in the mirror and sighed. He was worth the pain.

Her words danced in her head. The same words that she had said to the boss and Daniel. "I took a bullet for him...and I would do it again...over and over...I'd die for him..." She moved her hand from her side. "Because I love him!"

Walking back to his bed he pulled out his laptop. Too much monotony in one's life could hinder their work progress. At least that's what he told himself as he began searching restaurants and movie times. Not that there was actually anything good out to watch, but alas he would settle for the latest horror flick. He missed the horror movies of old days back when they were actually scary...not mild a grade porno.

Shaking his head, he turned off his laptop and looked up at Constance. "How do you feel about going out to eat this evening?"

Constance snapped her head to him as she walked out of the bathroom. "I love going out!" she said and rushed to her closet. She began looking through her clothes. "Where are we going? Somewhere nice or casual?"

Ian smirked. Well, at least she seemed cheerful. "Some place nice. Then probably to a movie afterward," he told her. While she rummaged through her clothes he just opened up a bag and grabbed the first thing he saw. He traveled light so he didn't exactly have too much to choose from which was just fine for him.

Constance looked at him and pointed to his closet. "Boss Man had fancy clothes bought for you," she said and pulled out a dress. She smiled sweetly at him. "Want to take a shower with me?"

Ian looked at his closet and sighed. He hated fancy clothes. They were always too stiff and constricting. Sighing, he put his laptop away and pulled at the closet door. None of what he saw looked particularly appealing, but none of it was too awful he guessed. At the mention of a shower his hand slowly came to his chest. "I'm a big boy, I think I can take a shower by myself," he told her as he pulled out a jacket and some slacks.

Constance looked away from him and nodded her head. She walked back to the bathroom and closed the door behind her. Of course he wouldn't want to shower with her. She shot him. And it was a death shot. If it weren't for Daniel, he would be dead, she never missed. Obviously, being in the same apartment with her was pushing it. She had ruined whatever they had together. Now she was forced to live on the sidelines. He was the one thing she could never have. He was the only thing that she couldn't pitch a fit for and have her way. As he clothes fell to the ground, silent tears rolled down her cheeks. Is this what it was like to have a heart break?

She got in the shower and let the warm water roll down her body. She felt like she was washing all the mistakes away yet they seemed to slick to her like tar.

Ian waited for her to close the door before he let out a soft sigh. Taking off his shirt he walked over to the mirror. He let his hand traced the outline of wound from where she had shot him. He should be dead.... Pressing his hand against his chest he looked back at the bathroom. She still wanted to do stuff like that, even after she knew what might happen.... He didn't know if that was her childish naivety at play, or if she just wanted him to the point that she didn't care what the risks were.Unfortunately for her, he couldn't say the same. Not when it was his life that was at risk. Sitting down on the bed, he listened to the steady rain of the shower. What he wouldn't give for a little liquid encouragement right about now. Pushing himself off of the bed, he tried the door handle on the bathroom. It was unlocked. "Constance, I'm coming in," he said. Of course he said this while pressed against the wall so that only his hand was within firing range.

Constance stiffened. Her heart picked up its pace. "Ok..." she whispered to him. She wasn't really sure if he had heard her or not, but she didn't think it would matter either. She took a few steps forward to allow him to have space then kept her back turned so he wouldn't feel uncomfortable. Why...exactly...was he coming in?

Ian waited for a few seconds. There was no gun fire. That was good. He turned the knob and slowly pushed open the door...still nothing. Taking a deep breath he poked his head around the corner. Once he was certain he wasn't going to die he stepped in to the bathroom. "I uh...just needed my comb," he told her as he grabbed it off of the sink. He stood there for a second, just staring at his reflection in the mirror. "While I'm here though, did you want me to wash your back?"

Constance held the rag close to her body. "I..." she stopped. "No...it's ok. I can do it myself," she said then began washing herself again.

Ian nodded. That was good.... He started to leave, but stopped in the door frame. He had to ask once more. "You sure? I mean, since I'm already here I don't mind...."

Constance looked down. "I'm a big girl, Ian. I can take care of myself," she said. Her heart fell. It was hard, walking away.

"You're a terrible liar, Constance," Ian said softly. Taking a step toward the shower he reached his hand in. "Let me...."

Constance pulled back quickly. "I can do it!" she snapped coldly. She didn't mean for it to sound so mean, but it was just easier if he hated her like everyone else, or at least feared her. She backed up against the wall with a lump in her throat. It would be easier, she told herself, when he went back to ignoring her all together.

Ian stopped, but his hand remained there, still waiting. "If you wish, I can leave you be, but I don't believe you want that." He wasn't sure what else to say or do. He wasn't even certain why he was fighting this. If she quit caring about him he could go on with his life. So why was he stuck here, trying to show her that he wasn't afraid of her? "Either you let me...or you don't get any dessert for dinner."

Constance reached her hand out towards his, but pulled back and cradled it to her chest like she was a wounded dog. "I want you to leave," she said just a little above the sound of the shower. "The water's going cold. I need to finish," she added.